Monday, June 30, 2014

Mini Review: Little Knife by Leigh Bardugo

As you probably know, I adore Leigh. And her books. And her short stories. So I was very excited about Little Knife. And today I finally got the chance to read it. <3 And I'm so happy I did. Because it was a beautiful short story. Gorgeous writing, as always with Leigh's books. And such a stunning story as well.

I will not say much about this story. About what happens. As it is very short. Yet long enough. Just wanted to say that I adored it. Though of course, I do wish it had been longer, though it did not need to be. I found Little Knife to be beautiful and real. It's a great story. And I cannot wait to read more stories by Leigh.

Little Knife is about a girl. The most beautiful girl. And I loved that. She seemed awesome. Yet lonely, as she must be alone most of the time. Wish we had gotten to know her better. As she reminded me of Fire, whom I adore. Anyway. The story in this short story is mostly about the girl's father looking for a husband for her. Which was a bit disturbing but also a little fun to read about. I enjoyed it. And I enjoyed reading about the river. So beautiful. And I liked the ending too. But yes. I would have loved even more. Yet this story was also enough. It was great to read. And despite it being very short, I managed to connect with the story and with the characters. Though there aren't that many. But they were interesting to read about :)

I think you should all read Little Knife. Because it is a stunning story. So short. Yet so good. And it takes place in the same world as the Grisha trilogy. Though many, many years before. I liked that. Sigh. Mostly I just love everything written by Leigh. <3 And if you have yet to read her books then you really should start. Because they are amazing. And I loved Ruin and Rising so much. Now I'm just counting down the days until The Dregs. I cannot wait. I know it will be perfect. Thank you Leigh for beautiful stories. <3

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Review: Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake

I don't know how to deal with my feelings for Mortal Gods. I'm so glad that I got to read it early. Waiting until October would have been painful, lol. But oh. The wait for book three will now be longer and full of pain. Because there is a cliffhanger ending in this book. Yet not too awful. Pfff. Who am I kidding. Awful ending. And I loved every moment of it. It was awesome.

I feel like I should give you a warning that my review will contain spoilers for book one. Which should kind of be obvious, but just in case, I'm letting you know. Because there is something I need to talk about, that happened in Antigoddess. And oh. I need to talk about it. Sniffs. Anyway. Mortal Gods was an amazing book. It gave me all the feelings. So many feelings.

In Antigoddess my favorite character was Cassandra. But not in Mortal Gods. In this book, my favorite character was Athena. And I loved that most of the book is from her point of view. I think she is amazing. Strong. Brave. Loving. Yet alone. It just didn't seem fair to me. My heart broke for her so much. I just wanted her to be happy. I wanted people to love her. To understand her. But I don't think they do. Maybe Hermes. But only him. Cassandra was so mean to her. I didn't like the person she became. But I got it. For the most part. Yet I couldn't fully love Cassandra in this book. Ack. She just.. she changed so much.

So yes. Cassandra. I can't. I wanted to love her so bad. But I had huge issues with her in this book, like I said. I hated how she acted towards Athena. It wasn't fair. Not at all. Sigh. But I loved her friendship with Ody in the beginning of the book. It was sweet. If only she hadn't been so mean with Athena. Grrr. But I also understand her. And I do like Cassandra. My heart is breaking for her. Because it has been three months since Aidan died. And she is still not okay. Neither am I. I cannot forget or forgive it.

I had hoped it had been a mistake. But no. I had hoped he could be brought back. But no. But then. There wasn't much time for that kind of thing in this book. And I will continue to hope for the next book. <3 Because I think Cassandra can change again. I think she can become better, if Aidan gets back from the dead. Because, you know, he is a god. And oh. I just wish. I wish there was something Kendare could do about it. Because it still breaks my heart. I wanted Aidan there so much. I wanted more of him.

There is so much in Mortal Gods. So much happening. So many new characters. Like Ares. Oh. I cannot decide how I feel about him. He was creepy. He killed so many. But I also liked him a little. A great villain to read about. He isn't quite.. right. In a way. Him and Aphrodite. She I did dislike. Because she murdered Aidan. Sobs. But yeah. We get to know more about her in this book. How she is dying, as all the gods are. And I did like reading about her. But yes. I would not mind it if she was dead, hih.

My second favorite character in these books are Hermes. Oh, how I adore him! He is amazing to read about. His comment to Ody in the forest. Sigh. I adore Hermes. But holy crap. My heart is breaking over the way he is dying. It is not fair. It is so painful. And awful. And I loved reading every second of it. Sigh. I just need more of Hermes. I also like Henry and Andie. They are still pretty adorable. Though I do wish they would choose to get their memories back. That would be pretty sweet to watch, hih.

I ship Athena and Ody so much in this book. I love his full name, but I cannot spell it or even say it in my head, lol. But I love it. Anyway. I think they would fit together so well. Sniffs. And be so adorable together. But I'm starting to think that will not happen. Grrr. There are so many issues for them. Like this new girl. Damn it. Calypso. I do not like her. At all. And it hurt my heart that she was there. Because they all loved her. Except for Athena. And they were more caring towards Cally. I didn't approve. Sniffs.

