Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #372

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The struggle for power heats up in book two of this heart-stopping adventure series about siblings with magical shapeshifter powers, from New York Times bestselling author Amie Kaufman.

After the fateful battle between the ice wolves and the scorch dragons, Anders and his twin sister, Rayna, have been reunited. But there’s no time to celebrate.

The temperature all over Vallen is starting to drop. And Anders quickly learns that the wolves have stolen a weather-altering artifact called the Snowstone, and every dragon, including Rayna, is now in danger. Desperate to broker peace, Anders enlists the help of a few new flame-breathing friends to stop the wolves’ next plan of attack.

Together, these former rivals must go on a dangerous quest to find the scattered pieces of the Sun Scepter, the only artifact that can counteract the Snowstone. Because if either device goes unchecked, all hope for a truce will be lost.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: March 26th 2019 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order here and here

I liked the first book a lot, and I simply cannot wait to read this second one :D Eee. And gosh, that cover is so very stunning. Sigh. I love it so much. Scorch Dragons is going to be awesome. And I can't wait to read it. Excited to read more about all of these lovely characters and stunning world. Hope I will love it :)
What are you waiting for on this scorching Wednesday?

Monday, November 26, 2018

Review: Comet Rising by MarcyKate Connolly

This second book was a pretty exciting conclusion to a stunning middle grade duology. I have enjoyed reading these two books a whole bunch. And I simply love this author. She is awesome. Though I liked this final book a whole bunch, I sadly didn't love it like I wanted to. So I'm giving it three stars. But positive stars.

As there were parts of this second book that I liked very much. I only wish that there was more of certain things. Sigh. And I wish the ending had been longer. But despite that, I so much enjoyed reading this story. And I adore these characters tons. Getting to know how everything ended for Emmeline and Lucas was great.

And oh, how much I love the covers for these two books. They are simply gorgeous. And so fitting with the story too. I shall not share all that much about this book, only a few of my thoughts about it, what I liked, and what I had a few issues with. This one is told from the point of view of Emmeline as well. It has been a few months since the end of book one, and Emmeline has been living with Lucas and his parents since then. She is doing great. And I loved that so very much. Lucas and his parents are treating her the very best, and I adored reading about their friendship. I loved that Emmeline got to be happy with them. This does not last. Lady Aisling is still hunting for them. And she has found them now. Lucas's parents get taken and they have to run away.

This book is mostly about that. Emmeline and Lucas on the run from the bad people. From the Lady that would capture them and steal away their magic, to use it as her own. While they are escaping, they are also looking for ways to save the parents. And other children taken captive. There are new characters to get to read about, which I mostly enjoyed. We get to learn more about the story of these books too, more about Dar's past as well. Which I liked a whole bunch too. I loved learning new things about everything.

I will not share too much about this book. Only that I liked the plot a whole lot. While I had issues with a few things, I had no trouble at all getting lost in this story. And adoring Emmeline and Lucas. Sigh. I loved reading about the magic parts, about the different powers some people had. It was interesting. I wish the villain had been a bit more creepy, to be honest, but she was still pretty good, haha. The writing was good as well. So enjoyed reading this story about Emmeline and Lucas and their strange and wonderful magic.

The ending confused me a bit, to be honest. It ended way too fast, honestly. The big fight at the end was mostly good, and I enjoyed how everything ended with that. Not perfect, but was awesome to read about even so. But then the ending with Emmeline's parents. I didn't understand that at all. They treated her so badly for so many years. There is no way their feelings had changed. So yeah. I am a little disappointed about that, and so confused about what where some people will live after this book ended. Wanted more.

But even so. The ending was good. And I was happy with it all. Just wishing there had been more. And gosh, how I wish there had been more of Lucas in this book. I felt like there was too little of him, and more focus on the new characters. I missed reading about only Emmeline and Lucas hanging out and having fun. Would have loved to see more quiet time with just the two of them. Still. Lucas was adorable in this second book too, and I cannot help but love him very much. I also did adore the new characters. Mostly.

Parts of this book reminded me about MarcyKate's first book, Monstrous. With the people getting turned into flowers. Which was pretty great, yet also a bit heartbreaking, remembering how that first book ended. Ack. If you have not read any of these books by MarcyKate yet, then you really should get moving. Since they are all awesome and worth reading. I cannot wait to read all her upcoming books too. They shall be so good. Comet Rising was for the most part an excellent ending to a great duology. I enjoyed it so much.

Review: Shadow Weaver by MarcyKate Connolly

Reading this book for the second time made me like it better. And I am so very happy about that. I adore MarcyKate. She is amazing. And I have enjoyed all her books so far. Simply can't wait to read more by her. When I first read this book a year and a half ago, it was a three star for me. This time, it is a four star.

I'm so thrilled that I decided to re-read Shadow Weaver before reading the second book. As there were things I had forgotten. And I'm so happy that I ended up liking the book even more this second time. I had some issues with connecting to a few things, but this time I loved so much of it much more. Thrilled about it.

This book tells the story of twelve year old Emmeline. She has magic in her. She can shadow weave. Making shadows move, and talk to her own shadow. There is a story about why she has magic, along with other children born the same year she was. I found that to be all kinds of interesting and I so wanted to know more. Emmeline has lived with her parents since she was born. A house full of servants. Her whole life she has been all alone. Her parents fear her, the servants do too. No one cares for her. And that broke my heart so very much. I felt so badly for Emmeline. And I simply loved reading about her and getting to know her. She was a little innocent and naive, but with good reason. She makes some bad choices, but I still adored her so much.

