Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #645

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Drawing on the Grimm Brothers’ dark fairytale, “Godfather Death,” this new novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of House of Salt and Sorrows is a sweeping, fantastical saga of actions and consequences.

This is the story of Hazel, a young healer navigating a ruthless court to save the life of the king, grappling with a pantheon of gods with questionable agendas as she fights for agency and true love in her own life as the goddaughter of none other than Death himself.

All gifts come with a price.

Hazel Trépas has always known she wasn’t like the rest of her siblings. A thirteenth child, promised away to one of the gods, she spends her childhood waiting for her godfather—Merrick, the Dreaded End—to arrive.

When he does, he lays out exactly how he’s planned Hazel’s future. She will become a great healer, known throughout the kingdom for her precision and skill. To aid her endeavors, Merrick blesses Hazel with a gift, the ability to instantly deduce the exact cure needed to treat the sick.

But all gifts come with a price. Hazel can see when Death has claimed a patient—when all hope is gone—and is tasked to end their suffering, permanently. Haunted by the ghosts of those she’s killed, Hazel longs to run. But destiny brings her to the royal court, where she meets Leo, a rakish prince with a disdain for everything and everyone. And it’s where Hazel faces her biggest dilemma yet—to save the life of a king marked to die. Hazel knows what she is meant to do and knows what her heart is urging her toward, but what will happen if she goes against the will of Death?

From the astonishing mind of Erin A. Craig comes the breathtaking fairy tale retelling readers have been waiting for— what does a life well-lived mean, and how do we justify the impossible choices we make for the ones we love? The Thirteenth Child
is a must-read for fans of dark fairy tales, romantasy, and epic fantasy alike.

Format: 400 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 24, 2024 by Delacorte Press
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

Eeee. I am all kinds of excited for this book :D Such a huge fan of Erin. <3 And this new standalone from her sounds incredible. Sigh. And that cover is simply gorgeous. The romance sounds so good too, ha :)
What are you waiting for on this breathtaking Wednesday?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Review: A Song of Ash and Moonlight by Claire Legrand

This series is truly every kind of amazing. I'm thrilled that I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book so I could read it early. Of course I had to re-read book one first, which was very much worth it. These two books are incredible. And the third one shall be so epic. Five stars for this sequel, as I loved it beyond words.

Writing was incredible, of course. I am the biggest fan of Claire. All her books have been amazing to me. This newest one was too. I'm honestly just so happy with this new adult series by her. The world building is fantastic. All the characters are wonderful. I'm so in love with the magic in these books. And the romances.

There is truly so much for me to say about A Song of Ash and Moonlight. I'm doing my best not to share spoilers, and only talk about the things that I loved. Which was everything, haha. This second book starts right after A Crown of Ivy and Glass ended. But that one was the story of Gemma. And this one is the story of Farrin, her eldest sister. She is very different from Gemma. It took me a little longer to love her. But I ended up loving her so dearly. I loved getting to know all about her. Loved how we got to see more of her magic of song. It was precious. A little dangerous, but also so lovely. I'm not going to share every detail about the plot. So only a little. Their feud with the Basks is over. Talan is freed from his curse. But they are all still in big danger.

And so this book is still about what happened in the first one. The Middlemist is still hurting. And now the queen is going a little mad, possibly dying. And people are getting taken by a shadow. Including people that they know and love, which was so sad to read about. So they are searching for a way to save them all. So much happens in this book. Yet the biggest battle is yet to come, in book three. I'm so excited, ha. There is so much to get to know about this magical world. I truly enjoyed getting to know it all. So good.

This book was most about Farrin, though. About her learning more about herself. Learning to start loving herself. Which was very, very slow going. As she has so many doubts about everything. I wish she was more open. She wants to be. It is not easy. I still love the sibling relationship between Farrin and Gemma and Mara. Though it is strained in this one. And I just hope they get to spend more time together, getting to be happy together. They deserve some happiness. So yes. I just hope for a happy ending for them all.

There is so much I wish to share. I will probably forget most of it, but think I will manage to write down at least many of my thoughts, haha. There is so much I loved about this story. I simply adore this world. I so adored getting to see more of Gemma and Talan, though only through Farrin's eyes. Which was not the same, of course, but they were there. It was the cutest thing. We see some of Mara. Now I'm even more curious about her. Nervous too. We learn so much more about the fire in the past. I very much loved that.

I have to mention the romance a little, of course. Ryder and Farrin are enemies. Their family have hated each other for centuries, it seems like. But now that war is over. They are slowly becoming friends. Ryder obviously adores her, as we got to see in book one. And Farrin is slow to start caring about him. But she does care after a while. And it was sweet to read about. How she slowly began to open her heart a little. Though she kept doubting herself all the time, which was so sad. But yes. I shipped them a whole bunch.

