Saturday, June 29, 2024

Review: When Among Crows by Veronica Roth

Of course I was going to read this book the moment I could. Been a fan of Veronica since Divergent. Although this new book did not fully sound like a book for me. Yet I did think I would end up liking it. And I'm happy to say that I did. Four stars. Only wish that it had been longer. I grew to adore these characters and I wanted more.

I'm not going to write such a long review for this book. As it was pretty short. Felt like half a book. Which was both good and bad. It did finish in the time that it had. And I did like the ending. But I also felt like the story had just begun, and then it ended. Ha. So yes. I wanted more. But I still found this story to be fully exciting.

This book tells the story of Dymitr and Ala and Niko. And it takes place over less than two days. But it was enough for me to really like reading about all of these characters. As we get to know the three of them pretty well. The writing was great. This book is set in our time and our world. Yet also a world of magic that is filled with different types of monsters. And also those who then hunt the monsters, the Holy Order. We learn a little about them, and I did not like them. Except for one, of course. The monsters could be both evil and kind. I liked how there were many different types and how we get to learn about some of them. Their magic was interesting to read about and I enjoyed that a whole lot. This is a story based on Slavic folklore. Which I do not know enough about, so I'm not going to write about that. But I loved it lots.

First there was Dymitr. In his late twenties, probably. We get to learn much about him. And I just grew to like him more and more. He was a bit soft and a bit broken. Yet he had to be strong and do such horrible things because of his family. And those were some awful things. He does not want this life anymore. And is on a mission to atone for his sins, to get rid of part of himself. Despite all of the bad he had done in the past, I very much adored this man. I loved reading about him, his soft heart. I just. I wanted more. Hmph.

Ala is a girl in pain. She is also a monster. And I loved learning about her. She is cursed and is probably dying shortly. I adored getting to know her. But wanted to know more. Sigh. But yeah. Ala was awesome. Dymitr finds her and offer her a deal to maybe get rid of the curse of her family. And so they team up, to search for Baba Jaga. While doing this, they also meet Niko. A different type of monster. Whom was also interesting to get to know. I loved the small romance between him and Dymitr. It was sweet. I loved them.

This book is about looking for a cure to a curse and getting rid of a family curse, in a way. Though Dymitr is keeping what he is a secret from the others. Causes some drama when it comes out. But I still loved it. I loved how this book ended, as it was so short. I wanted more. How rude. But the ending was great. And I found When Among Crows to be a pretty excellent read. Loved the writing. Liked the setting. Loved the monsters. Loved the characters. Just wish this one had been longer, as I truly wanted more of everything.

Goodreads - Blackwells - Amazon US - Amazon UK

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