This sequel was everything I wanted it to be and more. And I'm so glad that I re-read book one before starting this one. These books are just fully incredible. The writing is stunning. The world is beyond amazing. And the characters kill me with how perfectly broken they are. Sigh. I loved this sequel. Five stars, of course.
I have no complaints about this series at all. Well, I do wish the books were longer. I do not want it to be the end when I'm done with book three. I would want to read about these precious ones again and again. As they are all kinds of awesome. Will do my best to share my love for this book. But not sharing that much.
Call of the Crow takes place a little after Sparrow Rising ended. With the four friends being on the run, having gotten a little time to rest safely. They are still being hunted as thieves. And gosh, there is so much happening in this second book. Too much for me to write about. But I will share a little about my most favorite things. The book is still told from the point of view of Ellie and Nox. And I adore them both to pieces. I love how we see much more about them this time. They are both broken, in a way. Ellie always trying her best to do everything. Nox trying his best to not really care about anything. They go through so much in this one. Most of it bad. Ack. But they grow a little more too. And oh. I may ship them way too much, ha. They are just the cutest.
The friendships in these books are simply the best. I love how Ellie and Nox are still fighting a little. Yet are so very fond of each other too. They are the best. And I love them more than anything. I still so very much adore Twig and Gussie. They also go through so much in this book. Poor Twig. It broke my heart, what happens with him. But it was so very interesting and real and I loved it too. And ahh. The damage that happens to Ellie as well. It ruins my heart a little. And I loved it the most, ha. Fully sad and perfect.
What I loved most about this sequel was that they travelled a lot in it. I loved how they went to a jungle and how things were there. I may prefer that type of setting, I'm learning, haha. It was just beautiful and so exciting to read about too. I loved their travels in this book. Of course, they were always hunted, even by an actually crazy hunter. Which I also very much liked. We learn more about the skystones. About how they can heal wingrot. We learn more about everything. More about the dangerous gargols. I loved it all.
There is simply so much going on in this book. I shall not mention much more about it. I should mention, though, that the ending of this second book is the actual worst cliffhanger, ha. Fully exciting, though. But so rude. Thankfully for me, I had book three to start right after. And I may have just read eighty pages of it, before taking a break to write my review of book two. Oops. I simply could not have it end that way and not read more right away. I'm so in love with this series. I've been a Jessica fan for years. She is the best.
I very much recommend that you all read this most adorable middle grade series. It is about kids with wings. It's most awesome. It's full of heartbreak and love and everything that I wanted. Their world is not the best. There is so much wrong going on. And Ellie wants to fix it all. I adored her so much. Skyborn: Call of the Crow was such a stunning second book. It broke my heart all the time. Yet I loved it so very much. Because the characters are worth it. Ellie and Nox are truly the best. And the world is incredible.