But I will also say that the smut in this second book had nothing on the smut between Gemma and Talan in book one, haha. Possibly because there was much less of it in this one. And also because Farrin was so insecure, so scared and worried. She was not like Gemma at all. But I still loved her and I loved how she was slow with things. I loved how she started wanting Ryder. I loved how careful he was with Farrin, letting her decide everything. They had issues. But they worked through them. and I loved those scenes.

We also get to know a whole lot more about Ryder in this book. Which I so adored. He was a beast of a man. But such a gentle one. I loved his magic, how he could talk to and control animals. It was awesome. I liked his sister, Alastrina, though she was less in this one. But we met his parents. And I could not stand them. Shudders. Made me love Ryder more, though. I loved how he adored Farrin. I loved how strong he was. And I honestly just adored the two of them together. But do wish they had been together even more.

There is so much we get to know about Farrin. And I am a little conflicted about all of it. I adored this girl to pieces. But I did love Gemma more. Farrin was very different from her. More cold, more shut off from everything. Keeping her feelings locked away, never acting on them. Farrin was always doubting herself and not wanting to look at herself even once. It hurt my heart. I felt so much for this poor woman. Yet felt a tiny bit distant from her at times, but then I loved her with all my heart again after. But, yes. Conflicted.

But I truly loved Farrin. I loved her heart, once she was able to open it up more. She is so broken inside. And I did not blame her at all, truly. She had gone through so much. And I loved learning about it all. Her past with Gareth, her best friend. Whom I still adore, but now feel a little cold towards too, as I feel like he could have helped her love herself more, maybe. I adored her cat, Osmund. The cutest. Her relationship with her father, though. Oh. I still hate him. But she loves him. And hates him too. I get those feelings too.

But yeah. I did not like their father at all, to be honest. At first in this book he is every kind of awful. But he does change a little towards the end of the book. And I could see myself forgiving him. Possibly. One day. Still. Did not actually like him, ha. Anyway. I did like learning about all the daily things Farrin did, how she ran the house and everyone in it. Though it hurt her too, having to be responsible for it all. I just wanted her to have some peace. Sigh. She deserved to not have all of these burdens on her. Hmph. It was rude.

There are so many secrets coming to life in this second book. I'm not going to spoil anything, of course. Though I would not mind talking about it for ages, haha. We learn much more about the queen, whom I still love to pieces. Though she was different in this book. More mad, more dangerous. Yet still so sweet and times. I loved her. We learn more about their mother. What happened to her. I am still not liking her, though, considering she left them. The secret about the shining boy was obvious, though. And I loved it.

The villain in this series was even more creepy in this second book. We do not see much of him at first. But we learn a whole bunch about him in this one. More about his past. More about what he is actually doing. And it is the worst. We get to see a place he has created, for the Olden creatures. It was horrible. Loved it so, haha. This book was a little dark. And I loved that, honestly. Many are hurt. Though I would not have minded even more hurt, as I love when everyone are healed. Sigh. Everything was so exciting.

Then the ending happened. And I'm not sure how this series is going to end. I can't wait to find out. I am also beyond excited to read Mara's story. Though I will miss being in the head of Farrin. I do not feel like I got enough of her. And also miss Gemma, whom is so far my favorite of the three of them. But I adored Farrin as well. And cannot wait to get to know Mara. I'm so curious about her, as we have only seen such small parts of her. She is a bit of a mystery. I'm certain I will grow to love her the most, though. Can't wait.

The very biggest thank you to Sophie at Sourcebooks International for sending to me this most precious ARC copy. I love it to pieces. And will treasure it always. I'm so thrilled and thankful and excited that I got to read A Song of Ash and Moonlight early. I loved that I re-read A Crown of Ivy and Glass first, as it was needed to have all the details ready for this sequel. Though the wait for the final book will be even worse now, haha. And I think I will have to re-read both books before the third one. I cannot wait to do so. Sigh.

A Song of Ash and Moonlight was everything I had hoped it would be. It was the most stunning and sad story. Full of magic and secrets to uncover. It had a great enemies to lovers romance. And it has the best sibling relationships, though they have their issues as well. I honestly just loved every part of this second book. It was exciting and evil and heartbreaking and I adored every part of it. It had such a creepy villain and the best and worst world created. I so adore this series. You will all love these books and sisters too.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Review: A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand

Reading this book a second time was a must. I loved it just as much reading it again. And I am now even more ready to read book two right away. It is going to be amazing. This book is all kinds of special to me. It is Claire Legrand. Whom I have loved for years and years now. And I still love every one of her books.

Which is the very best to me. I do not think she will ever write a book that I will not love. The writing in this one is stunning, as it is with all of her books. I loved that this was her first adult story. Yet it feels like all her other books, which I love. The main girl is twenty years old, and I loved that as well. Gemma was the best.

