Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #407

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Two siblings. Two brilliant talents. But only one Mozart.

Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish--to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope she'll ever become the acclaimed composer she longs to be. She is a young woman in 18th century Europe, and that means composing is forbidden to her. She will perform only until she reaches a marriageable age--her tyrannical father has made that much clear.

And as Nannerl's hope grows dimmer with each passing year, the talents of her beloved younger brother, Wolfgang, only seem to shine brighter. His brilliance begins to eclipse her own, until one day a mysterious stranger from a magical land appears with an irresistible offer. He has the power to make her wish come true--but his help may cost her everything.

In her first work of historical fiction, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu spins a lush, lyrically-told story of music, magic, and the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: March 3rd 2020 by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here

This book sounds different from what I have read and I love that. It sounds pretty amazing and I am hoping to love this book a whole bunch, eee. Been a fan of Marie for so many years now :) And I can't wait to read this new book by hers. <3 Also, cannot help it, I hope there will be romance too, haha :D
What are you waiting for on this irresistible Wednesday?

Saturday, July 27, 2019

In My Mailbox #403

Honestly, how is it already Saturday again? Ahh. This summer is going by way too fast. We have had a few days this week with some heat and sun, so yay for that. But now it's back to being windy and cold, ha. Summer over. Rude. But eee. There are finally a whole bunch of pokestops near my house, and so I have started to take a walk once a day. Much more than what I have usually done, haha. And gosh. I got some stunning mail this week. Eee. Much precious. So thankful. Only one book read, but it was a good one, so I'm okay with that. So far behind on my reading challenge, though. It's hard to read these days. I have so little energy and even less time. My body is always exhausted. And it has been worse this week. Sigh. I'm trying my best, though. And wishing to catch up more these coming days. Fingers crossed. And also! Ahh! I am less than 3000 page views away from one million :D Eee! It is so awesome. I'm excited :D

Queen of Air and Darkness. Oops. I must own all editions, haha :D New smaller UK paperback version.
Retribution Rails. US paperback edition is finally out :D I own all the copies, haha. Erin is the very best.
Warrior of the Wild. Eee! Thank you Chloe for trading this with me :D Thrilled to add to my collection. <3
Aurora Rising + Memento + Furyborn Swag + Fracture. Ahh! Thank you so so very much for helping me get all of this Becky. <3 Including the ARCs below too. You are the best. My personalized AR :D Love all.
We Hunt the Flame + The Beholder + The Star Shepherd + The Girl the Sea Gave Back. Eee! I'm beyond thankful for these awesome trades with God of Wax. Thank you so very much. I love them all so much :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #406

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

THE ALCAZAR (The Cerulean Duology #2) BY AMY EWING

Goodreads Description:

Sera is ready to go home. Agnes and Leo have secured passage on a ship that will take them to their grandmother, the only person with the means to reach Braxos. The magical tether connecting the human planet and the City Above the Sky, Sera’s home, is anchored on Braxos. Though the journey will be treacherous, Sera is willing to risk everything to be reunited with her mothers and best friend, Leela.

Meanwhile, Sera’s beloved city is in turmoil. And Leela must channel the courage and curiosity that once made Sera an outcast to ensure Sera’s return and save their city. Leela mustn’t raise too much suspicion, not until she uncovers the High Priestess’s plans.

With the help of friends, family, and their Cerulean magic, Leela and Sera could soon go back to their normal lives. But will Leela be able to serve her City as blindly as she once did? And will Sera be able to leave behind all that she’s grown to love?

Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: March 3rd 2020 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here and here

The first book was all kinds of fun, to be honest. A bit weird. But I enjoyed it a whole lot. It was a three star for me, and I am positive that I will be reading this second and final book. I must know how it all ends. So curious. I'm hoping for a happy ending for all the characters and some great romance. I need that :)
What are you waiting for on this magical Wednesday?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review: The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas

It feels like I have waited forever to get to read this fourth book. And now I finally had that chance. Giving this precious book five stars. I don't think any book will ever be as good as The Hollow of Fear was to me, but this one was still perfect. And I enjoyed it so very much. This series is simply perfection. Sigh. I love it so.

This fourth book was beyond good. Getting to read more about Charlotte and Lord Ingram and Livia and Mrs. Watson and just everyone was simply the best. Adore these characters beyond words. They are all awesome. The writing in this was stunning too. And so easy to read. The historical parts are so very good.

There is so much I could say about this series. And so much I'm not going to say. Because my mind goes blank every time I try to figure out how to put down words of my love. How rude. As I so very much love these books about Miss Charlotte Holmes and her friends. I love the mysteries they all try their best to solve. I love all of the different food that they eat. All the different places they visit. Just. Gosh. How I love every part of this world Sherry has created. I love that it is set in the past. I love that it is old fashioned. Okay, so many things were pretty horrible back in those days, but it's still so interesting to read about. This book takes place not long after the end of book three. I love how it is a series that moves forward, but not too fast. I love all of the details.

I shall not say too much about this fourth book. Only that I loved it a whole lot. I wish there had been more romance, ha, which I always do. But honestly, I simply loved reading more about Charlotte and Ash. And getting to learn even more about them. Ash, aka Lord Ingram, is such a special man. I love every part of him. And we learn more about him as a person in this one. He is kind of broken and I love that about him. But yes, I very much need Charlotte to heal him, haha. They fit together very well. Sigh. They are so cute.