I don't know how I felt about Ody in this book. Hmph. I still adore him, but I hated how be acted around Calypso. Though. I do get that it isn't her fault. But I wanted her gone. Gone gone gone. And I wanted him to make a choice. He didn't. And that pissed me off a little. I don't want him to break Athena's heart. But I suppose it will happen. And I do not approve. Sniffs. Anyway. Another new character. Achilles. I cannot decide about him. I liked him. I disliked him. But he was amazing to read about.

I found Mortal Gods to be a stunning book. Full of action, suspense, romance and heartbreak. It was an amazing sequel to a perfect first book. I cannot wait to finish this series. The next book will be epic. I just know it. And I cannot wait to get to read it. <3 This book was just all kinds of amazing. And I'm so glad I got to read it early. I will not say much more about it. Just that so much happens. And it is amazing. And horrible. And creepy. And a little sweet. And so my heartbreak. I loved it to pieces.

HUGE thank you to Tor Teen for sending me this gorgeous print ARC of Mortal Gods. <3 I'm so glad that I got to read it early. Despite how much it hurt my heart. Sniffs. Waiting for book three is going to be torture. But anyway. I will always treasure my copy of this book. And I cannot wait to get the finished version in October as well. So excited. And excited to read this series again someday too. When my heart can handle it, lol. You all need to read Mortal Gods. It is an amazing sequel to an awesome book.

In My Mailbox #139

This week went by so fast. Not sure how that happened. I am still behind on comments! And I'm so sorry. ACK. But tomorrow. Tomorrow I will spend all day catching up. Most likely. Sigh. I'm just feeling very lazy and not wanting to do anything at all these days. But I will try my best. Anyway. I didn't get as many books this week as I'm waiting for. But still got some awesome things. <3 Next week more will arrive. I think. We'll see. Mail is slow these days too. Which is a little depressing. Anyway. My giveaway ended. And I chose a winner, but she has not responded. So choosing a new one in two hours if she doesn't email me back. I read Trial by Fire! And holy. It was amazing. So much love. Sniffs. I need book two. Then I read The Moment Collector. Which totally sucked. Sigh. And then I read All Four Stars, which was adorable. Then I posted another Cress Tuesday, where we see more of Winter. <3 And I'm waiting on Black Dove, White Raven :) Then I had a few days where I posted nothing; did nothing. But then I re-read the amazing Antigoddess. <3 So much love. I'm currently reading Mortal Gods :D Which I will finish in a short moment. So excited about it. Review will be up later today. What did you get this week?

The Lost Hero. Finally bought this in hardcover, lol. Now I own the whole series in h. So much love.
Ruin and Rising. Gorgeous UK editions of this perfect book. <3 Oh, how I loved this book. Sigh. <3
The Incomplete Book of Dragons. I just had to buy this one. It looks so gorgeous. Sigh. Very pretty.
Turbo. Hugo. World War Z. Veronica Mars. Possession. I just had to buy a few movies, hih :D Excited.
Hexed. Gorgeous paperback edition. Excited about this book. It looks and sounds pretty amazing.
Hexed swag. Got this from Michelle since I pre-ordered the book :D Thank you so so so much. <3
How To Train Your Dragon 2. Oh, how I am waiting for this movie. This soundtrack is gorgeous.
Wreck-It Ralph. I adore this movie. And I had yet to get this edition of the soundtrack :D So pretty.

The Fall. Got this gorgeous book via Edelweiss :D SO happy that I'm autoapproved by this publisher. Sigh. It makes me able to get and read so many amazing books earlier. <3 And The Fall. I think this book sounds amazing. And I'm crossing my fingers that I will love it. Hopefully reading it very soon :) When I find the time. Ack. But it will be soonish. Most likely.

A bunch of new pictures up on my instagram this week too. <3

Friday, June 27, 2014

Book Recommendation: Antigoddess by Kendare Blake

I'm so glad I decided to re-read Antigoddess before I start the sequel; Mortal Gods. Because it turns out I had forgotten so much. Which I do not understand, as I love this book so much. It's amazing. Different. Good. Heartbreaking. Yet perfect. Yeah. I really love Antigoddess. And this second time reading it was just as good as the first time I read it. If not better. Sigh. Kendare Blake is such an amazing author. I adore her books. And her. She's an awesome person as well. Can't wait to read even more from her. <3

I don't think I'm ready to talk much about this book. I just want to talk forever about what happens near the ending. Because it broke my heart beyond healing. Sniffs. But I will not. Because it is an amazing twist. And I don't think any of you would see it coming. But yes. It is evil. And it is heartbreaking. And I will forever wish it did not happen. But it did. And I'm working on forgiving Kendare for it, lol. But even so. I did love the book. So much. Because it is all kinds of amazing. And the writing is stunning. Sigh.

There are three different covers of this book. The UK paperback. The US hardcover. And the new US paperback coming out soon. I have chosen to use the new one for this post, as it fits with Mortal Gods that I'm reading next. <3 Though I did read my hardcover of the book. But I adore all three covers. They are gorgeous. And so happy to own them all. Okay, not yet the new paperback, as it isn't out yet. But I have ordered it, and I cannot wait to get it. The art for this book is gorgeous. So pretty. So creepy.