I am not going to write such a long review this time. At least I do not think so. It is hard to find all of the right words after a re-read. Since I have already shared all the ways I loved this story, haha. But I am still going to share my thoughts again. But less of them this time. Probably. There is just so much that I loved about this book. And many details I had forgotten about, despite it not yet being a year since I first read this book. How rude. Which makes me even more happy that I decided to read it again before starting my ARC of book two. This first book is the story of Gemma. The second book is the story of her eldest sister, Farrin. The third book is the story of the middle sister, Mara. And I'm beyond excited for their stories as well. All three of them are amazing.

But this one was all about Gemma. Though all three of them are a big part of this story, which I loved. I think they will all have a bigger role to play later on. And I am very excited about it. I think this trilogy will end up being every kind of epic. Which this first book already was, of course. We get to know Gemma a whole lot in this book. She can be hard to love. As she keeps most of herself hidden away, only showing people her beauty and letting them love that. But inside she is fully broken and fully beautiful. Loved her.

Gemma spends all her days in pain. She comes from a family filled with magical gifts. And she has none. All she has is the pain in her body, the panic in her mind. And no magic of her own. Instead magic hurts her. She can't stand to be near magic. But she must, because her family has magic inside them and their house has parts of magic as well. And so she is constantly in pain. She is distracting herself with hosting balls and spending time with men for pleasure. She is trying to ignore her pain and pretend to be happy.

And oh, how badly I loved this girl. Sure, she could be a little rude at times. And mostly just caring about herself. But she changed. And she does care about others, she is just a little bad about showing it. I loved how she opened up to those around her, after a while. I loved how she got stronger, both body and mind. Even though she is still broken at the end of the book, she is also still stronger. And I loved that about her. Gemma was truly precious to me. I can very much relate to all her pain, as I have it too, all the time. Ugh.

But this book is about Gemma and Talan. He shows up early in this story. And oh, how badly I loved this precious and sad and hurt man. They did fall for each other pretty fast. But they also waited weeks before they actually acted on their feelings. And I shipped them from the very first moment. They were the actual best together. So cute. Both so broken and sad. But perfect together. Healing each other. Of course, they also hurt each other a little in this book. But I did not mind too much, as it wasn't awful, or bad drama, ha.

There is just so much to say about this story. I am trying not to say too much, but I have already written way too many things. Ha. The story is about Gemma and Talan. About a demon making her family and the Basks family hurt each other. About her trying to find this demon to make it all stop. Which does not go as planned at all. There is truly so much happening. And I'm not going to share it, as I do not want to spoil. But there are scenes in the mountains, with the Vilia. Those scenes were pretty great. I loved them.

And of course, the romance between Gemma and Talan. They were a little slow to get started, despite them both very obviously wanting the other right away. But when they finally do get together. Sigh. It was perfection. I loved them so much. I loved the smut, which Claire writes so well. I loved how romantic they were with each other. How much they cared. How Gemma tried her best to save Talan. Those scenes at the end of the book. Sigh. It was all kinds of exciting and evil and so good. I also loved the ending of this.

This book was also filled with other great characters. Like Ryder and his sister Alastrina. Very excited for more of them in book two. They are sort of the villains to Gemma and her family in this book, ha. But they get better. And I liked them a whole lot, and their different ways of being. I also loved Gareth, Farrin's best friend. He was so adorable. And Illaria, Gemma's best friend. She was the best. Oh. And also. Gemma's father. He was the worst person alive, to be honest. I disliked him the very most. Hmph. Hope he dies, ha.

I would say that the biggest plot of this series would be the hidden villain. We know his name. We know what he does. But we still have not actually seen him. And I am excited for him to be a bigger part of the next books. Well, mainly excited about them ending up killing him, which I am positive will happen, haha. I'm also very curious to know more about the queen of this world. She is full of magic and was chosen by the gods before they died. I loved the parts we got to see of her in this first book. She seemed awesome.

There is so much I want to say about this book. But I'm trying not to share too much, ha. I might already be failing at that. Oops. But one of my favorite parts of this book was getting to know why Gemma has no magic. Why she is in constant pain. Why magic keeps hurting her. And it was such an excellent reason. It was so painful and rude and heartbreaking and I just loved it to pieces. Love all the broken and sad parts. This story was so evil. What I loved most was that there were no easy cure for her, at least not yet. It hurt.

