I'm not sure how to deal with this book. It ruined my heart. And my mind. Yet it was all kinds of perfect. Sigh. I loved this book so much. I'm pretty sure I love it more than Wolf By Wolf, but I love them both so much. This second and final book was all I wanted it to be. Despite that heartbreak. Gah. It was so exciting and real.
I love reading about Yael so much. Getting to know how her story ends was the very best thing. Though I do wish there had been a third book. Sad face. But the ending is perfect. There doesn't need to be more. I really enjoyed reading this. Once I started, I could not stop until I finished it. So exciting and evil all the time.
Blood For Blood is so long and so heartbreaking. There is so much happening at all times and I'm not sure how to describe it all. Because I loved this book so much and I need you all to read this series too. Because these books are so important. They are heartbreaking and so real, despite being an alternative version of our world. most of the Hitler stuff did happen, just years ago. And reading about it again in this book was so heartbreaking. Sniffs. I just don't get how it could have happened. People suck. Anyway. This book. This book tells an incredible story. I loved reading about Yael. I loved that this book starts right after Wolf By Wolf ended. I loved that Yael and Luka are in the same space for almost the whole book, because they are so awesome together.
The plot in this book is so amazing. I loved reading about how Yael had escaped the death camp all those years ago, loved reading about how they changed her, though it was the most heartbreaking thing. Yet written so good. I loved reading about what Yael could do. Ack. She's just so awesome. I liked reading about how awful the war with Hitler was, despite how evil and sad it was. So many people got killed. So many people were hurt. There is even a bit torture in this book. Shudders. Even so, I loved it.
This book is pretty tragic, though. Because, yeah, so many people die. People close to Yael. Sniffs. Some deaths broke my heart so much. I'm still not over it. But they were also written so well and I did feel like they had to happen. Maybe. Okay, I might not forgive it, but it was written good. Just so sad. Gah. This book is full of betrayals. And I did not approve at all. Hmph. There are a few amazing moments too, though, and those were the very best. Not as many kisses as I wanted, lol, but still so much awesome.
Blood For Blood is told from the point of view of Yael. But also Luka. And also Felix. Most it Yael, though. But gosh, I loved reading the other point of views too. Okay, fine, I only loved reading from Luka. Whom is the most awesome boy and I fell more and more in love with him on every page. Sigh. But then there were Felix. And I don't know. I loved him in book one, how he protected his sister. But uuugh. He was awful in this one. I shall never forgive him. I did not like the things he did at all. It makes me a bit sad.
We also get to see a bit about Adele, the real version of her. And, hah, I can't help it. I hated her. I hated her so much. And I'm so glad that Luka didn't feel anything for her anymore. Just, ugh. This girl was not a girl I would have enjoyed reading about, lol. Though I did read about her and Luka in the awesome short story, Iron To Iron. But yeah. I didn't like her then either. But I did like reading about her, sort of, I just did not like her at all, lol. And I didn't see why Felix wanted to protect her so badly. Sigh. She was not nice.
Reading about Luka and Yael was so much fun. Because Luka thought she was Adele for all of the first book. But in the very beginning of this one, he gets to know that she is not Adele. And I loved it so much. So glad it was out in the open right away. So happy to read about how he felt about it too, because he did notice that she was different from the Adele he knew the year before, and I loved how he cared for Yael, once he realized she wasn't Adele. How he was confused about it, yet never mean or anything like that.
I can't deal with how amazing this book was. And I'm sure I'm not describing it all that well. Ack. But yeah. I loved it oh so much. I loved getting to know Yael more, see more about her past. I loved reading about the few people who loved her too. Her found-family was the best. It broke my heart how much Yael has lost, and is still losing. She deserved the whole world. Sad face. I also sort of liked reading about Felix's past, though it didn't make me love him, sadly. I'm still mad at him. Hmph. I didn't like his ending. Sigh.
But we also got to see more of Luka's past. And gah. I can't love this book anymore than I do after this book. He's just the best. I loved reading about how he grew up, though it broke my heart, because his dad was so mean. Hmph. I loved how Luka changes a bit in this book. I love how he just always gets better. And I loved that he quit smoking, lol. I shipped Yael and Luka so much. And I loved reading about them together. I loved reading about how they got closer, became better friends too. Just so amazing.
There is just so much happening in this book. I can't share all of it. It is so exciting and heartbreaking and evil. I loved every moment of it. Thank you for writing this perfect book Ryan. <3 You are the best. I loved reading about the war, how they tried to stop Hitler, and getting to know so many secrets. So awesome. Blood For Blood was perfection. Everything I wanted in a final book. It broke my heart into a million pieces, but I still love it the most. You must all read this gorgeous book. You will love it too. I promise.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
In My Mailbox #239
This week has been a bit stressful for me. Some drama I did not deserve. Health a bit bad. And yesterday I got sunburned. Ugh. But getting lots of color from the sun too, so yay. We have had a few stunning summer days, which is not usual at all. But so amazing. Ah. My cat is so happy too, lol :) But anyway. I also got my new laptop this week :D And gosh. I love it so much. It's gorgeous and easy to use. But it's also a bit annoying. Because the screen is different, smaller or bigger or whatever. It means that all my blog posts looks different. Ugh. And my images are the wrong color, sometimes. It bothers me a lot. But I'm getting used to it :) I'm not sure how you all see my blog. But yeah. It might look a bit different, as I now have to write my post the way my new laptop looks :) I shall get used to it. I hope. Two books read this week. But currently reading Blood For Blood, so shortly three books :) I just. Gosh. I'm so happy to finally be reading this book :D Eeee. But so nervous. Ack. Reading more next week too, I think :) Just depends on the weather. When there is sun and around 20c, I'm spending the day outside, which means no reading. Hmph. Anyway. I got lots of awesome mail this week :D So so so happy with it all. <3 And gosh. Tons of pop figures, haha. I went a bit crazy when there was a sale. Getting a few more next week, I hope, or the week after :) I blogged a little this week too. I shared my review of Wonder Woman at Super Hero High, which was disappointing, sadly. This week I'm waiting on Blood For Blood, which I'm actually reading :D Ahh. My newest Book Collection is Maggie Stiefvater: Part 1. <3 Precious. And then I shared my book recommendation of Wolf By Wolf. <3 Love this. I had an awesome week, despite everything :)
The Last Star. I loved book one. Have yet to read the second. Ahh. Reading all sometime soon, I hope :)
Summer Days and Summer Nights. I did not love this one. Sigh. But liked it enough to buy it, so yay :)
The Safest Lies. Eeee! I'm reading this one next week and I'm so excited :D I love this author so much.
Byen Bak Murene + Blood For Blood. Oh my gosh :D I'm beyond excited! Thank you so so much Ryan :D Thrilled that I won this aaamazing twitter giveaway. <3 Signed. Norwegian copy of her first book. Love.
Ungodly. YAY :D Thank you so much for trading with my Kirsty. <3 You are the best. So happy about this.
How To Train Your Dragon. A few more of these precious books, hih. I can't help it. They are so cute.
Miraculous Ladybug. I love this series THE MOST. Only 7 episodes on this dvd, but still. SO gorgeous :D
Maleficent. This movie is the very best. Sigh. So much love. Finally bought the soundtrack :) Yay. Love.
Happy Hello Bookmarks. YAY for more bookish bookmarks :D They are perfection. Ahh. All the love.
Frozen Elsa. I have had the Olaf lamp for a while now, and I needed this one too, hih. It's very cute, tbh.
Movies. So, so many movies bought on sale. Ahh. I needed and wanted them all, lol. Seen most of them.
Pop Figures. Smaug! Alien! Wall-E! Ahhh. I went a bit crazy :) But wanted them all. They are perfection.
The Last Star. I loved book one. Have yet to read the second. Ahh. Reading all sometime soon, I hope :)
Summer Days and Summer Nights. I did not love this one. Sigh. But liked it enough to buy it, so yay :)
The Safest Lies. Eeee! I'm reading this one next week and I'm so excited :D I love this author so much.
Byen Bak Murene + Blood For Blood. Oh my gosh :D I'm beyond excited! Thank you so so much Ryan :D Thrilled that I won this aaamazing twitter giveaway. <3 Signed. Norwegian copy of her first book. Love.
Ungodly. YAY :D Thank you so much for trading with my Kirsty. <3 You are the best. So happy about this.
How To Train Your Dragon. A few more of these precious books, hih. I can't help it. They are so cute.
Miraculous Ladybug. I love this series THE MOST. Only 7 episodes on this dvd, but still. SO gorgeous :D
Maleficent. This movie is the very best. Sigh. So much love. Finally bought the soundtrack :) Yay. Love.
Happy Hello Bookmarks. YAY for more bookish bookmarks :D They are perfection. Ahh. All the love.
