Saturday, October 31, 2020

In My Mailbox #469

Happy Halloween :D Another week gone by. So fast, ack. Feels like I have had Halloween ornaments up forever, haha :) Yet it's almost time to pack it all away. But eee. Christmas coming up before December. And I so cannot wait. Sigh. So excited. This week I have read one book. <3 Though an easy read, haha :) And started another one, which is harder, but loving that one too. Just taking me forever, as I'm not in the mood to read and have no time or energy. But loving the book. So slowly making progress on it. I am also busy with Animal Crossing, always. And Pokemon GO. And my sister with her kids. And just, life, ha. But doing my best. This week we got mail only two days, and I got nothing new. Oops. But got so many books last week, so I do not mind. Instead sharing about two pop figures I got weeks ago, that I forgot to include a different time, haha :) A couple of new posts. I shared my review of The Oddmire: Deepest, Darkest. <3 This week I'm waiting on My Contrary Mary :) I hope you are all doing well. <3 I'm doing as best as I can.

FINAL CHANCE! Ends in a few hours! Pre-orders of Foxheart and Thornlight by Claire Legrand. International. Ends 11/01.

Funko Pop. Oops. Dumbledore is huge. But I love him. And Maleficent is so very perfect :D Ahh. Love.
Super Mario. Eee. I haven't gotten to build this yet, but I am so excited for it. Looks pretty much amazing.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #472

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Welcome to Renaissance France, a place of poison and plots, of beauties and beasts, of mice and . . . queens?⠀

Mary is the queen of Scotland and the jewel of the French court. Except when she's a mouse. Yes, reader, Mary is an Eðian (shapeshifter) in a kingdom where Verities rule. It's a secret that could cost her a head—or a tail.⠀

Luckily, Mary has a confidant in her betrothed, Francis. But after the king meets a suspicious end, things at the gilded court take a treacherous turn. Thrust onto the throne, Mary and Francis are forced to navigate a viper's nest of conspiracies, traps, and treason. And if Mary's secret is revealed, heads are bound to roll.

Hardcover, 512 pages
Expected publication: June 22nd 2021 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

This book sounds all kinds of awesome and I cannot wait to read it :D I very much adored the two Lady Jane books by these authors that I have read. <3 Own the third one that just came out, and hoping to read it very soon :) And so excited to read their take on Mary as well. Cover, as always, looks awesome.
What are you waiting for on this contrary Wednesday?

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Review: The Oddmire: Deepest, Darkest by William Ritter

This book is not coming out until next summer. And yet I could not resist reading it right away, after I got approved for an eARC via Edelweiss. And I do not regret it for one moment. This book was so very perfect. And I loved every moment of it. Five stars for sure. I will do my best to share a mostly spoiler free review.

I will be including a few important plot pieces, but nothing that really spoils what happens. Just, gosh. This third book was so very good. As I knew it would. I'm so in love with The Oddmire series. There must be more books. It could have ended with this one, but I do not think so. Still much more that needs to be told.

The writing was perfect, as with the other books too. I had no problem at all with connecting to the story and the characters. I decided to not re-read the first two books before I started this, as I did that this summer. So not too far ago. And although I wish I had re-read them, I did not need to. I remembered almost every detail, and this book was good at reminders too. There is just so much to love about this story. I do not know where to begin. Will not write too much about this book. Only sharing a little about what I loved about it. Which might be way too much, ha. These books seem to get darker and darker for each book. All of them are dark. But this one the most. Sad at times. But hopeful and happy too. But it did break my heart a few times. Very rude.

This is still the story about Tinn and Cole. And their friends, Fable and Evie. Their mother too. This time they are searching for their missing dad. Whom the twins have never known, as he went missing when they were babies. Cole wants to find him so badly. Tinn does too. But he is more nervous, so worried that their father will not want him. I understood so well why he was worried about finding him. But gosh, it was sad to read about too. I just wanted to hug this poor boy. He was so different from them. Still their family.

The book starts a little slow, with the boys searching for clues about how to find their dad underground. Then they learn more. And learn how they might be able to find him, if he is still alive. Which is how this next adventure begins. They all go underground. Deep, deep under their town. The twins and their mom, Fable and her mom, and Evie with old Jim too. They all wish to find the missing dad. But this was not a safe journey to take. And it very much does not go as they planned. Which was fully amazing, honestly.