Antigoddess is told from many different point of views. But mostly there is Athena and Cassandra. Both whom I really loved. Athena is tough. But she is also soft at heart. I think. She does some awful stuff. But I don't really fault her for it. And I liked getting to know her. She's awesome. And I loved her relationship with her brother, Hermes. He was amazing to read about too. He's fun. And dying such an awful way. Sniffs. Also, Ody. I'm excited about him and Athena. They would be beautiful together. Sigh.

And Cassandra. I adore her. I loved reading about her life. Her brother. Her best friend. And her boyfriend. Sniffs. Aidan was awesome to read about too. Though there is little focus on their romance. Grrr. There is so much I want to know about it, hih. But I loved what there was. Their love was real. And honest. Sigh. Anyway. Cassandra is an awesome main character. Strong. Brave. Broken. A little bit, at least. And oh. I cannot wait to read even more about her. And all her friends. Sigh. I'm so excited.

I will not talk much more about this book. Just saying that I loved it. So much. Antigoddess is amazing. I loved reading about all the different characters. I loved how dark the book is at times. How sweet it is too. I loved reading about the Gods. It was interesting. I still don't know enough about them all, lol, but I know a little via Percy Jackson, which doesn't really count, I know, lol. But it made me love these Gods even more. Ack. Yeah. Antigoddess is full of creepy things. I loved every moment. This book is perfect.

As I said, I'm so glad I decided to re-read Antigoddess. It made me remember how much I loved it. How much I loved Cassandra and Aidan. Even Athena. Just all of them. But oh. Mortal Gods. I have such fears to begin reading it. I know what I want more than anything. And I know it will probably never happen. Sobs. But I also know that I will love the book; because I love the story. Sigh. I'm just a little nervous, lol. But I'm starting it right away. My ARC copy looks so gorgeous. Sigh. I'm so thankful. And happy.

I need more people to read Antigoddess. To read all the books by Kendare. Because they are all stunning. They are all written so well. The characters are all amazing to read about. And the stories in these books. Heartbreaking. Yet beautiful and perfect at the same time. Yes. You all need to read books by Kendare Blake. You will not regret it. And I need someone to fangirl with, lol. But first. If you have yet to read Antigoddess, then go do so! You must. Because oh, how it is a good book. Despite the heartbreak :)


Color rose into her cheeks, visible even beneath the smear of white makeup.
She swallowed. Being touched by him was different now, even if she didn't want to admit it.
The heat in his hands, and the strength, made her heart pound. He kissed her and she forgot
where she was wrapped her arms around him. He lifted her like she weighed nothing.
When her feet hit the floor it took an extra second for her brain to catch up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #141

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A new historical thriller masterpiece from New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Elizabeth Wein

Emilia and Teo's lives changed in a fiery, terrifying instant when a bird strike brought down the plane their stunt pilot mothers were flying. Teo's mother died immediately, but Em's survived, determined to raise Teo according to his late mother's wishes-in a place where he won't be discriminated against because of the color of his skin. But in 1930s America, a white woman raising a black adoptive son alongside a white daughter is too often seen as a threat.

Seeking a home where her children won't be held back by ethnicity or gender, Rhoda brings Em and Teo to Ethiopia, and all three fall in love with the beautiful, peaceful country. But that peace is shattered by the threat of war with Italy, and teenage Em and Teo are drawn into the conflict. Will their devotion to their country, its culture and people, and each other be their downfall or their salvation?

In the tradition of her award-winning and bestselling Code Name Verity, Elizabeth Wein brings us another thrilling and deeply affecting novel that explores the bonds of friendship, the resilience of young pilots, and the strength of the human spirit.

Hardcover, 304 pages
Expected publication: February 3rd 2015 by Disney-Hyperion 
Pre-Order here.

I have loved the two books that I have read so far by Elizabeth. I loved Rose Under Fire the most. <3 I just love so much that she wrote about the Nazi war. And I cannot wait to read more about it. I cannot wait to read more from Elizabeth, as her writing is amazing. And I think this book sounds amazing. I just know that I will love it. <3 Just wishing I didn't have to wait until February, hih. So excited.
What are you waiting for on this historical wednesday?  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cress Tuesday #35

I love sharing these Cress Tuesday teasers with you all each week. Because it makes me remember my love for this book. And my love is huge. Sigh. Cress is just such a perfect book. Now I'm just waiting for Winter to come out. And it kills me a little that it isn't out until November 2015. The wait will be long. But also worth it. Going to continue with these teasers for ages, most likely, lol. As I love doing them. Hope you do too. It makes me even more excited to be re-reading the three books in the near future. Hopefully I'll have the time for that soon, as I need to re-read more about Cinder and Kai, hih. <3 Anyway. If you haven't yet had the chance to read Cress, I'm hoping these teasers will convince you to do that :) If you have read it, I hope these teasers reminds you about how amazing this book was. Sigh.
See previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Hope you are enjoying these (mostly) non-spoilery teasers :)


"Because the palace walls have been bleeding for years, and no one else sees it."
She shrugged, as if this were a perfectly normal thing to say. "No one believes me,
but in some corridors, the blood has gotten so thick there's nowhere safe to step.
When I have to pass through those places, I leave a trail of bloody footprints for the
rest of the day, and then I worry that the queen's soldiers will follow the scent and
eat me up while I'm sleeping. Some nights I don't sleep very well." Her voice
 dropped to a haunted whisper, her eyes taking on a brittle luminescence. 
"But if the blood was real, the servants would clean it up. Don't you think?"


