Saturday, June 8, 2024

In My Mailbox #657

This week have gone by so fast. Gosh. Had a few nice summer days where I sat outside in the sun for hours. <3 Which was the best. But fully exhausting. I have been in so much pain this week. Sigh. My left arm is such a mess. I got medicine yesterday, which I didn't want. Will see if it helps on my arm, if not I'm going to a doctor this coming week. So far it's not better at all, just worse. Ugh. Only plus side, my wound is healing more. It's been slow going for weeks and weeks. Sigh. But it has healed more since yesterday. Please please please let it close fully this time. Ugh. So so tired of it. Anyway. I got a bit of lovely mail this week. <3 I sadly haven't read anything yet. But I have my next book ready, and planning on starting it in the next few days. I have spent these past few days re-watching season one and two of Sweet Tooth. <3 Just finished watching season three tonight :) It was awesome. I missed a few things, but it was a great final season too, I think. Loved this show. This week I'm waiting on She Waits For You Beyond the Dark :) Hope you are all doing well. <3 It's gotten cold here again. But will be a bit warmer tomorrow, thankfully :)

The Lamplighter. When I saw mentions of this I knew I had to have it. Sounds awesome. Hope to love it.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton. Of course I had to get this show tie-in as well, haha. I love this cover. <3
When Among Crows. The US edition. I'm hoping to read this book later this month. Hope it will be great.
Paper Mario. Another Mario game :D Well, an older one made new. But I haven't played it. It looks fun :)
Movies. I loved Teenage Kraken. And now I can finally watched the third Trolls movie. <3 So excited for it.
Funko Pop. Adorable chimchar was bought from amazon. Must buy all my books from them now too, ack.
Crocs. Eee! New Stitch Crocs :D I think these looks so cute. I love them. Had to own them, ha. Precious.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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