Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

I have waited many months for this book. Ever since I first read Shadow and Bone back in April last year. While it doesn't come out until June, I was lucky enough to get an ARC from the publisher :D Which, I must admit, just made my whole year. I am so, so happy about being able to read this book early. Siege and Storm was perfect. The writing is so good. There were a few things that broke my heart and made me angry, but it might have made me love the book even more.

I don't know how to talk about this book. I want to talk about it all. But I won't. Because that would be pretty spoilery, and I will not share any spoilers. But yeah. A few things I must share, but I don't consider them spoilers. Not really :) Don't think my review will be so long, but you never know. This book was amazing, though, and I'll try my best to say why.

Siege and Storm kind of starts where Shadow and Bone ended. We saw Alina and Mal escaping, leaving on the True Sea. This book starts a few weeks after that. I loved getting to see them both again. Sigh. Alina is just amazing. She's a bit sad, though, but I kind of loved that. And Mal.. he will always be perfect. He's even more perfect in this book. But also more broken and alone, and that kind of broke my heart all the time. But I might have loved it as well. A tiny bit. Maybe. I guess.

We get to see a lot of new characters in this book. Like Sturmhond. I'm still unsure how I felt about him. I might have loved him a bit. But yeah. I do not want him as a love interest, and he might seem like that at times. I mean, he seems interested in Alina, which kind of sucked. But it also made some sense, and I did like him. Just didn't like how much he lied all the time ;p He was a very interesting character, though. We also see a lot of old characters as well. Genya. Baghra. The Darkling. Ivan. Everyone.

The way we see them though.. yeah. That is interesting. This whole book is amazing. I don't want to give anything away. But we learn more about the amplifiers for the Grisha. How they work. More about what they are, what things they are. We see a hunt for an amplifier. Which was also heartbreaking. But interesting and exciting and I loved it. I also loved every moment they were on the sea. It was just kind of magical and awesome. Wanted more, though. I loved reading about the few new places in this book.

There is a lot of things happening in this book. Have seen some saying the middle was slow. It kind of was, but I loved it. I liked what was happening in the middle. Okay, except for one part about Mal that killed me. But yeah. I loved that there weren't action in this book the whole time. I also loved the action, though. A lot in the beginning, and at the end. The end is worst. It is an evil ending. Very, very evil. So cruel and heartbreaking. And perfect. I must admit to loving it, even when it broke my heart.

I don't know what else I can say about this book. I truly don't. I just know that I loved it. Siege and Storm is an amazing sequel. Perfect writing, broken characters, amazing world. It have made me dying to read book three. I loved reading more about the Grisha, about their powers. It fascinate me. It is also done so well, that there were no way for me not to love it. There is so much death in this book. So much. So much pain and a bit of torture. And I might have loved every second of it. I'm weird like that.

But there was also heartbreak in this book. And I'm not sure how I felt about it. It killed me. And I wished it hadn't been so. But I have hope for Ruin and Rising. I must have hope for it. Anyway. Mal is just as amazing in this book. He truly is. But I also felt like I saw him way too little. I loved what I did see of him, though. And I do love Alina. But she changed a lot in this book. Not for the better. But she's still Alina. And I loved reading this book from her point of view. She is an amazing main character.

There was one character I disliked a bit though.. I won't say too much about him, just his name. Nikolai. Yeah. I didn't approve of him. Even though I kind of liked him. He wasn't nice enough towards Mal. Hih. But he was interesting to read about. For the most part :D There is so many amazing characters in Siege and Storm. New ones. Old ones. And Mal and Alina. I loved reading about them all. I did not want this book to end. Ever. Wish it had been even longer. But oh, how I loved it. Siege and Storm was perfect.

Don't have more to say about this book. Just that it is an amazing sequel. With perfect writing. Perfect, broken characters. Heartbreaking plot. Interesting plot. Killing twists. Evil ending. And I loved every part of it. I have a feeling that Ruin and Rising will be even better. It might kill me even more, though. We'll see. You really need to pick up Siege and Storm when it comes out in June! I also want to mention that the author, Leigh, is amazing. She's so kind to her fans. She's just great :) An amazing person.

