Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #333

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Cassidy Blake's parents are The Inspectres, a (somewhat inept) ghost-hunting team. But Cass herself can REALLY see ghosts. In fact, her best friend, Jacob, just happens to be one.

When The Inspectres head to ultra-haunted Edinburgh, Scotland, for their new TV show, Cass—and Jacob—come along. In Scotland, Cass is surrounded by ghosts, not all of them friendly. Then she meets Lara, a girl who can also see the dead. But Lara tells Cassidy that as an In-betweener, their job is to send ghosts permanently beyond the Veil. Cass isn't sure about her new mission, but she does know the sinister Red Raven haunting the city doesn't belong in her world. Cassidy's powers will draw her into an epic fight that stretches through the worlds of the living and the dead, in order to save herself.

Hardcover, 272 pages
Expected publication: August 28th 2018 by Scholastic Press
Pre-Order here and here

Oh, this book is going to be very good. I adore Victoria. And I love middle grade. And this book looks gooorgeous and sounds so amazing. Eeee :D I'm going to love it so much. <3 Oh, I cannot wait to read this precious thing. Wishing it was out right now. I mean, look at that cover. I'm dying. It's so so beautiful.
What are you waiting for on this ghostly Wednesday?

Monday, February 26, 2018

Review: The Boat People by Sharon Bala

This was not a book that I would normally read, as it's adult and fiction, but when I was asked by the publisher if I wanted to read and review this one, I could not help but give it a chance. And I'm glad that I did. Because this was a pretty important read. Parts of it were real, though most were fiction. All of it were good, though.

I found the writing in this book to be pretty great. It was hard at first to figure out who were talking and such, as it wasn't written in the usual way. But I got used to it, and enjoyed the writing a lot. This book is told from three point of views. Mahindan. Priya. Grace. All had a story to tell, and I liked reading about all three.

But oh, I have a lot of feelings about this book. And a bunch that I need to talk about. This one was a three star for me, because it was not perfect. But it was such an important book. And I do feel that everyone should read it. It tells a story from 2009, of a boat with over 500 refugees from Sri Lanka arriving in Canada. They all think they are finally safe, safe from war, and in a good place. This is not true. They are not free to live in Canada. They are all put in a jail, men in one, women in another. They are all treated good, and are fed well, but they are still captives. And reading about this was pretty horrible. Not going to share my personal feelings on refugees, but I will say that we are all human, and should all be treated as such. We are all worthy of the same life.

Reading about Mahindan was heartbreaking. He is one of the people from the boat, age mid-thirty. He has his small son with him, six years old. Through this book we get to know about his life. How his wife died. How the war in Sri Lanka affected his life. It was sad and so interesting to read about. I liked it a lot. Mahindan was complicated, yet a great character too. His relationship with his son killed me. Mahindan has to spend months in this prison, waiting to know if he will be let into Canada, or sent back home to die.

Priya was an interesting character to read about too. Her family came from Sri Lanka also, years before Mahindan. Her part in this story is being an assistant lawyer, helping the refugees with their cases, so that they may be let into Canada. And Priya was such a good person. She had a great heart, and I just loved reading about her. Well, most of the time. She was a bit too cowardly at times, to be honest. But oh, her family. Gosh, I loved her family. Learning the past of her uncle was heartbreaking and very awesome too.

Then there was Grace. I think I was supposed to hate this woman. And I did. Because she was not nice. I suppose she had a heart, somewhere. But it was hidden deep. Very deep. And I never got to see her get better. Hmph. Reading about her family and their past was interesting, though. But she as a person pretty much sucked. Which was disappointing. This woman was the one who decided if the refugees had to be in jail, for months, or could be released. Or even sent back. She was not being kind about it, to be honest.

This book is so complicated. And there is so much going on in it. It is a story about refugees. About how their life was good one moment, then the war came, and just about everyone they cared about died. They had a chance to leave, and they took it. But it is not easy in Canada either, as they are being held for so long. Reading about it all was interesting, though. Wish it had been a bit more, as there could have been more endings for all the stories. But it was a good book. Despite some issues, I liked it a lot. Well, mostly.

I'm giving this book three stars, because while I did like it, and found so much of it to be heartbreaking, I also were not that invested in the story. Probably because this is not my genre or the ages that I'm used to reading about. It wasn't as exciting as I'm used to. But this was an important book, even so. But yes. I was a bit disappointed, because of the ending. I can't help but spoil a little. I am so upset about it. Nothing is cleared up. What happened to Mahindan? Is he free? Sent back? I must know. Seriously. It is not said.