Although no one living cares for her, and she has had no real friends, there is one person that she has always been with. Her shadow, Dar. Whom she has talked to since she was born. They are best friends. At least, Emmeline thinks so. Dar changes a lot in this book, and Emmeline is not so sure anymore that she is the kind shadow she has known her whole life. Reading about Emmeline and Dar together was pretty interesting. Dar is everything Emmeline has ever known, until now. Such a complicated friendship.

This book is about Emmeline and her magic. How people fear her because of it. Some of the fear is for good reason. But Emmeline did not deserve to be treated the way she did for all those years. It breaks my heart that no one took care of her, that no one loved her. She deserved so much more. Her parents are planning on sending her away. To have her be cured of her magic, for her magic to be taken away from her. Emmeline does not want this. And Dar says she can help her, for a price. It does not go well.

And so Emmeline has to run away. She is only on the run for a day before she runs into someone else with magic. Lucas. Whom was the cutest boy and I loved him beyond words. Sigh. He has the magic of the sun. And it was so awesome to read about. I loved reading about their powers together, what they could do together. And reading about their growing friendship and how his parents cared for him. It was amazing. But gosh, Emmeline kept so many secrets from them. Which was not okay. But I still loved her.

There is so much going on in this book. It's easy and fast to read, which I loved. The writing was a little bit awkward at times, but not bad. I loved it a whole lot more this second time. And I cared for Emmeline so much. I loved reading her story. And her friendship with Lucas. It was the cutest. The story is a bit creepy and so awesome. I shall not share more about it, just that it was interesting and different and pretty great. I'm so very excited to read the next book, which is also the final one. Must know everything that happens.

I'm not sharing too much about this book this time. Only that this second read was all kinds of amazing. And I enjoyed Shadow Weaver very much. It was a fast and stunning and exciting adventure. I adored Emmeline and Lucas so very much and I cannot wait to read more about them in Comet Rising. If you have not read this gorgeous middle grade book yet, then you really must do so. Because it is awesome. And it's a book that I think everyone should read. As is every book by MarcyKate Connolly. Go buy them.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

In My Mailbox #368

How is it already Saturday again? Gah. It is almost December. And I had promised myself I would be all caught up before then. Hahahaha. Yeah. I'm not sure that will happen, haha. Oh, well. I shall try my best. Haven't done much this week, though. More medicine on Wednesday, grandma's birthday on Thursday, then Black Friday yesterday. Always so busy and no time to read these last few days either. Aaack. But I did read a picture book this week, and an eARC too :D So yay for that. And I have the biggest reading list right now, ahh. Excited about all the books :D Just need the time too. Hmph. A few blog posts this week. Not that many, but still :) I shared my review of Pippin No Lickin' :) Then shared my review of White Stag :D And this week I'm waiting on Undying. <3 I also got some most stunning mail this week. EEE! I love it so so so very much. Sigh. All is perfection. So so happy and grateful and dying a little too. Sigh. So happy :D Also, still waiting on my Archenemies print copies. Uuugh. Book Depository sucks these days. Ruude. But still. So in love with what I got this week, eee :D Just wishing the days were longer, and my body was less exhausted. Because I have so so much reading I need to do. First: re-read Shadow Weaver. Then I'll read Comet Rising. Then re-read the Grave Mercy trilogy. Then read Courting Darkness. Eeee. I am very excited about all of them. <3 Just hoping it won't take me forever to get started, haha :) Also, I have had so so so few comments lately. And it's breaking my heart a little. Because I still have the same amount of pageviews. Hmm. So, please, if you do visit, consider leaving a comment :) It would truly make my day.

La Belle Sauvage. A "cheaper" version from Waterstones that I had to have too, haha :D It is so beautiful.
Rosemarked. Stunning paperback version :D I adore Livia, and must have all of her books. <3 So lovely.
Grim Lovelies + Grave Mercy. EEE! Ordered these two personalized from Parnassus books :D Thank you all so so very much. <3 And all the swag. Love my signed copies so so much. Adore both authors, eee :D
Courting Darkness. Oh my gosh. I AM DYING! When I got this package from HMH Teen this week I pretty much died. And am still not living. Thank you so so much. Gosh. SO SO HAPPY. And the pin! Ahh! Love! Means the most to me to have this precious ARC. <3 I am beyond excited to read this very soon, eee :D
The Steel Prince 2. Second comic book by Victoria :D Love! I had both editions pre-ordered. <3 So pretty.

Descendant of the Crane. Eee! I have wanted to read this one for a while now. And when I saw it on Edelweiss, I had to request it right away. Thrilled to have gotten approved for it too, so fast :D Hoping to read it soonish. Look awesome. Hoping I will love it tons. Have you read it yet? I'm so excited to read it soon :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #371

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

UNDYING (Unearthed #2)  

Goodreads Description:

Trapped aboard the Undying's ancient spaceship and reeling from what they've learned there, scavenger Mia and academic Jules are plunged into a desperate race to warn their home planet of the danger humanity's greed has unleashed. From the mountains of Spain to the streets of Prague, the sequel to Unearthed is a white-knuckle ride that will send readers hurtling back to earth, and leave them breathless until the last page.

The earth's fate rests in Mia and Jules's hands in the epic conclusion to New York Times best-selling authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner's tomb-raiding sci-fi duology. 

