This was a book I knew I had to read when I saw that gorgeous cover. I love it. And it sounded perfectly creepy and awesome. I'm so glad that I decided to read this book. Ended up as a four star for me. It was all kinds of amazing and I enjoyed it so very much. The writing was stunning. And I honestly loved the story.
I would say that the main character in this book is Heike. But the book is not only from her point of view. Because it tells the story of their town, Greymist Fair. And oh, how badly I loved that. And I so liked how everything fit together, from years past as well. It was so clever and so fully interesting and exciting. I loved it lots.
But this book was also pretty rude and evil. Because there were several deaths that I did not approve of at all. Hmph. But I liked that it was a little dark too. I liked all the twists from the different stories. Especially that everything fit together, making it all one big story. Set around the same time. I'm going to share a little bit of this book, but not too much. I really liked reading this one. And I think you will enjoy it too. The writing was so good, thankfully. I liked that it was based on some older Brothers Grimm fairytales. Though I could not actually tell you which was which, ha. But it was a spooky book. Full of love and family and evil and heartbreak. Full of death. And it was all kinds of thrilling. I do wish it had been a little longer, though. I wanted to know more. And I did not want some of them to die. Rude. But the ending was good.
This story takes place in the town of Greymist Fair. It is a small town with not that many villagers. It is in the middle of the woods, not easy to find. It does not get many visitors. But those who live there loves it. This book tells a few stories set around the same time in this town. All of them connecting. In the present time, we get to know Heike and Wenzel. They have been best friends since they were little. I loved how it was growing into more. Though I wish we had gotten to see more of it, but I guess there wasn't any time.
For the most part I adored Heike. She was sweet and fun. Her mother had died some years ago, and she missed her lots. I loved what we got to know of her too, especially her full story. She was amazing. Sigh. But yeah. I liked reading about Heike and her discovering more about who she was. But I wish there had been more from her, as there wasn't that many pages from her point of view. Still. It was enough too. I so loved her friendship with Wenzel. They were so cute together. I very much loved his sad backstory. Ack.
We got to read about when a prince visited the town, back when Heike was a child. How he came with performers but did not leave with them. How he was able to grant any wishes, how he was magical. But all had to answer a riddle first, and he could choose which one, if he wanted someone to get a wish. He did not grant the wishes of children. Because all wishes could come true. And because of this, the prince was not a kind person. I didn't like him much. I so loved what happened to him. Both in past and present.
We got to know Liesel a little bit, in the present. She seemed kind of nice. Kind of not. She discovered a secret in town, found some things hidden away. I very much loved that story. But I hated what happened to her. Ugh. Then there was Katrina, a few years past. I did not like her much. But I wish Heike had tried to be friends with her. She could have been great. Sigh. I enjoyed reading her story, though. Her parents were so bad, even though they never hurt her. She seemed like she could have been a pretty sweet girl.
Then there was the story of Fritz, mostly in the present. This boy did so many bad things, just because he was trying to be kind to his only friend, Hans. But gods. Hans was the worst person in the world. I did not like him one bit. But Fritz had only him. And so he made some bad choices. It was fully interesting to read about, though. But yeah. Hans was the actual worst. And he is in this book a lot, since he was part of the lives of many. Ugh. I liked how his story ended, though, haha. Hans was simply not a good person at all.
Then there was also Doctor Death. We learn a little about him. And his story from the past was so good. But also so sad. Yet I loved him so. Sigh. I wish there had been more. This book was several stories in one. And it felt a little too short at times, which is why this book is only a four star for me. But even so, I really enjoyed reading Greymist Fair. It was such an exciting and thrilling story. With the most wonderful characters. I'm so glad I read this book. Now you need to read it too. This was a most fantastic fairy tale.

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