Sunday, January 31, 2016

Review: Burn by Elissa Sussman

I have been waiting for this book for a long time now. Ever since I read Stray just before it was published. I'm so glad to have finally gotten to read this book. And so happy to say that I liked it a whole lot. But three stars for this one. And I have so many thoughts and reasons for that. Shall try to share all of it.

I found the writing in this book to be stunning. Lots of love for it. And the story is pretty exciting too. And I liked this book at all times. But I also had a few issues with this book. Mainly with how short it was. Only about two hundred and fifty pages. And they aren't long pages. So it was fast to read yet way too short.

I'm not sure where I should begin. I loved reading about the mail girl, Elanor. She was amazing to get to know. I loved how strong she was. Yet she was a bit broken too. I adored her. But I also felt like I didn't know her nearly enough, as this book didn't share all that much. But even so, I liked her a lot. And her friends were pretty amazing too. Rhys was adorable. And a great friend. Her older brother was awesome too. And I really liked her almost mom too. Elanor also have this adorable fox as a pet, and I loved Dagger so much. She's the cutest. So much love for that sweet thing. There are also other characters in this book. I didn't like this one girl, Wren. She was annoying me badly. Yet interesting to read about too. Her past was so sad.

There are so much I wish to share about this book. But it was also so short, so I don't really have all that much to talk about. Not much happened. But I liked the plot even so. Writing was beautiful. I liked the story, how Elanor was a fighter. How they were a rebellion in a mountain planning how to get rid of a wicked queen. It was interesting, yet never all that much. And then I learned more about that evil queen, and I didn't think she was all that evil at all. Hah. But I guess she did a lot of bad things, before.

My problem with this book was that I didn't feel all that much about it. I liked reading it, and I didn't want to stop at all, and I read it so fast. But I felt like something was missing. The book is so short. Yet it seems to jump forward weeks and months at times. It bothered me a lot. And I never felt like I got to know the characters. The romance just happened, and we never get to read about them spending time together, except for in bed, and that was only for a few short words. Bothered me a whole bunch. Sigh.

I felt like this book didn't show things that were happening. It could have been done better. I needed to know the boy more. And the girl too. And I wanted to swoon for the romance. But it was impossible, as I never got to read about them falling in love. Just a few looks between them. And jumping ahead for weeks. It was a bit annoying. Yet I shipped them a whole bunch. And I did like the boy, Matthias, a whole lot. But I didn't know him. And that bothered me. This book was short and told so little. I wanted more.

Yet even so I liked it a whole lot. It was interesting and exciting. I liked Elanor so much. I loved getting to read a bit more about Aislynn and Thackery as well. Though not from her point of view, which made me sad. Seemed like their romance was awesome. Sigh. Yet I didn't know enough about them either, which also annoyed me. This book shows so little. And yeah. I wanted to know so much more. Sigh. I had forgotten so much about book one. So I will have to re-read both of these before the third one releases.

These books are exciting. Feels like fairytale and fantasy. And I did like Burn a whole bunch. But sadly I did not love it. And I just don't know what else to say about it. I loved the girl and the fox. Romance was good, but not nearly enough. It should have been written a whole lot more about it. I wanted more. I needed more. I feel like I knew I lot about the plot, what will happen in the next books. But it was also so unclear. Because this book was way too short. Ugh. But I also liked it a lot, despite that. Well, mostly.

I have never taken part in a reading challenge before. But this year I signed up for this lovely one hosted by Mel. Where I will try to read at least one fairytale retelling a month. Sadly I'm very behind this month. Ack. And so I decided to read Burn today, on the last day. And I'm so glad I read this book. I just wish I had loved it more. I'm not fully sure if this counts as a fairytale book, but I think so. There is a evil queen. A different character is a princess. You should all sign up for this challenge :) Last chance today.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