There isn't a cover yet for Siege and Storm, so I'm using the cover for the ARC. Which I really, really love. My arc copy is gorgeous. I love it. Also, so soft. Anyway. I cannot wait to see the official cover for this amazing book. And I can't wait for the paperback of Shadow and Bone as well :D Thank you so, so much to Macmillan's Children's Publishing for this review copy. I will love it always and forever. <3

Goodreads - Pre-Order
My newest post about Shadow and Bone

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters

Last night I finished this most amazing book. In the Shadow of Blackbirds. It was perfect. I will be posting my review closer to the release date, just wanted to let you all know that you need to pre-order it, and read it when it comes out in April :) Because it is creepy and sad and amazing and so perfect.

In the Shadow of Blackbirds on Goodreads. Pre-order it via Book Depository. Cat Winters.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #68

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Five years ago, Wren Connolly was shot three times in the chest. After 178 minutes she came back as a Reboot: stronger, faster, able to heal, and less emotional. The longer Reboots are dead, the less human they are when they return. Wren 178 is the deadliest Reboot in the Republic of Texas. Now seventeen years old, she serves as a soldier for HARC (Human Advancement and Repopulation Corporation).

Wren’s favorite part of the job is training new Reboots, but her latest newbie is the worst she’s ever seen. As a 22, Callum Reyes is practically human. His reflexes are too slow, he’s always asking questions, and his ever-present smile is freaking her out. Yet there’s something about him she can’t ignore. When Callum refuses to follow an order, Wren is given one last chance to get him in line—or she’ll have to eliminate him. Wren has never disobeyed before and knows if she does, she’ll be eliminated, too. But she has also never felt as alive as she does around Callum.

The perfect soldier is done taking orders.

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: May 7th 2013 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here.

I can't wait for this book! Ahh. It seems amazing. I might also like the cover a whole lot ;) Sigh. The summary is just so good. I cannot wait to get to know this world and characters. Like Wren. And Callum :D I'm hoping there will be an amazing romance.. Hih. <3 Anyway. This book sounds amazing :D
What are you waiting for?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Entwined Publishing Scavenger Hunt Birthday Bash: Day Two!

Happy Birthday Entwined Publishing! You guys are amazing. I'm thrilled to be a part of this Scavenger Hunt :D This is the second stop for the tour. Hope you enjoy it all! I can't wait to enter them all :)

Welcome to the Entwined Publishing Birthday Bash! We want to kick the party off right, and this is the second stop along the Scavenger Hunt. It is a ten day event and to find the answers to all of the questions, you’ll have to dig down in Entwined’s books to pull out the answers. We do have a couple author questions and publishing questions along the way as well. For more info, please visit Uniquely Moi Books for all the details and a full schedule of all the stops.

Now, let’s talk prizes!  There will be two winners. The EASY question will count as three points. The HARD question counts as five points. Choose your question wisely, as points will be added up!

The winner of the HARD questions will receive seven Entwined Publishing books, swag, and a $25 Gift Card of Choice.

The winner of the EASY questions will win four books of choice by Entwined Publishing, swag to go with them, and a $15 Gift card of choice. 


Today’s question comes from ECHOES OF WINTER by Dominique Goodall.

EASY: What is the main species written about in Echoes of Winter?

HARD:  What is the name of Convel's father?

Picture below of the books you can win ;) 

Follow Entwined Publishing:

Twitter: @EntwinedPublish

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Today I'm blogging about the cover reveal of Retribution by Michelle Hodkin, just in case you still haven't seen it :D I am in love. The Retribution of Mara Dyer is book three in this amazing series starting with The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Evolution of Mara Dyer. I love this series. It is just perfect. Mara is amazing. Noah is adorable. And the story is perfect. I'm dying for this third book. So glad there won't be ARCs, since I never seem to get those (A) It is coming out on October 22nd. I may die waiting. But still, I cannot wait! Book two ends so bad. I need to know what happens next :) Think it will be amazing.
What do you think of the cover? I think it is gorgeous. Fits so well with the first two. Best covers. <3

Saturday, January 26, 2013

In My Mailbox #65

I did not get a lot of things this week. Which was kind of depressing. Since I am waiting for lots of stuff, and lots of books. I only got two books this week. Really only one, since it's two copies of the same one. Anyway. I am happy with the things that I got :) I watched Peter Pan again, and it was kind of sweet. And oh. Cosmopolis. <3 Rob is just amazing. I loved the things I got this week, but so excited for next week :) Also. Posted the most amazing post this morning. <3 What did you get this week?

