How am I supposed to write about this book without sharing all that happens? It is still six months until it's out. I feel the luckiest to have been able to read it early. But oh, how I hurt. Back when I first peeked at this one, I knew it would hurt me. But I did not truly realize how much it would destroy my heart. This book ruined me.
And yet I loved every moment of it. I suppose, haha. I am a little bitter about the ending. Even though it was so good. But yeah. It hurts. But more than the hurt, is the love I have for this story. This sequel was just as good as the first. Five stars for me. I read all of it in one sitting, mostly. It's been ages since I have last done that.
Now comes the hard part. Writing about this second book without sharing everything that happens in it, ha. I want to share so very much. And I will share a little, but nothing that actually spoils the book. Well, it will spoil the first one. So I will try my hardest not to share all the secrets of this sequel. But ohh, yess. I must share a few things that I loved. A few details. A little bit about what I wish had been. Sigh. My poor heart. But first I shall start by saying that the writing was perfect, as always. I loved getting to know more of this world and these characters. I love how Joan wrote about this world and the time it was set in. It is a duology based on a different tale, which I know nothing about, ha. But from the notes, Joan has made changes. All amazing, from what I can tell.
There is so much to say about the plot of this second book. I'm going to try not to say too much. But oh, there was something happening at all times. This begins pretty much right after Strike the Zither ends. A few weeks later. Zephyr is still by Ren's side in the war, while they figure out what to do next. Well. Except Zephyr is not actually her anymore. She is in the body of Lotus. And oh my gods. The twist of all that from book one ruined me. Who Zephyr actually is. Her entire past, how long it goes back. But it was very good.
And that is all I will say about that. I was a little upset for some time, that she lost her body, the body of Zephyr. As I loved her frail and small body. Sobs. So it took me a little while to get past that. But I did. And I loved her as Lotus as well. And later as someone else. Gosh. Though that hurt more than anything else. I wish to share. I shall not. But that new body of hers was the worst one. The pain it gave me. Sigh. But it was also done perfectly. Such a huge new plot twist, haha. Also, I loved seeing more of her actual sisters.
There is so much going on in the beginning of this book. It is about Zephyr learning more about living as Lotus, with her body and how others see her. Making Ren see her as Lotus, still believing that Zephyr is dead. I also loved getting to know more about everyone around her as well. Ren and Cloud and everyone else. I adored them all. I'm not the biggest fan of reading about war tactics and such, but in this book I did not mind it. And found all of it to be pretty interesting. And really wanted to know how it would all end, ack.
Something more I will say about the plot. It is about defeating the bad one in charge; Miasma. Free the empress from her. And also figure out what to do about the South, with Cicada, who actually betrayed them. It is a whole mess. And I loved it. Zephyr has to work her brain so hard to figure out how to solve everything. Many things go wrong, though. Which hurt. But it was written so well too. Hmph. There are more deaths in this one. A little more torture and hurt. Also a little less romance, which hurt me most, ha.
Because I had been expecting there to be more in this second book. As Zephyr and Crow are perfect together. I wanted to see more of them so badly. I know, she doesn't have her actual body anymore, but still. And Crow didn't know this. Yet I wanted them to have more so much. Gah. And they do spend much more time together. But most of it as mostly enemies, as there were many changes happening. Betrayals. Truths revealed. Loved their banter, though. And just loved them together. But yes. I missed my romance.
Yet I still loved this book very much. Because it was not all about Zephyr and Crow. It was about Zephyr wanting to help Ren and change her fate. Change the fate of everyone she cared about. What she was willing to do to make that happen. Which, well, was everything. Still. I did not actually blame her. Except for that one part, which involved steaming. That she did not have to do. And that still hurts so very badly. Oh. It was the actual worst. But so good. But goddamn. It hurt my heart. She should not have done this.
So anyway. There is so much going on in this book. I think I have already shared too much, yet also not enough at all. I was disappointed about the romance. As I wanted much more. And yet. It was still great, because it was almost there. It was so very obvious how much they cared for each other. I just so wish it could have been acted upon. Hmph. Yet I get why it was not, ha. Which you will understand, when you read it. Such a rude plot twist. Yet so good too. Much of this book made me smile as well. I so loved that.
Sound the Gong was a most incredible ending to a fantastic duology. This story truly ruined my heart. Yet I loved every moment of it. The story of Zephyr was so epic. Her adventure was big and hurtful yet full of great moments as well. I so loved her relationship with the other girls. I loved her and Crow the very most. But that ending. I am not over it. It was amazing, of course, but I am a little bitter, haha. It hurt. Very badly. But I shall forgive this. One day. Probably. Huge thank you to Joan for the chance to read the eARC early.
Oh. My review needed to be edited to add this. It turns out Joan has written an epilogue of sorts, a bonus short story to be read after Sound the Gong. I just read it. And it murdered me with happiness. Ha. I take back what I said about the ending. This made my heart so happy and I just. I loved it more than anything. So. Yes. If you read this book, look up In Another Life. It is a must read. But of course, the book is great without it too. But this bonus gave my heart life again. It was perfection and I am so happy Joan wrote it.