Frozen Elsa. I have had the Olaf lamp for a while now, and I needed this one too, hih. It's very cute, tbh.
Movies. So, so many movies bought on sale. Ahh. I needed and wanted them all, lol. Seen most of them.
Pop Figures. Smaug! Alien! Wall-E! Ahhh. I went a bit crazy :) But wanted them all. They are perfection.
More Instagram photos here. <3
Friday, May 27, 2016
Book Recommendation: Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin
I love this book so much. And I'm thrilled that I finally got to re-read it, eee. Because, gosh, I adore this book. It is heartbreaking and so amazing. The writing is gorgeous. The characters are so well written and exciting and they break my heart all the time. I'm not sure how to write a second review for this one. So I probably won't write all that much. I just want to share my love of it once more, since I read it again. And I feel like not that many people have read this one yet. Hmph. And you need to. Read it. Right away. Now.
Wolf By Wolf is told from the point of view of Yael. A special girl who has been hurt a lot, many years ago. This tells of a story if Hitler had won the war. And gosh. It is pretty brutal and horrifying. This is not a world I would have liked living in. And it could have been ours right now, which is pretty awful to think about. So glad that Hitler is over with. But I still fear for our future. Sigh. But anyway. This was just a story. A very amazingly written story. The story of a girl who is trying her best to get rid of Hitler. I loved her journey.
This story is about Yael having been in a camp when she was young. She was experimented on. She was hurt and stuck by needles so often. Reading about her past was heartbreaking yet so amazing and well written. I loved learning about who Yael was. She is now grown, and she is with people who want Hitler gone. She has had a good life these past years, and I love that. But she's still broken. Which is just so heartbreaking. Sniffs. But she's also so strong. I love how amazing she was. How she tried so hard.
Yael got some powers after everything the doctor did to her when she was young. She can now change her face and body, to look like anyone. Which was so awesome to read about. Yet also sad, because she doesn't remember her own look, and that breaks my heart. Sniffs. But yeah. Yael is awesome. I loved her powers. I loved how her tattoos of wolves never get changed, when the rest of her changes. And I loved getting to know about the people who meant the most to her. I hated how most of them were dead. Ahh.
There is so much happening in this one. Most of it is about a motorcycle race between twenty teenagers. And gosh, it was amazing to read about. So many deaths. So much road rash. So much time spent on the road, and trying to win, and ahh. It was so, so exciting. Everything about this book was exciting and amazing and so sad. I love how Yael has to pretend to be someone else. Pretend to be Adele, a previous victor of the race. She knows everything about her, except for her relationships. Ack. I liked Felix a lot.
I'm having such a hard time figuring out what else to say about this precious book. I think it ruined my mind this second time I read it, lol. But I'm okay with that. Because I love this book so much. Despite how much it hurts my heart. Despite how evil that ending is. Ack. There is a little bit of romance. A few small gorgeous kisses. The most awesome boy. Yet it is filled with lies. Ack. But I ship Yael and Luka so much. They are so cute together, despite, you know, Luka not knowing that Yael is not Adele, lol. A bit painful.
I was lucky enough to win an ARC of the sequel, and final book, Blood For Blood. Which is why I'm finally re-reading this one. Ack. I shall read it right away. And I'm so excited. Yet also very nervous, because I have peeked, lol. But so excited even so. It's going to be amazing. I think I will love it lots. Fingers are crossed. I'm just so in love with this book. It's gorgeous and amazing and so different. Yael means the world to me. She's broken and perfect and oh so gentle-hearted. I adore her the most. She's awesome.
Book Collection #13
Thirteenth week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine; if you own and love these books too. Let me know.
Books by Maggie Stiefvater: Part 1.
This will be a bit different. Because I own so, so many books by Maggie. Gosh. And it would be too much to share all of them together, haha. So sharing different posts for all her series. Which I'm happy about. Starting with The Scorpio Races. Which is a huge favorite book of mine. I read it once a year these days, and have read it around seven times already. It is perfection. And I love my collection so, so much. I just. I want the ARC so badly. Sniffs. I need it so much. And gosh. I didn't know I didn't have a personalized hardcover. Hmph. I need to get me one of those next time, hih. I just love this book so, so much. It means the world to me. I hope that there will be a sequel one day, though. I need it. Badly.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Waiting on Wednesday #241
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Goodreads Description:
The action-packed, thrilling sequel to Ryan Graudin's Wolf by Wolf.
There would be blood.
Blood for blood.
Blood to pay.
An entire world of it.
For the resistance in 1950s Germany, the war may be over, but the fight has just begun.
Death camp survivor Yael, who has the power to skinshift, is on the run: the world has just seen her shoot and kill Hitler. But the truth of what happened is far more complicated, and its consequences are deadly. Yael and her unlikely comrades dive into enemy territory to try to turn the tide against the New Order, and there is no alternative but to see their mission through to the end, whatever the cost.
But dark secrets reveal dark truths, and one question hangs over them all: how far can you go for the ones you love?
This gripping, thought-provoking sequel to Wolf by Wolf will grab readers by the throat with its cinematic writing, fast-paced action, and relentless twists.
Gosh! I won an ARC of it just two weeks ago :D And it arrived yesterday! EEE! I'm re-reading Wolf By Wolf first, and I'm so excited.And then I shall read Blood For Blood. <3 But also just had to have it as a wow post first, hih :) Because, gosh, I am dying to read this book. I loved Wolf By Wolf so much, and it murdered my heart, and ahh, this sequel is going to be aamazing :D I just hope it will not destroy me, lol. Hoping for a happy ending. <3 Ahh. I'm so so worried. Also, love love love that gorgeous cover :)
What are you waiting for on this breathtaking Wednesday?
Goodreads Description:
The action-packed, thrilling sequel to Ryan Graudin's Wolf by Wolf.
There would be blood.
Blood for blood.
Blood to pay.
An entire world of it.
For the resistance in 1950s Germany, the war may be over, but the fight has just begun.
Death camp survivor Yael, who has the power to skinshift, is on the run: the world has just seen her shoot and kill Hitler. But the truth of what happened is far more complicated, and its consequences are deadly. Yael and her unlikely comrades dive into enemy territory to try to turn the tide against the New Order, and there is no alternative but to see their mission through to the end, whatever the cost.
But dark secrets reveal dark truths, and one question hangs over them all: how far can you go for the ones you love?
This gripping, thought-provoking sequel to Wolf by Wolf will grab readers by the throat with its cinematic writing, fast-paced action, and relentless twists.
Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication:
November 1st 2016
by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here Gosh! I won an ARC of it just two weeks ago :D And it arrived yesterday! EEE! I'm re-reading Wolf By Wolf first, and I'm so excited.And then I shall read Blood For Blood. <3 But also just had to have it as a wow post first, hih :) Because, gosh, I am dying to read this book. I loved Wolf By Wolf so much, and it murdered my heart, and ahh, this sequel is going to be aamazing :D I just hope it will not destroy me, lol. Hoping for a happy ending. <3 Ahh. I'm so so worried. Also, love love love that gorgeous cover :)
What are you waiting for on this breathtaking Wednesday?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Review: Wonder Woman at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee
I was pretty excited about reading this one, when the publisher contacted me about it, because I thought it looked pretty cute. Plus I had never read or seen anything about Wonder Woman before. Ack. I was hoping to adore this book. Sadly, that did not happen. Which is upsetting me a bit. I have so many thoughts.
I must admit that my review of this book will not end up being all that positive. Because, sadly, I did not like this one much. And there were a lot of reasons for why, and I need to share them. My review shall be very honest. Sigh. I have ended up giving this a two star, simply because one star feels too low.
I think my biggest issue with this book was the writing. First I must say that I love middle grade books. So much. Often they are better than YA books, which is just awesome. But this one was not. This book was the most childish thing I have read. Sad face. I don't know how old the characters in this one is supposed to be. Maybe thirteen? I have no idea. I just know that with Wonder Woman it felt like she was five years old. Gosh, this girl bothered me. She doesn't know how to act. How to speak. How to be. She doesn't understand simple things. She never learns to either. She doesn't get it when others are being mean. And, to be honest, this was super annoying. Girl was not sweet, sadly. Not to me, anyway. Had so many issues with this.
This book is about Wonder Woman starting at a super hero high school. Where so many other young girls and boys are also. Many names I have heard before, which was a bit interesting, but sadly I didn't feel like it was written all that well. I didn't like Wonder Woman one bit. She is so young. And stupid. She never gets better. Sigh. Though she is kind and sweet, but also in a stupid way. I didn't like how she didn't see the truth in people. It was highly annoying. But I do admit that she was a little interesting.