A Crown of Ivy and Glass is such a precious book. It is full of hurts and pain. But it's also full of hope and love and romance and the best sisters. It has the best written smut. It's a little silly at times. And I loved it with all of my heart. The story of Gemma and Talan was every kind of precious to me. Getting to know of these three sisters, Gemma and Farrin and Mara, was the very best. I love them so much. And this world created was also incredible. And I can't wait to know more about it. This is a book that you must read too.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

In My Mailbox #642

Ohh. This week have been pretty epic, with more of the best mail, haha :) It so killed me that I got to read The Mirror of Beasts last week. <3 And then this week I got A Song of Ash and Moonlight :D Ahh! I could not be more excited. <3 And happy. And lucky. I'm currently re-reading A Crown of Ivy and Glass :) Which I should have been done with already, but I'm slow to read this week, as I'm not feeling the best. Sigh. But finishing it tomorrow. <3 And loving this re-read. But yeah. Health sucks. My surgery wound hasn't healed yet, and it's been over four weeks now. Ugh. I just want it to close. I miss my baths. But it is better. I think. Just so slooow to heal. I'm so tired of it. It was also medicine day this week, which sucked. But I survived, ha :) Now just trying to take it easy. And read amazing books when I'm able to. So excited to start A Song of Ash and Moonlight shortly. This week I'm waiting on Bye Forever, I Guess :) I hope you are all well. <3

A Song of Ash and Moonlight. OH MY GODS. Biggest thank you to Sophie at Sourcebooks International for sending me this one right after I sent her my email ARC request, eee. I am so lucky. <3 It's precious.
Instant Karma + With a Little Luck. UK paperbacks :D They are gorgeous. Excited for With a Little Luck.
Barbie. I know. I did not actually like this movie, ha :) But I do collect movies, and wanted to own this one.

Disney Store EU. Ahhh! Disney finally opened up shipping to Norway, after years without :D I have been waiting for ages, haha. And finally I can order again. <3 Though. Well. Bad luck for my money. Sigh. But I had to order some things, haha ;) So this was my first order. <3 And I love it all. Some Disney dolls I were missing :) All gorgeous. Love the plushes. Love the figures. Love the headband; was a free gift :) So cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #644

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Ingrid’s online persona is more popular than she is. IRL, she’s the quiet one—until a wrong-number text message offers her a chance at connection. Can this guarded gamer girl lower her shield for a new friend… or more-than-friend?

Thirteen-year-old Ingrid’s been living a double life. At school, she’s the Girl With Dead Parents, her popular friend Rachel’s charity case. In her online fandoms, she can be her own person: one who’s constantly talking to her long-distance BFF Lorren, crushing it at her favorite MMORPG, and geeking out over her favorite book series. But when Ingrid stands up to Rachel and “starts drama” at school, it suddenly feels like she has no life at all (and nowhere to sit at lunch).

Until she gets a wrong-number text from another gamer. . . and everything starts to go right.

Guarded, prickly Ingrid isn’t quick to trust, but spending time together playing Ancient Tomes Online as “Stitches” and “Traveler” makes Ingrid feel like she can lay down her sword of standoffishness. But when she starts to suspect that Traveler may be a student at her school, she faces a difficult choice. Can she open up when getting close to people has hurt her before? Or is making friends only fantasy after all?

A fresh, funny, and vibrant middle-grade debut from
NYT bestselling author Jodi Meadows, Bye Forever, I Guess
speaks to the complexity of middle-school friendships (and friend breakups) and the sense of belonging that comes from finding your people. Warm, witty, and endearingly messy, Ingrid’s quest to be herself is sure to resonate in this love letter to geek culture and the healing power of fantasy.

Format: 304 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: October 22, 2024 by Holiday House
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

This book looks adorable :D I have been a fan of Jodi for years. So of course I'm going to give her new middle grade book a try :) I'm not usually a fan of gaming books. But I'm still curious about this one. <3
What are you waiting for on this geeky Wednesday?

Saturday, February 17, 2024

In My Mailbox #641

Another week gone by. Ahh! I'm still healing from my surgery, now been over three weeks. Sigh. It's slow going. But I guess the wound is looking better. Hopefully. Still looking like it is ages until it is closed. How rude. I miss my baths. But I'm doing okay. It doesn't hurt, which is a plus :) I'm exhausted, as always, but doing good. I got my precious mail this week. Sobs. I am so so happy. And getting a most epic mail next week too. Sobs again. I cannot believe my luck lately. <3 I'm so very excited, eee. Did a bunch of reading this week :) And that is pretty much all that I have done, haha. Now going to take it easy for a few days, before I start another re-read. Oops :D Have all my next books planned. Love that. A few new blog posts. I shared my second review of Silver in the Bone :) This week I'm waiting on Damsel :D And I shared my very long review of The Mirror of Beasts, eee. <3 Hope you are all doing well :) Reading anything good?

The Mirror of Beasts Manuscript. Oh. My gods. AHH! My most precious mail arrived this week. Sobs. I'm actually dying. Thank you so, so much Alexandra. <3 You are the very best. Personalized manuscript :D Ahh! I'm still dying. And already read it. Loved it with my whole heart. Oh. Art cards! EEE! Love so much.
The Thirteenth Circle Swag. Eee! Thank you so much MarcyKate & Kathryn :D Love this pre-order swag.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Hoping that this game is going to be awesome :D Never played the original one.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, February 16, 2024

Review: The Mirror of Beasts by Alexandra Bracken

It would be impossible to find a more perfect sequel than this. As this book was truly perfection. I couldn't have loved it more. Sigh. Silver in the Bone was such a huge favorite of mine. I have been dying to read The Mirror of Beasts since last summer. It's not out yet, but I was the very luckiest and was gifted an early copy of it.