Peter Pan. DVD and Blu-ray. Cause I'm kind of obsessive like that :) I love it. So pretty. And so good.
Cosmopolis. DVD and Blu-ray. Sigh. I kind of loved this movie. Rob is just all kinds of amazing :)
Rise of the Guardians Wii game. Haven't played it yet, but it does seem pretty awesome :D So pretty.
Jack Frost Ornament. My second one. He is so damn pretty, but he's a bit ruined in his face :\ Grr.
Rapunzel Ornament. She is perfect. So, so perfect. And tiny Pascal! Ahh. I love this ornament :)

Shadowhunters and Downworlders. Two copies. I am excited about this :) It is just so, so pretty.
Hunger Games Entertainment Weekly. Yeah. I kind of love this one. Maybe. A bit unsure about it ;p

I also got accepted for The Sin-Eater's Confession via NetGalley :)
Hoping it is good ;p

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

I just read this book for the third time. Fell in love with it all over again. Shadow and Bone is just that good. I cannot wait to read it again. My book recommendation from June might be a bit old, but I feel that I have talked enough about the plot and amazing characters of this book. So this post won't be about that. It will just be about my love for Shadow and Bone, my love for Leigh, and my love for the amazing jewelry from Hebel Design. Because I love reading this book again and again. It is just perfect.

Shadow and Bone is an amazing book. It has the most unique story line. It is also a Fantasy, which I just adore. Leigh has writes so good, and I just loved the writing in this perfect book. It is the story of Alina. And I just adored her. She is a perfect main character. She does a lot of changing in this book, which I liked, just wished it had happened a different way :D But yeah. I also loved Mal. More than anything. He's Alina's best friend. They have been orphans together for more than ten years. And he's adorable.

There is so many things in this book. So much to pay attention do. And I loved it all. We get to learn about the Grisha. People with power. And oh. I loved reading about them. About the kefta they wore, the things they could do. I cannot wait to read even more about them. It is all just so amazing. Then there is the Darkling. I must admit to not liking him. Although, I could have, if he wasn't kind of a love interest. But not really. He's interesting though. A perfect villain. Interested in seeing how it goes :)

I loved everything about this book. Mostly I loved Mal. Because he's just so sweet and kind and protective. He really cares for Alina. And oh. I cannot wait to read more about him, and him together with her. It will be amazing. Anyway. This book is perfect. The ending is perfect. Even though I am dying for the sequel, Siege and Storm. Wants it so much. If you still haven't read Shadow and Bone,
then you must, because it is not a book to be missed. At all. Also, Leigh is just so so kind and sweet :)

My amazing Jewelry from Hebel Design, based on Shadow and Bone.
(Click the pictures for bigger.)

First there is a picture of me wearing my Morozova's Collar, my Stag Locket, and my Stag shirt. <3

Then there is my collection of the book. Sigh. I need more. Can't wait for Siege and Storm to be there :)

And my collection of the Jewelry. <3 A few pictures. All I have at the moment :) But I have just ordered another gorgeous bookmark, and I cannot wait to get that one. Will be perfect.

Also. There is a few teasers on my book recommendation of this book, link below. Also shared some most gorgeous fan art on the Shadow and Bone movie news post :) You must look at those. So gorgeous. I wish I could draw. Below the links for everything, there is a picture of the most amazing map. I adore it. It is just perfect. And ahhh. The Unsea! Looks so amazing. I loved reading about it, and the Volcra. Can't wait to learn more about it all. Sigh. Wish Siege and Storm were here right now :) I need it. Want.

My blog posts about Shadow and Bone and Siege and Storm.

Book Recommendation: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Shadow and Bone. Siege and Storm. Ruin and Rising. Leigh Bardugo. Book Depository.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Review: Looking for Alaska by John Green

Ever since I read the perfect book, The Fault in Our Stars, I have wanted to read more by John Green. So I started with Looking for Alaska. And I'm very sorry to say this, really, but I didn't like this book. I didn't enjoy it. And ah. I'm sorry, but this review will be a bit negative. But I'm still giving the book a three star, so it can't have been that bad, right? I just, yeah. The Fault in Our Stars was so much better, and I'm happy with just loving that book of his. :) Will try his other books though ;p

Looking for Alaska is a young adult contemporary book. While I haven't read many contemporary books, the few I have read I loved. Found them to be interesting and fun and amazing. But this book just failed to impress me. I found it boring, most of the time. And I'm not sure that I thought at all that I had to keep reading, because I couldn't stop. It just failed to hold my attention. And that's a bit depressing, cause I wanted to love it.