And I feel incredibly disappointed by it. It took me ages to read this book, as it was so heavy at times, and then get to the ending, and I'm cheated? What. Not pleased. I do not know what happened to Mahindan. I don't know what happens with Grace. Or really what happens with Priya either. And ugh, I'm so not happy about it. Yes, this book was good and important, and it made my heart hurt. But that ending sucked. And I just feel very disappointed about it. Like the whole book was pointless, in a way. I need an ending. Hmph.

But besides all of that. I am glad that I gave The Boat People a try. It was a stunning and heartbreaking story. About survival and family. About refugees and how some people treat them. About war in a country that I did not know anything about before I read this book. I'm glad I learned a lot of new things. I'm glad I read this book. But yes, ending was not good. Huge thank you to Penguin Random House International for sending me a finished copy of this book to read and review. I think that you should all try this book too.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

In My Mailbox #329

Gosh, time is moving fast. I'm a bit behind on some things, yet not too far behind, so yay for that. I have read two books, which I'm glad I had the time for, lol. I'm waiting on more stunning mail, which means I will have a lot more books to read too. I hope I'll love them all. I also blogged a lot. I shared the cover for As She Ascends :) I took part in the Reclaiming Shilo Snow blog tour :D This week I'm waiting on Sadie. <3 Then I took part in the blog tour for Tempests and Slaughter :D Where I shared my review of it. Posted the cover for Sawkill Girls. <3 Which is gorgeous. Then posted my review of The Disappearances :D This week has been good. Yet busy too, as I have spent a lot of time with sister and baby niece. I'm still feeling pretty sick, and do not think the medicine have started working yet. Ugh. But still hopeful it will. Probably. Oh, and I saw Black Panther last Saturday; it was awesome :D Hoping to have more time for reading. <3

The Boat People. Thank you so much Julia at PRH International for this one :D I'm excited to read it next.
Dreadful Young Ladies and Other Stories. Eee, I adore Kelly. These stories seems so good. Can't wait.
The Traitor Prince. Oh, how this finished copy is gorgeous :D I loved this book a whole bunch. So good.
Funko Pop. My final Aladdin pop have arrived :D And eee, Jasmine look gorgeous. Very much adore her.
The Disappearances + Aru Shah + Ally + Iko Print. Eee :D Thank you so much Bridget for trading these with me. <3 I love the ARCs a whole bunch. And the Iko print is so gorgeous too. Yesss. I love her tons.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, February 23, 2018

Review: The Disappearances by Emily Bain Murphy

Feeling so happy that I read this book. I had seen people love it, and it got me so curious. Then I traded for a copy of it, and couldn't help but read it right away. And I'm so glad that I did so. But the beginning was very slow for me, but then the rest of the book was so amazing. And so I'm giving this four stars.

This is a book set in 1942, in the time of war. But it isn't about the war at all, which I liked, as the story in this book was very interesting and exciting. It is written from the point of view of sixteen year old Aila. And I adored this girl. I enjoyed getting to know her, and my love for her only kept growing. Loved her so.

This book tells a story about how her mother has just died, and her father has to be at war, and so she and her eight year old brother get sent to their mom's home place, to live with her old childhood friend. From the beginning of this book I enjoyed the writing a lot. And it only got better, which I am so happy about. But I also found the first one hundred pages or so to be pretty boring. So that I feared I would not want to read more, if I put the book down. Ack. And so I did not put it down until I had finished it. And I am so glad that I did not give up. Because after those first pages, this book got way more exciting and mysterious and I could not stop reading. And I loved everything about it. Eee. Aila was such a great character to read about, at all times.

Reading about her relationship with her brother was really interesting too. They are both grieving for their mother, and missing their father. They love each other, but are fighting so often. Hurt my heart. I adored her brother, but he kept a few secrets from her, and I did not like that at all. Hmph. Still, I liked them both. This book is about them having to go live with another family for a time. And reading about that was pretty interesting too, how they got to know these people. And this new town, which was all kinds of mysterious.

I am not going to write too much about the plot of this book, as I don't want to give too much away. But gosh, I can say that it was so exciting. This book is from the point of Aila, but also a few small chapters from a villain too. I adored Aila so much. And the villain actually freaked me out. It was awesome. This is a book about Aila learning to live in a new town, with a whole lot of new people. There are some school scenes, and scenes with her making friends and enemies. It was mostly interesting too. Liked her friends.