My precious. It is gorgeous. There is not even a cover yet. But it is going to be stunning, I'm sure of it. I do not know how to write this review of mine. I loved this second book more than anything. It had everything I wished for and so much more. It made me so very happy. It also crushed me, of course. I loved every moment.

I'm starting with the obvious. Five stars for this book. I probably loved it even more than book one. Which makes me very thrilled, as I had been a tiny bit worried, ha. And sure, this book did hurt me and ruin me and make me cry. But it also made me smile so much. It gave me hope. Even when it crushed it afterward. Then made it better again. A little bittersweet at times. But truly so very perfect. And I can honestly say that there was nothing that I did not love about this book. Sigh. A few sad things that I wish had been different, but they needed to be there as well. But most important to me, this book did not make me angry or depressed. It did not make me want to murder these characters, haha. And that is the very best feeling. To fully love a book and all the main characters in it, like I did with this book. Also, perfect writing.

I'm not going to share spoilers about this second book. But I will share spoilers about what happened in book one, Silver in the Bone. Simply because I can now finally talk about some of it, haha. I'm not going to write too much about the plot of this second book, only sharing a little. For the most part this review of mine will be me sharing how much I loved it all. How much this book means to me. How badly I loved the romance between Tamsin and Emrys. Sigh. It was perfection. Even all of their bickering and arguing, ha.

This book takes place right after the first one ends. Tamsin and Neve and Cait and Olwen have just made it safely out of Avalon, back to Tamsin's apartment in Boston. Nash suddenly appeared, no longer dead. And this twist was all kinds of fun and evil and I loved it so. We get to know so much more about Nash in this sequel. And I loved it so. I did not like him much in book one, from just hearing about him. But in this one I think I grew to love him. He was complicated. And had so many secrets. I liked learning all of them.

But oh. These four girls were the only survivors of what happened in Avalon, before that world collided with ours. Not going to say much about what happened back then. But gods, I have to talk a little about it. All four of them are ruined. Heartbroken. All the others died. And in such a gruesome way. And I am still broken about it too. Little Flea. Sobs. And all the other lovely people too. They did not deserve to die like that. Shudders. But it did make for a most excellent story, of course. But yes. Those deaths hurt my soul.

And then knowing that Cabell knew about it and did nothing to stop it. He did not kill anyone, but he did not save them either. He knew they were going to die. And that hurt so badly. Tamsin is not happy with her brother. Yet she wonders if he can be saved, if he is controlled by Lord Death. We learn much more about all of this in this book. And I loved it so. I was so unsure about Cabell. If he could be forgiven or not. What he did was not right. But oh, I loved reading about him. We even get a few small chapters from him.

And then there was Emrys. And how he left Tamsin and the others, taking the Ring of Dispel for himself. He left without knowing what had happened to everyone else, how they all died. This ruined Tamsin. How he left her behind. It broke her heart. And mine too. Though my heart was way more forgiving, ha. I knew he had a reason for leaving, to save his mom. And I did not blame him for it. But Tamsin did. Aw. But I did understand her feelings. But yes. It hurt. They spend some of the book with Tamsin being angry at Emrys.

But they are still together. Okay, not as a couple. But sharing the adventure together. And that made me beyond happy. Because it gave Emrys the chance to explain himself more. To try to earn back their trust. And I loved that. Sigh. We learn so much more about this precious damaged boy in this sequel. And I just loved him more and more, ha. He was the best. And so very broken. And I loved that about him. We get to see how he got his scars. What happened to him. And that broke me even more. Shudders. So good.

I'm not going to say too much more about the romance. Tamsin is angry with Emrys. Yet she understand him too, somewhat. And I loved how they slowly tried to get past it. Well, him at least. It takes some time. But yeah. The romance in this book was the actual best and I loved it the very most. Sigh. There is also the small romance of Neve and Cait. How they both obviously likes the other one. I loved reading about them. Too cute. And the friendship of these four girls. It was truly the best, how they cared for each other.

There is just too much going on with this book. I could probably write about it forever. But not going to share too much about the plot. But yes. Lord Death is now freed from Avalon. And he's returned to our world to hunt down the sorceresses to get something back from them. He kills so many. Shudders. He was such a great villain, though. And I loved that. And I did like getting to know more about him as well. Though I despised him. We learn more about the sorceresses, which I liked. And the bonecutter. Loved.

This book is mostly about Lord Death hunting for something. And Tamsin and her friends hunting for a way to stop him, to kill him. They are looking for the Mirror of the Beasts. And I very much enjoyed that plot point. It was fun and exciting to read about. They do so much in this book. So many heartbreaking scenes. So much action and death and hurt. I loved every moment. I fully loved how Emrys kept saving Tamsin. But also how she saved herself, how she changed. She was so fierce and brave and amazing.