Shudders. I need to get to know Winter more. Ack. I cannot wait for the next book. <3

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)
The teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3

Monday, June 23, 2014

Preview Review: All Four Stars by Tara Dairman

This will not be my full review. Only a few small notes to let you know that I enjoyed this book and that my review will be posted on July 7th, as a part of the official blog tour hosted by Wendy. <3 I'm so excited to be a part of this tour, hih. And I'm so glad that I got a chance to read this book. Because it was adorable.

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed All Four Stars a whole lot. It is a cute and funny story about eleven year old Gladys. She was adorable to read about. And the whole book was pretty much amazing. Also, it made me very hungry. You should come back in July to read my full review and enter the blog tour giveaway. <3

Review: The Moment Collector by Jodi Lynn Anderson

I regret reading this book. I regret it more than any other book I have read. I should say I'm sorry for that, but no. I'm not. Because seriously. Fuck this book. I hated it. And it's pissing me off. It was not for me. I had hoped it would be, because that cover is gorgeous, but it was not. Not in a million years. So yeah. Be aware that my review will not be positive. At all.

There are two versions of this book. And I have both. Okay, I have this version, the UK edition, in a print paperback. And the US edition, The Vanishing Season, as an eGalley. I do like both covers. Think they are stunning. But the book inside? Hah. It is killing me how awful I found it to be. Which I will try to explain.

I will not talk a lot about this book. Because I don't want to. I just want to say my opinion and be done with it. Be done with this book. But that will probably not happen, as it pissed me off so much. It will probably take me forever to forget it, which is just all kinds of unfair. Sigh. I want to never think of it again. Despite how gorgeous it looks. First, I wanted a murder mystery. And a great romance, like it said. I got neither. What I did got was just.. crap. I'm sorry. But it was. I did not like the writing. It wasn't awful, but I could not connect to a single thing or person. It was just written wrong. Sigh. At least for me. It do make me sad that I couldn't enjoy this book. But. Oh, well.

I didn't like that this book was told from a few different point of views. There was mostly Maggie. But there was also this ghost thingy. And it made no sense. It just didn't. I didn't care at all. Sigh. There were so many things that annoyed me. Like the time frame. It jumped back and forth and I did not understand it. And the dog at the end. Where the hell did it go? Did someone murder it? Take it? It was never answered. That pissed me off too. Sigh. Though, to be honest, I really didn't care that much.

Maggie. She was actually the only thing I liked in this book. But even so, I hated her too. She didn't stand up for herself. She didn't tell her "friends" that they hurt her. That they were being the biggest dicks in the world. And I hate her for that. I would never allow anyone to treat me that way. But Maggie did. Ugh. I'm not pleased. She didn't get her happy ending either. Which just sucked so much and made me even more pissed at this book. Even as I'm writing this I'm getting more and more angry at it all.

Oh, spoilers. Then there is Liam. And Pauline. I actually liked Liam at first. And I liked Pauline a little too. Though she didn't seem real. And sure, I do suppose they were meant to be together. But she was too stupid to do anything about it. So Liam and Maggie started kissing. And they loved each other. They said so! And for fuck's sake. That was the only part of the book I liked. Then Pauline kisses Liam. Maggie sees it. Yet no one tells her. No one speaks with her. She does nothing. Screw them all.

There was supposed to be a murder mystery in this book. But no. The killer is never caught. He just stops after killing many girls. It isn't exciting. It isn't interesting. I didn't get the plot in this book. Because there isn't any. There isn't anything interesting happening. The book was boring. All the time. I guess it was only about Maggie getting screwed over by her friends. Whom she seems to end up forgiving. What the fuck? I'm sorry, but this book pissed me off to no end. I will never forgive it.

I would not recommend this book to anyone. Sure, some might love it. But I'm hoping others will hate it like I did. Because it wasn't good. Not for me.. Sigh. But anyway. Huge thank you to Victoria at Hachette Childrens UK via BooksWithBiteUK. <3 And thank you to HarperTeen on Edelweiss for the auto-approval that made me download this book back in January. <3 I'm sorry that it sucked so much for me. But that's how it is sometimes. Ack. Yeah. The Moment Collector was not a book for me. Hoping I will forget it.

Goodreads - Pre-Order: UK - US

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Review: Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini

Loving a book gives you the best feeling in the world. Trial by Fire gave me that. Because oh, I loved this book so much. It was amazing. I was hoping I would like it, but I didn't imagine that I could love it this much. But I did. And I do. I love this book so extremely much. Sure, it broke my heart a few times. But most of the time it made my heart pound in a good way.

I'm not sure I can describe this book and make sense at the same time. So I won't try that hard, hih. But I will talk a little bit about it. First. The writing in this book is beautiful. Very much so. And oh, that made me happy. I crave amazing writing, lol. And the writing in this book made me feel all the things. It made me connect to the characters so much. Which was good.