Anyway. This book does not take that much place in London, as the other books. Instead they all travel to Paris to help a client. They are going to rob someone. Steal a painting. And this is no easy thing. There is so much planning that happens. So many secrets that comes out. And it was all exciting and interesting to read about. There is a scene about someone having to walk in cold water; it was pretty heartbreaking, but so very good. Oh, how much I love all of these characters. All of them has a special place in my heart.

I will not say much about the plot in this book. Only that there is still so much to learn about everything and everyone. They all have secrets. And many of them were revealed in this fourth book. Which I truly enjoyed a whole lot. The mystery is still good and I love that there is one big case in each book. Though this case did not feel like it ended. And that has me worried. Yet so excited too. My favorite parts of this book was reading about Charlotte and Ash spending time together. So good. But I love them all so much.

A whole lot of book three focused on the romance between Charlotte and Ash. In this fourth book it was barely there. Which ruined my heart a little bit. But not too much, because there was a reason for it, which is a good reason, but still. My poor heart. Even though they are still not together, they still feel so much for each other. There are still hints of what may come. And every glance between them made me so excited. Sigh. They are perfect together. And I need so much more. Oops. They're also such great friends as well.

But gosh, now I need the next book even more. Because this book ended on such a rude cliffhanger. I must know what happens next to everyone. This fourth book did not have Inspector Treadles at all. What even. Not until the final page. And now I am beyond curious about book five. It will be so good, I know it. But waiting for it will be the worst, haha. The end of this was full of twists. Of things that are so completely complicated and has me beyond worried about what might happen next. So excited for it all, though, eee.

The Art of Theft was a completely stunning book. Filled with the same mystery and suspense as the first three. It still has the same characters whom I love beyond words. They keep growing and becoming even better and my love just keeps growing for them all too. I am fully invested in all their lives and completely worried about them all. It's the most exciting thing. I ship these almost romances so very much. They are both very complicated. But so real and so perfect. Sigh. This book was everything that I needed it to be.

Okay, fine, it did not have the romance that I do desperately needed, haha. But that is okay. Because my favorite characters are still together, still solving crimes, still speaking to each other. And still very much in love with each other, even though they do not really admit so. Sigh. Charlotte and Ash has such longing for each other that it kills me. I need a happy ending for them more than anything. Okay, I must have at least ten books with them together and happy, haha. That's not too much to ask, I hope. Fingers crossed.

If you have still not read the Lady Sherlock books then you really must get started. The Art of Theft is the fourth one. And more will be coming. I hope. I hope this series never ends. As Sherry is such an amazing writer and such a kind and sweet person. I need more of Charlotte, always. These books are a must read. It is such an amazing historical mystery series about a female Sherlock Holmes. With a whole bunch of awesome side characters whom we also get to read from pretty often. I completely love every single one.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Oddmire: Changeling Blog Tour: Review

Today I'm taking part in the blog tour for The Oddmire: Changeling by William Ritter :D Huge thank you to the publisher, Algonquin Young Readers, for letting me take part in this tour. I'm so glad I had the chance to read this book early. For my post today I'm sharing my four star review of the book. I read it exactly one month ago today, and it was so good. I got a free eARC of this book from the publisher, which I am super happy about. Because this book ended up being so good for me. Fully adorable and all kinds of fun. Can't wait to read more about the characters in the second book. I think you should all read this adorable book.

Review of The Oddmire: Changeling.

I had not heard much about this book before I had the chance to sign up for the blog tour. I then read the summary. And knew I had to give this book a try. And I'm so glad that I did so. Because this story was all kinds of fun and so cute. The book was short and easy to read. The writing was stunning. The characters were the very best. I'm giving it four stars, as it was not completely perfect, though not far from it. I really liked the writing a whole lot. This book was fast paced and exciting. Full of magic and danger and family.

This book tells the story of twin boys. They are days away from turning thirteen years old. It begins only days after the birth of them. With a goblin about to steal a human baby and put a changeling in his place. But he makes a mistake. And has to leave both boys behind. Which is how they end up being twins. Their mother cares for them both. And they had such a great life with her. It made me so happy. One of them is human, one a goblin. But they don't know which is which. And yet their mother loved them both the same.

Which made my heart so happy. We get to know both boys in this story, Tinn and Cole. We get to know a little about each of them. And they were both adorable. Tinn was more quiet and careful, with Cole being loud and breaking all the rules. But they spent all their time together, having fun, being brothers. Getting to know them was the best. And I could not help but love them the very most. Eee. We also get to know their mother, Annie, a whole lot as well. And this woman was all kinds of epic and fierce. I loved her tons.

This book was fast to read, though it was not all that short. So much happened. Despite most of the story taking place in just one day. Tinn and Cole do not know which one of them is the goblin changeling. They worry about it, but it does not stop them from being brothers and loving each other. They are just normal boys. And I very much liked learning about their life. They live in an old fashioned village, in the past. This world seemed pretty great. Would not have minded learning even more about it all, though. I am curious.