But this is not a normal town. Which Aila and her brother learn about pretty fast. Which I'm happy about. In this town, something huge disappears every seven years. It has been happening for thirty five years now. Those who live in this town cannot smell anything. They cannot see stars. They cannot see their reflections. And some other things too, and something new is almost about to disappear again. I loved this plot twist a whole lot. A bit of magic. A bit about the war. A whole town cursed. Exciting to read about.

This book is a bit slow, but it was also so incredible. I loved learning more about this town and how they are missing so much. And learning the rules for it, and reading about them all trying to find out why things started to disappear. There are secrets about Aila's family. And something about her new family too. And oh, their new family was amazing to read about. I adored them so much. Two parents, whom were kind and sweet, and a boy, Will, one year older than Aila. And oh gosh. How very much I loved that boy. Eee.

I'm not going to say more about what happens in this book. Just that I enjoyed it a whole lot and it is full of mystery and surprises. The small romance killed me a little. The friendships were all amazing to read about. And I simply adored Aila. There were a few sad moments in this book, but there were not many of those. Which I'm happy about. Most of this book was about the mystery of this town, and how they could make things better. And how Aila wanted to help them find out how to stop it. I simply loved reading it all.

There is not a lot of romance in this book, but there is a little of it, and I loved it the very most. Aila and Will together was the most adorable thing. And when their romance finally started to get more near the end of the book, oh. I loved it very very much and so wish there had been much more of it. They are the sweetest together and I loved how they started out as getting friends, then feeling more. They have some awesome moments together. And also, Will was such an amazing character too. I adored him the most.

Feeling very happy about choosing to read The Disappearances. It was such an exciting and interesting book. Full of mysteries. With awesome characters and a creepy town. And such a great setting too. And despite the start being a bit slow, I loved this book. And I think everyone else should read and love it too. It's worth it. There are bits of magic in this story too, a bit about a curse as well. And I loved reading every moment of it. I wish there would be another book about these lovely characters, though. I would love that.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cover Reveal: Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

I am SO HAPPY that this book is coming out this year, eee :D I adore Claire beyond words. Her books are simply the best and she is the sweetest person. And oh gosh, how I am dying to read Sawkill Girls, eee. It looks GORGEOUS. Oh, I love this cover so so much. And it sounds so good too. Ahhh. I'm so happy. I cannot wait to meet all of these girls. Eee. They sound so fierce and brutal and evil and sweet and gosh, I'm excited for this book. Also, it's Harper, which means it should be up on Edelweiss soon, hopefully, and I am so happy about that. Yesss. Sawkill Girls is going to be perfection. And I'm thrilled about it :D So happy with this cover too. It's so lovely. Just wish I could read it now. What do you think?

Beware of the woods and the dark, dank deep.

He’ll follow you home, and he won’t let you sleep.

Who are the Sawkill Girls?

Marion: the new girl. Awkward and plain, steady and dependable. Weighed down by tragedy and hungry for love she’s sure she’ll never find.

Zoey: the pariah. Luckless and lonely, hurting but hiding it. Aching with grief and dreaming of vanished girls. Maybe she’s broken—or maybe everyone else is.

Val: the queen bee. Gorgeous and privileged, ruthless and regal. Words like silk and eyes like knives, a heart made of secrets and a mouth full of lies.

Their stories come together on the island of Sawkill Rock, where gleaming horses graze in rolling pastures and cold waves crash against black cliffs. Where kids whisper the legend of an insidious monster at parties and around campfires.

Where girls have been disappearing for decades, stolen away by a ravenous evil no one has dared to fight… until now.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tempests and Slaughter Blog Tour: Review

I am so excited to be taking part in the international blog tour for Tempests and Slaughter today :D I just finished reading this book on Monday, and it was a four star read for me. Today I'm sharing my review of it, and sharing a bit about the book too. This was my first book by Tamora, but I am very sure that I will be reading more by her after this. Thank you so much to Penguin Random House International for letting me take part in this gorgeous blog tour, and for sending me a free copy of the international paperback version of this book. It's so stunning. Love this cover so much. I'm also sharing some pictures I have taken of this book. Eee. Can't help but love those a lot, haha. Have you read any books by Tamora? If so, which where your favorites? :D Hope you will all read this awesome. I can't wait to know more about these characters.

Confession: this is the first book I have read by Tamora Pierce. And it was a book that I enjoyed so much. I do own her Alanna books, and I'm hoping to read them soon. This book was a four star read for me, and I ended up liking it very much. I have a whole bunch of thoughts to share about it, though. Most of it being positive, some a bit negative. Going to start by saying that I loved this writing a whole lot. The entire book was written so well, and I'm very happy about that. The book is all kinds of long, which I liked very much.