I just cannot thank Alexandra enough for sharing this early copy with me. Thank you lovely. I am beyond happy and thankful. And so very happy. Getting to read this book right now was much needed. It healed my heart, in a way. After that ending to book one, haha. I have spent ages wondering what would happen next. And to now have read it all. Sigh. It means the most to me. And I just truly loved this book to pieces. Thank you for writing this book. These characters. Creating this world and magic. For Tamsin and Emrys.

The Mirror of Beasts was the most perfect second book. I truly loved every moment of this and I could not stop reading. It was exciting and thrilling from beginning to end. I loved the all of the magic in this book. I loved how it is the history of Avalon and king Arthur with changes, all of them good. I very much enjoyed getting to read more about all of these stunning characters. The romance in this book murdered me. Both the main one and the side characters one. They were adorable. This dulogy could not have ended better.

Just because I cannot stop mentioning it, I have to write about it a little bit more, haha. I think I managed to write my review without that many spoilers. Despite wanting to share everything that happened. But I will not. As you need to read this book for yourself. It is so worth the pain. Because this book is filled with love. Family love, romantic love, sisterly love. All of them perfectly written. Sigh. I just can't get over how badly I loved these two books. They were perfect for me. I will be re-reading this series again and again.

I will be updating this review of mine with the actual cover for this book once that is out. But for now, the cover of my manuscript edition will do. It is so precious to me. Can't wait to own every single copy of this book as well, eee. And gods, I'm excited for the cover. I'm sure it will be beautiful and epic. This book was everything to me. And you are all going to love it too, when it comes out at the end of July. It is worth the wait. So glad that I re-read Silver in the Bone first, so I had every detail fresh. I loved them both so much.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #643

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A damsel in distress takes on the dragon herself in this epic twist on classic fantasy—a groundbreaking collaboration between New York Times bestselling author Evelyn Skye and the team behind the upcoming Netflix film Damsel, starring Millie Bobbie Brown.

Elodie never dreamed of a lavish palace or a handsome prince. Growing up in the famine-stricken realm of Inophe, her deepest wish was to help her people survive each winter. So when a representative from a rich, reclusive kingdom offers her family enough wealth to save Inophe in exchange for Elodie’s hand in marriage, she accepts without hesitation. Swept away to the glistening kingdom of Aurea, Elodie is quickly taken in by the beauty of the realm—and of her betrothed, Prince Henry.

But as Elodie undertakes the rituals to become an Aurean princess, doubts prick at her mind as cracks in the kingdom’s perfect veneer begin to show: A young girl who appears and vanishes from the castle tower. A parade of torches weaving through the mountains. Markings left behind in a mysterious “V.” Too late, she discovers that Aurea’s prosperity has been purchased at a heavy cost—each harvest season, the kingdom sacrifices its princesses to a hungry dragon. And Elodie is the next sacrifice.

This ancient arrangement has persisted for centuries, leading hundreds of women to their deaths. But the women who came before Elodie did not go quietly. Their blood pulses with power and memory, and their experiences hold the key to Elodie’s survival. Forced to fight for her life, this damsel must use her wits to defeat a dragon, uncover Aurea’s past, and save not only herself, but the future of her new kingdom as well.

Format: 368 pages, Paperback
Expected Publication: March 5, 2024 by Random House Worlds
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

Okay. I just saw the newest trailer for Damsel on Netflix. Less than a month to go, ahh :D Looks goddamn amazing. Gosh. The movie looks so good. And they made a book based on the movie, if I understand it right? I haven't read anything by Evelyn, but I have gotten newsletter emails from her for years. And so I am pretty curious about this book version too :D It comes out in March as well. So I won't get it until after the movie. Watching the movie first, oops :) Then reading the book, I think. Love this movie-tie-in cover :)
What are you waiting for on this beautiful Wednesday?

Monday, February 12, 2024

Review: Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken

Of course I was going to read this book again. I loved it so much last year. And loved it just as much this second time. If not more. This story is simply the very best and I love it to pieces. I cannot wait to read book two. Although I am all kinds of nervous for it. I want my happy ending. And with the ending of this first one, ha.

I guess my chances of a happy ending are small. But it is there. And I am crossing everything. This ending ruined me. Again. Yet I was prepared this time, of course. Which did soften the blow a little. And made me take in more details. It made it more exciting too, in a way. This whole book makes me happy and also ruined.

There is very much to say about this book. Yet I am pretty sure I said it all in my first review, ha. And so I'm going to try to keep it shorter this time. I may fail. Starting by saying that the writing is fully perfect. And I felt connected to everything, once more. The beginning of this is a little slow, taking place in our world. But it's where we get to truly know Tamsin and her brother, Cabell. I do very much love this start of the book. As I so loved getting to see them together and how they live together. They try their hardest to stay together too, despite Cabell's curse. One of my favorite parts is knowing how they lived for several years, growing up. The library scenes with the cats and the Librarian. Sigh. It was the cutest. And yet fully sad, of course. And heartbreaking. These two kids deserved so much better from everyone around them.