The boys live a normal life, until the day they get a letter from the goblin that changed their lives. And so they must begin on a journey. A journey to save magic in the wild forest or end up with one of them dead if they fail. And they must do so before the end of the day. The journey through this dangerous forest was all kinds of fun. They meet this girl, Fable. And she was a little awkward but beyond sweet. They get lost. They get hurt. And reading about it all was simply the very best. Was such a great journey to read about.

Though they left without letting their mother know, they did leave her a note. And so just hours after they left she is going after them. I loved that very much. Annie was such a fierce character and so protective of her boys. There is a whole bunch of things going on in this one. There is a darkness in the forest. A thing that kills creatures. And it is hunting for the boys. It was creepy. But so good too. There is a witch in this forest too. And that was pretty exciting to read about as well. I just loved these characters so very much.

I will not be saying much more about this book. Only that it was pretty amazing. Not fully perfect to me, but almost. It was so much fun. Full of magic and magical creatures. A great story with a good ending. I must have the next book in this series. The Oddmire: Changeling was such an incredible story. With the best characters. The adventure was all kinds of fun. And the writing was stunning. Biggest thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for letting me read an eARC of this book for the tour. You all need it in your life.

Magic is fading from the Wild Wood. To renew it, goblins must perform an ancient ritual involving the rarest of their kind—a newborn changeling. But when the fateful night arrives to trade a human baby for a goblin one, something goes terribly wrong. After laying the changeling in a human infant’s crib, the goblin Kull is briefly distracted from his task. By the time he turns back, the changeling has already perfectly mimicked the human child. Too perfectly: Kull cannot tell them apart. Not knowing which to bring back, he leaves both babies behind.

Tinn and Cole are raised as human twins, neither knowing what secrets may be buried deep inside one of them. Then when they are twelve years old, a mysterious message arrives, calling the brothers to be heroes and protectors of magic. The boys must leave behind their sleepy town of Endsborough and risk their lives in the Wild Wood, crossing the perilous Oddmire swamp and journeying through the Deep Dark to reach the goblin horde and discover who they truly are.

William Ritter is an Oregon author and educator. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark.The Oddmireis Ritter’s first series for middle-grade readers. He is also the author of the New York Times bestselling, award-winning Jackaby series for young adult readers. Visit him online at and find him on Twitter: @Willothewords.

Where to find William Ritter:

“Set in a magical world filled with incredible creatures from folklore, this fast-paced fantasy will keep readers turning the pages as they follow the twins through the dark and mysterious woods. Unique characters with complex personalities will give readers insight into the feelings and actions of not only Tinn and Cole and their mother, but the creatures—both good and evil—they encounter on their journey. A captivating series opener.” —Booklist, starred review

“A delightful series opener.” —Kirkus Reviews

“[A] charming middle grade fantasy…Ritter (the Jackaby series) crafts a well-paced adventure filled with whimsy and peril, in which the bonds of family and love prove stronger than any spell or curse. With memorable characters—especially the irrepressible protagonists, who make a delightful team—and an atmospheric setting, this is a strong series opener.” —Publishers Weekly

Saturday, July 20, 2019

In My Mailbox #402

Gosh this week have been long. I had to spend over a week with my sister to help with the babies. I'm exhausted, lol. But finally back home in my own bed and spending the nights as well with my cat :) And also, eee, we finally have summer weather here. I have waiting so long for it, lol. Finally some heat and sun. Sigh. So spending some time outside too. But yeah. My health isn't any good at all. New bumps and abscess and everything hurts. Ugh. Trying to deal with it, but it is hard. But I am okay. Mostly, anyway :) Still so far behind on every single thing. Behind on reading too. I have only gotten to barely start The Art of Theft. But hoping to read more tonight. Fingers crossed. Also, eee, I finally have my laptop back from service. Sigh. That do make things easier. But no new laptop, like I was promised, not until the next time it is broken again. Ugh. Which I'm positive will happen. How rude. Anyway. I got some pretty great mail this week :D A few books. <3 And some more pop figures, haha :D Only two new posts, ack. Posted my second review of The Hollow of Fear. <3 This week I'm waiting on Steel Tide :) Hope you're all doing well.

Serafina and the Seven Stars. I have only read book one, ack, but own them all now :D Excited to read.
Blastaway. I adore this author and I think this new middle grade book by her looks all kinds of amazing :D
The Magnolia Sword. Aaack! Thank you Kiara for trading with me :D I just love this book soso very much.
Pop Figures. Oops. So many :D My new LotR. So awesome. And JP jeep :D So stunning. I love them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #405

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The second book in a heart-stopping trilogy that follows the captain of an all-female ship intent on taking down a vicious warlord's powerful fleet.

Caledonia may have lost her crew, but she's not done fighting yet. After nearly dying at the hand of a powerful foe, Caledonia is pulled from the sea and nursed back to health by a crew of former Bullets that call themselves Blades. The Blades escaped Aric Athair's clutches and now live a nomadic existence, ready to disappear at a moment's notice should trouble come their way.