There was just so much to love in this book. The point of views. Mostly it is just from the point of view of Lily. But we also see a little bit of a few different characters as well. Which I loved, as I felt like we needed those peeks into their heads. But. In those times I was also itching to get back into the mind of Lily, and read about her and Rowan, lol. I did love them all, though. Sigh. First I will talk a little of the plot. There is the world where Lily is from; our world. And oh. We learn so much about her. She is so sick and hurting and it broke my heart. It was so real. So heartbreaking. So damn perfect. We learn about her mom and her sister. And her best friend, Tristan. Grrr. He does something awful. Oh, I did not like him one bit. Sigh. But he was a great friend at first. He just sucked at any kind of romance. Hated that.

But we do not get to see much of Lily's life in this world. Because something awful happens and she wish herself away. Which I will not explain more of. But then Lily suddenly is in another Salem than her own. A much creepier version. With another version of herself; Lillian. She looks just like her. But she isn't the same. And oh, how it was creepy and awesome to read about. There is another of her sister, Juliet, too. And a different version of Tristan. Grrr. I didn't like this version any better, lol. Still. He's a great friend.

I can't say much more about the plot. I don't want to. Because I suck at explaining it, hih. Just know that it is amazing. I loved reading about this new world. About the awful things in it. Those who eat people. Shudders. But so awesome to read about. There are so many people too. I loved reading about all of it. Sigh. There are also witches in this book. And magic. Which takes a big part in the book. I loved it. It was different and interesting to read about. I enjoyed every moment. Cannot wait to know even more.

There is a boy in this book. Rowan. And oh. I can't begin to describe how much I loved him. Ack. He is perfect. And broken. Oh, so broken. It shattered my heart a million times. I just want him to be forever loved. By Lily. Yes. I want that. Lillian broke him. And I will never forgive her. Because Rowan. Sigh. He is amazing. So so amazing to read about. I need more of him, hih. Not enough romance, but still so perfect. Lily and Rowan are adorable. I feared a love triangle, but there wasn't any. Thankfully :D

Ack. Lillian. We don't see all that much of her. But I learned enough. And I can't decide if I hate her or not. I hate all the evil things she has done. All the people she has killed. But. I also kind of understand why, even though we haven't fully learned her reasons yet. And I need to know. I really do. Lillian and Rowan were a thing a year ago. And I didn't hate it. Which shocks me, lol. But now I need him with Lily. And there better not pop up a triangle thing in the next books, hih. But I have hope there won't be.

There is just so much to talk about when it comes to this book. I can't mention it all. But I want it. Trial of Fire is beautiful. It is exciting. It is heartbreaking. Mostly, it is perfect. I loved every moment of it. Sigh. What I loved the most? When Lily and Rowan shared memories. It killed me! It was just so perfect. Ack. I need more moments like that in the next book. Sigh. I'm so excited. I just need more and more, lol. Also, I did adore most of the characters. And I can't wait to see even more of them all. So excited.

The ending. I cannot get over the ending. It's a cliffhanger. And it's all kinds of evil. Yet so damn amazing. I need to know what happens next! How I will be able to wait longer than a year for the sequel I do not know. Because I want it right away, hih. I need more of Lily and Rowan. <3 Sigh. Just more of everything. And omg. The title for book two. Trail of Tears. It kills me. I have so many fears and hopes for the next book. And I cannot wait to read it. Sigh. Oh, how I enjoyed this book. It was amazing.

The biggest of thank you's to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for the print ARC copy of Trial by Fire. <3 I will treasure it always. Because holy. This book was amazing and ack. I cannot wait to own the hardcover as well. And be forever jealous of those that got the special packaging for it. Now I want it more than anything, lol. But anyway. Trial by Fire was such an amazing book. And you all need to read it when it comes out in September. Even the evil cliffhanger is worth it. All the heartbreak too. Just, so good.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

In My Mailbox #138

I got so many amazing things this week. Dying a little. <3 SO MANY GOOD BOOKS. So many perfect books. And I cannot wait to read them all :D Hopefully many will be read this coming week. <3 Starting with Trial By Fire :) Anyway. This week I also posted a whole bunch of blog posts. And read a few books. Starting from the beginning. I read Crash, Bang & Gasp. Enjoyed this trilogy. Shared the cover for The Orphan Queen. So excited! Posted another awesome Cress Tuesday teaser. <3 And I'm waiting on Made For You :D I shared news about FAIREST by Marissa Meyer. So excited for this :D And then.. and then I read Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo. <3 And oh. It was beyond perfect. Dies. I shared the cover for Island of Shipwrecks. <3 So gorgeous. And I shared the cover for Polaris :D So excited. Phew. A lot of blog posts this week. And I'm very happy about them all, hih. And so thankful! Thank you all so so much for commenting all the time. <3 You guys are the BEST. And I promise to comment back next week. I comment on a lot of blogs each day, but I still need to comment on a few that comment here with me. <3 And I will. Next week. Promise. Anyway. I'm so happy and thankful for all the books that I got this week. Sniffs. Thank you. And thank me for pre-orders, lol. SO EXCITED! What did you all get this week?

Don't forget about the INTERNATIONAL giveaway up on my blog! You can win a pre-order paperback of The Year of Shadows & All Our Yesterdays. <3 Both books are awesome. Enter the giveaway HERE.