But yeah. I didn't like this book all that much. It is about school. Sigh. Learning about other characters, what powers they have, and seeing Wonder Woman become friends with some of them. And I did like reading about a few of them, but not that much. Mostly there were a whole bunch of mean girls, which Wonder Woman did nothing about. Ugh. They were mean towards her, and she didn't even get it. They were mean towards others too. And I just. I cannot stand mean girls. These were pretty awful. Sigh.
I'm not sure how to talk about this book. It was pretty short, yet it took me aaages to read it, because I wasn't into it at any times. Which just breaks my heart. But I couldn't help it. I didn't like reading about people being mean to her. I didn't like reading about her not understanding a single thing. I didn't like reading about her being bad at everything in school at first. I didn't care that much about her being threatened by mail, cause not that interesting. I didn't like reading so often about her famous mom.
I don't know why I disliked this book so much. It just bothered me. I couldn't connect with any of it, because I felt like the writing was too childish. I think maybe five year olds will enjoy this book. But don't really think older kids will. I'm sorry. I might be wrong, though :) Just not a book for me. It also bothered me that her nickname ended up being Wondy, haha. Not a good name, at least, I didn't like it. Sigh. Okay. I'm not going to say much more about this book. I have no words left. It was boring to me.
Huge thank you to the publisher, Random House Children's, for sending me this finished copy for review :D While I did not love this book, I do love the cover a whole bunch, and I adore my copy of it. It's so pretty. And I'm glad that I read the book :) Just sad that it wasn't really for me. But I do think many others may adore it, so I do recommend reading it. It was just a bit too childish for me. Plus side, I am now pretty curious about getting to know more about Wonder Woman, so probably looking her up :)
I must admit that my review of this book will not end up being all that positive. Because, sadly, I did not like this one much. And there were a lot of reasons for why, and I need to share them. My review shall be very honest. Sigh. I have ended up giving this a two star, simply because one star feels too low.
I think my biggest issue with this book was the writing. First I must say that I love middle grade books. So much. Often they are better than YA books, which is just awesome. But this one was not. This book was the most childish thing I have read. Sad face. I don't know how old the characters in this one is supposed to be. Maybe thirteen? I have no idea. I just know that with Wonder Woman it felt like she was five years old. Gosh, this girl bothered me. She doesn't know how to act. How to speak. How to be. She doesn't understand simple things. She never learns to either. She doesn't get it when others are being mean. And, to be honest, this was super annoying. Girl was not sweet, sadly. Not to me, anyway. Had so many issues with this.
This book is about Wonder Woman starting at a super hero high school. Where so many other young girls and boys are also. Many names I have heard before, which was a bit interesting, but sadly I didn't feel like it was written all that well. I didn't like Wonder Woman one bit. She is so young. And stupid. She never gets better. Sigh. Though she is kind and sweet, but also in a stupid way. I didn't like how she didn't see the truth in people. It was highly annoying. But I do admit that she was a little interesting.
But yeah. I didn't like this book all that much. It is about school. Sigh. Learning about other characters, what powers they have, and seeing Wonder Woman become friends with some of them. And I did like reading about a few of them, but not that much. Mostly there were a whole bunch of mean girls, which Wonder Woman did nothing about. Ugh. They were mean towards her, and she didn't even get it. They were mean towards others too. And I just. I cannot stand mean girls. These were pretty awful. Sigh.
I'm not sure how to talk about this book. It was pretty short, yet it took me aaages to read it, because I wasn't into it at any times. Which just breaks my heart. But I couldn't help it. I didn't like reading about people being mean to her. I didn't like reading about her not understanding a single thing. I didn't like reading about her being bad at everything in school at first. I didn't care that much about her being threatened by mail, cause not that interesting. I didn't like reading so often about her famous mom.
I don't know why I disliked this book so much. It just bothered me. I couldn't connect with any of it, because I felt like the writing was too childish. I think maybe five year olds will enjoy this book. But don't really think older kids will. I'm sorry. I might be wrong, though :) Just not a book for me. It also bothered me that her nickname ended up being Wondy, haha. Not a good name, at least, I didn't like it. Sigh. Okay. I'm not going to say much more about this book. I have no words left. It was boring to me.
Huge thank you to the publisher, Random House Children's, for sending me this finished copy for review :D While I did not love this book, I do love the cover a whole bunch, and I adore my copy of it. It's so pretty. And I'm glad that I read the book :) Just sad that it wasn't really for me. But I do think many others may adore it, so I do recommend reading it. It was just a bit too childish for me. Plus side, I am now pretty curious about getting to know more about Wonder Woman, so probably looking her up :)
Saturday, May 21, 2016
In My Mailbox #238
I'm a bit late in posting this week, because I had a pretty busy day. Sorry about that :) I have had such a good week. A bit bad too, but mostly amazing. I WON AN ARC OF BLOOD FOR BLOOD :D EEEE! And it will be personalized. <3 Gosh. I am BEYOND excited :D Ahhh. Soon it shall be mine. And I learned I will be getting an ARC of Gemina from a most precious friend of mine. <3 Oh my gosh. SO excited and happy :D And then I learned that I will also be getting an ARC of Foxheart along with my signed Claire books, and ahhhh :D I am dying. <3 This has been the week of the most amazing things. Sniffs. I'm so happy. And grateful. And not fully believing how lucky I am right now. Ahh. You are all the very best. <3 Hugs. Anyway. I also read three books this week; though one was pretty short, heh :) But still. Three books. Sadly, they weren't all that good. Ugh. But I am now wanting to read, so that's good. I'm also catching up to Game of Thrones, as I had yet to see the last five episodes of season 5. Just finished those. On to season 6 :D I love this show so much. <3 I do. Anyway. A bit of blogging this week :D I shared my review of Puppy Pirates: Catnapped! <3 It was pretty cute. I then shared my review of Ivory and Bone, which wasn't very good at all. This week I'm waiting on Gemina, eee :D I then shared my review of Tell Us Something True, which also wasn't very good. Ugh. And this week my Book Collection is books by Jodi Meadows. <3 I had a pretty good week. Some gorgeous mail. Some awesome news. But I also had a bad week. In a lot of pain lately. So many issues with my body. Makes me so sad. Sigh. Plus the books I read weren't very good, lol. But soon I will read amazing books, and I can't wait :D Ahh. How was your week?
Zootopia. YAY! Finally this one was shipped to me :D I have been waiting so many weeks. Stunning.
Some Kind of Happiness. Eee :D I love this book so, so much. <3 And my hardcovers are GORGEOUS.
Art Therapy. Bought so many pencils a few weeks back. I shall start trying to color in this one. Cute.
Inside Out. Gah. I realized I have so many books that I haven't bought yet. Working on it :) Love it.
Zootopia. Slowly getting my collection bigger and bigger. <3 Gosh, I love this movie. Such cute books.
Frozen. I need to stop buying ever Frozen book I see. But it is hard. Sigh. They are just so pretty, lol :)
The Raven King + Blue Lily, Lily Blue + Sinner. YAY! My signed books from Fountain :D All the love. <3
Shadowhunters. This awesome book by Cassandra Jean and Cassandra Clare I just had to buy :D LOVE!
Zootopia. YAY! Finally this one was shipped to me :D I have been waiting so many weeks. Stunning.
Some Kind of Happiness. Eee :D I love this book so, so much. <3 And my hardcovers are GORGEOUS.
Art Therapy. Bought so many pencils a few weeks back. I shall start trying to color in this one. Cute.
Inside Out. Gah. I realized I have so many books that I haven't bought yet. Working on it :) Love it.
Zootopia. Slowly getting my collection bigger and bigger. <3 Gosh, I love this movie. Such cute books.
Frozen. I need to stop buying ever Frozen book I see. But it is hard. Sigh. They are just so pretty, lol :)
The Raven King + Blue Lily, Lily Blue + Sinner. YAY! My signed books from Fountain :D All the love. <3
Shadowhunters. This awesome book by Cassandra Jean and Cassandra Clare I just had to buy :D LOVE!
More Instagram photos here. <3
Friday, May 20, 2016
Book Collection #12
Twelfth week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine, and if you own and love these books too. Let me know :)
Books by Jodi Meadows.
Oh, how I adore Jodi. She's all kinds of amazing. And her books are so awesome. I must admit that I have still only read the first book in her first trilogy, ahh, which I loved, but haven't had the chance yet to read the other ones. But I will. Very soon. Her newest books are so awesome too. Just, so much love. I cannot wait to read more books by Jodi. And for my collection to grow. I'm missing a few ARCs, ack. Must also share that I have the most awesome swag collection by Jodi too. I'm so happy with all of it.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Review: Tell Us Something True by Dana Reinhardt
Sigh. I'm not sure where to begin with this book. When Cailin asked me about reading and reviewing it, I was a bit unsure, yet I wanted to give it a try, because it looked and sounded sort of cute. Plus it wasn't all that long. So I was excited about reading it. But yeah. I ended up being very disappointed. Which sucks.