But Caledonia wants to do more than just hide. She wants to find the Mors Navis and her beloved sisters. She wants to continue fighting Aric's fleet and to take back the Bullet seas. She'll need to do everything in her power to convince the Blades that fighting is their only option, that there has to be a life better than the one under Aric Athair's reign, and that finding the women of the Mors Navis is the first step to revolution.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: September 17th 2019 by Razorbill
Pre-Order here and here

I very much enjoyed the first book in this series. Though at the moment I cannot remember much about it. Oops. My memory lately is the worst, haha. But it was a four star. And I know that I liked the characters a whole bunch. And so I can't wait to read this second book. A bit nervous, but I'm  hoping to love it a lot :)
What are you waiting for on this fighting Wednesday?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Review: The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas

This book was every bit as perfect as I remembered it. Sigh. So thrilled that I finally got to read it again. When I read it last year I almost died with how good it was. It gave me the same feelings this second time too. Which makes me the happiest. This series is simply amazing. Just can't wait for even more of these books.

I don't know where to begin with describing my love for this third book. As I loved everything about it. The writing was perfect, as always. The historical London setting was done so well. I loved everything about the history and the clothes and just all of it. But what killed me the most was the characters. Sigh. So very good.

Every part of this book was perfect to me. The mystery was still such a mystery for me, haha. Full of suspense and danger and fear. I loved every moment of it. And the characters keep getting better and better. We learn so much more about all of them. And romance. Oh my gosh. The romance in this book. Sigh. It ruined every part of my heart. And I loved it more than anything. It's still beyond complicated. But gosh how much I ship these two. More than anything. I need them together. And I want them in the same room at all times, ha. They have such passion and tension and are just adorable together. Such history. Much of it heartbreaking, though. Sigh. But good as well. There is no drama. A bit heartbreak, yes, but nothing horrible. Which I am happy about.

I will not say too much about this book this second time. Only sharing a little of what I loved of it. Though, well, I loved it way too much, so yeah. The Hollow of Fear was everything I wanted it to be. Full of tension and mystery. The romance I had been waiting for. And such stunning characters. Okay, the romance is so bittersweet most of the time, but gosh. It is perfect. Charlotte and Lord Ingram are perfect together. Sigh. I cannot get enough of reading about them being together. Their scenes are just the very best. And so fun.

There is so much to love about this third book. The mystery is so very well written. Full of surprises and some fearful moments for the characters. It was awesome. Even though I had read the book before, I still could not wait to know what would happen next. It was so exciting. And evil. But so good. And then there was Charlotte and Lord Ingram. My god, those two. They kill me. I love them so very much. And we get to know them both a little more in this one. And it was simply the very best thing, to be honest. I adore them.

But yes. This book focus on a murder mystery. The murder of Lady Ingram, Lord Ingram's wife. Yeah. It's complicated. His estranged wife, whom have not treated him well at all. Which still breaks my heart. Sigh. As this man deserves all the best things. My poor heart. Anyway. The story takes place over a few days. With Charlotte trying to figure out who really killed her. Trying to keep Ash from going to jail. It is not easy. At all. And so very complicated. And I still loved every single moment of it. Sigh. So perfect. And so rude.

But yes. What I loved the most in this third book was the romance between Charlotte and Lord Ingram. It is complicated. But they love each other so much. Despite possibly never being able to be together. But I need them to. So badly. They are perfect for each other. Sigh. Anyway. The small romance was so good. So perfect. But the mystery was just as perfect too. So exciting and thrilling. Parts of the story ruined my heart, though. With the whole asylum part of the case. It was rude and heartbreaking but so well written.

I have mentioned time and again how I have been annoyed with Inspector Treadles. And I still am. But in this third book I also started to like him more. As he is slowly changing. At least, I hope he is. He has so many doubts about everything. Which is kind of sad to read about. I do want him to be happy. And I want him to love his wife even more than he already does. She is adorable. So yes. He was better in this book. And I hope he will continue to become even more better with each new book. I do love reading about him.

I have already written way more about this book than I was going to. But I could not stop once I started. And I still want to share all of the things. Sigh. The Hollow of Fear was perfect to me. And it has made me even more excited about the next books in this series. I need to know more about every single one. About Charlotte and Ash and Livia and her secret man too. This whole story is complicated. Full of secrets and mystery. And every part of it is exciting and so thrilling. I'm so glad that I re-read all three books right now.

Sherry has done such an amazing job with these books. I so hope that she will never stop writing about Charlotte Holmes and those close to her. Each characters is so special to me. I want to read about all of them for years to come. Crossing all my fingers that there will be tons more books coming. As Sherry is such an amazing author. And person too, as she is one of the kindest people I know. If you still have not read her books, you really must get to it. The Hollow of Fear was every kind of perfection. You will love it.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

In My Mailbox #401

This week has probably been the busiest and most exhausting week ever. And isn't over until Wednesday for me. Ahh. I'm spending all day and night with sister and her two youngest babies. I'm so so tired, haha. But it's good too. Though because of this I have not gotten anything done this week. Ugh. So far behind. I managed to read one book, so yay for that, but it took me forever, haha. Also blogged a bunch, which I'm happy about. Got the most gorgeous books in the mail this week too. Eee. So thrilled and so thankful. Still waiting on news about my laptop. It is done at service, but it have not arrived back yet. And then they will most likely tell me they won't give me a new one, so I have to argue with them, again, ugh. I'm not looking forward to it. But will do it. So anyway. My health still sucks. I got an allergic reaction on my face, not fully sure what from, and it is just burning all the time. And red and weird looking. Ugh. I'm hoping it goes away shortly. I hope you are all having the best weekend :) Please do comment if you are visiting. I pretty much never get comments these days. It's heartbreaking. But still here. Still writing my blog posts :) The newest ones this week are these. I took part in the Immunity blog tour :D Finally got to share my five star review, haha. This week I am waiting on Stargazing. <3 I shared my third review of A Conspiracy in Belgravia :D And I took part in the launch week blitz for Blastaway :) So far behind, but I'm still trying my best with it all.