I can't help it, I have to start by saying that I thought this would be a young adult novel. But it was not. It was, to me, very much middle grade, considering the main character is ten years old in the beginning of the book, and only fourteen at the end of it. I feel a bit disappointed, as I was sure this would be a book about older characters, with adventure as the summary mentions, and this book had neither of those. But I will say that even so, I liked this book a lot. Because I cared for all the characters. And loved this world.

This book tells the story of a boy named Arram. When the book starts he is ten years old, and have spent a few years already at this magic school to learn more about his Gift. He is quite strong at magic already, especially considering his age. This book tells the story of his years at this school, from he is ten until he his fourteen. Pretty sure the next two books will be at the school too. Ack. I grew to love Arram a whole bunch. He was such a gentle and sweet and awesome boy and I loved reading about him. Was adorable.

But I shall admit that I was a little bit disappointed with this book. Yes, it is a four star for me, because I adored most of it, and I did not want to stop reading it. But, well, nothing happens. There is not a single exciting moment in this book. Yes, I loved it, but I will admit that I am not sure how I loved it, haha. As I usually crave action and excitement so much. Hmph. I so wish this book had been more exciting. That even anything had happened, lol. But despite nothing much going on, it was still such an interesting book.

And I did like it a whole lot. Learning about Arram was awesome, and I loved his struggles growing up as the youngest person in the school who was so amazing at magic. Arram gets special masters teaching him, which almost no one else gets. His first years at the school he had no friends, and he was bullied. But when he was ten, and the book begun, he met Ozorne and Varice. And they became such stunning friends. They were both a few years older than Arram, but they did not care about that. Made me happy.

And gosh, these other characters. I don't know how to describe them. But loved them lots. Ozorne was amazing, yet I felt like he could have a dark side too, which hurts my heart already. But yes, nothing dark happened in this book. Ugh. But he was such a great friend for Arram, and that made me so happy. They were awesome together. And oh, Varice. I adored that girl beyond words. She was fierce and fun and just amazing to read about. I wish there had been more about her, would have loved to read her point of view.

Since Arram is between ten and fourteen in this book, there was not much romance. Which I must admit confused me. Because the very first time Arram sees Varice, when he is ten, he thinks that he is going to marry her one day. And at age eleven there is this whole scene about his first erection. Which was a little bit disturbing. A tiny bit more about it, then just gone. And he seems to have girlfriends all the time, yet we never see them hang out or got to read about his first kiss. I must admit to feel a bit disappointed about it.

Especially since the summary mentions that Varice gets closer to his heart. And I did see that. He seems to love her for all these years. But nothing happens. Not until the very last few pages. Hmph. And he has dated a lot of girls before that, which makes me a bit sad. Sigh. But anyway. There were no details, so I'm not too upset about it. Just wishing there had been more romance in this book. Aw. But there is mentions of romance between other characters; those were pretty adorable. I liked reading about them very much.

There is so much going on in this book. I'm not going to mention all of it. Okay, I mean, just about nothing happens, as it's all on the school grounds. But Arram learns a lot of magic. He even heals a lot of people, and gosh, those scenes hurt me a little. Disgusting and sad at the same time. There is a lot of mentions of slaves in this book, and that killed me too. This world was so interesting, yet so sad and that hurt my heart. Arram wants better for this world. And I do too. While I had some issues with this, I enjoyed it too.

This was such a slow book. And while I normally would not have liked that, I pretty much loved this book. I just really enjoyed reading about the characters and getting to know this world. I even found the magic school to be interesting to read about, and liked reading about Arram's classes. I adored his two closest friends so much. There is also mentions of Gods and such, which I found interesting too. Especially this very huge crocodile god. He was awesome. And oh god, the cutest bird is in this book. Preet. Loved her.

Huge thank you to PRH International for giving me a copy of this book to read and review, and for letting me take part in the very awesome blog tour for the book. This was my first book by Tamora, but it will not be the last. I'm so excited for the next two in this trilogy as well. Eee. Now I'm going to search for all kinds of spoilers for these characters, as this book was a prequel of sorts. Tempests and Slaughter was such a well written and interesting book. I completely fell in love with the characters and the world. Enjoyed it so.

Arram. Varice. Ozorne. In the first book in the Numair Chronicles, three student mages are bound by fate . . . fated for trouble.