I guess it is because I don't really like this genre at all. I'm not sure why, but contemporary books are not for me. I don't enjoy them. But. I have also loved a few precious few from this genre, and I had hoped this would be another one of those. But it was not. And I have so many reasons for why. I shall try to explain.
This book is told from the point of view of seventeen year old River. Sadly, I did not like the writing all that much. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It felt like he was telling the story about his life, and he never stopped telling it, and that bothered me. It just wasn't written all that well to me. But I didn't hate it, so that's good, lol. But yeah. This book wasn't all that good at all. I'm giving it two stars, because I did not like it. At all. But I also did not hate it, so yeah, one star would not do. But this is a book I would not read again, sadly. And I have so many reasons for why this book was so bad. I thought it would be good. It sounded pretty good. Was told that River was a great boy to read about. But hahaha. He was not. I did not like this boy.
I can't help but feel this way. River was not a good boy at all. Yeah, it begins with him getting dumped by the girlfriend he had for about two years. Which he didn't see coming at all. But gosh. He was so not nice. At least not for me. He got dumped. He then started walking home, and stopped at a place for teens with addictions. Which he loves going to. But. He starts lying. He pretends he has an addiction. And it is so not nice of him to lie for weeks to them all. It was really shitty of him to do, to be honest.
But that isn't the only reason for why I did not like this boy. After he was dumped, he started stalking the girl, Penny. He showed up at her house several times. He bought her soup and flowers. He just did not understand that she broke up with him. He kept thinking about her all the time, how he would get her back. And his ideas were so stupid and a bit rude and it bothered me so much. He should have left the girl alone. She didn't want to be with him anymore. Sigh. And I understood why she didn't want to. Ugh.
But then later on it was shown that she wasn't really a nice person, and he was better without her, but yeah, I didn't like that. Because I thought she seemed nice. But Penny and River did not fit together at all. He spent those two years only with her, and sort of threw away his three friends. It was not nice of him at all. Ugh. I just. There were so many things that bothered me about this boy. I just could not seem to like him. But I did like him a few times, but not enough. River was just not someone I could ever like.
The entire plot in this book was about River trying to get over Penny. Except he wasn't really trying at all. And about him going to the support group. Which was pretty interesting to read about. I was curious about the other kids. They seemed nice. But I didn't like the way River thought about them sometimes. Sigh. And then there was the new girl, Daphne. I'm unsure about her. I liked her. But I didn't know her enough to love her. Shrugs. It bothered me how quickly River fell in love with her, though. Annoying.
I'm not sure I like how River treated Daphne. First they were just friends. For a short time. And then suddenly he has feelings for her. And then one day she's having a really bad day, which he knows, and yet he doesn't really ask her about it, and instead starts talking about how he really likes her. And then he tries to kiss her. And oh my gosh. It was the worst timing in the world and I sort of hate him for it. Ugh. Just. Yeah. He wasn't a nice boy. Shrugs. Though I know that others will end up loving him. But not me.
Sadly, this wasn't a book for me. But I'm glad I tried it even so. But yeah, probably not reading many more books from this genre, lol. Not for me. But I do think others will enjoy this book a lot. Curious to know what others think of it. Let me know :) Thank you so much to Cailin at Rock the Boat for sending me this gorgeous print ARC for review. <3 It means the most. And the book looks so gorgeous. But yeah. Tell Us Something True was simply not a book for me. It's such a pretty book, though, and quick to read.
I guess it is because I don't really like this genre at all. I'm not sure why, but contemporary books are not for me. I don't enjoy them. But. I have also loved a few precious few from this genre, and I had hoped this would be another one of those. But it was not. And I have so many reasons for why. I shall try to explain.
This book is told from the point of view of seventeen year old River. Sadly, I did not like the writing all that much. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It felt like he was telling the story about his life, and he never stopped telling it, and that bothered me. It just wasn't written all that well to me. But I didn't hate it, so that's good, lol. But yeah. This book wasn't all that good at all. I'm giving it two stars, because I did not like it. At all. But I also did not hate it, so yeah, one star would not do. But this is a book I would not read again, sadly. And I have so many reasons for why this book was so bad. I thought it would be good. It sounded pretty good. Was told that River was a great boy to read about. But hahaha. He was not. I did not like this boy.
I can't help but feel this way. River was not a good boy at all. Yeah, it begins with him getting dumped by the girlfriend he had for about two years. Which he didn't see coming at all. But gosh. He was so not nice. At least not for me. He got dumped. He then started walking home, and stopped at a place for teens with addictions. Which he loves going to. But. He starts lying. He pretends he has an addiction. And it is so not nice of him to lie for weeks to them all. It was really shitty of him to do, to be honest.
But that isn't the only reason for why I did not like this boy. After he was dumped, he started stalking the girl, Penny. He showed up at her house several times. He bought her soup and flowers. He just did not understand that she broke up with him. He kept thinking about her all the time, how he would get her back. And his ideas were so stupid and a bit rude and it bothered me so much. He should have left the girl alone. She didn't want to be with him anymore. Sigh. And I understood why she didn't want to. Ugh.
But then later on it was shown that she wasn't really a nice person, and he was better without her, but yeah, I didn't like that. Because I thought she seemed nice. But Penny and River did not fit together at all. He spent those two years only with her, and sort of threw away his three friends. It was not nice of him at all. Ugh. I just. There were so many things that bothered me about this boy. I just could not seem to like him. But I did like him a few times, but not enough. River was just not someone I could ever like.
The entire plot in this book was about River trying to get over Penny. Except he wasn't really trying at all. And about him going to the support group. Which was pretty interesting to read about. I was curious about the other kids. They seemed nice. But I didn't like the way River thought about them sometimes. Sigh. And then there was the new girl, Daphne. I'm unsure about her. I liked her. But I didn't know her enough to love her. Shrugs. It bothered me how quickly River fell in love with her, though. Annoying.
I'm not sure I like how River treated Daphne. First they were just friends. For a short time. And then suddenly he has feelings for her. And then one day she's having a really bad day, which he knows, and yet he doesn't really ask her about it, and instead starts talking about how he really likes her. And then he tries to kiss her. And oh my gosh. It was the worst timing in the world and I sort of hate him for it. Ugh. Just. Yeah. He wasn't a nice boy. Shrugs. Though I know that others will end up loving him. But not me.
Sadly, this wasn't a book for me. But I'm glad I tried it even so. But yeah, probably not reading many more books from this genre, lol. Not for me. But I do think others will enjoy this book a lot. Curious to know what others think of it. Let me know :) Thank you so much to Cailin at Rock the Boat for sending me this gorgeous print ARC for review. <3 It means the most. And the book looks so gorgeous. But yeah. Tell Us Something True was simply not a book for me. It's such a pretty book, though, and quick to read.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Waiting on Wednesday #240
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
GEMINA (The Illuminae Files #2)
Goodreads Description:
The highly anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that critics are calling “out-of-this-world awesome.”
Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy was always going to be the death of Hanna’s social life. Nobody said it might actually get her killed.
The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminae continues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault.
Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of a notorious crime family. But while the pair are struggling with the realities of life aboard the galaxy’s most boring space station, little do they know that Kady Grant and the Hypatia are headed right toward Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion.
When an elite BeiTech strike team invades the station, Hanna and Nik are thrown together to defend their home. But alien predators are picking off the station residents one by one, and a malfunction in the station’s wormhole means the space-time continuum might be ripped in two before dinner. Soon Hanna and Nik aren’t just fighting for their own survival; the fate of everyone on the Hypatia—and possibly the known universe—is in their hands.
But relax. They’ve totally got this. They hope.
Once again told through a compelling dossier of emails, IMs, classified files, transcripts, and schematics, Gemina raises the stakes of the Illuminae Files, hurling readers into an enthralling new story that will leave them breathless.
Eee, I am getting an ARC of this precious. <3 But might still be a few weeks, so I'm trying to be patient. I loved Illuminae SO MUCH. Damn, that book was good. And I love Jay SO MUCH and I love Amie too and gah. Gemina is going to be THE BEST. <3 I cannot wait to read it. Illuminae broke my heart, and I fear Gemina will be even meaner. Ahhh. Yet I can't wait. But yeah. This book will be awesome. And I will love it the most. Also, that cover is beyond amazing. All the love. <3 I cannot wait to meet Hanna and Nik :D
What are you waiting for on this intergalactic Wednesday?
GEMINA (The Illuminae Files #2)
Goodreads Description:
The highly anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that critics are calling “out-of-this-world awesome.”
Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy was always going to be the death of Hanna’s social life. Nobody said it might actually get her killed.
