Saturday, January 31, 2015

In My Mailbox #170

This week has been a bit busy. And I'm not sure how I feel about that. First, I'm done with the hospital thing for this year, and I'm so happy about that. Because thursday and friday were pretty much torture :p And I'm so happy to be done with it. Plus, my damn abscess is finally healed, so I'm pleased about that too. Just feeling a bit tired today, and I'm far behind, again. I also didn't get to read much this week, which makes me sad, but yeah, didn't have time for it. But I did get some awesome pre-orders in the mail. <3 And they are all gorgeous. Sorry for the two different photos, lol, it is finally starting to become light outside, which was earlier today when I took the first picture, before the mail arrived. It arrived late today, so the second picture is the two books that I got, with my light on, since it was dark already. Ack. But yeah. They do look gorgeous either way :) I'm still waiting on Fairest, though :( Sad face. The Book Depository didn't ship it until yesterday. Wtf. I'm not pleased. Hope they arrives next week. Also sad, because three paperbacks arrived damaged this week. Will have to complain about them all :\ Sigh. Makes me sad. Anyway. Not that many blog posts this week, because of busy week. But yeah, I did post another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Rook :D This week I only read one book, Red Queen. Which I posted a preview review of :) Then I shared the gorgeous cover for Neverseen. <3 And oh! The 100 this week. So good. But sobs. THAT ENDING. Cannot wait for the next one :D What did you get this week?

Don't forget my US only giveaway of one hardcover of The Winner's Crime. <3 Enter here.

The Mime Order. I haven't read book one yet, but soon. Probably. Many love these books, hih. Pretty.
A Cold Legacy. I, well, I loved book one. But never reading book two. Sad face. But they are gorgeous.
The Stolen Moon. Yay! I loved this book a lot. It is all kinds of awesome. And oh so gorgeous. Adore it.
The Lost Planet. Yay for gorgeous and small paperback edition. <3 I pretty much adored this book too.
Soulprint. Pretty US hardcover of this awesome book. <3 I enjoyed it so much. This book is awesome.
Cress. Ah, finally the US paperback is out. <3 And it is beyond stunning. Oh, this book is so amazing.
The Sin Eater's Daughter. It arrived very damaged. I'm not pleased. Sad face. But it still looks pretty.
City of Heavenly Fire. You know, I must own all the editions. <3 This is the new UK paperback of it :)
Plush. Yay! Mom got me this gorgeous bear at the hospital. <3 And it is so precious. And soft. Love it.
Baymax. I had to buy this gorgeous when I saw him :D Love! And kitty too. Adore it so so much. But sobs, I haven't gotten to see the movie yet. Damn my town for not getting it in English. Sad face.
How To Train Your Dragon. Meek! New looking dragons. They are pretty adorable. And a bit different. I had to buy them. <3 But expensive too :( Sad face. Still need two different ones, hih, soon I think :)

Invaded. YAY! Pre-order arrived today. <3 I read this one many months ago. I love this book. Gorgeous.
Dearest. I adored book one, but been forever since I read it. Planning on reading all three someday :)

How To Train Your Dragon 2. My collection of the Funko Pop! HTTYD dragons. <3 They are all so gorgeous. Hiccup is adorable. Anyway. I have had Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid for a long time. But couldn't afford the other three yet, because of crazy shipping prizes. Ack. But then they got a little bit cheaper, so had to buy them. <3 The three dragons on the right are new this week. And oh so gorgeous. I adore them all. Do you own any of them?

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cover Reveal: Neverseen by Shannon Messenger

Eeek! I'm so excited about this cover reveal :D Because I adored book one, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and book two, Exile. I haven't been brave enough to read book three, Everblaze, yet, but I will soon. Because I adore this middle grade series. And I'm so so excited for Neverseen later this year :D I also really, really adore Shannon. <3 She has the most gorgeous swag and I own so much of it and she is so so kind. Sigh. She's amazing. I also own a whole lot of her books, lol, they are just so gorgeous. <3 Anyway. Neverseen. The cover is gorgeous! Sophie and Biana and Keefe looks awesome. I'm sad there isn't any Fitz, like there was on Everblaze, but I'll deal with it ;p Because yeah. The cover is pretty stunning. And I just cannot wait to own it. <3 There is no summary yet, but Goodreads says the book is coming out on November 3rd. <3 Fingers crossed it won't be pushed back :D What do you think of this cover? <3

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Preview Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is just a small post to let you know that I just finished reading Red Queen. <3 And that my full review will be posted on February 9th, when I'm a part of the International Blog Tour hosted by HarperCollins International. <3 Which I'm all kinds of excited about :) I'm not going to say much about it right now.