His Dark Materials. I need to read these again. Finally have them in hardcover :D They're amazing.
The Murder Complex. I'm still not sure if I want to read this book or not. Sigh. But hopefully I'll like it.
Push. Yeah, yeah. I have yet to read book one. But I will. As I have seen people loving it, hih. Soonish.
Paranoia. Also got this because people loved book one. Hm. I have book one signed, hih :D Looks good.
Born of Deception. I did love book one. So much. And I need to re-read it so that I can read this one. <3
(Don't You) Forget About Me. I loved this book so much! And this hardcover edition is so so gorgeous.
Mortal Gods. OMG! Thank you SO MUCH Tor Teen :D I will read it next week. <3 I cannot wait for it.
Books from Macmilllan. These four books sounds AMAZING and I really, really hope I will love them. <3 And I think I will. Ack. So excited to read them all, hih. First I will read Trial By Fire. I'm so excited.

Ruin and Rising. Oh, finally. <3 LOVE this book so much. You should check out my review, hiih.
Siege and Storm. You gorgeous paperback edition. Love it so so much! Sigh. Perfect book too.
Siege and Storm. New UK paperback edition. Aw, it is so pretty. And gold in the title as well :D
City of Heavenly Fire. Signed hardcover from B&N. <3 See picture of signature below. I love it.
Girl of Nightmares. This book is amazing. And I adore Kendare. And this US paperback is so pretty.
Divergent Score. Oh, you know, just have to own all the cds, lol. I don't really listen to any of them :p
My Blue Nose Friends. Four cute plushes. <3 And a gift along with them. Still need to buy more, hih.

Signed. Thank you Cassie. <3 It cost me a little, but I don't mind :D I adore Cassie. And I love the book.

The Best Things in Death. A gift from Lenore. <3 Thank you :D Cannot wait to read it. Very soon :D
Midnight Thief. Thank you NetGalley :D Reading it next week. Excited, hih. Hoping I will love it. <3
Made For You. Ack. Huge thank you to Melissa and her assistant Laura for this copy. <3 Reading soon :D

There are A LOT of new pictures up on my Instagram this week. Hih. Because I really want to win this Ruin and Rising contest thing. <3 So excited! And a few pictures of the cat. Like this one, her in a tree. And omg. This spoilery picture of my favorite quote from Ruin and Rising :D Ahhh. So much love. <3

Cover Reveal: Polaris by Mindee Arnett

I love the covers in this series. They are gorgeous. And unique. And I think they look awesome. And I'm so excited to be sharing the cover for Polaris with you all :D If you haven't already seen it, that is ;p But oh. I think it looks so pretty. Sigh. I cannot wait to own this book on December 30th :D Anyway. I adore Mindee. She's an amazing person and author. She's just so kind and sweet as well. While I did not fully love Avalon, book one, I did like it. And I know that I will be reading Polaris. And I cannot wait for it. <3 Also, awesome interview with Mindee in this post. What do you think of the cover? Isn't it gorgeous? :D

Following the events of Avalon, Jeth Seagrave and his crew are on the run. Jeth is desperate to find the resources and funding he needs to rescue his mother from an ITA’s research lab and leave this whole galaxy behind for a new life somewhere else. But the ITA is just as desperate, and soon Jeth finds himself pursued by a mysterious figure hell-bent on capturing Jeth and his crew—dead or alive. In a last-ditch effort to save everyone he holds dear, Jeth enters into a bargain with the last person he ever thought he'd see again: Dax Shepherd, the galaxy’s newest and most fearsome crime lord. And he’s not the only one: upon arriving back at Peltraz spaceport for the first time since he witnessed the death of his old employer, Jeth discovers Dax has a new partner: Jeth’s mother, Marian.

This shocking turn of events is only the first in another breathless, action-packed sci-fi adventure rife with danger, love, and betrayal, as Jeth has to once again ask himself how much he’s willing to invest in a morally bankrupt galaxy in the hopes of saving those he cares for.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cover Reveal: Island of Shipwrecks by Lisa McMann

Oh, how excited this middle grade series make me! I LOVED the first three books. And this is the cover for book FIVE! Ack. Book four, Island of Legends, is coming out this September, and then this fifth book, Island of Shipwrecks, comes out in February! Only a few months after :D I could not be happier. Sigh. I just cannot wait. Because this series is adorable and heartbreaking and evil and just all kinds of amazing. I cannot wait to read all the books. So excited! I do seem to remember that there will be seven books total. Which is so amazing. Sigh. I cannot wait. And I adore Lisa. <3 She's amazing. ANYWAY. This cover! It is perfect. And so damn gorgeous. Just like all the other covers for this series. Which you can see below as well. Ohh! And I have made this image of all the covers below, and if you do use it somewhere, it would be nice if you could link back to me, as I had to go hunting for the big size of the images, lol. Click on it for bigger. It's gorgeous. Sigh. How excited I am for these books to come out. You all need to read them! Have you read any of books? What do you think of this cover? <3

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Review: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

For so long I have waited for Ruin and Rising. And now it is finally mine. And it was so worth the wait. This book was perfect. It wrapped up the trilogy perfectly. It fit very well with the first two books. It gave me closure. Pfff. I will never have closure, lol. It gave me heartbreak. It gave me tears. It gave me joy beyond joy. Oh, how I loved it. It was just so perfect.