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: January 8th 2019 by Disney-Hyperion
Pre-Order here and here

I feel like I have waited forever and ever for this book to come out. Eee. And now it is almost here :D Gosh, I cannot wait to read Undying. <3 It's going to be so so so good. Sigh. My cover reveal post here. Isn't that cover just beyond gorgeous? I love it so :D And gosh, I simply cannot wait to read more about Mia and Jules :D I loved them both so much and ahh, I'm hoping for romance between them, haha :D
What are you waiting for on this undying Wednesday?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Review: White Stag by Kara Barbieri

This is not a book that I would have picked up by myself. I had not heard much about it at all, before the blog tour. But I am so thrilled that I ended up reading it. Because it was pretty amazing. A four star read for me. A few things bothered me, but this book was exciting from start to finish. I'm so glad I picked this book up.

Though I must admit to having read reviews right before I started the book. Which I shouldn't have done. Felt for sure that I would not like White Stag because of reviews I had seen. I was wrong. I got sucked into this book, the world and this story. It did not let me go until the very end. And I enjoyed all of it very much. Sigh.

Yes, there were a few parts that I disliked with a passion. But I never hated this book. And truly enjoyed reading it from start to finish, always needing to know what would happen next. Writing was not fully perfect, but I did not have trouble connecting to the characters or the world, so I am happy with that. For most of the book this was a solid four star reading for me. Sometimes three, because of some things that happened in the past that I couldn't get over and that were mentioned a bit too much for my taste. But the story was so good. The characters were awesome to get to know. And I loved this world a whole bunch. While I did not completely love this book, I enjoyed it something fierce. And am so glad that I read it. Think that you should all give it a try too.

This book tells the story of seventeen year old Janneke. Except she is not really seventeen. Which I did not know before starting this book, which was a huge surprise for me. She has been living in the goblin world for the past one hundred years, her body not aging. It is not a safe world for a human. She's been doing pretty well, though. I enjoyed learning about the goblins. They are described in so many different ways. Mostly human looking, but eating all things living. Most of them pretty horrible. But not everyone.

Like Soren. The goblin that has been a friend for Janneke for a hundred years. He has lived for almost a thousand himself, though. All those years alive were maybe a little too much, but it was interesting too. I liked getting to know about the goblin world and how they lived and such. I do wish there had been even more of all of it. But oh, Soren. I loved this boy a whole bunch. He was pretty fierce and strong  yet gentle and loving too. Though maybe a bit too human at times, hmm. Yet I could not help loving him so so much.

The story in this book is how there is a new goblin king to be chosen. The book begins with the old king dying, the stag running. Those that are strongest in this world will hunt down the stag, killing it, and taking the place as the next king. Soren is one of the strongest goblins there are. And so he will hunt it, Janneke going with him. They start growing a lot closer over those few days hunting. Janneke learns more about herself, learns more about how to deal with her past and all of that. And how to care for Soren differently.

There is romance. But there has been no romance between Soren and Janneke for one hundred years, which is how long she has been with him, mostly as a friend. He has treated her kindly for all those years. And they have grown close. I do wish it had been more about those previous years, though. I wanted to know more. Hmph. It takes a lot of time for Janneke to admit to feeling more for him, for the romance to start. But once it did, it moved pretty fast. I did not mind, though. I shipped them together so very much.

The reason for why I had some problems with this book is because of four months that happened when Janneke was first captured by the goblins, after her whole village had been killed and burned down. She was the only survivor, and a goblin man decided to capture her as a toy for himself. She was tortured and raped for four months alone with him. And there are some details in this book. And they are often there. It was too much for me. Not too brutal, as it could have been, but still too much. Also, it was heartbreaking.

But despite that, the book was good. Janneke had focused too much on what happened to her in the past. I felt like maybe she should have gotten more past it by now, considering one hundred years had gone past, where she had not spent time with this man. Hmm. She acted too much like a child at times, when she should not have been one, since she is a hundred and seventeen years old. Hmm. But I also adored her. So much. Janneke was strong and fierce and an awesome warrior too. I did love her much.

There were also some other great characters in this book. While it focuses most on Janneke and Soren, there are others in this story too. I adored the young goblin girl that were with them for a very short time. Sigh. And then the boy that ended up spending time with them after her. He was pretty adorable and I liked reading about him too. A few bad guys in this book as well, and I disliked them a bunch. But they were all written pretty well and I liked how the story went about all of them. Mostly awesome characters.

White Stag was more than I had hoped it would be. And I am so happy about it. The world was stunning and written well. The characters were amazing. And the story was exciting and thrilling at times too. The ending was pretty much perfect, though I know there are two more books to come. Ah. I'm nervous, haha. But pretty sure I will continue with this series. Want more of the characters. I also did not know the whole Wattpad story before, but I am so curious to know more about it. Also think that it seems pretty awesome.

When I had the chance to take part in the blog tour for this book, I could not say no. Because that cover is killing me with beauty. And the summary sounded awesome too. Was thrilled when I got accepted for the tour, and could read a copy of this book too. My Q&A post will be up in January. So excited for that. Huge thank you to Wednesday Books for letting me take part in the blog tour and for sending me this eARC to read and review via Netgalley. I cannot wait to pre-order a hardcover of this stunning book too. Go read it.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Review: Pippin No Lickin' by Layne Ihde & Linda Pierce

When I got the chance to read and review this book I simply could not resist. Because it look so very adorable. I adore cats the most. And Pippin No Lickin' seemed pretty amazing. I'm glad that I gave it a chance. It ended up being a three star, as I found the rhyming in the writing to be a bit off at times. It was written well too, though.