In My Mailbox #222

I.. well. I did not read more this week at all. I did read one book, but it was on Sunday, so it feels forever ago. But I have just not felt like reading at all. Which is so depressing. But I haven't felt like doing anything else either. So mostly I just sit here doing nothing. Sigh. I blame it on how badly I have been feeling for weeks now; my diseases are worse. It sucks. Hoping to feel better. And tomorrow I will read a book for sure. I need to. I hate being so behind. Sad face. Plus side, I have been commenting a lot more often, so not far behind at all. That makes me happy. But I'm also sad, because I hate that I can't read The Winner's Kiss. And seeing so many get that Lady Midnight ARC box is killing my heart. I can't deal with it. I want it the most. Sniffs. So sad. And jealous. Which just sucks. But that's the way I am :) I'm also upset that I got declined for Some Kind of Happiness for the seventh time. Ugh. I shall try again. Also so heartbroken about GFC removing a lot of my followers. Have gone down from 1070 to 949. Sobs. If you don't follow me there, it would mean the most to me if you could. <3 Anyway. I posted a little bit more this week. I posted my review of The Island, which was sadly a one star. Ugh. This week I'm waiting on Stars Above. <3 And then I shared the awesome cover for Nevernight :) I did get a lot of pretty mail this week. So happy with it all :D But still haven't gotten my print ARC of The Steep and Thorny Way. Which is worrying me. Oh, please let me get it next week. I want it so badly. So worried it won't arrive :p But it should. I'm still obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug. <3 I just wish there were things I could buy from it. Hmph. There will be toys in August, and I simply cannot wait. Eee. So anyway. My health is the worst. But still feeling happy. Just sad about a few things :) What did you get this week?

Pre-Order Giveaway of Joyride by Anna Banks. International. Ends 02/02.

The Hobbit. This was on sale, and I had to buy it. I adore these movies. These stickers are so pretty.
Frozen. One more Frozen book, hih. I just adore buying these. This one is so cute. I adore this movie.
Zootopia. Only one I could pre-order. Ugh. I want the other books too. One day. Can't wait for the movie.
Hotel Transylvania 2. Eeee. So happy to have this gorgeous movie on blu-ray, finally. Must re-watch it :)
The Dark Days Club. I'm so excited to read this book soonish. Heard so many amazing things :D YAY!
Winter. I finally found the stunning and soft international paperback editions of this book. I love it lots.
These Broken Stars. I finally bought myself the US paperback :) Now just missing the pretty AUS one. <3
Mark of the Thief. Since I won book two, I had to buy this one :D I cannot wait to read them both soon.
Gustav Gloom 5 & 4. I forgot to buy the 5th. Ahh. Must re-read the first 3 books. Own all paperback too.
Joyride. Ahhh :D Thank you so much Anna for this giveaway. <3 Audiobook + swag is perfection. Love.
Ravenous Swag. This swag is so pretty. Adore these books. Thank you MarcyKate for pre-order swag. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cover Reveal: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

I am the most excited about this book. I have been waiting for it for so long. And I simply adore Jay Kristoff. He is all kinds of awesome and fun and he writes such stunning books. The Stormdancer trilogy was aaamazing and heartbreaking and I also loved Illuminae so so so so much. I think Nevernight might even end up being even better than his previous books. Eeeek. I cannot wait to find out for sure :D Just wishing I didn't have to wait. <3 August 9th seems forever away. I cannot wait to get a lot of editions of this gorgeous book. Because damn. That cover is aaaamazing. I love it the most :D So gorgeous. And the summary is perfection. I will love this book so much. Eee. I cannot wait to read it. <3 There are also a ton of blogs that posted about the cover a few days ago. You can read an awesome excerpt of the book here. Jay made some pretty edits here. See gorgeous post about the lovely title here. See awesome facts about the book here. See gorgeous making of the cover here. Ahh. So many awesome posts :D Just. Ugh. I want this book so badly. It shall be perfection; I know it. <3 What do you think of the cover?

The first in an epic new fantasy series from the New York Times bestselling author.

In a land where three suns almost never set, a fledgling killer joins a school of assassins, seeking vengeance against the powers who destroyed her family.

Daughter of an executed traitor, Mia Corvere is barely able to escape her father's failed rebellion with her life. Alone and friendless, she wanders a city built from the bones of a dead god, hunted by the Senate and its thugs. But her gift for speaking with the shadows leads her to the hearth of a retired killer, and a future she never imagined.

Now, Mia is apprenticed to the deadliest flock of assassins in the entire Republic—the Red Church. Treachery and trials await her with the Church’s halls, and to fail is to die. But if she survives to initiation, Mia will be inducted among the chosen of the Lady of Blessed Murder, and one step closer to the only thing she desires.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #224

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The enchantment continues....

The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories—and secrets—that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies?

With nine stories—five of which have never before been published—and an exclusive never-before-seen excerpt from Marissa Meyer’s upcoming novel, Heartless, about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Stars Above is essential for fans of the bestselling and beloved Lunar Chronicles.