Okay. I may have started this review a little in the middle. This is a book written from the point of view of Tamsin. She lives with her brother, Cabell. Not her real brother, but they have been together since they were smaller. Their guardian, Nash, abandoned them seven years ago. He is probably dead. Since then they have done everything they can to survive. It has not been easy. And it hurt my heart to read about those years they spent alone. Yet they had each other. Their sibling relationship was the very best thing.

This book takes place in our world. But it is a hidden world of magic and sorcerers and some people that have different small powers. These are called Hollowers. Cabell is one, with a power. But Tamsin has no power of her own. Which has made her feel left out all her life. And that ruined me. She is a little broken. All kinds of locked up inside, keeping everyone away. Keeping her true feelings inside of her. But I didn't blame her at all. She just wanted to feel loved and wanted, after having been left behind so many times.

Tamsin and Cabell spend their days working for the Guild, those in charge of this group of people. They also work for sorcerers, finding lost relics of ancient times for them, earning money to keep living. I fully loved getting to know about their life. And now I have already written too much about it all, when I was only going to write a short review. Oops. But yes. I loved this hidden world of magic and curses. I loved how all Hollowers had the One Sight. Allowing them to see magical things that other humans could not.

That Tamsin could not see. Until she tried a dangerous way of getting this vision. Which was awful. But I loved reading about it. And it was successful. And I loved how things changed for her then, being able to see magic for real. But it also made it much more clear how different she had been from her brother and everyone around her without it. Okay. I need to stop writing about the plot. This book takes place in our world at first. Until they are hunting for a lost ring. And then end up traveling to an Otherworld. To Avalon.

And I very much loved this place. It was dark and dangerous and not at all what they had thought it would be. They end up being almost killed right away. And I really loved that, haha. Tamsin is travelling with her brother. And her new friend, Neve. And her mostly enemy, Emrys. Sigh. I loved all of these characters to pieces. I loved how Tamsin did not actually like Neve at first. But she slowly grew on her. And then they ended up being the best of friends. It was the sweetest thing, how Neve managed to get under her armor.

And Emrys. I cannot with this boy. He is damaged. Yet always in a good mood, which Tamsin despises. She hates him. And he seems to like her, though she cannot see it. They are always arguing. Which I did not actually love, ha. But I did like it most of the time. I so loved how they went from these rivals to almost friends. And then to actual friends. And almost lovers. And I just. Oh. I shipped them more than anything. Tamsin was so bitter most of the time. Emrys always seemed more soft. They fit together perfectly to me.

There is so much going on in this book. Cabell is cursed. And his curse was so rude yet written so very well and I loved every moment of it. I did love him too. Though it was complicated, as he kept changing in this book and I very much did not like that. Hmph. Some other characters in this book were Caitriona and Olwen. I loved their growing friendships with these girls. I truly loved getting to know them all. Especially little Flea. I sort of liked getting to know Bedivere, though he seemed weird. The women were awesome.

This book takes place in Avalon. A place that is cursed. That they have to try to figure out how to save, if at all possible. It's haunted by monsters during the night. There are only a handful of hours of daylight. It is not a good place to be. And I honestly loved reading every moment of it, ha. This book is fully dark and dangerous. And I adored it. I loved learning more about the legends of this place. I loved learning about the fierce women who protected it and kept them all alive, as best they could. It was all simply amazing.

I have to add a little more. Just to talk about the women in this book. How their sisterhood was the best thing. How it helped Tamsin and saved her when she needed it the most. How they were all so close. And how cute it was. I loved it to pieces. And the magic in this book. It is small but beautiful. I loved what Neve could do. And all the dark parts. How many died. How many were hurt. It was thrilling and exciting to read about. Yet so sad too. And I loved it very much. Especially the scene with Tamsin at the small lake. Sigh.

And oh, how many favorite scenes I have from this book. There is very much I have not shared. And will not share. But must talk a little about what I loved most. There is a scene in the woods, in a tower. Where Emrys has to heal Tamsin and keep her from dying and from freezing. It was the best scene in this book. Sigh. There is an earlier scene at the baths, where Tamsin learns more about him. It was raw and hurtful and I loved it so. I'm so hoping for more scenes like these, haha. I just loved this small romance the most.