This book tells the story about an adorable cat that does not want to clean himself. He ends up getting all kinds of dirty, with so much sticking to his fur. Everyone around him want Pippin to take a bath, but he does not want to. In the end he ends up understanding that he needs to be clean for everyone around too, not just for himself.

The story was pretty adorable. But I have read that it says this book will teach kids about selfishness and personal hygiene and such. I did not think that it was long enough for that or written well enough for it. But was such a cute story, with the most adorable cat. I loved Pippin. But it was mostly just a few pictures and not much writing. I felt it should have been a little bit longer, to be able to teach more. But I also found the book to be good, and I think it could be important for small children in a way too. Everyone should read it.

Huge thank you to the publicist, JKS Communications for the free copy of this book to read and review. While I did not love it, it was adorable. And I'm glad I read it. I also think a whole lot of little children will adore it too. Pippin No Lickin' was not perfect, but it was a short and cute story with stunning illustrations. If you have the chance to read it, you really should. The artwork is so gorgeous, and the writing was good too. It was a short and quick read picture book, and I adored it a bunch. Only wish it had been a bit more.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

In My Mailbox #367

I don't even know where this week went. Time is moving by so fast lately. Ahh. And my reading is going down down down. Sigh. But I did read The Raven's Tale these past two days, so I am happy with that :D Yay! And have a bunch of reading planned, that I need to get done. Just need the energy and time, haha. But I will read more this coming week. I will I will will. Because I really do want to. But yeah, my health still sucks. How rude. And only managed to blog twice this week. Ack. More next week, hopefully. This week I'm waiting on The Tiger at Midnight. <3 And shared my review of The Raven's Tale :D Also got a bunch of stunning mail that I love; all pre-orders, haha. Also, the books I got this week was supposed to arrive at least two weeks ago. Hmph. Book Depository has gotten so beyond slow; it's taking over three weeks for books to arrive to me these days. Ahh. Which means I will not get new books on release date at all. Ugh. Like, Archenemies. I have only gotten the audiobook. None of my finished copies. Hmph. I'm once again sharing the link to my giveaway of Borrowed below. Only days left to enter it. And there is still only one person who has entered. What. Why? Do you guys not want this free book? o.O It looks so stunning. <3

Bridge of Clay. This book is huge. Gosh. I have only read one book by this author, but curious about this.
Lord of Shadows. Stunning new US paperback edition :D And ahh. First chapter of book three. I'm dying.
The Dark Vault. Such a gorgeous new UK paperback version of both The Unbound books. I love it tons.
Umbertouched. Finally got my stunning hardcover of this book :D Eee. Mostly excited about reading it.
Fangirl. The most gorgeous new US paperback edition :D Green pages! I love it so so very much. Sigh.
Runaways. Yesss. I can't wait to finally start reading these comics by Rainbow :D I'm all kinds of excited.
9 From the Nine Worlds. I know, forever behind on all books by Rick. Ahh. But I do own them all, haha :D
Fury. For the most part I did enjoy this final book a bunch :D This whole trilogy was so very good. Sigh.
Almost Midnight. Gorgeous paperback edition too :D So cute. Have the hardcover as well; I love both.
Archenemies. Eee, the most stunning audiobook version :D I know, I still don't listen, but I love owning.

Shadow School. Eee. I am so very excited about this book :D And gosh! It is not out until August of next year. Ahh! And already on Edelweiss! What. But I am so happy that it was :D I adore this author. And I cannot wait to read this new book by him. It sounds and looks awesome. Reading it shortly, I hope :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Review: The Raven's Tale by Cat Winters

I must admit that I know just about nothing about Edgar Poe. But I do know and love Cat. Which is why I had to read this one. And I'm glad that I did so. It's a three star for me, but I liked it a whole lot. I learned so much about Poe, and I will look for more. I loved being able to read a new book by Cat. And loved her writing lots.

There is so much to share about this book. And so much I know I will not be able to write down. To me the writing was pretty much amazing. There were parts that were a bit too much for me, a bit too old, perhaps. But the writing was easy to read so I loved that. The book was also a pretty fast read, and I loved that very much.

I will try my best not to include spoilers in this review. I shall talk about the plot and some of the things that happen. This book is a three star for me, because I did not fully love it. There were parts that bothered me a little. I will share all about that. Will also share why I liked this book a lot even though I disliked parts of it. I wish that I had loved it more, but I'm also so very happy that I did not hate it. Was a little bit unsure, since poems and such have never been my thing, but I liked this book a lot. And I'm so glad I did. That cover is also beyond gorgeous. Can't wait to own print copies of this book. Sigh. It will be the prettiest. The Raven's Tale is told from two point of views. Seventeen year old Edgar Allan Poe. And his dark muse born from the shadows of him, Lenore.

This book tells the story of Edgar. How he lived with his foster parents, how his Ma loved him, but his Pa pretty much hated him. How he could not wait to finally leave this small town to go to school, and to write more poetry. While also writing letters to his sweetheart back at home. Things so do not go the way they should, though, for Edgar. I did feel pretty sorry for him. Yet I also wanted to shake him because he was being pretty stupid at times, haha. Yet I grew to like this strange boy a whole bunch, I think. Maybe. Haha.

This story is about how a muse of darkness is born from his writing. She steps out from his house, full of shadows and soot and darkness. It was pretty awesome to read about. But Edgar does not treat her very well, this somewhat girl, mostly a creature of his mind. Lenore is a big part of this story. I will not mention her more. Only that I liked reading about her a lot, and how she effected Edgar. I liked her point of view too, though it was a bit too childish and dramatic at most times. But still. I enjoyed getting to know Lenore.