The Little Android: A retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid,” set in the world of The Lunar Chronicles.
Glitches: In this prequel to Cinder, we see the results of the plague play out, and the emotional toll it takes on Cinder. Something that may, or may not, be a glitch….
The Queen’s Army: In this prequel to Scarlet, we’re introduced to the army Queen Levana is building, and one soldier in particular who will do anything to keep from becoming the monster they want him to be.
Carswell’s Guide to Being Lucky: Thirteen-year-old Carswell Thorne has big plans involving a Rampion spaceship and a no-return trip out of Los Angeles.
The Keeper: A prequel to the Lunar Chronicles, showing a young Scarlet and how Princess Selene came into the care of Michelle Benoit.
After Sunshine Passes By: In this prequel to Cress, we see how a nine-year-old Cress ended up alone on a satellite, spying on Earth for Luna.
The Princess and the Guard: In this prequel to Winter, we see a game called The Princess
The Mechanic: In this prequel to Cinder, we see Kai and Cinder’s first meeting from Kai’s perspective.
Something Old, Something New: In this epilogue to Winter, friends gather for the wedding of the century...

Hardcover, 304 pages
Expected publication: February 2nd 2016 by Feiwel & Friends
Pre-Order here and here

I am simply dying to read Stars Above. And very soooon it shall finally be mine :D Eeee! I love that this book comes out so fast after we learned about it. And I love love love love that it will have new short stories. Especially an epilogue for Winter :D And a wedding. Eeeek. I cannot deal with all this awesome. I just wish it will be Cinder and Kai. <3 Crossing all my fingers. You already know how much I love these books and how much I adore Marissa Meyer. She is the very best. And her books are perfection. I cannot wait to read all her upcoming ones. <3 See my Stars Above cover reveal post here. I need this book now.
What are you waiting for on this royal Wednesday?

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Review: The Island by Olivia Levez

I feel bad about giving this book a one star. But I can't help it. It was awful. And I didn't like it at all. Though there were a few scenes that were interesting. But not enough to give it a two star rating. Sigh. I have so many thoughts about this one. I shall try to share them all. Maybe. It's just. I really wanted to like it.

I heard about The Island when I was emailed by the UK publisher in November, if I wanted to review it. And I read about it. And I thought that I would like it, so I got an ARC of it. It is pretty. But oh. Sadly, the inside was not good at all. I tried my best to enjoy this one. But it was impossible. It just didn't work for me at all.

I knew from the first pages that I would not like this book. I wanted to not read it. But it is only the second book I have gotten from this lovely publisher, and I thought that I needed to finish it and write a review. And then I thought about DNFing it, as it was so slow to read, but I didn't. I wanted to finish because I got it for review. And. Well. I sort of regret reading it. But also sort of glad that I did. But I'm also having so many feelings about it right now. And none of it is good. I'm just angry. And my review might end up being very negative. Sorry about that. But I wish to be honest about my feelings for this book. So I might end up posting a few small spoilers about the plot in the book. But nothing too big and not that interesting.

I'm unsure where to start. So I shall begin with the writing. It was awful. Really truly awful. I couldn't stand this writing at all. Which makes me a bit sad. But yeah. It was really bad. I'm not sure how to else describe it. But everything about it was bad. How the girl was thinking. How she described things. I don't usually have issues at all with strong language, but it was bad in this one. It didn't fit in at all. I just really did not like the writing. At all. And story was not all that exciting either. I'm disappointed.

I don't even know how old the main girl, Frances, is. She drank vodka a whole lot. She seemed like she was over eighteen sometimes, and other times she seemed like she was twelve. It was so annoying. But pretty sure she was supposed to be sixteen. Reading about her was the worst. I guess I was supposed to feel sorry for her, you know, with her fat and useless and pathetic mom who got paid for sex. It just seemed a bit too much. And I didn't care one bit. Not even a little. I did not like Frances. Which is sad.

The plot is about her being on a plane that crashes, and her being the only survivor. But gosh it was written so badly. First she manages to get out of the plane by making a hole in the roof. Did not seem likely. She grabs a raft. And then she wakes up inside it. She has one small bottle, with a bit of vodka inside. So of course she drinks it all and gets super drunk. Did not seem likely. And she destroys just about everything inside her one emergency bag. Seriously. It was done so badly and not realistic at all.

This book is about her being on an island. Alone for about two hundred pages, and about eighty days for her alone. Just about half the book is flashbacks. And it was just annoying. I didn't care about her life. Her little brother seemed interesting, until he got taken away and then didn't care about her at all anymore. Seriously. Plot is that Frances did something really bad and is being sent away for weeks. But, well, the thing she did was so silly and just stupid to read about. I didn't care about it one bit. Sigh.

