Friday, July 1, 2016

Book Collection #18

18th week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting all my collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine; if you own and love these books too. Let me know. I love my books.

Books by Robin LaFevers.

Ahh, this trilogy is so amazing. These books are so so good. I love all the characters oh so much and the stories are just incredible. The author, Robin, is also all kinds of awesome. I adore my collection, just wishing I also had the ARCs of book one and two. Hopefully one day. And oh gosh. There is going to be more books from this series. Soon. Read about that here. I'm the most excited about it. Eee. Can't wait.


  1. Pretty!! Are those the UK editions with the gorgeous larger font on the spines?? I love them! Thanks for sharing these, Carina!

  2. Gorgeous! I have yet to finish the last book. I suck.


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