The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminae continues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault.
Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of a notorious crime family. But while the pair are struggling with the realities of life aboard the galaxy’s most boring space station, little do they know that Kady Grant and the Hypatia are headed right toward Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion.
When an elite BeiTech strike team invades the station, Hanna and Nik are thrown together to defend their home. But alien predators are picking off the station residents one by one, and a malfunction in the station’s wormhole means the space-time continuum might be ripped in two before dinner. Soon Hanna and Nik aren’t just fighting for their own survival; the fate of everyone on the Hypatia—and possibly the known universe—is in their hands.
But relax. They’ve totally got this. They hope.
Once again told through a compelling dossier of emails, IMs, classified files, transcripts, and schematics, Gemina raises the stakes of the Illuminae Files, hurling readers into an enthralling new story that will leave them breathless.
Hardcover, 659 pages
Expected publication:
October 18th 2016
by Knopf Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here Eee, I am getting an ARC of this precious. <3 But might still be a few weeks, so I'm trying to be patient. I loved Illuminae SO MUCH. Damn, that book was good. And I love Jay SO MUCH and I love Amie too and gah. Gemina is going to be THE BEST. <3 I cannot wait to read it. Illuminae broke my heart, and I fear Gemina will be even meaner. Ahhh. Yet I can't wait. But yeah. This book will be awesome. And I will love it the most. Also, that cover is beyond amazing. All the love. <3 I cannot wait to meet Hanna and Nik :D
What are you waiting for on this intergalactic Wednesday?
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Review: Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh
Oh, this book. I had so hoped that I would end up loving it. But that was not the case. Not at all. This book looks gorgeous. And I really wanted to like it. But when I started, I knew right away that I did not like it. And my feelings of dislike only grew as I read more. Sigh. Two stars for this one. I feel so disappointed.
I'm unsure how to talk about my feelings for this book. I'm unsure about what I wish to say about it. Because, yeah, this book wasn't very good. I feel like this book could have been good, though, because I did like the past it was set in, with hunting and living in huts. But little focus on it. Ugh. Sad face.
This book is written from the point of view of Kol. His name is almost never mentioned, though, so remembering his name was not easy for me, haha. I'm a bit sad to say that I didn't love the writing. I didn't hate it, not truly, but I also did not like it one bit. It was annoying. Because very, very much time is spent on describing what things look like and on travelling and so many useless things. It bothered me so much and it made me so, so bored and I lost focus a bunch of time too. Which is just the worst thing to happen when reading. Sigh. So yes. I didn't like the writing much. It is told in a different way, though, which I cannot explain, but could have been interesting. If I had felt anything for the characters or the writing. Hmph. Annoying.
I'm very happy that I didn't read the goodreads tagline before I started this book. Because it calls it a prehistoric fantasy. Which kills me a little, lol. It we prehistoric for sure, yes, but not one single bit of fantasy in this book at all. If I had read that tagline before I started the book, I would have been beyond disappointed. It is not a fantasy book. Not even one bit. Hmph. Just thought you should know that, because you decide to buy this book or not. It is purely historical. Not real, yeah, but historical even so.
Anyway. Back to the story. For the most part, I really liked the main boy in this book. He was pretty cute. But then he turned out to be pretty stupid as well, and too trusting, and then being a bit mean too, and not trusting the right person, and being mean, and ugh. But I did like this boy for the most part. He was interesting to read about, but also pretty boring, to be honest. I did like him, yes, but he was nothing special. He was not a boy I will remember at all. Which I must admit is the most disappointing thing.
This story takes place back in time, with hunting mammoths and living in huts and such. And it was interesting to read about all of that. But it wasn't focused on much at all, and that disappointed me. Because, well, the entire focus of this book was mostly on Kol being interested in a girl. Ugh. That girl is Mya, for a different clan. I did not like her much at all. She was mean and rude and just not a nice person at all. It bothered me so much. I didn't get why he liked her; not really. But not much romance.
Of course he fell for her, though, as he hadn't seen a girl his age in over two years, lol. But she is only there for a day. Then gone for days. And then he sees her again for a short time, and she is still rude, and he leaves again, and then he meets a new girl. Sigh. This girl is Lo. He falls for her right away too. Not really a love triangle, as it seems like neither girl likes him, lol, and nothing happens with any of them. It just bothered me, even so. I didn't like the boy much. And I didn't like any of the girls. Sigh.
I guess that the past of the three different clans were supposed to be heartbreaking and shocking and whatever. But it was not. I didn't care one single bit. I didn't feel anything about it. It wasn't sad. It wasn't horrible. Just, well, it was a bit meh. Which is the worst feeling to have when reading books. And I had it the entire time while reading this one. Sigh. I'm not sure what else to say. Book is about Kol falling for girls. His brothers doing the same. His mother being happy. A little bit of hunting. And war.
I can't help it. I did not like this book. I wanted to, I really did, but it was simply not for me at all. the plot was boring, nothing much really happened. I didn't care for the big fight at the end of the book, because I didn't feel like it mattered much. Probably because it was written really badly. Also. Kol was hurt at one time, huge claw marks all over his back. Which seemed to magically heal over the night. Those marks were never mentioned again. It bothered me. He should have been in pain, all the time.
Oh, lol. I can't not mention something more. I just looked at the summary again. It mentions being faced with shattering losses. And I can't help but laugh. Because that is so not true. Haha. I like my books to be brutal and heartbreaking. And this one was only pretending to be. And not in a good way. Hmph. I was just disappointed. I wanted more from this one. I had been expecting more. Instead I got a boring book, with a weak boy, and a bad romance. A couple of kisses near the end were written badly.
I tried to love this book. But it did not work out at all. But even so, I'm glad that I read it, just so that I know that it was not for me, lol. And I do love my very pretty ARC of it. But yeah. This is not a book that I will end up buying, because I would not read it again, sadly. Though I do think many others would love it, and I am so curious to know what you all think of it. Do tell me if you read it :) Huge thank you to the lovely HarperCollins International for sending this print ARC to me. <3 It means the very most.
I'm unsure how to talk about my feelings for this book. I'm unsure about what I wish to say about it. Because, yeah, this book wasn't very good. I feel like this book could have been good, though, because I did like the past it was set in, with hunting and living in huts. But little focus on it. Ugh. Sad face.
This book is written from the point of view of Kol. His name is almost never mentioned, though, so remembering his name was not easy for me, haha. I'm a bit sad to say that I didn't love the writing. I didn't hate it, not truly, but I also did not like it one bit. It was annoying. Because very, very much time is spent on describing what things look like and on travelling and so many useless things. It bothered me so much and it made me so, so bored and I lost focus a bunch of time too. Which is just the worst thing to happen when reading. Sigh. So yes. I didn't like the writing much. It is told in a different way, though, which I cannot explain, but could have been interesting. If I had felt anything for the characters or the writing. Hmph. Annoying.
I'm very happy that I didn't read the goodreads tagline before I started this book. Because it calls it a prehistoric fantasy. Which kills me a little, lol. It we prehistoric for sure, yes, but not one single bit of fantasy in this book at all. If I had read that tagline before I started the book, I would have been beyond disappointed. It is not a fantasy book. Not even one bit. Hmph. Just thought you should know that, because you decide to buy this book or not. It is purely historical. Not real, yeah, but historical even so.
Anyway. Back to the story. For the most part, I really liked the main boy in this book. He was pretty cute. But then he turned out to be pretty stupid as well, and too trusting, and then being a bit mean too, and not trusting the right person, and being mean, and ugh. But I did like this boy for the most part. He was interesting to read about, but also pretty boring, to be honest. I did like him, yes, but he was nothing special. He was not a boy I will remember at all. Which I must admit is the most disappointing thing.
This story takes place back in time, with hunting mammoths and living in huts and such. And it was interesting to read about all of that. But it wasn't focused on much at all, and that disappointed me. Because, well, the entire focus of this book was mostly on Kol being interested in a girl. Ugh. That girl is Mya, for a different clan. I did not like her much at all. She was mean and rude and just not a nice person at all. It bothered me so much. I didn't get why he liked her; not really. But not much romance.
Of course he fell for her, though, as he hadn't seen a girl his age in over two years, lol. But she is only there for a day. Then gone for days. And then he sees her again for a short time, and she is still rude, and he leaves again, and then he meets a new girl. Sigh. This girl is Lo. He falls for her right away too. Not really a love triangle, as it seems like neither girl likes him, lol, and nothing happens with any of them. It just bothered me, even so. I didn't like the boy much. And I didn't like any of the girls. Sigh.
