Another week gone by. And oh gosh, this week have been busy for me. Busy and good. I decided to get Christmas ready, eee :D Got everything up, even my tree. <3 I am so excited. Everything looks gorgeous. Sigh. And we got snow this week too, so it's white outside. I love it. Christmas is the best time of year, so I like having everything up for a longer time, ha :) But gosh, I'm so exhausted. I got a type of sprain in my neck, I think, as it has been hurting for days and days now. Been so painful. Slowly getting better, though. So, yeah. Exhausted. But good. I finished my re-read of The Scorpio Races. <3 And I am already reading a new book, eee. Okay. Re-reading Gilded. But it is huge, so it definitely counts as reading. I just had to, after I peeked at Cursed, haha. Needed to know all the details again, ha. I am excited. Fingers crossed I will actually get to read more each day, though, so it takes me less time to read. I got very much mail this week, though. Sobs. I need to stop buying things. No money, no room. But it is so hard. Sigh. I shared my newest review of The Scorpio Races. <3 This week I'm waiting on Fall of the School for Good and Evil :D Hope you're all doing well. <3 At what time do you decorate for Christmas? Have you started, like me? :)

The Amber Spyglass: Illustrated edition. Own the first two, now all three. It's huge. Gosh. But so pretty.
Empire of the Vampire. I haven't read this yet. Ahh! But bought the special edition even so, ha. Had to :)
Demon in the Wood. Personalized copy, eee :D Thank you Vroman's Bookstore and Leigh. <3 Love it so.
Cursed. EEE! I am SO excited for this second and final book :D Gosh. I peeked at ending. Too excited.
Seasparrow. Eee! Some editions have made it. <3 SO excited for this. UK hback, intl pback. Love them.
The Invisible Spy. Still so behind on books by Lisa. Aaack. And yet I'm still buying them all, ha :D Cute.
The Amber Spyglass. Of course I had to get the tv-show tie-in for this third one too, ha :) Looks gorgeous.
The Luminaries. I'm hoping to feel like reading this one very soon :D Been excited for this for a long time.
Mario Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. EEE! Prize pack from Ubisoft Nordic :D Thank you so much. That plush!
Taylor Swift: Midnights. Got my final two album versions, the clean one just to own, and special one. <3
Funko Europe. Another order placed. Oops. Got the Luffy with Going Merry because I saw so many want it, and I was lucky and fast enough to buy it, ha :D It's cute. I have never seen the show. Will look it up :) And more new Stranger Things and Harry Potter. <3 Love them all. Tried more minis. All doubles. Rude.
More Instagram photos here. <3