Immunity. This book was so good, eee :D I loved it so. And my hardcover of it looks beyond precious.
Incarnate. Ahh! Thank you Mimi for trading with me :D Gosh. Complete collection. I am so thrilled. <3
Bid My Soul Farewell + Midnight Beauties. Oh. My gosh. Thank you so much Yara for trading with me :D I'm dying a little. SO excited to own these two. <3 And dying to read both of them, eee. So so so happy.
Kingsbane Swag. Eee! Thank you so much Whitney for this most stunning gift. <3 Oh. I love this swag.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, July 12, 2019

Blastaway by Melissa Landers Launch Week Post + Giveaway

Today I'm finally sharing about Blastaway by Melissa Landers; which came out this Tuesday :D Sharing a spotlight on the book with an excerpt and a giveaway too. Thanks to the awesome Rockstar Book Tours and Disney-Hyperion for the US only giveaway copy of Blastaway :) I have been a big fan of Melissa for years now. Though it has been forever since I read her alien YA books, ack. Must do a re-read soon, as I remember enjoying them very much :D Also, Melissa is super sweet. And I cannot wait to read this new book by her. Blastaway sounds like such a fun middle grade space book. Still waiting on my pre-order to arrive, but hoping to love this book a bunch when I read it :) I hope you are all planning on reading it too.
Exclusive Excerpt.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep.

I say that for two reasons. First, my chin was wet with drool, and I hardly ever slobber on myself when I’m awake. And second, I was no longer on Earth.

I sat bolt upright and stared out the window as distant stars whizzed past in a blur. There were no planets in sight, and judging by the swirling purple nebula ahead of me, this wasn’t the way to Nana’s house. I checked the navigation screen and felt my mouth drop open. The flashing beacon that represented my ship was halfway between Earth and Fasti.

(So you see, it is totally possible to steal a spaceship on accident.)

I guess my hand hit the EXECUTE button when I fell asleep. And because it would take just as long for me to turn around and go home as it would to finish my journey, it made sense to keep going, right? Either way, my parents would ground me into the afterlife, so I might as well earn the sentence, right?


An electric thrill rushed through my veins when I thought about the possibilities that lay ahead of me. Anything could happen on this trip. Literally anything. I could discover a brand-new element. Or meet a secret race of aliens. Or invent a new energy source. Or eat so much chocolate that I puked. Either way, I had complete freedom to make this journey into whatever I wanted, and once I realized that, there was no freaking way I could turn back. It was like the universe had dropped a gift in my lap, a gift I had no intention of returning.    

I wiped the drool off my chin and smiled.

“Hold onto your stars, Fasti. Here I come.”

Kyler Centaurus isn't your typical runaway. All he wanted was a quick trip to the legendary Fasti Sun Festival. Who wouldn't want to see new stars being born? Um, try Kyler's entire family. They couldn't care less about mind-blowing wonders of science.

When an accidental launch sequence ends with Kyler hurtling through space on the family cruiser, the thrill of freedom is cut short by two space pirates determined to steal his ship. Not happening!

Luckily, Kyler bumps into Fig, a savvy young Wanderer who makes a living by blowing up asteroids. She could really use a ride to Earth and Kyler could really use a hand with the pirates.

But when Kyler learns the truth about Fig's mission, the two must put aside their differences long enough to stop the threat of astronomical proportions racing towards Earth?


Melissa Landers is a former teacher who left the classroom to pursue other worlds. A proud sci-fi geek, she isn’t afraid to wear her Princess Leia costume in public—just ask her kids. She lives just outside Cincinnati in the town of Loveland, “Sweetheart of Ohio.”

Where to find Melissa Landers:

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a finished copy of BLASTAWAY, US Only.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Review: A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas

This book is still every bit as amazing as it was the first time that I read it. I just finished my third reading of this second book. I still enjoyed it the most. The writing is incredible. The characters are all beyond exciting and lovely. This mystery is still stunning and surprising, despite the fact that I have read it twice before, haha.

I don't know how I will manage to write a third review of this one. But I will. My mind is kind of a mess, though. I simply love these characters. This historical female Sherlock Holmes series is the best. Full of mystery and excitement and longing. No romance just yet, but it's coming, and it will be the best thing. So excited.

I am still giving this precious book a four star. Although I cannot remember at all right now the reasons for why it was a four star the other two times I've reviewed this book. Because I really did love this second book a whole bunch. I adore the characters to pieces. And the mystery is good too. But yes. I missed my Lord Ingram. He was there, but so little of him. And him and Charlotte were barely together at all. But this did not make the book bad. Not at all. Because Charlotte is still the most adorable person there is. I completely loved her love of food and cakes. Love how smart she is and how good she is at what she does. I so love her conflicted feelings about Lord Ingram. Sigh. Basically, I just loved pretty much everything about this book. Always so good.