There was so much going on in this third book. We get to see The Thing again. Which was both creepy and so awesome. We get to see so much underground. It was fully interesting and exciting. Things go badly for them all. There are falls and danger and pain. There are evil creatures underneath the earth. And getting to know more about them all was so great. I did not like them one bit, ha. But it was so good to read about. There is a great sleeping thing underneath the magma. Reading about that was the best.

The Oddmire: Deepest, Darkest was everything I wanted it to be. Fully perfect and so fun. Completely evil and heartbreaking at times. So dark yet full of hope. These stories about Tinn and Cole are the very best. I love these twin boys the most. Fable and Evie are both perfect too. And I just love their friendships so much. I will not say more about this book. Just that I loved it so very much and cannot wait for more. You must read them too. Thank you very much Algonquin Young Readers for the approval to read this early.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

In My Mailbox #468

Hello. This week have been all kinds of busy and exhausting for me. Gah. Haven't read much this week, only finished my book last Sunday. I know what I'm reading next. I just haven't had the time for it just yet. Ack. But hoping for the next few days. Fingers crossed. This week I have been putting most of my pop figures on new shelves just their size, in my staircase. It turned out awesome. But gosh, I'm tired, haha. And today I decided to finally get up my Happy Hello bookmarks on my wall again. You know,  my several hundred of those. Hahaha. Yeah. I'm dead. But also, worth it. Just a bit too much for my body. I'm simply way too tired and hurting all over. Hmph. But doing good. For now. Corona has officially made it to town. Eight cases so far. I'm certain it will spread. But gosh, I hope not. My family and I are not healthy enough to get this too. So yeah. Nervous and worried. Hoping we will all be safe. Anyway. A couple of new blog posts this week. I shared my review of Twin Daggers :) This week I'm waiting on Deepest, Darkest :D And holy crap. I got SO MUCH mail this week. Ahhh. All the books. Gosh. Help me, hahaha. So love them all, though. <3 Also. Reminder. Too few of you have entered my blog birthday giveaway. Two new free books, international. Link below. Do enter if you have the time. <3 The books are aaamazing :) Would so love a comment too. All the hugs. Winter is officially here. No snow yet, but soon. It is so cold, so dark, haha :)

Pre-orders of Foxheart and Thornlight by Claire Legrand. International. Ends 11/01.

The Lunar Chronicles Box Set. I already own all the new paperbacks. Oops. Had to get this box set. <3
Fairest + Stars Above. I know, I know. I got the box set. But already have them all too; needed these :D
You Were Never Here. I very much adored this book. So of course I had to have a stunning hardcover :)
Broken Wish. So very excited for this book :D Only read one by Julie so far, but I loved it. I'm so excited.
Among the Beasts and Briars. Felt a little bit meh about this, but could not resist buying that cover. Oops.
Cinders & Sparrows. This book sounds pretty awesome. And I very much hope that I will end up loving it.
Ninth House. US and UK paperbacks have arrived :D I didn't know about Waterstones. Sobs. One day.
Swamp Thing. I am so very excited for this graphic novel. Very much in love with Maggie and her books.
Fangirl. I simply had to have this graphic novel. As I did adore this book, all those years ago. Looks cute.
Serpentine. I had to have all the editions of this book. Oops. Could not resist. Ha. One day, I shall read it.
Fable + The Girl the Sea Gave Back. My personalized books are here :D And they are all very stunning.
Taylor Swift. Eee. Another of the different CDs have arrived, haha :) And gorgeous keychain. Love it so.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #471

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The third adventure in the beloved fantasy series full of folklore and mayhem, from the creator of Jackaby.
Brothers Cole and Tinn—one human, one a goblin changeling—are determined to solve a mystery almost as old as they are: What happened to their long-missing father?
Joseph Burton vanished without a trace, leaving the baby boys’ mother to raise them alone. Some say he abandoned his family, others that he met foul play looking for a way to get rid of the changeling imposter. Cole is determined to finally push through the rumors and learn his father's fate.
With the help of their friends—Evie, expert on the creatures of the Wild Wood, and Fable, the indomitable half human, half fairy—Tinn and Cole set out on a dangerous quest to the deepest, most deadly limits of the Wild Wood. Meanwhile a shudder runs through the forest. Increasingly powerful earthquakes shake the land, sinkholes form, and the spriggans, trolls, and other creatures along their path speak of an ancient evil on the rise . . .

