Happy final day of 2022 :D Another year gone by. I feel like this year went by way too fast. I had planned on reading much more, but that did not happen. Simply felt like I did not have the time. But also not the energy, as my health still sucks, always. Rude. But I have still managed to read 20 books this year, same as last year. And so I'm going to be happy about this :) As it is better than nothing. A few re-reads and a couple of short stories. And new books. Most of them that I loved, which is great. This year I am sharing about six books, all five stars. All loved. I'm hoping to be able to read more next year. I got so many new books to read, ha. Crossing my fingers that I will feel more up to it. Plus side, I still love reading the very most. I still get lost in the books that I love. And so I know I will not stop reading. I just need to be better at finding the time for it. Other things I have done this year: spent so much time with my family. <3 Also still playing Animal Crossing New Horizons every day :) Now also Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Oops. And Pokemon Go, of course. And trying to play many others games, when I have time for it. So the days are going by fast. But I have had a good year, despite not reading that much. And so I am happy about this year :) Hope to read a little more next year. Fingers crossed. What were your best books of this year? :)
Best Books of 2012. Best Books of 2013. Best Books of 2014. Best Books of 2015. Best Books of 2016. Best Books of 2017. Best Re-Reads of 2015. Best Re-Reads of 2017. Best Four Stars of 2018.
Best Books of 2018. Best Four Stars of 2019. Best Books of 2019. Best Four Stars of 2020.
Best Books of 2020. Best Books of 2021. Goodreads 2022 Challenge. Goodreads 2022 Year in Books.
1. Lightbringer. This final book broke me. The most pain. But such an incredible end to this story. Sobs.
2. Cursed. Such an exciting end to a fantastic duology. I loved the magic the most. Best romance as well.
3. Phoenix Flight. A most amazing series with such a great main character and story. Loved this ending.
4. Bluebird. The most heartbreaking story. But fully important and so good. I loved this so very much.
5. For the Wolf. I adored the couple in this story way too much. Great magic and such a stunning story.
6. For the Throne. A second book that was just as good as the first. Thrilling story and best characters.