There is so much I could say about this book. But I'm not going to. Simply because I can't find the words to describe how good it was a third time, haha. But I will share a little about what I love about this world and these characters. A Conspiracy in Belgravia takes place right after the ending of A Study in Scarlet Women. We see so much more of Livia in this book. And this precious girl just hurt my heart. I want all the best for her. She meets a man. Which is all kinds of complicated. And yet I loved every moment of it.

Charlotte is still doing detective work pretending to be a Sherlock Holmes. Working with Mrs. Watson and her niece. Both whom are beyond awesome. I love reading about them both. They are so kind and sweet and fun too. And it makes my heart so happy that Charlotte gets to live with them. Sigh. And I loved how well they all work together, how they solve the mysteries together. This book is mostly focused on one big mystery. But also a few smaller ones. All of them impossible to guess the answer for. Which I truly loved.

So much is going on in this book. So many secrets come out. And it was all super exciting and thrilling to read about. Okay, I wouldn't mind to only read about Charlotte and Ash, ha, but I love every other part of this series too. Charlotte is the very best and I so adore her to pieces. I loved her complicated relationship with Lord Ingram, aka Ash. I ship them so hard. And they might never even get the happy ending I want and need for them. The happy ending that they both deserve to have together. Sigh. I want this the most.

Okay, fine, I know I have mentioned this many times before. But I still do not love Inspector Treadles. Ha. He is such a complicated man. His wife is the most adorable. But his view of the world is not very good. Okay, most men felt like him in this time period, I'm sure, but still. I wish he had been a better man. I still adored him, as always, but he annoyed me greatly too. Yet I cannot help but love reading about him and Alice. And I do have hope that he will end up changing much more in the coming books. Fingers crossed.

My review is kind of a mess. But I do not know what else to share about this precious book. I still enjoyed it so very much. And all I want to talk about is how much I loved it, haha. How precious Charlotte is. How adorable Livia is. How much I swoon for Ash. Sigh. And this setting is so very good. If you still have not read these books you are seriously missing out. Because they are so fun and awesome. And I hope that Sherry will never stop writing about these characters, as I will never stop wanting to read more of them.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #404

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Moon is everything Christine isn’t. She’s confident, impulsive, artistic . . . and though they both grew up in the same Chinese-American suburb, Moon is somehow unlike anyone Christine has ever known.

When Moon’s family moves in next door to Christine’s, Moon goes from unlikely friend to best friend―maybe even the perfect friend. The girls share their favorite music videos, paint their toenails when Christine’s strict parents aren’t around, and make plans to enter the school talent show together. Moon even tells Christine her deepest secret: that she sometimes has visions of celestial beings who speak to her from the stars. Who reassure her that earth isn’t where she really belongs.

But when they’re least expecting it, catastrophe strikes. After relying on Moon for everything, can Christine find it in herself to be the friend Moon needs?

New York Times–bestselling author-illustrator Jen Wang draws on her childhood to paint a deeply personal yet wholly relatable friendship story that’s at turns joyful, heart-wrenching, and full of hope.

Paperback, 224 pages
Expected publication: September 10th 2019 by First Second
Pre-Order here and here

After having read The Prince and the Dressmaker by this author I knew I had to read this one too. And I am pretty excited about it :D It sounds all kinds of sweet and maybe sad and I think I will enjoy it so very much. Fingers crossed about it. I simply cannot wait to meet these two friends in September. I'm excited.
What are you waiting for on this starry Wednesday?

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Immunity Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

Eee. I'm so excited to be taking part in the blog tour for Immunity by Erin Bowman today :D I was thrilled when I got accepted to take part in it last month. And then got an early ecopy of Immunity. Eee. I had to re-read Contagion right away, and Immunity right after. And oh my god. It was completely amazing. Sigh. So so good. Biggest thank you to The Fantastic Flying Book Club for allowing me to take part in this blog tour :D If you have not read Contagion yet, you are seriously missing out. This young adult sci-fi duology is beyond epic. The characters are aamazing. And you guys are going to fall in love with this series just like I did. I promise. For my tour today I'm sharing my five star review of Immunity. Gosh, how I loved this. At the end of the post I'm sharing a giveaway as well, US only, not hosted by me. Go enter it right now :)

Review of Immunity.

This sequel ended up being everything I wanted it to be and more. I could not be more happy about this book. It makes my heart happy. I had the best time re-reading Contagion before I started Immunity, and I'm so glad I did so. Reading these two books right after each other was the best thing. Though I already feel like putting my thoughts into words will not be easy. Because I loved this book with all my heart. And it feels impossible to write down that love. I can do it, though. You need to know how special Immunity is.

There will be spoilers for Contagion, so if you have not read that one yet you should not read my review. Instead you should go pick up the book right away. This duology is a must read. There is simply so much that I loved about this book that I do not know where to start. The writing was perfection. I had no trouble at all connecting with the story and the characters. This world was created well and I loved all the space parts. I loved all of the secret things coming out. I loved all the backstory included too. Five stars for this.