I just cannot describe how much I loved Ruin and Rising. Because there are no words. Just feelings. And I felt so much for this book. Thank you, Leigh, for writing it. It will always have a special place in my heart. Sigh. And I will be re-reading all three books in the near future. Because yeah. Such an amazing trilogy. Such stunning writing as well. I'm in love.

I will not be share spoilers in my review. But then. If you all know me, you know who I ship in this book. Who I love more than words. And you probably know that if it hadn't ended like I wanted it to, I wouldn't have loved Ruin and Rising to pieces. So keep that in mind before you read more. Because I might have a lot to say. And I will speak a lot about that one character I love more than all the rest. Sigh. If you choose to not read more of my review, then I hope you go to pick up Ruin and Rising right away. Because it is a book worth reading. No matter which character you love. Psst, I love a lot of them :)

What I should talk about in my review I do not know. Because I want to talk about it all, yet I don't want to spoil anything. And I don't want to recap any of the books. So I'm not doing that. Instead I will just talk about my feelings. About things that happen. About the amazing characters that I love and adore and hate a little. First, Ruin and Rising is told from the point of view of Alina. Just like the first books. Which I love. As I adore her. There are also a Before and a After chapter, like earlier. So much love! <3

There is so much to love in this book. I can't even begin to name it all. But first, the plot. I love everything about the story in these books. It is amazing to read about the Grisha. I love reading about all their powers. But I also love reading about those who don't have power. You don't always have to be powerful. But yes. I loved reading about the Grisha. I loved reading about Mal. And the truth about his tracking skills. Which was all kinds of awesome to read about and a big plot twist. So sad and beautiful.

There are so many characters in this book. And I loved so many of them. Baghra. Misha. Harshaw. His cat. Sniffs. And I adore Genya and David. And Zoya! I actually really, really loved her in this book. Which made me happy. She's an awesome character. Then here is the Darkling. I admit, I still don't like him. To me, he will always be a villain. And so evil. Because he is. He does some pretty awful things in this book. It hurt my heart. Like the hanging tree. I can't deal with it. It was just so very heartless of him.

My biggest love in this series is Mal. Who is just all kind of awesome. I will forever love him the most. Sniffs. He's so loving and loyal and kind and sweet and perfect. I love reading about him. To me, he is the best part of the series. Though I love all of it. But Mal a little bit more, hih. He is just so amazing. Though he is perfect, he is also flawed. And I love that the most about him. I love how good he is at tracking. I love how much he loves Alina. How he do anything for her. Always. He always love her.

"You are all I've ever wanted," he said. "You are the whole of my heart."

Then there is Alina. And she will always be a favorite heroine of mine. She's amazing. I love how she turns stronger in each of the books. I love that she is the strongest in this book. I love how she chooses to do things. How she stands by it. Sure, I hated that she kept her distance at times. But I also understood her. A little bit. So yes. I adored Alina. She's amazing. Oh. And Nikolai. Hmph. I do like him as a character. He is funny. I just still don't like him as a love interest, lol. But I did love the plot twist!

I should also mention that I adore Leigh. She is such a kind and gentle person. And an amazing author. Sigh. She's awesome. And I cannot wait to read more books by her. It will be awesome and fun and yeah. Wishing The Dregs would be out right away, hih. <3 Because I know that I will love it. I love what Leigh has said about it on Tumblr. It sounds amazing. And I just cannot wait. I know it will be perfect. So now I'm just waiting. Another year, I think? Forever. But I will survive. Because I will re-read these books. <3

There was one scene in this book that made me cry. And I never cry when I read books. Or at any other times, to be honest. But this scene. A little over halfway into the book. It broke my heart into a million pieces. It was not a good cry. It was.. oh. So heartbreaking and I'm still crying just thinking about it. Others might not be bothered by it, but I was. See. There was a meteor shower. And Mal was coming to get Alina. And he was smiling so big. He was so happy. And then. Sobs. I will not say more. But damn it.

But there wasn't only this heartbreaking scene in the book. There was also the most perfect scene near the end of the book. So gorgeous and perfect and real and honest. I cannot deal with how good it was to read about. How happy it made me. How happy this book made me. Sigh. It was perfect. I cannot deal with all the feelings Ruin and Rising made me feel. I just cannot fully believe how perfect this book was. How everything I wanted to happen happened. How it was just all kinds of perfect. Sigh. I'm so happy.

There isn't that much more I want to say about Ruin and Rising. Okay, fine, I could talk forever about my love for Mal and Alina and everyone. But I will not. Because you all need to read this book and then you can come discuss it with me. Sigh. But oh. The ending for this book? It was perfect. Truly perfect. Just like I always wanted it to end. And I love that Leigh followed her heart when she ended the trilogy. I thought it was beautiful, fitting and very real and honest. Thank you, Leigh, for this beautiful trilogy.

Gently, he took my face in his hands. "I would have been different too, without you. 
Weaker, reckless." He smiled slightly. "Afraid of the dark." He brushed the tears from my cheeks. 
I wasn't sure when they'd started. "But no matter who or what I was, I would have been yours."