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: June 22nd 2021 by Algonquin Young Readers
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

Eee. I cannot wait to read this book :D And I will be reading it next. So excited that I got accepted for an eARC on Edelweiss. Sigh. I very much loved the first two books in this series. And I am very much dying to know what happens next to all these lovely characters. Gosh. This looks gorgeous. And sounds great.
What are you waiting for on this darkest Wednesday?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Review: Twin Daggers by MarcyKate Connolly

Although it breaks my heart a little, I have to give this book two stars. I truly tried my hardest to love this one. But I simply did not. And I have a whole lot to share about it. While trying my best not to be too negative. As there were parts of this book that I did like. It was a mix between two and three stars. But closer to two stars.

It is heartbreaking to me, as I am huge fan of MarcyKate. Have adored her for years and own all her books and have read them all too. Have enjoyed them all very much. And I will of course still continue to buy and read books by her. As she is awesome. And although this book was not for me, I'll not stop reading her books.

I will try my best to share all my thoughts about this book. But I will also try not to share too much. Just enough. I so wish I could say that I loved this one. Sigh. But that just wasn't the case. Still. I am glad that I read it. And I will still be reading the sequel, since I do very much want to know what happens next to the characters. I just also had many issues with this story. Which makes me sad. But, oh well. It is what it is. I did not like this one much and I will be sharing why. I shall begin by saying that I had issues first with the writing. It wasn't bad, not fully. But I was not able to connect at all. I felt nothing for these characters. It felt like this book was only telling never showing. It felt stiff most of the time. The main character did not feel real to me. Which made it even harder for me to enjoy this book. I so wish I had loved the main girl.

It took me forever to read this one, as I could never ignore the writing. Which made me feel like the book never ended. Which was so not a good feeling. But it was not all bad. I did like the world created. I was curious about the magic and the techno parts. But some parts were a bit too much for me. It was like all Aissa thought about. How bad the technocrats were, how they killed all the magi one hundred years ago. And kills them still if they find them. Which was so horrible, of course. And exciting to read about at times.

But I did not like the way Aissa was thinking about all of it. Sigh. There was too much focus on certain things. How she would do everything for her people, and things like that. Then the romance happened too. How she fell for a technocrat. Her people's enemy. She is always thinking about that. How she and him are not meant to be. This book is said to be a somewhat Romeo and Juliet re-telling. I saw that, but not much. It was insta-love. Which I don't mind, but felt like I never got to see them actually be together.

Oh, and there was another boy. A childhood friend, another magi person like her. Whom was totally into her. But all she could think of was the other boy. And yet she cries into his arms. She spend a night out in the wild curled up into his arms for warmth. Yeah. It was very much almost a love triangle. Shudders. But not really that either, as nothing happened, not yet, at least. Sigh. But anyway. I wish I could have loved her romance with Aro. I just did not feel it. Not one bit. I liked him, I liked her, but loved none of them. Oh.

Another part of this world I liked was the story of the Heartless. Babies being born without a heart. Having to get a clockwork heart put into them from birth. And then a new one each year, before that killed them. Though they barely lived more than twenty years even so. It was heartbreaking yet so interesting to read about. And I liked learning more about that. There were also small magic parts in this book. I liked that a lot too. I wish there had been more focus on it, as I wanted to know way more different spells and such.

This book tells the story of Aissa and her twin sister, Zandria. Magi spies living in a world that hunt their people down. Trying with their people to take over again, to get their place back. But it is not as simple as that. Full of different twists and such. Secrets that were not really secrets at all, that I felt like the main girl was stupid for not figuring out. A lot of those. Gah. I kind of disliked their parents. Since they were never there. Barely spoken of. I sort of liked Zandria, but we barely saw her as well. This was the story of Aissa.

There is much I could say about this book. And I have already said enough. Yet barely even mentioned the plot. Oops. It bothered me that Aissa never figured out all the secret things. They were all so obvious. Some things were too convenient. There were mentions of her seeing torture. It was kind of dark, yet I felt nothing. I wish I had felt something while reading this book. But I just did not. Which still makes me sad. As I really did want to love this. But I tried. I wanted to know what would happened, just didn't care much.