But I just couldn't. I could not connect to the main character, Miles. Who get nicknamed Pudge. He was interesting, I guess, and a bit pathetic, which I sort of liked. But I just didn't like him much at all, because he was also boring. I liked the beginning of this book, where he sits alone with his parents in this old home before going away to boarding school. Waiting for his non-friends to arrive for his mom's going away party. But he have no friends, so it was kind of depressing. But he seemed okay with it. Maybe. Seemed that way.

The whole of this book takes place at this boarding school. It seemed interesting enough. But yeah. I just found this book to be boring, cause nothing was ever happening. There were a few pranks, but not enough, and I didn't even find them funny. Might just be me, though. But yeah. I didn't like them. The guy who runs the school is the Eagle. I kind of liked reading about him. He at least was interesting :) Though I didn't like that he ended up this really soft guy by the end. Was kind of sad about that.

Miles makes a few new friends at this school. The Colonel. Which I found to be a weird name, cause I didn't get it. He is his roomate, the one who names him Pudge. I might have liked him a tiny bit, but I'm not sure about him. He was a bit weird. I kind of liked Takumi. Maybe. He was a bit smarter than the rest. I was confused by Lara, cause I didn't understand her and Pudge's romance. It was weird and ended in a stupid way. So yeah. That did not need to be in this book. It was just awkward, at least for me.

Then there was Alaska. And to be honest, when I read the summary, I thought there would be this amazing romance between her and the main character. There isn't. She has a boyfriend. And she's kind of a total bitch, to be honest, which they all comment on. She's weird and sad and angry. She could be funny and sexy, but I didn't see her that way. I just didn't enjoy reading about her. Even though Pudge was in love with her. Found it all to be kind of too much, to be honest. Just not for me at all.

Okay. I'm not really sure what to say about this book. The plot is kind of interesting. Maybe. At least I didn't stop reading the book, even though I wanted to a few times :) But yeah. After maybe two thirds of this book there is an accident. Someone dies. And then Pudge is like grieving all the time, and it was kind of pathetic, because I didn't get why he cared so much about it. But yeah. I'm sure others will love this book. I just didn't. I couldn't connect with it at all, which was sad, really. I'm giving it a three star, but it might be a two point five star. I'm unsure. I'm sorry, but yeah. Looking for Alaska was not for me.


Update July 7th 2013: I had to change my rating for this book from a three star to a two star. Why? Because while it has been a while since I read it, I just realized that I was not being honest when rating it. I did not enjoy it as much as I claimed with my three star rating. And because of that I had to change it. Because I like being honest, and giving this a star more than it deserve is not being honest. It is officially a two star for me, because I can’t even remember much of the story, and I would not ever re-read the book. I’m sorry, but not really, because you can’t love every book.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Level 2 Blog Tour: Guest Post with Lenore Appelhans

I'm taking part of the Level 2 blog tour today :D I read this book a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed it very much. You really must read it. Also, Lenore is adorable. You should totally follow her on twitter. Anyway. I'm so happy to be a part of this blog tour. My post will be a guest post with Lenore, where she will talk about how she incorporated the play Our Town. I am very happy with this :D Thank you so much for sharing, Lenore! <3 Please leave a comment for her below, if you wish :) And read her book. You must.


First performed on stage in 1938, Thornton Wilder’s play OUR TOWN was the original teen dead girl story. It was hailed as innovative for it’s time because it broke the fourth wall and used minimal stage sets and props.  The narrator spoke directly to the audience about Emily’s life, death and the transience of our time on Earth.

OUR TOWN shares a lot of themes with LEVEL 2 – that of living life to the fullest and the value of even the smallest moments and relationships in our life.  But I when I first inserted an OUR TOWN reference into LEVEL 2, I wasn’t doing it deliberately. It was a very unconscious act, as drafting often is. As I worked on the story more, I noted the parallels and more consciously referenced it. Still, in the first draft, its inclusion was relatively minimal.

It was my editor who urged me to explore the relationship between OUR TOWN and Felicia’s story more fully. It is thanks to her that Neil performs George’s part in the play, something that added romantic tension in the underground church memory and emotional weight to the very last scene of the novel.

Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans

Three levels. Two loves. One choice. Debut novelist, Lenore Appelhans has written a thrilling otherworldly young adult novel about a place that exists between our world (Level 1) and what comes after life (Level 2).