I guess that the past of the three different clans were supposed to be heartbreaking and shocking and whatever. But it was not. I didn't care one single bit. I didn't feel anything about it. It wasn't sad. It wasn't horrible. Just, well, it was a bit meh. Which is the worst feeling to have when reading books. And I had it the entire time while reading this one. Sigh. I'm not sure what else to say. Book is about Kol falling for girls. His brothers doing the same. His mother being happy. A little bit of hunting. And war.
I can't help it. I did not like this book. I wanted to, I really did, but it was simply not for me at all. the plot was boring, nothing much really happened. I didn't care for the big fight at the end of the book, because I didn't feel like it mattered much. Probably because it was written really badly. Also. Kol was hurt at one time, huge claw marks all over his back. Which seemed to magically heal over the night. Those marks were never mentioned again. It bothered me. He should have been in pain, all the time.
Oh, lol. I can't not mention something more. I just looked at the summary again. It mentions being faced with shattering losses. And I can't help but laugh. Because that is so not true. Haha. I like my books to be brutal and heartbreaking. And this one was only pretending to be. And not in a good way. Hmph. I was just disappointed. I wanted more from this one. I had been expecting more. Instead I got a boring book, with a weak boy, and a bad romance. A couple of kisses near the end were written badly.
I tried to love this book. But it did not work out at all. But even so, I'm glad that I read it, just so that I know that it was not for me, lol. And I do love my very pretty ARC of it. But yeah. This is not a book that I will end up buying, because I would not read it again, sadly. Though I do think many others would love it, and I am so curious to know what you all think of it. Do tell me if you read it :) Huge thank you to the lovely HarperCollins International for sending this print ARC to me. <3 It means the very most.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Review: Puppy Pirates: Catnapped! by Erin Soderberg
This one was pretty cute. When I was asked if I wanted to read and review it, I couldn't help but say yes. Because of that adorable cover. Sigh. I love it. Such cute animals :D Plus the book sounded pretty fun too. It is the third one in this series, but I didn't read the first ones. Don't think I needed to either.
I'm giving this one three stars, as I liked it lots, but I didn't love it. The writing was okay, not the best, but I enjoyed it even so. There are some really, really beautiful illustrations in this book. And I loved looking at those. All the animals were so cute. Dogs and cats wearing clothes and shoes. So adorable.
This review of mine is not going to be all that long, because this book is pretty short. Just about eighty pages, and so easy and fast to read. I liked that it wasn't too long. I liked that it told one adventure. I would like to read the other books one day, I think. Because this one was pretty cute. I also think a lot of kids and just everyone would adore these books. Because they are easy to read and there are some really gorgeous black and white illustrations inside, lol. I liked looking at them a lot. And, again, that cover is awesome. So cute in person too. I also liked reading about the dogs. Many different ones, and they all seemed pretty amazing. They are all dogs and cats, except for one human boy with the dogs, one girl with the cats.
Catnapped tells the story of puppy pirates who gets kidnapped by cats. It is from the point of view of Wally, whom was a pretty cute dog. I liked reading about some of the other dogs too, like the scared one. And the two sisters as well. They liked to prank the cats, which did not go very well for them. This was a cute story, though I didn't love it. But it was a fast and easy read. And I'm glad that I read it. Don't really have more to say about it than that, because it was so short. But yeah. You should all read it :)
I'm giving this one three stars, as I liked it lots, but I didn't love it. The writing was okay, not the best, but I enjoyed it even so. There are some really, really beautiful illustrations in this book. And I loved looking at those. All the animals were so cute. Dogs and cats wearing clothes and shoes. So adorable.
This review of mine is not going to be all that long, because this book is pretty short. Just about eighty pages, and so easy and fast to read. I liked that it wasn't too long. I liked that it told one adventure. I would like to read the other books one day, I think. Because this one was pretty cute. I also think a lot of kids and just everyone would adore these books. Because they are easy to read and there are some really gorgeous black and white illustrations inside, lol. I liked looking at them a lot. And, again, that cover is awesome. So cute in person too. I also liked reading about the dogs. Many different ones, and they all seemed pretty amazing. They are all dogs and cats, except for one human boy with the dogs, one girl with the cats.
Catnapped tells the story of puppy pirates who gets kidnapped by cats. It is from the point of view of Wally, whom was a pretty cute dog. I liked reading about some of the other dogs too, like the scared one. And the two sisters as well. They liked to prank the cats, which did not go very well for them. This was a cute story, though I didn't love it. But it was a fast and easy read. And I'm glad that I read it. Don't really have more to say about it than that, because it was so short. But yeah. You should all read it :)
Saturday, May 14, 2016
In My Mailbox #237
It was a bit harder to find time to read this week, and so I only managed to read one book. But it was Three Dark Crowns, and it was aaamazing :D I loved it lots. I know what to read next, just need to make myself start :) Shortly, though. I shall begin to read lots more. Promise. I need to read more. Have read so little this year. Not good. Hmph. Anyway. I had that regular hospital trip, which went okay. Feeling a bit crappy lately, but dealing with it. I got some goorgeous mail this week. <3 And waiting for more. Yess. My signed Maggie books have yet to arrive, but they will get here next week sometime, though no more mail now until Wednesday. Ugh. Not many blog posts this week, but still three :D This week I'm waiting on Carve the Mark. <3 I posted my review of Three Dark Crowns :D And my Book Collection this week is Rae Carson. <3 So much awesome. Anyway. I had a good week. Though I am also all kinds of heartbroken, because of everyone at BEA, and everyone getting Gemina and Blood For Blood. I would kill for those two, lol. Sigh. Everyone in the US are so lucky :) So yeah. I'm just trying not to think about it.
Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15. LAST CHANCE!!!
The Winner's Curse. YAY! Amazon sent me the editions I had ordered :D I think they look GORGEOUS.
Three Dark Crowns + Girl of Nightmares. Oh gosh. Thank you so, so much. <3 The very best gift. Ever.
Frozen. Finally bought this awesome lego :D It is so cute. Now just missing that big one. Ack. One day.
Smash & Grab + Glitter. Gifted from a friend in the US; these books looks so awesome :D Thank you.
And I Darken + Puppy Pirates. Also a gift from US friend; thank you the most :D I loved And I Darken so much, and owning this ARC means the most to me. Sniffs. So gorgeous. I'm reading Catnapped next :)
TY Plush. YAY! New TY plush animal. This colorful cat is so adorable. I love buying these, hih. Love.
Let the Wind Rise Swag. EEE! This awesome pre-order swag is the very best. Thank you Shannon. <3
Disney Pixar. I couldn't not buy this when I saw it. Gorgeous coloring pages + tons of pretty stickers :D
The Good Dinosaur + Frozen. I had to buy them. They are gorgeous and I love all the stickers :D So cute.
Disney Lego. Eee. New lego :D 18 different ones to get. I own 6. Can't wait to get the rest of them, lol.
How To Train Your Dragon. Ahh. I found a new mini dragon that I did not own yet, lol. It is so cute :D
Zootopia. Ahh :D These were expensive toys. But I wanted them. And they are so very gorgeous. Love.
Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15. LAST CHANCE!!!
The Winner's Curse. YAY! Amazon sent me the editions I had ordered :D I think they look GORGEOUS.
Three Dark Crowns + Girl of Nightmares. Oh gosh. Thank you so, so much. <3 The very best gift. Ever.
Frozen. Finally bought this awesome lego :D It is so cute. Now just missing that big one. Ack. One day.
Smash & Grab + Glitter. Gifted from a friend in the US; these books looks so awesome :D Thank you.
And I Darken + Puppy Pirates. Also a gift from US friend; thank you the most :D I loved And I Darken so much, and owning this ARC means the most to me. Sniffs. So gorgeous. I'm reading Catnapped next :)
TY Plush. YAY! New TY plush animal. This colorful cat is so adorable. I love buying these, hih. Love.
Let the Wind Rise Swag. EEE! This awesome pre-order swag is the very best. Thank you Shannon. <3
Disney Pixar. I couldn't not buy this when I saw it. Gorgeous coloring pages + tons of pretty stickers :D
The Good Dinosaur + Frozen. I had to buy them. They are gorgeous and I love all the stickers :D So cute.
Disney Lego. Eee. New lego :D 18 different ones to get. I own 6. Can't wait to get the rest of them, lol.
How To Train Your Dragon. Ahh. I found a new mini dragon that I did not own yet, lol. It is so cute :D
Zootopia. Ahh :D These were expensive toys. But I wanted them. And they are so very gorgeous. Love.
More Instagram photos here. <3
Friday, May 13, 2016
Book Collection #11
Eleventh week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine, and if you own and love these books too. Let me know :)
Books by Rae Carson.
