This is a book I have been so excited for yet also dreading a little. I loved Divine Rivals so much. And I had such high hopes for this second and final book. I feared that so much could go wrong. Yet I had a hope as well. And oh. I am so happy to say that this book was perfection. I loved every moment of it. It was the best ending.
There is so much that I wish to share about this book. I am going to do my best not to share too many spoilers. There will be some, though not actually about the plot. I have so many thoughts about this book. Oh. But yes. Five stars. All the stars. As I loved this the most. Maybe more than the first. Maybe less. Unsure. I adored it.
As with the first book, the writing was all kinds of good. I truly felt connected with all of it, which I loved. The story was the best. We still get to read from Iris and Roman, a little from each of them. I love these two characters the very most. Eee. And so I will begin by saying that their romance is actually the very best thing. There is no drama. It is only love. Sure, a little enemies to lovers at first, in book one. Then a bit of memory loss in this one. But their love for each other is true. And their scenes together are the very best thing. Sigh. Just love them so. The very most. So yes. I think that is my main reason for loving this duology to pieces. Because the romance is so very good. It made me so happy. And sad. But it was the best thing. Of course, the story is amazing too.
There is so much happening in this one. I'm going to share some of it, but mostly sharing all my thoughts about everything, haha. And I do have a whole lot of thoughts. Oops. This begins two weeks after the first ended. After Iris was dragged away from Roman by her brother, after she left him behind in the war zone. But she had no choice. She came back, but he was gone then. Taken by Dacre. Her brother knows what have happened to him. He does share a little of it with her. So she knows what is happening with Roman.
Which is not anything good, ha. Roman was killed by the gas. Then taken below by Dacre and saved by the god. Which made him lose all of his memories. I love that we get his point of view. It breaks my heart. And I loved it so. It's so interesting, to see what he is going through. How he slowly begins to remember things about his life. I loved how Iris was able to write to him again, in their magical way. But with him not knowing her. But still writing to her. Sigh. And then slowly he begins to dream of Iris, remembering pieces.
I was worried about this book. That we would not get to see them together again before the very end. And that would have ruined me. Hmph. But I was wrong, thankfully. They do have some reunions. Before they have to part ways again. But the moments they spend together. Sigh. They are the best parts. I wish they had been more together, but it made sense that they had to be on different sides of this war. Their scenes together were the best. I'm not sharing much more about the plot, just that it was truly exciting and great.
This one was filled with great characters. We get to see a little more of Marisol, whom I still adore. We get to see a whole lot more of Attie, whom is still the very best girl. We meet a new character, Tobias. And his small beginning romance with Attie was the cutest thing. He was their driver. Their scenes together were so much fun. We also see more of Forest, Iris's brother. I was still a little bit mad at him. But I grew to like him more as well. They were the best of siblings. We see more of Roman's father. Whom I will never like.
And then there was Dacre and Enva. The gods. We see very little of Enva, until we finally get to know her a little bit. And I was curious about her. Yet also a little disappointed in her, ha. But her story was a good one. Then there was Dacre. The man who started this war, after being asleep for hundreds of years. He has had so many people killed. This war was not a gentle one. And we get very close to him. I didn't like him. Yet he was fully interesting to read about and get to know more. But yes. He was a horrible person.
What I liked a lot was getting to read more about his realm below, under the earth. It was creepy. Yet it seemed like it could have been beautiful too, one time. I liked learning more about it all. The place where the monsters were. We do not see much of them in this book, though. But a little. And I liked that. There are a few scenes set in this place. One of them broke me a little. Someone was trapped there. The other did not know. And that hurt me. That the trapped one was not saved by the other. It was very rude, haha.
There were a few small things I wish had been included. But nothing that made me dislike it, haha. I just wish it had been there. There is a scene where Roman is ashamed of his scars. I was certain this would lead to Iris making him feel better, healing him with her touch, in that way which is the best to read about. But it didn't happen. It was just suddenly forgotten. And I feel a little sad about it. Aw. I also wish the more intimate scenes had more details. The kissing scenes were great. But I wanted a little bit more too, haha.
This book also made me cry. There was one scene near the end of the book, when bombs were falling. We got to see a little point of view from different characters. And it was heartbreaking. And I loved every moment of it. There were also so many other sad parts. Most of them with Roman. He went through so much in this book. And my heart is just aching for him. Sigh. But his scenes were also my very favorite ones. Oh. Just had a thought. We did not once get to see Iris and his nan meeting. I feel sad about this.
Ruthless Vows was truly the very best final book. I loved it beyond words. Most stunning romance. Best friendships. Such a great story about the war between gods. It had everything I want in a book. And none of the things that I dislike, haha. Which made me very happy. There was no hint of a love triangle. There was no stupid drama between the couple. There was no actual hurt that could come between them. Yes, a whole lot of heartbreak, but in a good way. If that makes any sense. I loved it so. Do not miss this finale.