'I pause to look around the hive - all the podlike chambers are lit up as the drones shoot up on memories ... I've wanted to get out of here before, but now the tight quarters start to choke me. There has to be more to death than this.'

Felicia Ward is dead. Trapped in a stark white afterlife limbo, she spends endless days replaying memories, of her family, friends, boyfriend ... and of the guy who broke her heart. The guy who has just broken into Level 2 to find her.

Felicia learns that a rebellion is brewing, and it seems she is the key. Suspended between heaven and earth, she must make a choice. Between two worlds, two lives and two loves

You should definitely check out Lenore's Website!
And her amazing Book Blog. I adore it.
You must follow her on Twitter.

Read the first 50 pages of Level 2 here.
Add it on Goodreads here
Watch the amazing book trailer here.


Buy your own copy of Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans:
Book Depository - Amazon - Barnes and Noble

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #67

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Kira Walker has found the cure for RM, but the battle for the survival of humans and Partials is just beginning. Kira has left East Meadow in a desperate search for clues to who she is. That the Partials themselves hold the cure for RM in their blood cannot be a coincidence--it must be part of a larger plan, a plan that involves Kira, a plan that could save both races. Her companions are Afa Demoux, an unhinged drifter and former employee of ParaGen, and Samm and Heron, the Partials who betrayed her and saved her life, the only ones who know her secret. But can she trust them?

Meanwhile, back on Long Island, what's left of humanity is gearing up for war with the Partials, and Marcus knows his only hope is to delay them until Kira returns. But Kira's journey will take her deep into the overgrown wasteland of postapocalyptic America, and Kira and Marcus both will discover that their greatest enemy may be one they didn't even know existed.

The second installment in the pulse-pounding Partials saga is the story of the eleventh hour of humanity's time on Earth, a journey deep into places unknown to discover the means--and even more important, a reason--for our survival.

Hardcover, 564 pages
Expected publication: February 26th 2013 by Balzer + Bray
Pre-Order here.

I cannot wait for this book! While I didn't love Partials as much as I had hoped, I'm still super excited for this sequel. Cannot wait to figure out more about this amazing world. And I really do love the cover. Problem with the first book was that Kira didn't seem to care for her boyfriend, Marcus, at all. I hated that. Because Marcus is just the sweetest. And if it isn't better in book two I will not be happy at all! There better not start a love triangle. I will not forgive it or like it. I just know it. Sigh. Still. I am super excited for this book, and I cannot wait to read it :) Ohh, very long book as well ;p 
What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Review: Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

I adore Fantasy books. They are just the best. And this series by Robin is just amazing. She has written the best books. Such an interesting plot. Perfect writing. I very much loved the writing. And the characters. Sigh. They are all so perfect. And yes, they are all so very flawed and broken and that made me love them so much more. Dark Triumph is an amazing sequel to Grave Mercy. I might have loved it even more than book one. Maybe. I did loved the action and such more, though :)

Dark Triumph is an amazing book. It is the story of Sybella. We meet her a little in Grave Mercy. When I first read that book I found her to be a bit crazy. But not the second time. And while reading this one, my heart hurt so much for her. Sybella is an amazing person. Perfect main character. She is very different from Ismae in book one. Ismae was careful and innocent. Sybella is anything but. And I loved that. Loved them both very much. But yeah. Sybella's story is so much more heartbreaking and awful and just so perfect. I loved her so much.

I'm not sure how to describe the plot in this book. I will talk a little bit about it. It won't be spoilers. Not really. Since you learn most of it from the summary, or from the first pages of the book. This is Sybella's story. And it is not a happy one. She was sent on a mission by the convent six months ago. To the household of d'Albret. Which if you have read Grave Mercy you already know parts of how awful and cruel and gruesome he is. He is even worse in this book. Far, far much worse. There is so much pain.

I felt so much for Sybella. She is so strong. And has a kind and loving heart. But my god. She has had it so damn awful all her life. She got to the convent with the nuns and got trained to be an assassin at the age of fourteen. Three years ago. But oh. Those first years of her life were so horrible and sad. Because she was the daughter of d'Albret. And gah. I'm not sure how to deal with it all. It was just so cruel and heartbreaking and so damn perfect. I loved it. Every page. It was just so well done, I couldn't not love it.

