Saturday, June 28, 2014

In My Mailbox #139

This week went by so fast. Not sure how that happened. I am still behind on comments! And I'm so sorry. ACK. But tomorrow. Tomorrow I will spend all day catching up. Most likely. Sigh. I'm just feeling very lazy and not wanting to do anything at all these days. But I will try my best. Anyway. I didn't get as many books this week as I'm waiting for. But still got some awesome things. <3 Next week more will arrive. I think. We'll see. Mail is slow these days too. Which is a little depressing. Anyway. My giveaway ended. And I chose a winner, but she has not responded. So choosing a new one in two hours if she doesn't email me back. I read Trial by Fire! And holy. It was amazing. So much love. Sniffs. I need book two. Then I read The Moment Collector. Which totally sucked. Sigh. And then I read All Four Stars, which was adorable. Then I posted another Cress Tuesday, where we see more of Winter. <3 And I'm waiting on Black Dove, White Raven :) Then I had a few days where I posted nothing; did nothing. But then I re-read the amazing Antigoddess. <3 So much love. I'm currently reading Mortal Gods :D Which I will finish in a short moment. So excited about it. Review will be up later today. What did you get this week?

The Lost Hero. Finally bought this in hardcover, lol. Now I own the whole series in h. So much love.
Ruin and Rising. Gorgeous UK editions of this perfect book. <3 Oh, how I loved this book. Sigh. <3
The Incomplete Book of Dragons. I just had to buy this one. It looks so gorgeous. Sigh. Very pretty.
Turbo. Hugo. World War Z. Veronica Mars. Possession. I just had to buy a few movies, hih :D Excited.
Hexed. Gorgeous paperback edition. Excited about this book. It looks and sounds pretty amazing.
Hexed swag. Got this from Michelle since I pre-ordered the book :D Thank you so so so much. <3
How To Train Your Dragon 2. Oh, how I am waiting for this movie. This soundtrack is gorgeous.
Wreck-It Ralph. I adore this movie. And I had yet to get this edition of the soundtrack :D So pretty.

The Fall. Got this gorgeous book via Edelweiss :D SO happy that I'm autoapproved by this publisher. Sigh. It makes me able to get and read so many amazing books earlier. <3 And The Fall. I think this book sounds amazing. And I'm crossing my fingers that I will love it. Hopefully reading it very soon :) When I find the time. Ack. But it will be soonish. Most likely.

A bunch of new pictures up on my instagram this week too. <3


  1. Girl I know how you feel. It's so hot here that I'm just laying around like some lazy cat. I need to catch up with comments too. Also I'm reading The Moment Collector at the moment and I have no idea how to feel about it. We will see. You've got amazing books this week and I cannot wait for my copy of Ruin and Rising to arrive. Great haul :)

  2. You got a good assortment of books. It's so hot. Your cat picture is the way that I feel. I love warm weather, but sometimes it makes me tired so much more quickly. Enjoy your week.


  3. Great haul! I cannot wait to read Ruin & Rising!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. Great haul, as usual, Carina. I'm looking forward to reading Trial by Fire now, too. Since you adored it so much.

    I hope you'll have a great week!

  5. Great haul, Carina! I'm gonna be reading Hexed as a buddy read next week!
    And I cannot wait to hear what you think of Mortal Gods!!
    Happy reading sweetie!

  6. Lots of awesome books and movies this week! enjoy them all!

  7. Amazing haul, Carina :) Love the Veronica Mars movie. Big fan of the tv series and the movie. Hugo is also one of my favorite movies, love it so much. Fantastic movie! By the way love your cat in the last picture, so sweet :)

  8. Loved RUIN AND RISING, and YAY for Veronica Mars (although I still think the TV show is so much better than the film)!

    Hope you enjoy everything :)

  9. VERONICA MARSSSS <3 and i'm happy for the ending of Ruin & Rising, I thought of you instantly because I knew you would love it :D hehe

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  10. I also got The fall from Edelweiss, love the creepy look :D Happy reading Carina!


  11. I hope you love The Fall! I admit, I did not download it, but took Illusions of Fate instead. I have Ruin and Rising, but have not read it yet! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina :)

    Have an excellent week!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Curious about The Fall! Hopefully you'll read it fairly soon? I'm so behind on commenting too. It is so easy to fall behind. Love your kitty..I want to pet her so badly!.. Enjoy the great haul Carina!

  13. I need to read the Grisha books soon! :) BTW, I noticed you have a nice collection of them, but I haven's seen any UK editions? Just checked it and it's only the first book that's different! Oh, I don't like when they change the style! :P
    And also, I know I've already said it, but I love your floor! It looks very rustic and, well, Scandinavian. :)
    Hope you enjoy all your books. :)

    1. Okay, just checked your Instagram and I see the first book - UK edition. :D

  14. The fall looks good, hope that you enjoy! Have a great week.

  15. I got word from my library that Ruin and Rising is mineee, so I'm so excited to read it finally! :D And all those movies! I need to see World War Z especially. It sounds really cool. Yay for The Fall! I'm so excited to read it! I hope it's amazinggggg. Have a great week Carina!


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