Arram Draper is a boy on the path to becoming one of the realm’s most powerful mages. The youngest student in his class at the Imperial University of Carthak, he has a Gift with unlimited potential for greatness–and for attracting danger. At his side are his two best friends: Varice, a clever girl with an often-overlooked talent, and Ozorne, the “leftover prince” with secret ambitions. Together, these three friends forge a bond that will one day shape kingdoms. And as Ozorne gets closer to the throne and Varice gets closer to Arram’s heart, Arram begins to realize that one day soon he will have to decide where his loyalties truly lie.

In the Numair Chronicles, readers will be rewarded with the never-before-told story of how Numair Salmalín came to Tortall. Newcomers will discover an unforgettable fantasy adventure where a kingdom’s future rests on the shoulders of a talented young man with a knack for making vicious enemies.

Tempests and Slaughter is published by Random House. International ISBN: 9780525578543.

TAMORA PIERCE is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of over eighteen novels set in the fantasy realm of Tortall. She first captured the imagination of readers with her debut novel, Alanna: The First Adventure. Since then, her bestselling and award-winning titles have pushed the boundaries of fantasy and young adult novels to introduce readers to a rich world populated by strong, believable heroines. Her books have been translated into many languages, and some are available on audio from Listening Library and Full Cast Audio. In 2013, she won the Margaret A. Edwards Award for her “significant and lasting contribution to young adult literature.” Pierce lives in Syracuse, New York, with her husband, Tim, and their cats, birds, and occasional rescued wildlife. Visit her at and follow her on Twitter at @TamoraPierce.

Where to find Tamora Pierce:

Blog Tour Schedule.

Blog Name Tour Date
The Bookish Fanboy Josiah 2/20/2018
A Bookaholic Swede Magdalena 2/20/2018
Carina's Books Carina 2/21/2018
Blackplume Maricar 2/21/2018
Ruby's Books Ioana 2/22/2018
Afire Pages Karina Charlene 2/22/2018
The Royal Polar Bear Reads Rafael Ray 2/23/2018
Twelve Pale Roses Gemma 2/23/2018

Waiting on Wednesday #332

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Sadie hasn't had an easy life. Growing up on her own, she's been raising her sister Mattie in an isolated small town, trying her best to provide a normal life and keep their heads above water.

But when Mattie is found dead, Sadie's entire world crumbles. After a somewhat botched police investigation, Sadie is determined to bring her sister's killer to justice and hits the road following a few meagre clues to find him.

When West McCray—a radio personality working on a segment about small, forgotten towns in America—overhears Sadie's story at a local gas station, he becomes obsessed with finding the missing girl. He starts his own podcast as he tracks Sadie's journey, trying to figure out what happened, hoping to find her before it's too late.

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: September 4th 2018 by Wednesday Books
Pre-Order here and here

Eee! I love love love Courtney. She is adorable and her books are amazing. Oh. I have waited years for another book by her, eee. I'm so excited. Sadie sounds incredible. And evil. And I cannot wait. And oh gosh, that cover. Isn't it gorgeous? :D I'm in love. This book will be so good. Wishing I could read it now.
What are you waiting for on this missing Wednesday?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Reclaiming Shilo Snow Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

Super excited to be taking part in the awesome blog tour for Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber :D It's also a scavenger hunt, with clues on a bunch of posts by other awesome people. And every post will publish today, and you can see the schedule below, or here. I'm so excited to be taking part in this tour. I liked the first book a whole lot, and I adore Mary :D I cannot wait to read this gorgeous looking second book. <3 Thank you to Thomas Nelson & Zondervan Fiction and JustRead Publicity Tours for letting me take part in this lovely blog tour. <3 And thank you so so so much to Mary for this aaamazing guest post that she wrote for me :D Eee. I love it so much. I hope you all enjoy my tour post; and that you will enter both giveaways at the end of it :D Best of luck. This stunning book is out on March 6th :D Go order it. <3

A day in the life of Mary.

Okay, here’s the thing.

When people used to ask me what a day in my exciting writerly life looked like, I would begin to describe it, only to see their eyes glaze over in about 2.4 seconds. This is because describing my life is pretty much the equivalent of me telling you to imagine my grandma in hair curlers, feeding her cats, before heading out to check the mail, with her spanx pulled up to her rib cage.

For her it’s an adventure. For the rest of the world it’s…not.

So nowadays, I usually just show people this. 

Oh wait – wrong picture.
Here you go.