Sybella has a lot of siblings. We get to meet some of them. I loved her little sisters. But oh. There is Julian. And he loves her. And they are kind of sleeping together, and Sybella is just going through with it and she is hurting and ah. But it was also perfect. I wasn't sure how to feel about Julian. Because he really loved her. He did some stupid things, but he did it all for her. And while it was kind of disgusting, I also liked it a bit. They don't sleep together in this book. But they have done so in the past.

I did enjoy reading about all the characters in this book. We even see more of Ismae and Duval and the duchess. And I loved that more than I can say. But oh. I also wanted so much more of them. Hopefully in the third book :) Anyway. This is a sad and heartbreaking book. So many betrayals. So much heart ache. So many dead people. So many broken hearts. It made me cry many times. But it is also happy and sweet. And it is all so amazing. I truly loved every moment of this book. Even the heartbreaking ones.

Anyway. Back to the plot. Sybella is there with her family because she has been ordered to kill her father. And she wants to. More than anything. Because he is a goddamn awful human being. But he isn't marked for death. So Sybella can't do anything about it. We also learn a bit more about the convent and the abbess. I hated her. She was just so cruel and heartless. I do not believe that she does anything for Mortain, to carry out His wishes at all. But yeah. I still loved it. I loved the marks and everything.

Not talking too much about that. But yeah. I kind of loved all the murders in this book. They were done really well. And oh. I loved reading about Mortain as well, even though I don't believe in God at all. But he is Death. And so amazing. While Sybella is there, she learns of a prisoner in the dungeons. Beast. And holy. I loved that. She manages to break him out, and is taking him to the duchess. We get to see them together a lot. And it is a great friendship and romance. I might even have loved Beast a bit.

Beast is a weird character. He is huge. And all kinds of ugly. Sybella says that the only thing beautiful about him is his eyelashes. But he has the biggest heart. He is the kindest person. And oh. I loved reading about him so much. And he and Sybella fit together so well. The romance isn't a bit part of the book though. But I loved every second about it. It was just very sweet and real and honest. But yeah. There is a lot of things happening in this book. Action. Death. Romance. Dark Triumph has it all.

We learn more about the duchess and the war with the French people. But it is all far from over when this book ends. I cannot wait to see what happens next. When I started reading this book, I was kind of thinking that I wished it was real, that the things happening had happened. Then I finished this, and read the Author's Note. And very much of this book IS real! And ah. That is just so amazing. I need to go searching for it all. Sigh. I just love these books very, very much. The world, the characters. Everything.

I'm not sure what else to say about this book. Not more about the plot, because there is so much happening and I don't want to spoil it. But oh. It is all so exciting and there were so many things that surprised me. So many things that made me cry. And smile. It was just perfect. But yeah. Dark Triumph is very heartbreaking. And it is perfect. I loved it. I loved reading the evil things as well. And I loved reading about Beast and Sybella the most. I need to know more about them both. Want so much. 

There were a lot of political things in Grave Mercy. And while I loved that, I was also glad there wasn't much of that in Dark Triumph. This book is shorter than Grave Mercy, though. But I'm not sure it is very much shorter in words, because it felt like it took me forever to read it. Yet I never wanted it to end. Felt like the ending should have been longer. But also not, because it was perfect. I am dying for the third book, Mortal Heart. Annith's story. I cannot wait to get to know her more. Sigh. So excited :)

Grave Mercy was an amazing book. Dark Triumph just as good, if not a tiny bit better. I cannot wait to read the third one. I feel that Mortal Heart will be perfect. I can't wait. You need to read this amazing sequel when it comes out in April. You will not regret it. Thank you so much to the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, for allowing me to read and review this book early via NetGalley :) So glad that I was able to. Dark Triumph was just so perfect and amazing. Loved it very much.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Book Recommendation: Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

It's been almost a year since I first read this book. I remember loving it. But yeah. It had been a long time, so I didn't remember all the details. Knew there was one thing I didn't like, but when I re-read it now, I didn't mind that part at all. I have gotten accepted to read a review copy of the sequel; Dark Triumph. And I needed to re-read this one first. And oh. I am so glad that I did. Loved Grave Mercy even more this time. The writing is just so stunning. And the world is amazing. Characters perfect.

I'm not reading my old review of this book before I write this book recommendation, because it's been such a long time since I wrote and read it, and my views have changed a bit since then. Grave Mercy is an amazing Fantasy book. It may not have that much action, but I loved every page. And the action that was there was amazing. The middle of the book might be a bit slow. Nothing much happens, but still everything is happening. I loved the slow parts very much. Every page was just amazing. Loved it.