Even though Twin Daggers was not everything I had hoped it would be, it was still a good read. It was still a good story and I am glad that I read it. I just wish it had been better for me. And I know that others will love it. Which is always the case. But yeah. Sadly this book was not for me. Still going to read the sequel, though. And hoping that I will love that one more. As I must know what happens next. But wishing I was more invested as well. How rude. Still. This book looks stunning and so thrilled to own it for my collection.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

In My Mailbox #467

Hello. Small update today. I am exhausted and so tired. Haven't gotten much done this week. Though I did finish watching The Haunting of Bly Manor, which I loved. <3 Hill House was better, though, ha. I am reading a book. But going so slowly. Oops. Got a few new books this week. <3 And a couple of new blog posts. I celebrated nine years of blogging :D Ahh. International giveaway too. This week I'm waiting on The Ones We're Meant to Find. <3 I hope you are all doing well. I am okay. Just so goddamn exhausted. 

Pre-orders of Foxheart and Thornlight by Claire Legrand. International. Ends 11/01.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. There is so much hype for this book. Gosh. It better be worth it, haha :)
The Lives of Saints. UK edition has now arrived too :D Such a pretty book. Must read one day soonish.
Shadow and Bone: Collector's Edition. Eee. I couldn't not buy this gorgeous thing. <3 Love this book so.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy. Oops. I still collect every edition of books by Shannon, haha. <3 Love.
Serpentine. Will be reading this story one day. One day. When I stop being angry about his latest. Uuugh.


The Oddmire: Deepest, Darkest. Eee! I am so so very excited. Got accepted to read this beautiful thing early via Edelweiss :D I cannot wait. I loved the first two books so very much. And this third one is going to be aaamazing. I think I will be reading this next after my current read :) Just can't wait until next summer.


More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #470

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

One of the most twisty, surprising, engaging page-turner YAs you’ll read this year—We Were Liars with sci-fi scope, Lost with a satisfying resolution.

Cee awoke on an abandoned island three years ago. With no idea of how she was marooned, she only has a rickety house, an old android, and a single memory: she has a sister, and Cee needs to find her.

STEM prodigy Kasey wants escape from the science and home she once trusted. The eco-cities—Earth's last unpolluted place—are meant to be sanctuary for those committed to planetary protection, but they’re populated by people willing to do anything for refuge, even lie. Now, she'll have to decide if she’s ready to use science to help humanity, even though it failed the people who mattered most.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: May 4th 2021 by Roaring Brook Press
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

Eee. This book looks so very gorgeous. And sounds so awesome. My gosh. I cannot wait to read this one :D Wish it was May already. Hmph. I read Joan's debut book, which was amazing, and I cannot wait to read this new book by her too. Sounds so very good. And I am certain that I'm going to love it the most :)
What are you waiting for on this twisty Wednesday?

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Nine Years of Blogging + Giveaway

Hi there. I cannot believe I have been blogging for nine whole years already. My gosh. Time moves way too fast. This time I did not forget about my blog birthday, ha. But I did wait until the last day before it to put together this blog post. Oops. But I did not forget this time, at least. And this time I am actually having a giveaway too. Which I have not had for so very long. I hope you will all enter it. I have been blogging for so long now. And it is still so amazing to me. I still love reading and reviewing books. I love sharing books that I'm waiting for and books that I get in the mail each week. I so love reading comments from you guys, though those have been so few. But thank you for visiting. It means the most to me. I'm still so far behind on everything, but slowly trying to catch up. But I am here. Still blogging, still tweeting. Always reading :)

I just peeked a little on my post from last year. Where I shared about going to the Taylor Swift concert in Oslo this year. Sigh. My heart is still breaking over that. I mean, we had everything ready. Plane, tickets, hotel. And then that damn Corona arrived. And no concert for me. Which is so heartbreaking. I know, it's small, compared to what everyone else is going through. I am lucky with where I live. But I am still sad that this concert had to be cancelled. Hoping there will be another time for it. Thankfully, Taylor did then release another album. Eee. Which is perfect. Anyway. I have been doing mostly good this year. Health is still the same as always, not very good, but I'm dealing with it. And doing the best that I can. I hope you are all doing okay too. Would love to get a comment with a small update from all of you too. All the hugs.