I have already written too much about this book now. Oops. Yet not nearly enough. I feel like I could write about it always. And I so love that. Silver in the Bone truly touched my heart. It is so precious to me. And I have collected every copy of the book, with many being hard to get. They are stunning. And I cannot wait to get all the copies of book two as well. This book has a special place in my heart. I love it the very most. Even with how that ending crushed me. It was also the very best. My poor heart. You must read this too.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

In My Mailbox #640

Another Saturday already. How rude. I have just been busy this week with trying to heal after my surgery. Oh. Wait. No. I was at the hospital again on Monday. Oops. Had a different appointment where they also put me to sleep. Shudders. But it went okay and it was not painful after either, which I had been worried about. So I'm glad I got it done. But yeah. This week have been so exhausting. And I'm just trying to heal. Been 17 days since my surgery. It looks better, I guess. But need to figure out a different bandage to start using. Hmm. Hoping it goes okay. Just want it to heal already. Sigh. Plus side, I got an important package this week. <3 And most important one will arrive next week, eee :D I am so very excited. And I'm currently re-reading Silver in the Bone, which I'm super excited about :) Got a bit of book mail; all gorgeous :) Also busy waiting for this damned winter to be over. It has been cold for so long now. Brrr. Want it to be April already, ha :D This week I'm waiting on Wrath of the Triple Goddess :) I hope you are all doing well. <3

Ruthless Vows. Finally managed to get the UK paperback edition :) Third edition, though, ugh. How rude.
The Thirteenth Circle. Eee! This is a book I'm so excited to read. Love MarcyKate. And it looks adorable.
One Girl in All the World. I know. Have yet to read this series, oops. But had to own this new paperback.
Hell Bent. New UK Waterstones exclusive paperback. <3 I love the colored edges. It's so very pretty, eee.
Barnes & Noble Exclusives. Eeee! Biggest thank you to my friend Theresa for helping me get all of these precious books to Norway. <3 You are the actual best :) Hugs. So thankful. Love the exclusive of Keeper of the Lost Cities graphic novel. A Curse for True Love. Now own the entire trilogy; hoping to read it one day. Ruthless Vows. Stunning exclusive edition. Sword Catcher. I must read this precious. Ninth House and Hell Bent. Two most gorgeous paperbacks. Love them so. Must read this series soon, though, ack :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #642

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

(Percy Jackson and the Olympians #7) BY RICK RIORDAN

Goodreads Description:

In his continuing quest to earn college recommendation letters from the gods, Percy has to pet sit the goddess Hecate's polecat and giant mastiff during Halloween week. What could go wrong?

Percy Jackson, now a high school senior, needs three recommendation letters from the Greek gods in order to get into New Rome University. He earned his first one by retrieving Ganymede’s chalice. Now the goddess Hecate has offered Percy another “opportunity”—all he has to do is pet sit her mastiff, Hecuba, and her polecat, Gale, over Halloween week while she is away. Piece of cake, right?

Percy, Annabeth, and Grover settle into Hecate’s seemingly endless mansion and start getting acquainted with the fussy, terrifying animals. The trio has been warned not to touch anything, but while Percy and Annabeth are out at school, Grover can’t resist drinking a strawberry-flavored potion in the laboratory. It turns him into a giant frenzied goat, and after he rampages through the house, damaging everything in sight, and passes out, Hecuba and Gale escape. Now the friends have to find Hecate’s pets and somehow restore the house, all before Hecate gets back on Saturday. It’s going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.

Rick Riordan’s newest Percy Jackson adventure is full of hilarious set pieces, a diverse cast of gods and monsters, and many other delightful tricks and treats.

Format: 288 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 24, 2024 by Disney Hyperion
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

Ohh! Another new short Percy Jackson story. <3 I know. I have not read the one that came out last year yet, haha. I'm still behind on these books. I cannot wait to re-read them, and read them all at once, eee :D
What are you waiting for on this delightful Wednesday?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

In My Mailbox #639

Gods, this week have not been the best. Sigh. I'm still healing from my surgery from last week. Now on day 10. I do not think my wound is looking much better. I suppose it is a little better. But I am still so very exhausted at all times. So I feel like this healing thing is taking forever. Ugh. I just want it to start closing. Doctor said healed by four weeks. I'm hoping that is true. Although I think it will be closer to eight weeks. So rude. Plus side, it only hurts a little bit. So I'm happy with that. It could be worse. But yeah. I hate this big open wound under my arm. Shudders. So anyway. I have been trying to take it easy this week. As just moving makes me exhausted and tired. And so I have not read anything new this week. Aw. Next week I have a different hospital visit that I'm dreading, but hoping will go okay. Fingers crossed. I am also waiting on two very important packages to me. Please let them arrive by Friday. May not make it, though. Aw. But I am still hoping, ha :D Also! Eee! My precious baby girl, my cat, haha, turned 11 years old this week. <3 She is my most precious thing :) This week I'm waiting on Let it Glow. <3 I hope you are all doing well :D

Ruthless Vows. UK hardcover. Supposed to be UK paperback. They sent me the wrong one. Ugh. Rude.
Gilded Duology. I had to buy this hardcover box set, to get that poster, ha :D I loved this series so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3