There is a lot of historical things in this book. It's set very far back. And I kind of loved that very much. I may not be a fan of God at all, and while there is talk about him in this book, it is more about Death, so I didn't mind it at all. And I loved learning about Death. It was unique and amazing. So much love. This story is different. And I loved it all. I won't spend forever talking about the plot and everything. But there is a few things I must explain a tiny bit. Won't be too much, though, as I'm not that good ;p

This is a book about Assassins. And nuns. And ah. It is so damn amazing. There is a lot of killing in this book. By daggers. By poison. Grave Mercy is the story about Ismae. But it isn't only about her. It is also about the young duchess, Anne. And of course, Duval. Sigh. There is a whole bunch of amazing characters in this book. I won't name them all. But they are all amazing, and written so well. They all take a big part in this story. And I feel that they will in the next one as well. So, so very excited.

Ismae is an amazing character. She's seventeen, and she's been trained in the arts of Death for the past three years at the convent. I may not have liked some of those parts. Like how the nuns decided who needed to die. And how they were all killed. They are all girls or women. And they kill just men who have done wrong (they claim.) There are so many ways to kill a man. A million poisons. And those were just awful. Ahh. I kind of hated them and liked them a little bit. But sounded so, so painful. Shudders.

Anyway. Ismae is an amazing person. She's sweet and kind and just all kinds of loving. She has had a very hard life. Because of her scar. A huge ugly scar on her back that she got before she was born. And it was awful and I hated her father and I hated the beginning of this book but I also loved it because it was perfect. I loved Ismae. I loved the friends that she found and the convent. Annith and Sybella. They seemed amazing. I loved how strong she was. How determined. I just adored everything about her.

This is where Duval comes in. Ismae has just started getting assignments, killing jobs. She is thrilled about it. Since she has worked so hard for it. And it was kind of amazing. Then she gets this mission to kind of go guard the young duchess. As Duval's mistress. Which was kind of amazing. I have no idea how old he is, though. Twenty five, maybe? I'm not sure. Either way. He was amazing. So kind. And caring. And just perfect. I loved him. A perfect character, and a perfect love interest. Wanted more of him.

We get to know Duval a lot. And the duchess, Anne. She is just twelve, and I hated how things were for her. It broke my heart. A lot of things in this book broke my heart. But they were all amazing as well, and I loved reading it all. I don't want to spoil this book. But yeah. There is a lot of talking in this book. Lots of arguing with tons of different people. I found it all to be amazing. The plot in this book is just so good, and I wanted more and more and more. I loved the ending as well. A bit too soon, though.

There is romance in this book. But it is very, very slow. Nothing much happens at first. But there is some passion between Ismae and Duval, even so. And I loved it. They fit together really well. So glad there wasn't a love triangle in this book. Anyway. Their romance is amazing. It isn't very much, but I loved every moment. Wish it had been more, but I am happy with what there were. It was just so very sweet. And I adored Duval so much. And Ismae. Sigh. I cannot decide what more to say about this book.

The story in this book is just so good. Grave Mercy is an amazing book. A bit slow at times, but I loved every part of it. I just, yeah. This book was amazing, and I don't know what else to say about it. It is fascinating. It is exciting. It is heartbreaking. This book has it all. It broke my heart a lot of times. Made me cry. But it also made me smile a lot, because there is a lot of happy scenes and yeah. Ending is a bit depressing, but I also loved it, because it is also very happy. I want more and more and more.

I'm very glad that I peeked a tiny bit at the end of Dark Triumph before reading Grave Mercy again. Because of that I was able to pay more attention to a few characters. Some characters that I'll get to know more in the second book. Like Sybella. Oh. I loved the small glimpses we got of her in this book. It was just amazing. But also heartbreaking, because she seems so sad and broken. Get the feeling Dark Triumph will break my heart. But I also cannot wait for it. That sequel will be beyond amazing.

Grave Mercy is an amazing book. Perfect writing. I could not put it down today while I re-read it. Even though it is 550 pages. It is all worth reading. I loved every minute of this book. And I cannot wait to read the rest of this series. The world Robin has created is just amazing. She is amazing. And yeah. I kind of adore her. The characters she has created is also so damn perfect. They are flawed. Very flawed. But they are also so amazing and kind and loving. Couldn't help loving them all. You need to read this.