This summary mentions another survivor. But he isn't there for two hundred pages. And then he is just annoying. And Frances is being so rude and awful. She is sixteen. He is over twenty. I thought there might be a cute romance to save me from this awful book. But nooo. Turns out he is gay. Ugh. My dislike for this book just grew so much. Because it was boring. Oh so boring. They spent forever on the island doing just about nothing. Nothing exciting ever happened. Which bothered me. Could have been better.

And then there is that ending. What the hell. It is a cliffhanger. Someone is just about dead. And we don't get to see what happens with it at all. It was the worst ending I have ever read in a standalone book. Just. What. That is not okay. And it just made me so angry. Sigh. I spent ages reading this book, suffering through it, and then it doesn't even have a good ending. What the hell. I'm upset about it. And just. I felt like I wasted my time. Though I was interested in the plot a few times. Sort of. Not enough.

I'm not sure what else to say about this one. Well, okay, I could probably mention a whole lot of other bad things about it. But I'm not going to. Because I'm ready to forget all about it. I'm sorry that I didn't like it. I'm sorry that it was such a bad book. But yeah. It was not for me at all. Some of the survival things were interesting. But for the most part it was boring. Some might like it, though. Just. Thank you so, so much to Cailin at Oneworld Publications for sending me this. <3 I'm sorry that I hated it.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

In My Mailbox #221

This is depressing. I only posted one time this week, and it was a WoW post. Ugh. It's because I did not read a single book this week. Ahhh. Which makes me a bit sad. But I guess I needed the break? Probably. I shall try so hard to get to read a book this weekend. I just haven't felt like reading at all. Ahh. But this week has still been amazing. I got some gorgeous mail. Though I also got declined for Some Kind of Happiness for the sixth time. Ugh. And still no reason for why. I'm heartbroken. But there was also a new episode of The 100, which is still the best. <3 So much love. And.. I must admit to why I have been busy this week. Last Sunday I started watching a new cartoon show. Miraculous Ladybug. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Found tons of fan art. And just loving it so. I have seen the seven episodes there are in English so far two times. Cannot wait to see them again, lol. But there are fifteen episodes in French.. I'm still considering watching those too. I think I will. Getting just one episode a week might kill me. Because damn it. This is the best show I have seen. Ladybug is the most awesome. And Cat Noir is killing me. So cute and fun. Which is why I haven't read. I don't think I will find a boy I love more than Cat Noir / Adrien, lol. I can't help it. He's the best. You must all watch this show, yeah? Do it. It's on Nickelodeon. Anyway. This week I only posted once. I'm waiting on Let the Wind Rise. <3 But yeah. I will read more from now on. Hopefully. I will try to, anyway :D What did you get this week?

Pre-Order Giveaway of Joyride by Anna Banks. International. Ends 02/02.

The Good Dinosaur. More gorgeous books from this awesome movie. They are just so cute. I love them.
Frozen. And another Frozen book too, hih. I just can't stop myself from buying them. <3 So adorable.
Burn. I enjoyed book one so much, and simply can't wait for this one. But it is so short. Ack. Sad face.
Kalahari. Ack. I have yet to read this book. But I had to own this new paperback edition too. Gorgeous.
A Darker Shade of Magic. This book is perfection. And this paperback edition is so pretty. I love it lots.
All the Rage. Yay for UK edition of this awesome book :D So gorgeous. And I love this book so much.
Wolf By Wolf. Thank you so much for trading this ARC with me Gabi :D Eeee! So happy. Love this one.
Bookmarks. More of these stunning bookmarks from etsy. <3 Winter ones. And more HP. And Annabeth.
Rise of the Wolf. Eeee. Thank you so much Jennifer :D Thrilled that I won this signed precious. Love.
Dragons. And more How To Train Your Dragon dragons. <3 They are just so precious. And tiny. Love.
Mulan. These gorgeous funko pops. I adore Mulan. I just wish they would make the boy too. <3 Stunning.
Yoshi and Mario Party. Some awesome new 3DS games I just had to buy. Hope I will love them lots :)
The Good Dinosaur. I bought more pretty figures :D And these are simply perfect. Love them the most.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #223

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The breathtaking action and whirlwind adventure build to a climax in this thrilling conclusion to the “remarkably unpredictable” (BCCB) Sky Fall trilogy from the bestselling author of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series.

Vane Weston is ready for battle. Against Raiden’s army. Against the slowly corrupting Gale Force. Even against his own peaceful nature as a Westerly. He’ll do whatever it takes, including storming Raiden’s icy fortress with the three people he trusts the least. Anything to bring Audra home safely.

But Audra won’t wait for someone to rescue her. She has Gus—the guardian she was captured with. And she has a strange “guide” left behind by the one prisoner who managed to escape Raiden. The wind is also rising to her side, rallying against their common enemy. When the forces align, Audra makes her play—but Raiden is ready.