One of the reasons for why I did not like this book all that much was because of how dramatic Edgar was. Always crying and thinking about wanting to die when things were not going well. He was not the best at dealing with things at all. Ugh. Also wish there had been romance. His somewhat early romance with the girl in the beginning of the book does not count, because it made me feel nothing. And how that ended made me a little disappointed. There were a few answers that I never got, and that I needed a lot. Hmph.

I also wish there had been more answers about some other things too. I wanted his Pa to suffer more. I wanted to know about his friends. Well, those that did not abandon him. Hmph. Edgar didn't have it easy. But he did not truly have it that bad either. And I sort of wish this book had been way darker. Haha. It was a great book, and I liked it lots, but yeah, I wouldn't have minded if it had been darker. And more bloody. It was mostly just about Edgar and his whining and almost writing. Still, liked it a whole lot. Most of the time.

Because it was such a quick read for me. I was always interested in knowing what would happen next. I liked the writing a whole bunch. I wanted to know more about Lenore and other muses. But oh, Lenore. She was so much like a child most of the time, yet she was not supposed to be. I wish she had been way darker and a bit more interesting. Still, she was my favorite from the book, I think. I also enjoyed reading about the poems they wrote together, when Edgar finally made himself do something. Hmph. Too slow.

Even though there were parts of this book that I did not enjoy very much, I never hated it. And I found the story to be pretty exciting. And I needed to know what would happen next with Edgar. I do wish that it had been darker, but it was also pretty exciting most of the time. Slow, yes, but good. I'm happy with how Cat wrote this book. She is awesome. I have read all her books so far, and cannot wait to read even more by her in the future. You really must check out all of her books. You will love them. Promise. All are so good.

This book is not out until April, but you should definitely order it right away. I think that everyone will enjoy this book. And I think that those who know more about Poe will end up loving this story. I did not love this, most likely because of not already loving Poe. But I did enjoy the story a whole lot. And I can't wait to own all the copies of this book, to add to my very large Cat Winters collection. I'm glad I was able to read this. Huge thank you to Amulet Books for approving my request to read it early via Edelweiss. Happy I read it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #370

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Esha is a legend, but no one knows. It’s only in the shadows that she moonlights as the Viper, the rebels’ highly skilled assassin. She’s devoted her life to avenging what she lost in the royal coup, and now she’s been tasked with her most important mission to date: taking down the ruthless General Hotha.

Kunal has been a soldier since childhood, training morning and night to uphold the power of King Vardaan. His uncle, the general, has ensured that Kunal never strays from the path—even as a part of Kunal longs to join the outside world, which has been growing only more volatile.

Then Esha’s and Kunal’s paths cross—and an unimaginable chain of events unfolds. Both the Viper and the soldier think they’re calling the shots, but they’re not the only players moving the pieces. As the bonds that hold their land in order break down and the sins of the past meet the promise of a new future, both rebel and soldier must make unforgivable choices.

Drawing inspiration from ancient Indian history and Hindu mythology, the first book in Swati Teerdhala’s debut fantasy trilogy captivates with electric romance, stunning action, and the fierce bonds that hold people together—and that drive them apart.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: April 23rd 2019 by Katherine Tegen Books
Pre-Order here and here

I am pretty curious about this book :D That cover is stunning. And the book sounds pretty exciting too. I have not heard anything about it yet, though, ack. But, I have traded for an ARC of it which will be arriving later this month, and so I cannot wait to read this book :D I think and hope I will love it. Sounds awesome.
What are you waiting for on this legendary Wednesday?

Saturday, November 10, 2018

In My Mailbox #366

This week haven't been going all that well. Hmm. But I did read one regular sized book, finally. Ahh! My re-read of The Scorpio Races. <3 My most precious. And it was the first book I have read and loved in two whole months. What. So rude. I am planning on reading a bunch more this coming week :D Fingers crossed for me. Not feeling the best, as I had my first wisdom tooth removed on Thursday. It hurts. Can't open my mouth right and cannot chew right and only half taste things I eat. It sucks. And I think I have a cheek infection, because there is puss coming out, and I think that is the only place that hurts so. Inside of my cheek. Ugh. Because the dentist cut me with something, I think. Hmph. If not better by Monday, I have to go back. Which will be beyond painful, and I do not want that at all. Keep fingers crossed it will get better for me? Only blogged twice this week. Aaack. I shall be better. I'm waiting on The Clockwork Ghost :D And shared my review of The Scorpio Races. <3 Ninth read. Ahh. It's the most precious for me. I have taken new pictures of books to sell this week, and it's breaking my heart a little that I have to sell so many. Sigh. But no room. Need to get rid of older ones. Ack. But, no one is buying. Hopefully soon. I also got some stunning mail this week :D Eee. I love it all so very much. <3 I had a good week, despite all the pain. Hoping it will be better tomorrow :) Also! I have a giveaway for two finished copies of Borrowed. Which looks like such an amazing book. And it has so so so very few entries. Any chance you all could enter it? :D If you win, I am very sure you will like the book. <3 Thank you. Hope you are all doing well :)

The Sea of Monsters. Now pretty sure that I have all the graphic novels, haha :D Had to have them all. <3
The Mortal Instruments Graphic Novel 2. I adore these books. Love this artist. Must re-read the books :D
Shadow in the North + Tin Princess. Now own all four from this series :D Hoping to read them all soonish.
Pippin No Lickin'. Yay! This looks adorable :D Thank you so much JKS Communications for this one :D
Lady Sherlock Swag. Ahh! Thank you so much Sherry for this most gorgeous swag :D So in love with it.
Pop Figures. Eee! A whole bunch of new ones. Love my Coraline ones. So cute. They are all adorable.