But I do want to mention that I really liked Red Queen, despite giving it a three star rating. The first half of the book was four stars for me, but then I had some issues, so I'm settling with three stars. But yess. I did like this book a whole lot. And I think you would all enjoy Red Queen. So go pre-order it. <3

I don't want to say too much about this book at this moment, just wanted to let you know that I liked it. The writing is pretty amazing. The characters are interesting. The plot is exciting. And there in no love triangle. Just thought I should say that, hih. And that I'm glad I read this book. I'm excited for my gorgeous pre-order of the hardcover to arrive in February.

Waiting on Wednesday #172

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

History has a way of repeating itself. In the Sunken City that was once Paris, all who oppose the new revolution are being put to the blade. Except for those who disappear from their prison cells, a red-tipped rook feather left in their place. Is the mysterious Red Rook a savior of the innocent or a criminal?

Meanwhile, across the sea in the Commonwealth, Sophia Bellamy’s arranged marriage to the wealthy René Hasard is the last chance to save her family from ruin. But when the search for the Red Rook comes straight to her doorstep, Sophia discovers that her fiancé is not all he seems. Which is only fair, because neither is she.

As the Red Rook grows bolder and the stakes grow higher, Sophia and René find themselves locked in a tantalizing game of cat and mouse.

Hardcover, 464 pages
Expected publication: April 28th 2015 by Scholastic Press
Pre-Order here.

I very much like the cover for this book. So pretty! And just all kinds of awesome looking. I also like the summary. It feels like this book can either be really amazing or really bad. Which is usually how all books are for me, hah. But I have hopes for this book. So I'm crossing all my fingers it will be awesome :D
What are you waiting for on this ruined Wednesday?  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cress Tuesday #66

Meep! Fairest is out today! Just waiting for my pre-orders to arrive, then I shall finally read it :D
A new year. <3 And more Cress Tuesdays, hih. I will stop doing these closer to the summer. Probably. I'm so glad 2015 is finally here. This is the year of Winter. <3 But before that, Fairest. Which I am so excited about finally getting at the end of this month :D I'm sure it will be the most awesome. And Winter in November. This year cannot go by fast enough. I simply cannot wait for this book. <3 I ended up not having the time to re-read these books last year, and I think I should wait until closer to November before I do so. Probably. We'll see. I'm excited about re-reading them all either way. <3 Cinder, Scarlet & Cress are the best books. I cannot wait to read Winter and Fairest. I know I'll love everything Marissa writes. <3 So excited about Heartless too :D I hope you are all enjoying these small and mostly non-spoilery teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


"Of course he's lying!" The doctor screeched, his voice breaking. He had managed to haul himself 
off the lab table and was now pounding on the glass with his palms, leaving smears of bloodied
 spittle. "She's capable of killing your head thaumaturge and all your guards and your entire court.
 She's Princess Selene, the true heir to the throne. She can kill you all, and she will kill you all. 
She's coming for you, My Queen, and she will destroy you!" 

Levana snarled. "Shut up! Shut up, you old man! Why won't you die already?"


 So excited for more Levana in Fairest :D
And in Winter too. Wonder how it will all end.. Ack!