Freedom has never held such an impossible price, and both groups know the sacrifices will be great. But Vane and Audra started this fight together. They’ll end it the same way.

Hardcover, 416 pages
Expected publication: April 26th 2016 by Simon Pulse
Pre-Order here and here

It feels like so long since I read book one and two in this series. Ack. But it haven't really been that long. And I still remember how much I enjoyed them both. But also how mean the second one ended. Ack. And I have waited so so so long for this one. And now it is almost here :D Yay. I cannot wait to read it. So curious and nervous to find out how it all ends. Ack. Fingers crossed that it will be amazing. <3 There is a chance that I'm still sad about the cover changes. Sniffs. But it is still pretty. See new covers here :)
What are you waiting for on this windy Wednesday?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

In My Mailbox #220

This have been a good week. Probably. I'm still feeling a bit sick, but have gotten better. Getting medicine this monday went very well, and they didn't have to stick me extra times. Very happy about that. It have been so cold lately, around -20c for ages, but today it is finally just -1c. So my psoriasis is feeling better too. Yay. But ugh. Cold again tomorrow. I only read two books this week, but I'm happy with that :) Just had some issues with wanting to read, as my last reads were two and three stars :p I need something epic. And yeah. I'm still heartbroken every day that I don't have The Winner's Kiss. You don't get how much I want this book. Sobs. I'm also so sad, because I have now been declined five times for Some Kind of Happiness on Edelweiss. And I want this book more than anyone. I don't get why they keep declining me. Ugh. They haven't once left a message. Sigh. But I shall try again. I need it. I want it. I will love it. <3 Anyway. I did get some pretty mail this week :D Still waiting on lots. Ugh. But happy what I did get. <3 And some blog posts this week too. So yay. I shared the cover for Heartless. <3 I posted a review of Girl Against the Universe :) I posted a Joyride Spotlight and Giveaway post. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Skylighter :) I posted my review of Passenger. <3 What did you get this week?

The Good Dinosaur. I have an obsession with buying these books. I can't help it. They are just so cute.
Tangled. And this Tangled book is all kinds of adorable. Sigh. I love this movie the most. Must re-watch.
Truthwitch. YAY :D Thank you Sarah for this pre-order win. <3 Hugs. I'm reading it soonish. I'm excited.
The Doldrums + The Doublecross. Thank you so much Mel for this amazing trade :D They look stunning.
Frozen. Some gorgeous Frozen Fever figures :D I love them. And another cute book too. I love it lots. <3
The Good Dinosaur. I adore these figures. I got four out of five :D But wish I had gotten the last one too.
Inside Out. And a few more of these stunning and cute books. I love this movie a whole lot. So adorable.

Siren's Song. Huge thank you to the publisher for accepting my request on Netgalley for this one. <3 Eeee :D I enjoyed book one and two so much. I cannot wait to read this final one soonish. Wish I had a print ARC, but still so happy that I got this one at least :D Yay! Have you read these books yet? :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, January 15, 2016

Review: Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

This book is so gorgeous. And I have wanted to read it for months, as I have been hearing amazing things about it for so long. I didn't get a review copy, so had to wait for my hardcover to arrive before I could read this one. My copy is all kinds of gorgeous. And oh, I did like this book a lot. But I didn't love it.

I'm not sure what to say about this. I have so many thoughts about it. And I'm so unsure about how to rate it. So I'm going with three stars. But I liked it a whole bunch. But I also didn't love it, and there were some things that bothered me, and so I cannot give it four stars. It just feels like too many stars. Sigh.

I liked the writing in this book from the very beginning. So I'm very happy about that. It was written in a good way. And I liked the characters a lot too. They were all pretty awesome. And the plot was so exciting and interesting too and I enjoyed that so so much. But. Well. This book is too long. And it has a bunch of boring parts. The most exciting things that happened were right at the end, and then the book was over. Ugh. I felt like so much didn't need to be in it, as I found myself not really reading some of the pages, as it was so boring. Sad face. But that didn't happen all the time. Because this book did have some exciting moments. And I found the romance to be all kinds of beautiful, so there's that. But also, I really did like this book a lot.

This is a story about time travelling. It is told from the point of view of Nicholas and of Etta. Both whom I enjoyed reading about so much. And I ended up loving them both a lot. Especially together. Nicholas is from the past, and Etta is from present time. I liked reading about how Etta found out about how she could travel in time, and how it works, though her way of finding out was brutal and a bit heartbreaking. And mean. I really didn't like Sophia. She was a pretty bad person. Sigh. But interesting to read about.