The Raven's Tale. EEE! Thank you so much Abrams for approving me for this one :D I'm SO EXCITED.
White Stag. Ahh! So excited to be taking part in the blog tour for this one :D Thank you so St. Martins :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Review: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Reading this book will always give me the most magical feeling. This was my ninth read of it. And it never fail to make me happy. And heartbroken too. The Scorpio Races is such a huge favorite of mine. I know I will always love reading it. There is not a single thing about this book that I do not love. Which is the best feeling.

There is so much I could say about this book. But I'm pretty sure I have already said it all, haha. I have shared about it for seven years now. And yet I will never tire of reading this book or writing about it, honestly. I need everyone to know about it too. To love Sean and Puck like I love them. To love it all the same way I do.

Will try not to write too much about the book this time, because mostly I just want to share a little about how much I love it. And how much I need all of you to read it too, if you haven't yet. This book means so much to me. And so this re-read was once again perfection. I love that every time I read this book I end up loving it more than before. Which should not be possible, considering how much I already love it. The Scorpio Races tells the story of an island. A small one, with not that many people living on it. Life is hard there, most of the time. Though those who love this island are happy. Like Puck and Sean. They have different lives, but I would say that they have the same heart, which is the most important. Reading about them makes me so so very happy.

This is a book about horses. Yet not the normal kind. These horses are from the water. And they are huge and deadly. And the most amazing to read about. It is also a book about getting to know someone. About Puck getting to know the island and herself, and Sean too. About her learning more about what is left of her family, and how to deal with that. It is about Sean learning how to care for someone other than Corr. About him learning to fight for what he wants most of everything. And risk losing it all. Which breaks me.

Everything about this book is perfection. And every time I read it, it kills me more. It's full of emotions and heartbreak and joy and I love every single moment of it. There is so much I could share about all of it. But I won't. Just that I love this book. So so very much. I love Puck. I love Finn, her brother. I am still angry at her other brother, Gabe. Hmph. I love the sisters they spend time with. It breaks my heart how they are living at the moment, a year after their parents died. I wish that people would have helped them. Hmph.

I loved reading about Sean and Puck all over again. How they first meet. How they start spending time together. And start caring about each other. How they race each other with their horses. The very best thing. Their small touches still kills me. I wish there had been a bit more romance, but I'm so happy with what is there. Sigh. I ship them so very much. This whole book is perfection. The november cakes. The november sea. The water horses. The race. The whole Mutt thing still makes me the most angry. Ugh.

But every part of this book thrills me. And I am so happy with how well written The Scorpio Races is. I just wish there was so much more after it. I wish it had not ended after four hundred pages. And that ending. My god. It is evil. Yet so hopeful. Completely perfect too. But yes. I very much need more. I need more of Sean and Puck and everything. I really hope there will be more. This book is simply stunning. In a way, it makes me feel alive. Which is the best feeling a book can give me. These characters are simply the best.

I'll admit that I'm still waiting for Maggie to share that she's writing a direct sequel to The Scorpio Races. It is my biggest wish. To get to read more about Sean and Puck and Corr and Finn and Holly and everyone. I don't feel that their story is over. Yet I fear that Maggie will not write more about them. And I need her to. So very badly. I have hope, though. Hope that she will soon announce a sequel. I am crossing my fingers for it. And hoping that it will not be a companion book, haha. I very much need a direct sequel for it. Sigh.

This book have been out for seven years now. And if you still have not read it, shame on you. Because it is the most amazing book with such stunning characters and the most precious story. The Scorpio Races is not a book to be missed. I am so thrilled that I still love it as much as I did the first time I read it, seven years ago. This ninth read have been amazing. I needed this lovely book right now. I have not yet listened to the audiobook, but I will. I am sure I will love it too. This book brings me so much joy every single time.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #369

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

It was only a few weeks ago that the Biedermann twins, Tess and Theo, along with their friend Jaime Cruz, followed the secrets of the Morningstarrs’ cipher further anyone had in its century-and-a-half history—and destroyed their beloved home in the process. But the Old York Cipher still isn’t solved. The demolition of 354 W. 73rd Street only revealed the next clue in the greatest mystery of the modern world, and if Tess, Theo, and Jaime want to discover what lies at the end of the puzzle laid into the buildings of New York by its brilliant, enigmatic architects, they will need to press on.

But doing so could prove even more dangerous than they know. It is clear that the Morningstarr twins marshaled all the strange technology they had spent their lives creating in the construction of the Cipher, and that technology has its own plans for those who pursue it. It is also clear that Tess, Theo, and Jaime are not the only ones on the trail of the treasure. As enemies both known and unknown close in on them from all sides and the very foundations of the city seem to crumble around them, they will have to ask themselves how far they will go to change the unchangeable—and whether the price of knowing the secrets of the Morningstarrs is one they are willing to pay.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: May 14th 2019 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order here and here

I pretty much adored the first book in this series. And I have been waiting for news about the second one :D And eee! I simply cannot wait for The Clockwork Ghost. The summary sounds exciting. And that cover is so very gorgeous. Sigh. Is it May yet? The cover is not up on Amazon/Goodreads yet. Hmph. Despite being revealed a whole month ago. How rude. It is gorgeous. Laura shared about the cover here, and her story about the cat when she was younger just about killed me. Laura is amazing. <3 Can't wait to read.
What are you waiting for on this searching Wednesday?