But most of all I loved reading about Thea and Coen again. There two characters are the very best and I love them with all my heart. Immunity picks up right after the end of Contagion. Thea, Coen and Nova are the only survivors of their crews. They have managed to leave the deadly planet behind. But they are not safe. They got taken in by some form of military, to be tested on, to be held as captives. Nova was almost killed and spends two months in a coma. Yet we get to read a little about that, which I enjoyed very much.

Though Nova is in a coma, at least she is safe. Thea and Coen are not. The people that took them on a bigger spaceship knows their secret; that they have been affected by the contagion. That they are hosts of the virus, but not sick themselves. They know that they can do things. That they are stronger faster and heal right away. They know, because there was videos from the ship. And because they know, things are so not going well for Thea and Coen in this book. Which broke my heart. But my gosh how exciting it was.

The book begins with Thea and Coen being taken to different cells. They get hurt if they do not do as they are told. They are being studied. Tested in every way. It was pretty horrible to read about. They so did not deserve this. And they were treated so badly. Thankfully not too badly, so wasn't the worst to read about. But it still hurt my heart. Yet it was so good too. I loved reading all of it. I loved this plot. And what I loved most was how they were able to talk to each other in their heads. Eee. It was so thrilling. And so cute too.

And it made the entire book even more perfect to me. Because Thea and Coen slowly get to know each other better. They connect more. They become better friends, slowly becoming more. Although they are still captives. But they are not alone. They have each other. And that meant everything. I loved how they talked to each other. How they spent every moment together, at least in their heads. And then that bond got stronger, in a different way. And it was so exciting and I loved every moment of it. Sigh. My lovelies.

Okay, it was awful to read about them being tested on and used for the virus in their blood. But it was so interesting and exciting as well. This book focus less on the infected and more on the characters. Their relationships. And I so loved it beyond words. Thea and Coen were my favorites. Getting to know them better was so good. And I adore them so much. They were the sweetest. And both pretty much broken. Yet they had each other. And that made my heart so happy. Sigh. This book was amazing. I loved it so.

But it was not all about Thea and Coen. Nova was there too, once she got out of her coma. And there was a new character as well, Amber, the young student taking care of Nova while she was in her coma and then after that too. Nova is a prisoner too. Though able to do more, as she does not have the virus, so they do not care much about her. But she is not allowed to see her friends. And her memories of all that has happened hurts her a whole lot. It was so sad but so good as well. Adored reading about Nova.

And Amber was a great character too and I really liked getting to know her as well. She is not broken like all the rest, but she is just as fierce as them all. Her growing friendship with Nova was pretty great to read about. Although Thea and Coen were my favorite characters, I still adored Nova and Amber so much too. They had a bunch of exciting scenes. And they were pretty cute together too. I shipped them. And getting to know more about them both was awesome. Many new characters in this book. All of them interesting.

There was so much going on in this book. About the contagion. About Thea and Coen and their bond. If there is a cure or not. Everything going on with those that captured them, what they want. There are more details about the different planets and those in charge of them. I liked learning everything new. So much happened. And I enjoyed all of it. The only thing I wish is that there had been an epilogue. Or just a little longer ending. Sigh. I wanted even more of them all, haha. But everything was perfect. Even the ending.

There is still so much that I could say about this book. But I will not say much more about it. I have done my best to stay spoiler free. But gosh. Immunity was everything I wanted and more. It was heartbreaking and evil but so hopeful too. So much bad happened to these characters. But so much good too. The bond between Thea and Coen killed me. Their small romance was beyond perfect. I loved it so much. There is tons to get to know in this book. All of it awesome. And rude. And I enjoyed it so. Cannot stop loving on it.

This is a series I know I will read again. Because there was not a single thing that made my heart hurt. Okay, there was heartbreak and death and awful things happening. But there was no drama. There was no silly jealousy between the main characters. This book did not make me feel pain in that way. Which is rare. It makes me so happy. And, of course, it was completely awesome as well. Exciting and interesting and I am positive I will read both books again and again. They are so worth it. Both books were so good.

Biggest thank you to The Fantastic Flying Book Club for letting me take part in the blog tour and allowing me to read an early eARC of Immunity a month ago. I'm beyond thrilled that I had the chance to read this book early. And I cannot wait to get my hardcover of it as well. Because it was so good and I am going to need all the editions of it. And that cover is so stunning. I love it so. If you have read Contagion then you really must read Immunity too. It was so perfect. And you are all going to love it like I did. I promise you.

Survivors of a deadly planetary outbreak take on a new, sinister adversary in the white-knuckle sequel to Contagion, which New York Times bestselling author Amie Kaufman called “gripping, thrilling and terrifying in equal measures.”

They thought their nightmare was over, but Thea, Coen, and Nova’s rescue was only the beginning. After being imprisoned on a ship they thought was their ticket to safety, it’s clear that the threat they left behind isn’t as distant as they’d hoped—and this time the entire galaxy is at risk.

Now that threat is about to be unleashed as an act of political warfare. To prevent an interstellar catastrophe, the survivors must harness the evil they faced on the planet Achlys and learn to wield the only weapon they have left: themselves.

The first installment in Erin Bowman’s duology earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, who called the plot “intricate and action-packed,” and fans of Jonathan Maberry, Rick Yancey, and Madeline Roux will relish in Bowman’s tense, high-stakes conclusion to the events of Contagion.