While this book is slow, it is also interesting most of the time. Though, yes, I did have a lot of trouble focusing on it. Yet I didn't mind all that much. I liked the parts that take place on a ship, and everything that happens there. I liked the different times they travelled to, and all the different things they saw. I loved that Etta was white and Nicholas was not. But oh how I hated how people treated him because of it, back in time. It was so heartbreaking. Some could be so cruel. Nicholas did not deserve it. Sad face.

I'm not sure what to say about the plot in this one. I don't feel like writing down all the things. But I shall try to explain even so. There is time travelling. And there is also a man in charge of all of it. As there is only about a hundred travellers left. And ah, this old man was pretty awful. Though we didn't get to read about him all that much. Yet I knew enough to know that he was such an awful person. Shudders. There were a lot of bad people in this book. I disliked them a lot. But there were also kind ones that I did like.

The story is that Etta has been kidnapped through time by Sophia. To be taken to the man in charge. Where she learns she has to track down an object, or else they will kill her mom. Which was pretty usual, yet interesting to read about even so. I liked her journey to find this thing. How her mom had left her a letter with clues. Though it bothered me a bit that no one else figured out what she had written. Ugh. It seemed to me they only needed to look at the letter a bit more to figure it out for themselves.

But anyway. I found the characters in this book to be interesting to read about. And I adored Etta and Nicholas. The plot was exciting, sometimes, and I wanted to know what would happen next so badly. The ending is so mean. And I'm simply dying for book two. And oh. The romance. I loved it a lot. There is no love triangle. No hint of one either, thankfully. But there is a great romance. And no drama either, yesss. And there is also kissing. And more. And I'm so thankful for that. Bothers me when there isn't more, lol.

So anyway. I'm giving this book three stars. But this time that doesn't mean that the book was bad. Because it wasn't. It was actually pretty amazing. But I just didn't love it, and I had some issues with it, and I don't feel right giving it four stars. Sigh. But I must say that I am dying to read the sequel. Truly dying to read it. I think and hope that I will love it lots. Fingers crossed. I just hope it will all end good. I suggest that you all read Passenger. Because it was truly an awesome book, despite not being perfect :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #222

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

THE SKYLIGHTER (The Keepers' Chronicles #2)  

Goodreads Description:

Johanna and Rafi are in a race against time to save their country before a power-mad Keeper destroys everything they hold dear in the “enthralling magical world” (Cinda Williams Chima, author of The Heir Chronicles) introduced in The Storyspinner.

As the last of the royal line, Johanna is the only person who can heal a magical breach in the wall that separates her kingdom of Santarem from the land of the Keepers, legendary men and women who wield elemental magic. The barrier protects Santarem from those Keepers who might try to take power over mere humans…Keepers who are determined to stop Johanna and seize the wall’s power for themselves.

And they’re not the only ones. As the duchys of Santarem descend into war over the throne, Johanna relies more than ever on the advice of her handsome companion, Lord Rafael DeSilva. But Rafi is a duke too, and his people come first. As their friendship progresses into the beginnings of a tender relationship, Johanna must wonder: is Rafi looking out for her happiness, or does he want the throne for himself?

With war on the horizon, Johanna and Rafi dodge treacherous dukes and Keeper assassins as they race to through the countryside, determined to strengthen the wall before it’s too late…even if it means sacrificing their happiness for the sake of their world.

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: March 22nd 2016 by Margaret K. McElderry Books
Pre-Order here and here

I'm super excited about this book :D I aaadored The Storyspinner so much when I read it last year. But that ending was all kinds of mean. Hmph. And ever since then I have been dying to read this sequel. <3 A bit heartbroken that I never got an ARC.. sniffs. So now just waiting for March to arrive :D I will read it right away once it arrives. So excited. Though, I can't help but mention it, I do not like this cover. At all. And that is so disappointing. Sniffs. But I know that the inside will be perfect even so :) Can't wait. Waaait. I have gotten an eARC of this book :D Eee! Now I just need to hurry up and re-read book one :)
What are you waiting for on this light Wednesday?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Spotlight and Giveaway: Joyride by Anna Banks

Today I wanted to share a bit about Joyride by Anna Banks. While I didn't fully love this book, I do think that so many others will love it a lot. Because it is a fun book. And so pretty. It has a sweet romance. You will all love this book. You should also know that Anna Banks is the sweetest person. <3 I adore her so much. And her books are pretty awesome :) I simply cannot wait to read her next book. Have any of you read Joyride yet? What did you think of it? :D And if you haven't read it yet, you really should enter my giveaway below to enter to win a pre-order of the paperback edition that comes out this summer :) And also, the lovely Anna is having the most amazing giveaway on her blog right now. <3 Enter here.