I kissed him then -- with grief and need and years of longing, with the desperate hope 
that I could keep him here in my arms, with the damning knowledge that I could not. 
I leaned into him, the press of his chest, the breadth of his shoulders. 

"Going to miss this," he said as he kissed my cheeks, my jaw, my eyelids. "The way you taste." 
He set his lips to the hollow beneath my ear. "The way you smell." His hands slid up my back. 
"The way you feel." My breath hitched as his hips settled against mine.

News: Fairest by Marissa Meyer

As you all know by now, I'm a HUGE fan of Marissa. Hih. She is just adorable. So kind and sweet and amazing. And she writes the best books! The Lunar Chronicles will always be a favorite of mine. Cinder, Scarlet & Cress have all been perfect. And I loved her short stories too. Sigh. So THIS! Fairest. Dies. It will be perfect. I just know it. And I cannot wait for January 27th to come, so that I can read it. <3

What is Fairest, you ask. Well. It is a new book from Marissa. Which is a part of The Lunar Chronicles. But happens many years before. Fairest is the story of Queen Levana. And it sounds amazing! And it is killing me. Because I need this book right away. I cannot wait to get to read it. <3 January must arrive fast, hih. And there is a summary! And there is a cover! And everything is so perfect. Truly. This cover is gorgeous. One of my favorites of all the covers. Sigh. I adore it so much. Oh, how I want this book.

Below this gorgeous cover I will post the links to all my The Lunar Chronicles blog posts. Which might be very many. I will not post all my Cress Tuesday links, as there are way too many, lol. But I love doing those. So I will post a link to the page where you can find them all, if you haven't seen them yet. Sigh. I am so excited for Fairest. I just know that it will be perfect. And I'm dying for Winter as well, the fourth and final book in this series. It isn't out until November next year, though. So the wait will be very painful. But I can do it. Most likely :D Now. Are you going to read it? What do you think of the cover? :D

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?

Fans of the Lunar Chronicles know Queen Levana as a ruler who uses her “glamour” to gain power. But long before she crossed paths with Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress, Levana lived a very different story—a story that has never been told … until now.

Marissa Meyer spins yet another unforgettable tale about love and war, deceit and death. This extraordinary book includes full-color art and an excerpt from WINTER, the next book in the Lunar Chronicles series.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #140

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely books Melissa Marr’s first contemporary YA novel is a twisted southern gothic tale of obsession, romance, and murder. A killer is obsessed with Eva Tilling. Can she stop him, or will he claim her?

When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she’s confused—who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why? But before she can consider the question, she finds that she’s awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people’s deaths when they touch her. While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old flame, reappears, and the two must traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva’s power to keep her friends—and themselves—alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.

For the first time, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr has applied her extraordinary talent to contemporary realism. Chilling twists, unrequited obsession, and high-stakes romance drive this Gothic, racy thriller—a story of small-town oppression and salvation. Melissa’s fans, and every YA reader, will find its wild ride enthralling.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: September 16th 2014 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order here.

First I saw this gorgeous cover. And I wanted this book. Then I read the summary. And the summary is all kinds of awesome. I think I will love this book. Because yeah. It sounds great. Sounds like an awesome mystersy. Which I love. And the plot sounds great too. Sigh. I cannot wait for September :)
What are you waiting for on this mysterious wednesday?  

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cress Tuesday #34

I love sharing these Cress Tuesday teasers with you all each week. Because it makes me remember my love for this book. And my love is huge. Sigh. Cress is just such a perfect book. Now I'm just waiting for Winter to come out. And it kills me a little that it isn't out until November 2015. The wait will be long. But also worth it. Going to continue with these teasers for ages, most likely, lol. As I love doing them. Hope you do too. It makes me even more excited to be re-reading the three books in the near future. Hopefully I'll have the time for that soon, as I need to re-read more about Cinder and Kai, hih. <3 Anyway. If you haven't yet had the chance to read Cress, I'm hoping these teasers will convince you to do that :) If you have read it, I hope these teasers reminds you about how amazing this book was. Sigh.
See previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Hope you are enjoying these (mostly) non-spoilery teasers :)

He struck a pose, complete with dazzling smile. With the messy hair, filthy clothes, 
and bandanna, she had to admit that he was almost unrecognizable from his prison photo. 
Yet somehow still heart-throbbingly gorgeous.

Sigh. Cress and Thorne are beyond adorable, aren't they? Oh, how I need to re-read this soon :)

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)
The teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

Oh, how I am excited for this book. I think it sounds amazing! The title. The summary. And this cover. Sigh. It is gorgeous, isn't it? Ack. I just cannot wait to read this book. March 2015 is too far away, lol. I also adore Jodi; she's an awesome person. So I think I will love this book. Fingers crossed :D Jodi revealed the cover on her blog, and it is such an amazing post. She answers some awesome questions. So go check that out here. <3 What do you think of the cover? Isn't it just simply stunning? Oh, how I want to read this book right away. It sounds so exciting and fun and I just cannot wait to read it. <3

Wilhelmina has a hundred identities. 

She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne. 

She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone. 

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others.
Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.