Gosh, how I adore these books. Rae is amazing and so kind. And her books are all so good. I loved them all. My favorite is Walk on Earth a Stranger, and I simply can't wait for the next one. And whatever Rae is writing after that too. Gosh, I own ARCs of all four of her books, which just means the very most to me. Sniffs. They are all so gorgeous looking and so precious to me. Yay for awesome giveaways. But gosh. I haven't read her first book since I first read it, in 2012. Forever ago. Must re-read them soon.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Review: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
I feel a bit broken. I'm pretty sure this book ruined me. Ahh. It was such a good book. But so heartbreaking and evil and my heart may never recover, lol. But gosh, I loved it so much. Five stars for this precious book. Though a few parts made me a lot of angry, lol, but mostly I loved this book so much. It's stunning.
Beyond happy about owning a print ARC of this one. It means the most to me. Hugs. And I couldn't help but start this book the moment I got it, as I had been waiting so long for it already. I have read everything by Kendare, and gosh, I adore her so much. She's so kind and sweet, and her books are all amazing.
I have always known I would love this one, since I have loved everything by Kendare so far. But also because of that cover. And that summary. Sigh. But yeah, it was so awesome to know that I did love it. That it did not disappoint me. Okay, fine, I'm still a bit angry about a few small things, which I will talk about soonish. But even so. I loved this book. The writing is beyond gorgeous. This book is written so well and I truly loved every word of it. I'm so happy with this book. The fantasy in it is all kinds of amazing. The characters were all so good to read about. There are tons of surprises. And so many betrayals and heartbreaks and ahh. But also some really great friendships as well. I adored reading about all of it. Wish it had been even longer.
How do I even begin to talk about this book? I'm unsure. There is this island. And for ages there have been born one set of triplets every generation. Three queens. Whom will end up fighting each other to death after they turn sixteen; as only one can be queen. Shudders. These three girls spent their first six years together, and then they were taken apart, to not see each other again until they turn sixteen. This book tells the story of each of them, and gosh, they all have such exciting stories. All the love for them.
The first sister is Katharine. Whom is supposed to be the best at poisons; should be able to handle all of it. And yet she has no powers at all. It was pretty heartbreaking. Getting to know this girl was the very best. She's my favorite of the sisters. The most gentle, I think. She's sweet and awesome. I hated how she was treated by Genevieve. Hmph. But I did like Natalia. The small romance between Kat and Pietyr was gorgeous. I loved it. But then the ending happened, and I am so unsure. Just. Yeah. I adored Kat.
The second sister is Arsinoe. Whom is supposed to have the power over animals and flowers. Yet she also has no power at all. Ack. Which upset me. Because I really did like Arsinoe. She was kind and awesome and I liked getting to know her. I ship her and Billy so much. Ahh. I hope they will end up together. I want it. I loved reading about the place she lived in. So many different characters in that place. And I liked getting to know them all. Some were not very nice. Hmph. But others were the best.
The third sister is Mirabella. Whom is an elemental, and the only sister who actually has real powers. I thought I would love this girl. She seemed pretty amazing at first. And I liked her friends, Bree and Elizabeth. I thought she was in love with Bree. Which is why I'm so disappointed with her, lol. Because there are some boy drama and I can't stand it. I can't help but feel a bit badly towards Mira because of it. Sigh. But despite that, I did think she was an amazing girl and I did like reading about her. Mostly :)
Arsinoe has a best friend, Jules. And oh gosh. This girl was my favorite person in the whole book. I loved her the very most. And it makes my heart hurt so badly. I wanted the best for her. She is so kind and sweet and lovely. Yet she is getting hurt so often in this one and I cannot stand it. It isn't fair. Jules has the powers that Arsinoe does not have. And she is amazing at it. Sigh. I loved it. There is magic in this book. It is lovely. I loved how Jules has a familiar, an animal that is sort of part of her. Beautiful.
Jules is together wih Joseph. And this is where my issues with this book began. Sobs. I'm not sure my heart will ever get over it. I ship these two beyond anything. They were so cute at first. They had loved each other for years, and finally got together. Then he leaves. And meet a girl whom he sleeps with. Over and over again. And it makes no sense at all. It hurts so badly. I'm so mad at him. I'm not sure I can ever forgive him, because I don't think he is done with that other girl yet. I just. I cannot. It hurts.
But even though I had that issue, I still loved this book so much. And I still love Joseph, somewhat, I want him and Jules together so badly. And I just. I do not like triangles, lol, and this one feels like one so much. Sigh. But it isn't the focus of the book. And the plot in this one, gosh. The plot is all kinds of perfect. I loved how each sister has different lives, and different people raising them. I loved how they are preparing for the festival, and then having to try killing each other. So interesting and exciting. Ahh.
This book was sort of the set up for the big battle to death to come. And gosh, I cannot wait for the next book. It's going to be amazing. But though the big battle wasn't in this one, there was still so much happening all the time. Some deaths too. It was a pretty heartbreaking book. And I loved all of it. You all need to read this one when it comes out in September. It will be worth it. And I think everyone is going to love it. I hope it ends up being a big book, which it deserves. Because it was simply perfection. Sigh.
Three Dark Crowns was everything I wanted it to be. This book was exciting and fun and heartbreaking. I loved reading about the sisters and their lives. I loved getting to know this world. I cannot wait to read the next book. Because, oh, this book ends in such a mean way. I need to know what will happen next. There isn't a cliffhanger, but it is still mean, and oh, I still want to know what happens next more than anything. Gosh. Waiting for the next one will be torture. Sigh. Just, so glad I read this one. So good.
Beyond happy about owning a print ARC of this one. It means the most to me. Hugs. And I couldn't help but start this book the moment I got it, as I had been waiting so long for it already. I have read everything by Kendare, and gosh, I adore her so much. She's so kind and sweet, and her books are all amazing.
I have always known I would love this one, since I have loved everything by Kendare so far. But also because of that cover. And that summary. Sigh. But yeah, it was so awesome to know that I did love it. That it did not disappoint me. Okay, fine, I'm still a bit angry about a few small things, which I will talk about soonish. But even so. I loved this book. The writing is beyond gorgeous. This book is written so well and I truly loved every word of it. I'm so happy with this book. The fantasy in it is all kinds of amazing. The characters were all so good to read about. There are tons of surprises. And so many betrayals and heartbreaks and ahh. But also some really great friendships as well. I adored reading about all of it. Wish it had been even longer.
How do I even begin to talk about this book? I'm unsure. There is this island. And for ages there have been born one set of triplets every generation. Three queens. Whom will end up fighting each other to death after they turn sixteen; as only one can be queen. Shudders. These three girls spent their first six years together, and then they were taken apart, to not see each other again until they turn sixteen. This book tells the story of each of them, and gosh, they all have such exciting stories. All the love for them.
The first sister is Katharine. Whom is supposed to be the best at poisons; should be able to handle all of it. And yet she has no powers at all. It was pretty heartbreaking. Getting to know this girl was the very best. She's my favorite of the sisters. The most gentle, I think. She's sweet and awesome. I hated how she was treated by Genevieve. Hmph. But I did like Natalia. The small romance between Kat and Pietyr was gorgeous. I loved it. But then the ending happened, and I am so unsure. Just. Yeah. I adored Kat.
The second sister is Arsinoe. Whom is supposed to have the power over animals and flowers. Yet she also has no power at all. Ack. Which upset me. Because I really did like Arsinoe. She was kind and awesome and I liked getting to know her. I ship her and Billy so much. Ahh. I hope they will end up together. I want it. I loved reading about the place she lived in. So many different characters in that place. And I liked getting to know them all. Some were not very nice. Hmph. But others were the best.
The third sister is Mirabella. Whom is an elemental, and the only sister who actually has real powers. I thought I would love this girl. She seemed pretty amazing at first. And I liked her friends, Bree and Elizabeth. I thought she was in love with Bree. Which is why I'm so disappointed with her, lol. Because there are some boy drama and I can't stand it. I can't help but feel a bit badly towards Mira because of it. Sigh. But despite that, I did think she was an amazing girl and I did like reading about her. Mostly :)
Arsinoe has a best friend, Jules. And oh gosh. This girl was my favorite person in the whole book. I loved her the very most. And it makes my heart hurt so badly. I wanted the best for her. She is so kind and sweet and lovely. Yet she is getting hurt so often in this one and I cannot stand it. It isn't fair. Jules has the powers that Arsinoe does not have. And she is amazing at it. Sigh. I loved it. There is magic in this book. It is lovely. I loved how Jules has a familiar, an animal that is sort of part of her. Beautiful.
Jules is together wih Joseph. And this is where my issues with this book began. Sobs. I'm not sure my heart will ever get over it. I ship these two beyond anything. They were so cute at first. They had loved each other for years, and finally got together. Then he leaves. And meet a girl whom he sleeps with. Over and over again. And it makes no sense at all. It hurts so badly. I'm so mad at him. I'm not sure I can ever forgive him, because I don't think he is done with that other girl yet. I just. I cannot. It hurts.