A popular guy and a shy girl with a secret become unlikely accomplices for midnight pranking, and are soon in over their heads—with the law and with each other—in this sparkling standalone from NYT-bestselling author Anna Banks.

It’s been years since Carly Vega’s parents were deported. She lives with her brother, studies hard, and works at a convenience store to contribute to getting her parents back from Mexico.

Arden Moss used to be the star quarterback at school. He dated popular blondes and had fun with his older sister, Amber. But now Amber’s dead, and Arden blames his father, the town sheriff who wouldn’t acknowledge Amber's mental illness. Arden refuses to fulfill whatever his conservative father expects.

All Carly wants is to stay under the radar and do what her family expects. All Arden wants is to NOT do what his family expects. When their paths cross, they each realize they’ve been living according to others. Carly and Arden’s journey toward their true hearts—and one another—is funny, romantic, and sometimes harsh.

Anna Banks is a YA author who loves to write feisty humor and swoony romance. She adores fried chicken and her mini wiener dog Puckledoo, but hates licorice and sadly, poetry that doesn't rhyme. At this time she is not accepting applications to be her body guard, so please stop asking. :)

Where to find Anna Banks:
Twitter. Website. Facebook. Goodreads.

I'm giving away a pre-order of the Joyride paperback :D
There will be one winner. International, if book depository ships to you.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Review: Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes

I got this one from Edelweiss as I had heard a few people love it a lot. And I thought that maybe I would love it lots too. Even though this genre is not my thing. But I have loved a few books like this one. Sadly, I did not love this book at all. And it makes me a bit sad. I wanted to love it badly. But that didn't happen.

I have been trying to decide how I felt about this book. And I just. I'm having mixed feelings. I liked the writing. I somewhat liked the romance. But I think it was too boring and a bit silly and it also had that usual contemporary break up around the middle. Ugh. I can't stand that. It made me like it less. Sigh.

I had been considering giving this book three stars. But I can't. When I think about it, I don't feel like giving it more than two stars. Which makes me a bit sad. But it is what it is. I didn't love it. I enjoyed it most of the time, but I never loved it. And I wouldn't have minded if I had stopped reading it either. Sigh. I'm not sure how I will talk about it. Because I don't feel like much happens. And so I don't think I have much to talk about at all. But I will try. Because I did have a lot of feelings about this book. Just not the feelings I wanted. I had seen that people had cried while reading it. I did not. I did not swoon. Or anything. Well, okay, I was annoyed pretty often, lol. One good part was that there was no love triangle at all. I'm happy about that.

This book is told from the point of view of sixteen year old Maguire. She was a bit interesting, but I never loved her. Which makes me a bit sad. I felt pity for her, with her being in the car when she was eleven that killed her brother, father and uncle. But I also didn't care much at all. I felt like it could have been done a lot better, could have been done so that I would have cared. Sadly I thought it was all pretty boring and nothing much happened in this book. There is another car accident. Not done well enough.

Most of this book is about how Maguire has spent her last years alone and with no friends. Then she moves school. And gets a friend on her first day, and the popular boy who crushes on her right away. Though, well, they didn't meet at school, but at therapy. So I didn't really mind that he fell for her right away. Though I didn't get it. She seemed so mean at first and she tried to push him away at all times. From beginning to the end. It annoyed me so much. Deciding the best was to stay away from him. Ugh.

But I did sort of like Jordy. He seemed like such a sweet boy. He is also pretty famous at tennis. Which was pretty cool. But not really my thing. I just didn't care much for this boy. He let his parents aka his mom decide his whole life, who to date, when to sleep. Everything. He did nothing about it for ages. It annoyed me a lot. So yeah. I didn't love the boy. I didn't love the girl. And I didn't love the friends either. Well, maybe the girls were a bit okay. But still boring. And I also really don't like boring books. Sad face.

I really don't know what to talk about when it comes to this book. Maguire thinks she has bad luck. That people around her gets hurt. Which is pretty true. But not her fault at all. I didn't care much for the therapy meetings. For her good luck charms and such. I just didn't fell for it. I felt like she didn't think about it that often. The car accident. The roller coaster thing. I just didn't think she cared all that much. And her relationship with her family was so weird and not natural. It just bothered me a whole bunch.