Saturday, November 3, 2018

In My Mailbox #365

Another week gone by. Way too fast. Ahh. I read a short book this week; a very short one. But I am going to start my re-read of The Scorpio Races tomorrow, finally :D And hoping that will make me want to read more other books too. Fingers crossed. I have done a bunch of house things this week, and a tiny bit of catching up. A bit more behind right now. Ahhh. Plus side, my laptop is finally back from service :D Eee. And it is so so good to have my laptop back. Sigh. It's so much better. I do wish they had given me a new one, sigh, but I shall survive. So far, the problems seems to have been fixed. So yay for that. I just have not had any time to catch up yet. But soon. I hope. Need to get everything done before December. Today I have seen two movies at the cinema with my nephew, and cleaned cat pee. Ugh. My hips are killing me with pain right now. It's the worst. But I'm surviving, haha. Probably :D Also more blog posts this week :D Though they were all later in the week, ack. This week I'm waiting on Soul of the Sword. <3 I shared my review of Orgo Runners: The First Run :) I'm taking part in the blog tour for Borrowed :D Psst, enter the giveaway. Then I shared the gorgeous cover for Immunity. <3 Would mean the most to me if you would leave a comment. Thank you so so much to all of you that do so :D I will comment back. Soon. Just so behind. Hmph. And ahh! This mail week! I am dying :D So so much awesome. A bunch of trades. Some bought. Some ARCs gotten. Sigh. It is all precious and perfect. <3 This week have been pretty great :)

Percy Jackson. Realized I was missing some of the graphic novels, so working on getting all of them :)
The Hidden Blade. Ordered this at the end of august, with my other Sherry books, just now arrived. Ack.
Shiver + Linger. EEE! Thank you so much for trading these ARCs with me Megan :D I am so so happy.
City of Ghosts. Love! Thank you so much Amanda for this awesome ARC trade :D I love it so much. <3
Furyborn ARC Box. Minus the ARC :D Eee! Thank you so much Iryna for this amazing trade :D Love it.
Six of Crows paperback set. Final part of a trade with Jordan :D Thank you so much. Had to have these.
A Map of Days. I know, I hated book three. But I couldn't help it. I want to know what happens, haha :)
Song for a Whale. Eee! Thank you so much to RHC for sending me this book for the blog tour :D Love.
Sleepover at the Museum. Taking part in this blog tour; thank you so much RHC :D So excited to read it.
The Tiger in the Well + The Ruby in the Stone. Two of four arrived. Have not read this series just yet :D
Coraline. Eee! My Coraline doll has arrived :D And ahh! She is gorgeous. Love. And first of my pops :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, November 2, 2018

Cover Reveal: Immunity by Erin Bowman

Eee! I am so so very excited about this book :D I pretty much adored the first one, Contagion. And waiting for Immunity is all kinds of painful. Because of that very very rude ending. Must know what happens next. If the rest of the characters survive. If the romance I am wishing for will happen. Ahh. I must know all the details :D July 2nd cannot come fast enough. And oh my gosh. This cover. I cannot. Look how gorgeous it is! Ahh! They both look so stunning together. Love the colors for Immunity. Sigh. I simply cannot wait for this precious book to be out. I shall love it the very most, I am sure. What do you think of this cover? :D

Survivors of a deadly planetary outbreak take on a new, sinister adversary in the white-knuckle sequel to Contagion, which New York Times bestselling author Amie Kaufman called “gripping, thrilling and terrifying in equal measures.”

They thought their nightmare was over, but Thea, Coen, and Nova’s rescue was only the beginning. After being imprisoned on a ship they thought was their ticket to safety, it’s clear that the threat they left behind isn’t as distant as they’d hoped—and this time the entire galaxy is at risk.

Now that threat is about to be unleashed as an act of political warfare. To prevent an interstellar catastrophe, the survivors must harness the evil they faced on the planet Achlys and learn to wield the only weapon they have left: themselves.

The first installment in Erin Bowman’s duology earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, who called the plot “intricate and action-packed,” and fans of Jonathan Maberry, Rick Yancey, and Madeline Roux will relish in Bowman’s tense, high-stakes conclusion to the events of Contagion.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Borrowed Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

Today I'm taking part in the blog tour for Borrowed by Lucia DiStefano :D I have not read this book, but I might do it one day, because it seems pretty much amazing. I do not often read contemporary books, but this one looks great. And a bit heartbreaking. And I'm hoping to have the time to read it soon. Huge thank you to the publisher, Elephant Rock Books, for letting me take part in this awesome blog tour. Today I am sharing a great guest post by Lucia and sharing a bit about the book too, and hosting a US giveaway for two copies of this book being sent by the publisher :D Borrowed looks gorgeous and sounds stunning too.

Guest Post by Lucia DiStefano.

“Write what you know.” Common wisdom, right? I had it memorized before I was tall enough for even the TeaCup ride, and I remember feeling constrained by it. After all, writing a few stories had already exhausted what I knew in my young life. I didn’t want to stop scribbling in order to gather more knowledge, and anyway, most of what passed for story-worthy knowledge those days came from spying on neighbors, most of whom wisely kept their private lives behind the privet.