Cyborg Monday. News: Fairest.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :) Also, the teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3

Saturday, January 24, 2015

In My Mailbox #169

I'm happy about this week. My health still sucks, but my abscess is getting better. Probably. And oh, I read so many amazing books this week. I'm so happy about that. I also got some great mail. <3 Though still waiting on a lot, hah. Next week will be even more awesome, I think :) But oh. Next week. Going to the hospital on Thursday, and back midnight Friday. It will be a kind of torture. Sob. I don't want to, but thing with having Morbus Crohn is that I have to once a year. Sigh. Just hoping it won't be too painful. Fingers crossed. Plus side, bringing my laptop so that I get to see the new The 100 episode on Thursday there :) Which I loved this week. Though it broke my heart. Damn Clarke. Sigh. But so excited for the next episode. <3 Blog posts for this week. I re-read the amazing This is Not a Test. <3 So damn good. Then I read Please Remain Calm :D Which I loved. I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on The Stars Never Rise. Then I read the amazing All the Rage. <3 Damn. It was good. I shared the cover for The Last Ever After. <3 Which is gorgeous. And then I read The Fire Sermon. Which I had a lot of issues with. Sigh. I just want to thank you all for always commenting on my blog posts. <3 You guys are the sweetest. And I try my best to comment on a lot of blogs, which I do every day, but I'm still behind on some of you that comment on my blog. And I'm so sorry. I just haven't had the energy to catch up yet :\ But hoping I will be able to soon. Fingers crossed. I do adore you all :) What did you get this week? 

Don't forget my US only giveaway of one hardcover of The Winner's Crime. <3 Enter here.
Don't forget my US only giveaway of one finished copy of Odditorium. <3 Enter that one here.

Polaris. I really enjoyed this book. <3 Which I'm so happy about. So I had to own this. So pretty too.
Avalon. I had some issues with this book, but really wanted to own the paperback as well. Gorgeous.
The 100. I haven't decided if I will read the book, but I wanted to own them all. Isn't it just stunning?
Soulprint. Ack. I really loved this book. And this UK paperback is gorgeous :D I love it. Arrived EARLY.
How To Train Your Dragon. You know, I just have to own all the books. <3 This one is so pretty. Love.
Captain America. I haven't watched movie one yet, but I am going to watch them all very soon. I think.
The Scorpio Races. My precious. Love love love my signed edition of this book. <3 More details below.
Vitro. Yay for gorgeous new US paperback look. <3 It is all kinds of stunning. I adored this book so much.

The Scorpio Races. Yesss. <3 Finally got my final book from the big order I placed with Fountain Bookstore back in August :) So much love. This book is the bestest. And this US paperback is stunning. <3 So glad to have it signed and personalized :) I own just about all her books, hiih. Missing a few :)

All the Rage. Please Remain Calm. Yesss. Huge thank you to St. Martin's Press for accepting my Netgalley request for All the Rage. <3 I read it right away, and I loved it so damn much. Sigh. My love. And Please Remain Calm, which I read the day before :D It was all kinds of perfect. Courtney Summers is just all kinds of amazing. So much love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, January 23, 2015

Review: The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig

When I first heard about The Fire Sermon I was so excited. Because this book sounds all kinds of amazing. And he cover is pretty gorgeous too. So I was so happy and excited when I was offered to get a review copy from the UK publisher, HarperVoyager. It arrived, and I peeked, but then put it on hold for months. Ack.

But now I couldn't wait any longer to read it, since it will be published in just over a month. I knew some things about the ending would bother me, but I hoped the rest of the book would be amazing, since the plot sounded so good. But oh. I was wrong. I had so many issues with this book. And that makes me so sad.

I will try my best not to post spoilers for this book, though I will share some plot details, as I have to talk about the things I did not like in this book. Sigh. But I also want to talk about what I could have liked. Why this is a two star rating and not a one star. Because I did like some things. But then there were the things I didn't like. Sigh. First, I thought this book would be young adult. It seemed that way. And in the beginning of the book, the girl, Cassandra, is nineteen years old. But then she is kept in a cell for four years. Which makes her twenty three. And then more months pass, so I'm starting to think she's twenty four by the end of the book. Which, I must be honest, bothered me. I thought she would be younger. And she acts so much younger.

I wish I could say I loved Cass. But I didn't. Because the writing is all kinds of awful. I could not like it. It isn't the worst, but I never connected to her. And, this book isn't personal. Not at all. I barely knew anything about Cass. Like, after she has spent four years locked up, never seeing herself, she wonders for one moment, while lying next to a naked man, what her breasts looks like. What the hell. But then we never get to witness her looking in a mirror. So I have no idea what she looks like. It bothered me.