I don't feel like saying much more about it. I didn't enjoy the plot, because I felt like there weren't really one. Just the girl and boy trying to stop being a little bit crazy. And it was boring. And I felt like it could have been better. I sort of liked the romance, but it wasn't that good either, and I didn't swoon at any times. The ending was a bit abrupt. But I was just glad it was over, lol. But even though I didn't love it, I did enjoy it a few times. Just not really my kind of book. Though it also could have been so much better.

I did like reading this book. Sometimes. But I also wouldn't have minded not reading it. Which is depressing. But yeah. This wasn't a book for me. And I doubt I would ever read it again. I'm sure others will love it, but not me. Girl Against the Universe was not my thing. Felt like it wasn't done well enough and it wasn't exciting enough either. Big thank you to HarperTeen for the auto-approval on Edelweiss. <3 Means the most to me. I'm glad I tried it; at least I'm not curious about it anymore, lol. Did you like it?


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cover Reveal: Heartless by Marissa Meyer

Oh, this precious book. I simply cannot wait to read it. Eeee. But November 8th is still forever away. Sigh. But thrilled that the cover is finally up :D This book is going to be amazing. I'm sure of it. Because it is Marissa Meyer. Whom is the most awesome. And write the best books. And is simply the very best person. I'm so excited for Heartless. It looks gorgeous and special. It sounds simply amazing. I can't wait to meet Cath and Jest. Eeee. I think this romance will be perfection. I just wish I could read it right away. Sigh. This book will be the best. I just know it. I haven't been able to find a version without the tag yet, so that is the one I'm sharing below. Will probably edit once the final version is out :) But yeah. Doesn't this cover look gorgeous? Also, this excerpt it the most amazing. I love it so much. Cannot wait.

Long before she was the terror of Wonderland — the infamous Queen of Hearts — she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love.

Catherine may be one of the most desired girls in Wonderland, and a favorite of the yet-unmarried King of Hearts, but her interests lie elsewhere. A talented baker, all she wants is to open a shop with her best friend and supply the Kingdom of Hearts with delectable pastries and confections. But according to her mother, such a goal is unthinkable for the young woman who could be the next Queen.

At a royal ball where Cath is expected to receive the king's marriage proposal, she meets Jest, the handsome and mysterious court joker. For the first time, she feels the pull of true attraction. At the risk of offending the King and infuriating her parents, she and Jest enter into an intense, secret courtship.

Cath is determined to define her own destiny and fall in love on her terms. But in a land thriving with magic, madness, and monsters, fate has other plans.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

In My Mailbox #219

I'm feeling happy. Because I read four books this week :D Eeee. So thrilled about that. But. Well. It was a two star, a three star, and two four stars. No five star books. Sigh. Hope I will read one of those next week :) Fingers crossed. But even though I read lots of books, I'm still unhappy. Because some people have gotten to read The Winner's Kiss. And I have not. And it is breaking my heart more than you know. I want this book the most. And I'm feeling so left out. And so left out, as I wasn't even invited for the blog tour, and there are a lot of blogs on that one. Sigh. Sorry. I'm just very sensitive :) But anyway. I did get some pretty mail this week :D But waiting on more. Mail is so slow these days after christmas. I think my cold is finally leaving me. Probably. Though my poor cat is sneezing a lot. I have also seen In the Heart of the Sea, which I enjoyed a lot. Was supposed to have another hospital trip this Thursday, but it was -25c outside, and so the plane was delayed. I had to postpone until Monday :) Blog posts this week. I read Down With the Shine. <3 And then I read Soundless :) This week I'm waiting on A Tyranny of Petticoats :D Then I read Rebel of the Sands. <3 And then I read Ruined :) I'm also waiting on much more mail. But.. no more mail on Saturdays here. Sad face. Makes me so sad. What did you get this week? :)

The Good Dinosaur. Another precious book from this movie. A bit babyish, but it is still oh so cute.
Frozen. A few more Frozen books. <3 I love buying these books, lol. Because they are all kinds of cute.
Passenger. I'm reading this one later this month, and I am oh so excited. Heard such amazing things :)
Blue Lily, Lily Blue. YAY for paperback edition finally out :D It is so gorgeous. Love these books the most.
Rebel of the Sands. Eee. Thank you so much for trading with me Brittany :D Pretty much loved this one.
Hotel Transylvania. Love this movie. Bought it because of stickers, and I get movie two for free, yay :D

All the Missing Girls. I don't really care for Adult books at all. But I wanted to give this one a try. Because it is Megan Miranda, whom I adore :) I think this one sounds pretty exciting, and I'm crossing all my fingers that I will love it. Thank you so much to the publisher for accepting my Edelweiss request. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3