But even though I had that issue, I still loved this book so much. And I still love Joseph, somewhat, I want him and Jules together so badly. And I just. I do not like triangles, lol, and this one feels like one so much. Sigh. But it isn't the focus of the book. And the plot in this one, gosh. The plot is all kinds of perfect. I loved how each sister has different lives, and different people raising them. I loved how they are preparing for the festival, and then having to try killing each other. So interesting and exciting. Ahh.
This book was sort of the set up for the big battle to death to come. And gosh, I cannot wait for the next book. It's going to be amazing. But though the big battle wasn't in this one, there was still so much happening all the time. Some deaths too. It was a pretty heartbreaking book. And I loved all of it. You all need to read this one when it comes out in September. It will be worth it. And I think everyone is going to love it. I hope it ends up being a big book, which it deserves. Because it was simply perfection. Sigh.
Three Dark Crowns was everything I wanted it to be. This book was exciting and fun and heartbreaking. I loved reading about the sisters and their lives. I loved getting to know this world. I cannot wait to read the next book. Because, oh, this book ends in such a mean way. I need to know what will happen next. There isn't a cliffhanger, but it is still mean, and oh, I still want to know what happens next more than anything. Gosh. Waiting for the next one will be torture. Sigh. Just, so glad I read this one. So good.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Waiting on Wednesday #239
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Goodreads Description:
On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do not — their gifts make them vulnerable to others’ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world?
Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyra’s currentgift gives her pain and power — something her brother exploits, using her to torture his enemies. But Cyra is much more than just a blade in her brother’s hand: she is resilient, quick on her feet, and smarter than he knows.
Akos is from the peace-loving nation of Thuve, and his loyalty to his family is limitless. Though protected by his unusual currentgift, once Akos and his brother are captured by enemy Shotet soldiers, Akos is desperate to get his brother out alive — no matter what the cost. When Akos is thrust into Cyra’s world, the enmity between their countries and families seems insurmountable. They must decide to help each other to survive — or to destroy one another.
I must admit, I'm pretty excited about this book :D For so long Divergent was the best book I had read. It isn't my top favorite any longer, but I still love it so so much. I loved book two as well, though not the third one, sadly. But even so. I own such a huge collection of these books :D And I love Veronica Roth. And I actually got to meet her three years ago, the only time I went to America, on a holiday. At the same time as Ascendio :) I was only there for the authors, though, lol. Which was pretty awesome. But aaaanyway. I think this new book sounds SO AWESOME. And it looks so pretty. And I am going to love it. I know it. Also love the cover reveal post for it here :D I just hope this book will end up being amazing.
What are you waiting for on this golden Wednesday?

Goodreads Description:
On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do not — their gifts make them vulnerable to others’ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world?
Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyra’s currentgift gives her pain and power — something her brother exploits, using her to torture his enemies. But Cyra is much more than just a blade in her brother’s hand: she is resilient, quick on her feet, and smarter than he knows.
Akos is from the peace-loving nation of Thuve, and his loyalty to his family is limitless. Though protected by his unusual currentgift, once Akos and his brother are captured by enemy Shotet soldiers, Akos is desperate to get his brother out alive — no matter what the cost. When Akos is thrust into Cyra’s world, the enmity between their countries and families seems insurmountable. They must decide to help each other to survive — or to destroy one another.
Hardcover, 528 pages
Expected publication:
January 17th 2017
by Katherine Tegen Books
Pre-Order here and here I must admit, I'm pretty excited about this book :D For so long Divergent was the best book I had read. It isn't my top favorite any longer, but I still love it so so much. I loved book two as well, though not the third one, sadly. But even so. I own such a huge collection of these books :D And I love Veronica Roth. And I actually got to meet her three years ago, the only time I went to America, on a holiday. At the same time as Ascendio :) I was only there for the authors, though, lol. Which was pretty awesome. But aaaanyway. I think this new book sounds SO AWESOME. And it looks so pretty. And I am going to love it. I know it. Also love the cover reveal post for it here :D I just hope this book will end up being amazing.
What are you waiting for on this golden Wednesday?
Saturday, May 7, 2016
In My Mailbox #236
Sigh. Last week I got to read Nevernight. And this week I got to read Foxheart. EEE! Feeling so happy about that. <3 It means the most to me. Sigh. This week I also turned 23 :D On May 3rd. I had a good day. <3 Cake. Good food. And then I saw Captain America: Civil War too. It was good. I love Tony the most. But.. well. I was waiting for a main character to die. And then he didn't die. And I am SO DISAPPOINTED. Ugh. Anyway :D I got some pretty birthday gifts from my family. <3 Though I have such a small one, so nothing too much. But awesome giftcard from mom. Anyway. I'm still a lot of sad about everyone going to BEA; to have lots of fun and meet all the authors and get all the books, that I will not get at all, sobs. Makes me a bit sad. Sigh. Wishing I could go too :) I want those books the most, lol. But yeah. I shall try to just be happy for you all :) I managed to read two books this week as well. One three star. Sigh. But next one was a five star, so that makes me happy :D YAY! And also lots of posts this week. I took part in the Invision Blog Tour. <3 I shared my review of Summer Days and Summer Nights :) This week I'm waiting on Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil :D I took part in the Shuffle, Repeat Blog Tour :D Where I shared my full review. And gosh. Then I got to read Foxheart. <3 My precious. My Book Collection this week are books by J. A. White :D I had a good week. Though I'm still sick, so I feel pretty awful. Ugh. I hope to read lots next week, as I have so many books I wish to read :D Also, gosh. I am so behind on commenting. So sorry. A whole week behind. I shall try my best to comment this weekend.
Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15.
Harry Potter. This poster coloring book thingy is gorgeous. I'm unsure if I shall try coloring in it, though.
The Raven King. Yess. Hardcovers finally arrived :D And they are so gorgeous. Now waiting for signed.
The Hidden Oracle. Eee, new book by Rick :D I need to re-read all of Percy Jackson first, though. Soon.
iZombie + Pan. I love iZombie so much. Had to own season one, lol. And so excited to see Pan soonish :D
Wonder Woman. Eee! Thank you so much Allison at Random House :D This one seems pretty awesome.
Zootopia. More of my precious collection is arriving :D Still more to buy, though. <3 These are stunning.
Plushes. Those two cuties I got from my sister. A bit expensive, ack, but I wanted them. They are cute.
Mindee Arnett Bookmarks. Eee! Thank you so much Mindee :D These are so precious and gorgeous.
Pop Figures. Lots more figures :D They are gorgeous. Now just missing the special edition Harry Potter ones. Own all the other ones :D Stunning. Still need Flash and Spot; getting them soonish :) Love them.
Foxheart. EEE! I read this one right away. And I loved it the most. Was so excited about it :D Love it.
Three Dark Crowns. Still want print ARC. Sniffs. But SO SO excited to read this book :D Cannot wait.
Going Wild. A bit unsure about this one, but I do think it seems pretty amazing. I cannot wait to read it.
Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15.
Harry Potter. This poster coloring book thingy is gorgeous. I'm unsure if I shall try coloring in it, though.
The Raven King. Yess. Hardcovers finally arrived :D And they are so gorgeous. Now waiting for signed.
The Hidden Oracle. Eee, new book by Rick :D I need to re-read all of Percy Jackson first, though. Soon.
iZombie + Pan. I love iZombie so much. Had to own season one, lol. And so excited to see Pan soonish :D
Wonder Woman. Eee! Thank you so much Allison at Random House :D This one seems pretty awesome.
Zootopia. More of my precious collection is arriving :D Still more to buy, though. <3 These are stunning.
Plushes. Those two cuties I got from my sister. A bit expensive, ack, but I wanted them. They are cute.
Mindee Arnett Bookmarks. Eee! Thank you so much Mindee :D These are so precious and gorgeous.
Pop Figures. Lots more figures :D They are gorgeous. Now just missing the special edition Harry Potter ones. Own all the other ones :D Stunning. Still need Flash and Spot; getting them soonish :) Love them.
Foxheart. EEE! I read this one right away. And I loved it the most. Was so excited about it :D Love it.
Three Dark Crowns. Still want print ARC. Sniffs. But SO SO excited to read this book :D Cannot wait.
Going Wild. A bit unsure about this one, but I do think it seems pretty amazing. I cannot wait to read it.
More Instagram photos here. <3
Friday, May 6, 2016
Book Collection #10
Tenth week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine, and if you own and love these books too. Let me know :)
Books by J. A. White.
This collection of mine is small but precious. I simply love these three books so much. And I cannot wait for the next one, eee. This is an amazing series and I couldn't have loved it more than I do. And gosh, I love my collection the most. Just missing an ARC of book two, which I want so very much. Lots of love.
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