And I tell them how each morning I get up and slip on my legendary writer hero outfit (I forego mentioning how the thing’s gotten quite a bit tighter as I’ve gotten older so I have to wear a cape with it to avoid traumatizing some poor child at the grocery store). And from there, I power up my pegacorn and load up my kids to fly them to school. Which is usually accompanied by one of my teens asking:

“Mom, can I drive?”
“Because we don’t want your brother to die before he gets an education.”
“Let her drive, Mom! I don’t need an education!”

And that is the true story of how my pegacorn now has two dents in it.


When I return to my legendary writer hero home, I check Facebook a few times to see what evil exists in the world, and I counteract it with a few memes.

And then if it’s a writing day, I get down to tackling emails and conquering writing deadlines. This admittedly looks a lot like drinking coffee and texting my husband that I will never finish this book.

However, if it’s a “youth” work day (because I also work as a youth counselor), I’m ignoring said book and, instead, answering messages and having general fun with a bunch of teens I adore. And making my coworkers take awesome legendary hero team photos with me.

Oops, I meant this pic:

And then after picking up my kids from school…it’s making dinner. In the midst of which, I drink more coffee (homemade coconut mochas or honey lattes are my jam), eat chips and salsa like nobody’s business, try to slip in reading time, and hang out with my husband and kiddos.

I have a personal conviction that I won’t write books for other’s teens if I’m not intentionally, passionately, raising my own. So we spend a lot of evenings playing games or sitting around the bonfire – and weekends exploring the coast or watching Psych and The Last Airbender cartoons.

Unless it’s a travel weekend, in which case I board a 747 pegacorn to a conference or book festival, where I have the humbling privilege of meeting amazing teens and students, and hearing their own legendary stories that always result in me crying or cheering.

These are also where I innocently get dragged into my author friends’ shenanigans.

Which is, incidentally, how I found myself getting kissed by one of Maggie Stiefvater’s goats recently.


And thus ends my day.

Although – seriously. Now that I’ve written all that, I’m wondering if the pic of my grandma in her spanx might’ve just sufficed.

Please excuse me while I go pull my own up a bit higher.


Title:  Reclaiming Shilo Snow
Series: Evaporation of Sofi Snow, Book 2Author: Mary Weber
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Fiction
Release Date:  March 6, 2018
Genre: Young Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy

She was far more capable than Earth’s leaders had accounted for—and they had no idea what she’d do next.

Known as a brilliant mind that could hack humanity’s darkest secrets, seventeen-year-old Sofi Snow is the most wanted teenager alive. She found her way to the icy, technologically brilliant planet of Delon to find Shilo, the brother everyone but Sofi believes is dead.

But as she and Ambassador Miguel partner to find her brother and warn those on Earth of Delon’s dark designs on humanity, Sofi’s memories threaten to overtake her, distorting everything she holds true. She knows the Delonese kept her in a dark, deceptive place . . . and destroyed a portion of her life. Now, the more they discover of Sofi’s past, the more Sofi feels herself unraveling—as each new revelation has her questioning the very existence of reality.

In this harrowing sequel to The Evaporation of Sofi Snow, Sofi and Miguel must trust each other and discover the secrets locked inside Sofi’s mind as the line between what’s real and what they imagine begins to slip away . . . threatening to take humanity with it.

Mary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80’s hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean.

CONNECT WITH MARY:  website â”‚ facebook â”‚ twitter â”‚ instagram

My Scavenger Hunt Clue:



1. Be sure to stop at every stop to get the word/phrase as part of the hunt. You should find the phrase within the caption of their social media post or their blog post. Once you get the full phrase, enter it in the Rafflecopter entry form below. 

2. The tour landing page (this page) with the tour schedule and the Grand Prize entry form will be posted here and on JustRead Publicity Tour's Campaign page.  

3. Stops will be posted no later than 6 PM EST on February 20, 2018. The Tour-Wide, Grand Prize Giveaway will be opened through 11:59 PM EST on February 24, 2018. Individual stops' giveaways will be at the discretion of the hosts. 

4. Have fun and be sure to check out this series! It's AWESOME! 




One U.S. winner will win: (1) Hardcover Copy of Evaporation of Sofi Snow, (1) Signed ARC of Reclaiming Shilo Snow, (1)With Music the World Evaporates Drawstring Backpack, (1) The Evaporation of Sofi Snow Earbuds. 

Thanks for joining the hunt!

Extra giveaway!

Comment below and be entered to win 1 Ebook copy of Reclaiming Shilo Snow :D International.
This giveaway ends on February 24th. Winner will be contacted, and must reply within 48 hours.
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