Erin Bowman is the Edgar Award-nominated author of numerous books for teens, including the Taken Trilogy, Vengeance Road, Retribution Rails, and the Contagion duology. A web designer turned author, Erin has always been invested in telling stories—both visually and with words. When not writing, she can often be found hiking, commenting on good typography, and obsessing over all things Harry Potter. Erin lives in New Hampshire with her husband and children. You can visit her online at, on twitter @erin_bowman, or on instagram @heyerin

Erin is represented by Sara Crowe of Pippin Properties.

Where to find Erin Bowman:

See the full blog tour schedule here.
See the playlist for Immunity by Erin here.

In My Mailbox #400

Excuse me. But where did this past week go? Time is moving way too fast. Gosh. But I am doing good. I read a book this week, eee. And reading more, finally. It took some time to get started, lol. But hoping this re-read of a series I love will make me want to read even more after it :) Fingers crossed. Still waiting on news about my laptop. I miss it so. Sigh. This old one is so hot and dangerous. Oh, well. It works at least, haha. I also got some pretty mail this week :D Yay! Some awesome books. I also got my new el scooter. Ahh. I haven't gotten to drive it too much, because of stupid rain. Ugh. But it is the best. I love it. So much fun. A few new blog posts this week, with another one being posted right after this post, which is why this is early today :) This week I'm waiting on The Fountains of Silence :D And then I posted my third review of A Study in Scarlet Women. <3 I also got more medicine this week. It was, as always, exhausting. But done with now for some weeks. Hoping I will actually feel better with my whole body this time. Ha. Maybe.

DEV1AT3. My AUS paperback edition have arrived :D And it looks stunning. I must read the book soon.
Heart of Iron. US paperback edition is out :D And book two coming veeery soon. Eee. I'm so so excited.
Shadow & Flame Swag. Eee, thank you Mindee :D Got for taking part in the awesome street team. <3
Pop Figures. Oops. A whole bunch of awesome :D New Stranger Things. <3 And The Lion King. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Review: A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

Reading this book for the third time was all kinds of amazing. I simply cannot stop loving this story and these characters. And I know this is a series I will read again and again and never tire of it. Which is the best feeling. This book never fails to make me so excited. The mystery was excellent. The characters are the best.

This tells an adult story about a female Sherlock Holmes. Miss Charlotte. She is twenty five years old and is the most adorable person. I loved getting to know her beyond words. Okay, I knew her already, many times, but reading it all over again was still the best. Learning everything again and loving Charlotte even more.

The story is set in the past. And oh, the historical parts of these books are beyond awesome. I loved everything about it. I loved the clothes. I even loved the gossip and the rules. Every part of this world were interesting. This story tells of a murder mystery that Charlotte must solve to save the reputation of her sister and father. I will not say too much about this murder business. But it was so exciting. And even though I have read it two times before I still could not wait to find out how it ended, haha. Though the ending for the mystery was heartbreaking and rude and sad. But so good too. And complicated. And just so well written. Sherry knows how to write a story. And I simply adore her so. Sherry is amazing and always so kind. Her books are all truly the best.

I shall not write too much about this book this time. Well, I shall try not, haha. It is hard to not write down all my feelings about this book. Simply because I adore it so. Third time reading, and I'm still so charmed with this book and these characters. Charlotte was the most amazing. And she just ruined herself in this society. Which broke my heart. But was so interesting too. Especially with how Charlotte sees everything. Her mind is excellent. She is so smart. A little different. Beyond adorable and amazing. Every part of her.

This book tells the story of Charlotte. And her sister Livia. A little of their family, whom I truly despised. Oops. But they deserve it. It tells the story of Charlotte and her almost lover, Lord Ingram, Ash in private. And oh my god how I adored this man. He is two years older than her. Their pining for each other killed me. They want to be together so badly. But they cannot. Because he will not. And Ash does have good reasons. But oh, it's complicated. But I did not mind one bit. I ship them the most. They are beyond cute.

This book is about those most stunning characters. But also about Inspector Treadles, whom is the one investigating the murders that happened. The mystery was complete. And pretty exciting and interesting too. I liked reading about how he worked things out, though, honestly, I just wanted more of Charlotte and Ash. Ha. Sorry. But the murder mystery was good too. But Ash. Sigh. My love. There is also Mrs. Watson and the whole thing with Sherlock Holmes and Charlotte being him. It was written soso good. All of it was.

I am still giving this book a four star for the third time, though. Because even though it was pretty much perfect from start to finish, I still found a few of the parts with Inspector Treadles to be a little too long and boring, haha. I kept wanting to go back to Charlotte and Ash and Livia too. Sigh. But this does not mean that I did not love the Inspector too. Because I did. He was complicated. But so interesting and loving too. For the most part, ha. So much happened in this story. And all of it really needed to be there. All so good.

There is still so much I could share about this book. All of the time. But, well, considering this is my third review, I have tried not to share too much this time. But my gosh. You all need to read A Study in Scarlet Women already. This whole series is beyond incredible. I hope Sherry will never stop writing it. I cannot wait to re-read book two and three next, and then read the new fourth novel. It will be so good. I am very excited. And a little nervous too. Because the third book killed me with perfection. So good. I need more.