Giveaway details.
I am giving away two pre-orders to one winner. A hardcover of Thornlight by Claire Legrand and a paperback of Foxheart by Claire Legrand. Coming out in March and April. I will pre-order both for one winner, from book depository. Open to everyone. If they do not ship to your country, I'll send you an Amazon giftcard for the same price, so you can pre-order them yourself. That way everyone can enter. Giveaway will last for three weeks. Winner to be contacted when ended and have 48 hours to reply to my email. Many ways to enter, all in the rafflecopter below. Best of luck :D I loved these two so much.

Foxheart review. Thornlight review.


Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

In My Mailbox #466

Oh. Another week gone by. So fast. This time I did get to read a book, though, so I'm pleased with that :) Planning another one very soon. <3 I have been so busy playing Animal Crossing all the time. Oops. I haven't missed a day since late March. And I won't. Love it too much, ha. And also playing Pokemon Go each day too, on three accounts. Oops. So yeah. So busy. Then family too. And bad health. And I'm just trying to survive the days, haha. But yeah. Hoping to do more soon. Hoping to catch up more. Oh. And I also play Wizards Unite. Haaa. Yeah. Save me. I play too much. But love them all too much too. Oops. Oh, well. I'm still doing mostly good. No corona yet in my town. Still hoping it might never get here. But I know it will. Sigh. Then my life will be changed too, like the rest of yours. But so far I'm good. And I am hoping all of you are too. <3 A couple of new posts. This week I'm waiting on All These Warriors. <3 And shared my review of Wishes and Wellingtons :) And then there was all the mail I got this week. Eeee. Oh. Look at it all :D OH MY GOSH. Best trade. Amazing friend for helping. Lovely Lightbringer hardcovers. Sigh. So happy with all of it. Also remembered that my blog birthday post must go up tomorrow. Haaa. Yeah. So putting that together now :) Nine years. Gosh. I have been blogging forever, haha :) Still love it.

Lightbringer. EEE! My precious. My love. I am so scared. It is huge. And perfect. And so very pretty. Sigh.
The Lives of Saints. I cannot wait to read this gorgeous thing. <3 Stunning US edition :) Must read soon.
The Lost Book of the White. Oops. You know I must get all the editions. Including international pback :)
Murder on Cold Street. Eee! I am so in love with this series. And I can't wait to read this newest. Sigh. <3
The Tower of Nero. Haaa. Am I forever behind on the books? Maaaybe. Am I still buying them all? Yeah.
Splinters of Scarlet + All These Monsters + Shadow and Bone + Fable. AHH! Biggest thank you to God of Wax for trading all of these with me. Sniffs. I am SO HAPPY. And dying a little. Look how gorgeous :D Oh my gosh. I have Shadow and Bone. Sobs. SO HAPPY. Thank you Becky for helping me get them all. <3
Book Sleeve + Pin. Ahh! Thank you so much Becky :D Love this sleeve that I bought from her; Story Hero. <3 It is fully gorgeous. Eee. Igniting Darkness pre-order pin. Thank you so much for helping. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Review: Wishes and Wellingtons by Julie Berry

Feeling conflicted about how to rate this book. Unsure about three or two stars. Sadly I have to go with two stars for this. I tried so hard to love it. But it was simply not for me. Parts of it were great, though. But couldn't get past the writing and how annoyed I was by the main character. Sigh. I am sad about it.

As I really did want to enjoy this one. I was so lucky to win a signed ARC of it. Which looks gorgeous. And the cover is so stunning. I also very much liked the setting, set around 1896. I liked the idea of a djinni in a sardine tin. I liked the sound of great friendships. But I was sadly mostly disappointed with it.

I will not be writing too much about this book. I'm only writing down a few of my thoughts about it. I do think that others will probably love it, which is always the case with books. But for me, it was not good enough. I so adore reading middle grade books. Which is why I was sure I would love this one. But it felt so much younger than what it was. Main girl was thirteen years old. She felt years younger. I do not mind young books at all. But she was supposed to be thirteen. Yet she acted so badly. She was so very stupid for almost all the book. She was mean and rude. Book says feisty. I did not agree most of the time. Maeve was always thinking bad things about people around her. And she wasn't all that nice towards her two friends either.

