I don't know how to talk about this book. I want to talk about it all. But I won't. Because that would be pretty spoilery, and I will not share any spoilers. But yeah. A few things I must share, but I don't consider them spoilers. Not really :) Don't think my review will be so long, but you never know. This book was amazing, though, and I'll try my best to say why.
Siege and Storm kind of starts where Shadow and Bone ended. We saw Alina and Mal escaping, leaving on the True Sea. This book starts a few weeks after that. I loved getting to see them both again. Sigh. Alina is just amazing. She's a bit sad, though, but I kind of loved that. And Mal.. he will always be perfect. He's even more perfect in this book. But also more broken and alone, and that kind of broke my heart all the time. But I might have loved it as well. A tiny bit. Maybe. I guess.
We get to see a lot of new characters in this book. Like Sturmhond. I'm still unsure how I felt about him. I might have loved him a bit. But yeah. I do not want him as a love interest, and he might seem like that at times. I mean, he seems interested in Alina, which kind of sucked. But it also made some sense, and I did like him. Just didn't like how much he lied all the time ;p He was a very interesting character, though. We also see a lot of old characters as well. Genya. Baghra. The Darkling. Ivan. Everyone.
The way we see them though.. yeah. That is interesting. This whole book is amazing. I don't want to give anything away. But we learn more about the amplifiers for the Grisha. How they work. More about what they are, what things they are. We see a hunt for an amplifier. Which was also heartbreaking. But interesting and exciting and I loved it. I also loved every moment they were on the sea. It was just kind of magical and awesome. Wanted more, though. I loved reading about the few new places in this book.
There is a lot of things happening in this book. Have seen some saying the middle was slow. It kind of was, but I loved it. I liked what was happening in the middle. Okay, except for one part about Mal that killed me. But yeah. I loved that there weren't action in this book the whole time. I also loved the action, though. A lot in the beginning, and at the end. The end is worst. It is an evil ending. Very, very evil. So cruel and heartbreaking. And perfect. I must admit to loving it, even when it broke my heart.
I don't know what else I can say about this book. I truly don't. I just know that I loved it. Siege and Storm is an amazing sequel. Perfect writing, broken characters, amazing world. It have made me dying to read book three. I loved reading more about the Grisha, about their powers. It fascinate me. It is also done so well, that there were no way for me not to love it. There is so much death in this book. So much. So much pain and a bit of torture. And I might have loved every second of it. I'm weird like that.
But there was also heartbreak in this book. And I'm not sure how I felt about it. It killed me. And I wished it hadn't been so. But I have hope for Ruin and Rising. I must have hope for it. Anyway. Mal is just as amazing in this book. He truly is. But I also felt like I saw him way too little. I loved what I did see of him, though. And I do love Alina. But she changed a lot in this book. Not for the better. But she's still Alina. And I loved reading this book from her point of view. She is an amazing main character.
There was one character I disliked a bit though.. I won't say too much about him, just his name. Nikolai. Yeah. I didn't approve of him. Even though I kind of liked him. He wasn't nice enough towards Mal. Hih. But he was interesting to read about. For the most part :D There is so many amazing characters in Siege and Storm. New ones. Old ones. And Mal and Alina. I loved reading about them all. I did not want this book to end. Ever. Wish it had been even longer. But oh, how I loved it. Siege and Storm was perfect.
Don't have more to say about this book. Just that it is an amazing sequel. With perfect writing. Perfect, broken characters. Heartbreaking plot. Interesting plot. Killing twists. Evil ending. And I loved every part of it. I have a feeling that Ruin and Rising will be even better. It might kill me even more, though. We'll see. You really need to pick up Siege and Storm when it comes out in June! I also want to mention that the author, Leigh, is amazing. She's so kind to her fans. She's just great :) An amazing person.
There isn't a cover yet for Siege and Storm, so I'm using the cover for the ARC. Which I really, really love. My arc copy is gorgeous. I love it. Also, so soft. Anyway. I cannot wait to see the official cover for this amazing book. And I can't wait for the paperback of Shadow and Bone as well :D Thank you so, so much to Macmillan's Children's Publishing for this review copy. I will love it always and forever. <3
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My newest post about Shadow and Bone
Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.
My newest post about Shadow and Bone
Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.