But in the decades after I shed that obnoxiously lurky kid-self, I’ve come to see that common wisdom sometimes deserves to be questioned. Sure, maybe the advice to write what you know makes sense: won’t the piece feel more accomplished when it explores a topic with which you can claim a certain level of expertise? Won’t the whole thing be better crafted if you can adroitly work in the requisite details? Maybe, but…

When I heard the better advice to “write what you want to know,” a whole lotta doors were kicked in for me. Ah, the power of one wee word. (Well, technically, one wee word plus a wee preposition.)

I believe that curiosity is every bit as important as knowledge when it comes to writing, and, when it comes to fiction specifically, perhaps even more important.

It’s said that if you want to learn how to do something really well, teach it to someone else. And I’d extend that further: If you want to know someone/something really well, draw them in your own words. I would hazard to say that writing is always an act of exploration, whatever the subject or however humble the platform. But to push past what you can comfortably write about and step into the chancier unknown-but-wanna-know takes a willingness to risk (which means a willingness to fail, if failing means getting it wrong).

“How can I write what I don’t know, though?” you may be asking. “Like, doesn’t knowing come first, before the writing?” Permit me to borrow wisdom from Anne Lamott and Ernest Hemingway: The “how” arrives in unapologetically shitty first drafts.

And that brings me to my favorite P-word. (Not popcorn, although the bag of peanut butter-coated popcorn I once wolfed down in Fredericksburg, Texas was pretty amazing, so maybe I should consider peanut butter and popcorn as runners-up P-words.) 


To write what you want to know rests on the foundation of giving yourself permission first to not already know everything worth knowing. (I know you know that, but you’d be amazed at how many people think that, if they don’t know something, it’s not worth knowing. Hmmm…four “knows” in one sentence. Not bad.)

And then it means giving yourself permission to explore (aka to play, which is another powerful P-word pertaining to writing). Permission to coast on “what if?” while you’re sussing out the whys and hows. Permission to write something that only pleases you as the first steps on the journey toward writing something that you’ll be proud to share with others. And permission to inhabit worlds and people you may never know experientially, but you can know through the transformative power of creativity.

For instance, my journey from flickery first idea to finished novel began with wanting to know what it would be like to feel the self you knew slip away as another self, one you hadn’t invited, took over. (The closest I ever came to that was the occasional reverse deja vu moment when I should’ve remembered something but didn’t. Hardly a parallel.)

I could have let the fact that I haven’t had a dramatic and sudden event causing me to question my personal identity stop me from exploring it via story and characters and language. I could have…

As Flannery O’Connor famously said, “I write to discover what I know,” which assumes that we know more than we give ourselves credit for (which also assumes different ways of knowing and various levels of knowing, which is a mega-discussion best left for another day, when you have time to sit with me over a cuppa something hot).

When you give yourself permission to wonder before you know, and when you permit yourself to engage in discovery through dreaming and plotting and writing, you dramatically expand the world for your first and most important reader: you.

Official release date: November 1st 2018. 264 Pages.  

Love, mystery, and danger collide in this new literary thriller with the dark heart of a Gillian Flynn novel and the lyrical prose of Jandy Nelson’s I’ll Give You the Sun.

A triumph of authenticity, grace, and nail-biting suspense, Lucia DiStefano’s ingenious debut is an unflinching, genre-bending page-turner.

As seventeen-year-old Linnea celebrates the first anniversary of her heart transplant, she can’t escape the feeling that the wires have been crossed. After a series of unsettling dreams, inked messages mysteriously appear on her body, and she starts to wonder if this new heart belongs to her at all.

In another Austin neighborhood, Maxine braces for a heartbreaking anniversary: her sister Harper’s death. Between raising her brothers and parenting her grief-stricken mother, Max is unable to ignore her guilty crush on Harper’s old flame or shake her lingering suspicion that her sister’s drowning wasn’t really an accident. With Harper as the sole connection, Linnea and Maxine are soon brought together in fantastic and terrifying ways as the shocking truth behind Harper’s death comes to light.

A former high school English teacher, Lucia DiStefano currently works as an editor, ghostwriter, and writing coach. First-generation Sicilian-American and daughter of an olive farmer, she admits to having recurring pasta dreams. Hailing from central Connecticut, Lucia lives near Austin, Texas with her husband and an old bloodhound named Waffle.

Where to find Lucia DiStefano:

Giveaway Rules.
US. Two Winners.
Books sent by publisher.
Ends on November 22nd 2018.

Publisher's book page here.

Blog Tour Schedule:

August 1: Cover reveal at YA Interrobang
September 4: Review at Alice Reeds
September 10: Author interview at Alice Reeds
September 24: Cover reveal at BubblersRead
October 8: Review at Liz Loves Books  
October 9-15: Giveaway at Miss Print
October 15: Review at BubblersRead
October 17: Guest post at Liz Loves Books
October 22: Excerpt at YA Interrobang
October 25: Author interview at YA Outside the Lines  
October 31: Author interview at Katya de Becerra: The Last Day of Normal
November 1: Giveaway and guest post at Carina’s Books
November 5: Author interview at BubblersRead
November 12: Author guest post at BubblersRead
Week of November 12: Author interview at Cynsations
November 20: Author interview at The Story Sanctuary
And more to come, including a podcast special at The Writing Barn and an event with book blogger, reviewer, and YouTuber BookRatMisty!
Like Elephant Rock on Facebook and follow them on Twitter @ElephantRockBks for book and blog tour news and updates!