This book tells the story of Maeve. A thirteen year old girl spending her time at a school for young ladies. Her only friend being her roommate, Alice. All Maeve does at this school is complain. And causing much trouble. It felt like every girl was supposed to be evil. It was a bit too much for me, the whole pettiness of it. Especially with how much she complained about her family too. She was always causing trouble with this one girl. Sure, the girl was awful, but so was she. She was always causing trouble with the teachers.

I wish I could have loved Maeve. She was interesting. But sadly nothing special to me. I liked her friend Alice. But their friendship felt a little thin to me. Then they got to know the orphan boy across the street, Tom. I sort of liked him. He was fourteen. And seemed younger than ten. It was weird, their ages. I sort of liked their friendships too. Except for how Maeve was lying to Tom, and how that never really mattered. A few other characters in this book too, a few of them interesting, most of them not. Sigh. I did like her dad.

This is a book about a djinni. Maeve is cleaning trash outside as punishment for one of the bad things she always did. Then she finds a tin of sardines. She's about to eat it, but something else comes out  instead. A djinni. A man who can grant her three wishes, anything she wants. She was so excited. And I thought it seemed great too. Until she makes her first wish. It was beyond childish and stupid and careless of her. And sadly made me dislike her a bunch. Sigh. She mess up the second wish too, that was more exciting.

There is a small desert adventure in this one. It lasted for, what, an hour. And is then not really mentioned again. There was an evil sorcerer. Whom we never see again. The djinni was all kinds of rude and full of warnings and threats. That never happened. I simply wanted more from this book. More adventure, more fun, more danger. There was too little of everything. Simply too much of Maeve being stupid and arguing with people around her. I did very much dislike the writing. It was mostly bad and weird, I'm sorry to say.

I really wish I could say that Wishes and Wellingtons was an amazing book. But it really was not. I wanted it to be full of adventure and exciting things. And it was not. At least I did not think so. Others may love it. But I sadly did not. Tried my best to write down all my thoughts about this book. But it's hard to find words when you do not love a book like you thought you would. It's a sad feeling. At least the cover is gorgeous. Though Maeve and her skin color is never mentioned. I wish it had been talked about. I wanted to know.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #469

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

In this highly anticipated conclusion to New York Times best-selling author Amy Tintera's All These Monsters duology, Clara and Team Seven's quest to expose the truth behind the scrab menace has them facing their biggest threat yet: their own demons. Perfect for fans of Warcross and Renegades.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: July 13th 2021 
by HMH Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here
and here #ad


I have an eARC of this gorgeous thing. Eee. And so I really must read All These Monsters soon. I do own a gorgeous hardcover of it. Will be reading it as soon as possible, and then reading this sequel right after :D I cannot wait to read both of them. These books sound aaamazing. Ihope and think I will love them :)
What are you waiting for on this monstrous Wednesday?

Saturday, October 3, 2020

In My Mailbox #465

Oops. I did not read anything this week. Ack. I just haven't been able to make myself start something. How rude. I know what I'm reading next. And I am excited about it. I just.. cannot start. Ugh. Hopefully soon :) A little bit of mail this week. <3 But only one blog post. Ack. This week I'm waiting on Wishes and Wellingtons :) I'm doing the best I can. A bit exhausted and behind on even more, as usual. And  taking down my spa bath tomorrow. Sobs. Will miss it so during these long winter months. But yeah. Haven't been having my baths as often as usual this year either. I just. Haven't had time or energy. Which fully sucks. Sigh. Hope this winter passes fast. Fingers crossed. So yeah. Hoping to start reading in a few days :) Also just busy playing Animal Crossing New Horizons all the time. Still. Oops. It is still the very best, eee. <3 Hope you are all doing well. And staying safe. The world is still very much a mess. Sigh.

Book of Maps. I saw this once. Had to have it. Eee. But got the UK edition. It's gorgeous. Love the maps.
Runaways: Canon Fodder. Oops. I haven't started volume one of this series just yet. I will. One day :D
Skyhunter. I could not resist buying this hardcover. Ack. I did not love this book, but I did like it even so.
Dæmon Voices. Oops. New UK paperback edition. With black pages. I had to have it, haha. Also, Philip.

More Instagram photos here. <3