But the plot. I really wanted to love the plot in this book. And I did, honest. Because I was so curious about the twin thing. How everyone born is a twin, one girl, one boy. One of them perfect, the Alpha. One of them damaged, the Omega. How the Alpha's are in charge, and the Omega twins get sent away and have to live poor. It was such an interesting plot choice. But we barely see any of it. And that hurt my heart, because I wanted so much more from this plot. With it being four hundred years in the future.

I wanted more from this plot. Instead I got a whole bunch of Cass thinking about the past. Thinking about all the damn details I couldn't care less about. There is not much happening in this book. There is a lot of pages being on the run. And it was so boring. Seriously boring. But I liked getting to read a little bit about Cassandra and when she lived with her twin, Zack. Though it was written so badly. The way time was written didn't work. It felt so messy. It didn't make sense. And I noticed it so often. Sad face.

But back to Cass and Zack. I liked reading about them when they lived together, until she was thirteen, and was marked as an Omega. Which should have happened when she was a baby, but she was never deformed, as she is a seer. And oh. I hated how her seer powers kept changing. As if the new way it worked was usual, when it wasn't. But then Zack suddenly gets super powerful, and knows so much, and he gets Cass thrown in a cell. Where she is for four years. Just didn't see the point of all those years.

Oh, and then she is so smart and suddenly escapes, which I didn't understand how it was possible, but she managed it. Where she found a naked man/boy in a tank. Which she freed. And took with her on the run. My god. I did not like this man. She names him Kip, as he remembers nothing of his life. And then they are on the run for months. It was so boring. And I suppose there is a small romance between them, but it is done so badly. I never once felt or saw the point of it. Not at all. Didn't like it. Sigh.

I won't say too much more about the story, but some things. Maybe. There are more characters in this book. Like Piper. Whom also suddenly seems to be in love with the girl. But there isn't a love triangle. I wouldn't even say there is a love story at all, with how bad it is written. Cass and Kip kiss. They probably sleep together too, but it is never said. That bothered me a whole damn lot. Anyway. Piper. He was an interesting character, but I didn't love him either. He seemed to like Cass more than she deserved.

Another thing I haven't mentioned. I know it may be silly of me, but I really, really disliked that Kip was missing an arm. It would bother me so much in real life. How he cannot do things. Or hug her. Or anything. But then Piper is missing an arm too. And it got way too silly for me. I couldn't love any of the characters in this book. I tried. But there is no feelings for anyone. They are written so badly. Well, maybe just how Cass sees things is so badly. But even she is written badly. Mostly, I hated the writing.

I don't want to talk much more about this. I am so disappointed by The Fire Sermon. I wanted it to be amazing. But it wasn't. It let me down. And I'm sad about it. But I'm giving it a two star, because I did like the plot. And I do want to know what happens next. I'm curious. Huge thank you to HarperVoyager UK for being so kind to send me a print ARC of this book. <3 I will treasure it, because it is gorgeous. I'm just so sorry that I couldn't love this book. But yeah. The Fire Sermon was not for me. Not at all.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Last Ever After by Soman Chainani

Oh my gosh. This cover is beyond stunning. I love it to pieces. I adored the first two books in this trilogy. The School for Good and Evil + A World Without Princes were amazing books. <3 Loved them so much. The Last Ever After seems like it will be even better, and I just cannot wait to read it :D So so excited. Cannot wait to read more of Agatha. <3 And Tedros. And Sophie. And everyone and everything. Dying to know how it all ends. Just, sigh. This cover is stunning. I love it so so much. Cannot wait to own it. So far I haven't been able to find a summary for this book, but that's okay. I know it will be awesome. Just hoping July 21st will arrive fast. <3 I need to know how it all ends :) I have also really loved the small teasers Soman have shared on twitter :D So much love. What do you think of the cover? Because damn. It is stunning. Agatha looks amazing. Tedros is even there on the side. So cute. Sophie looks stunning too. And just all the details. I adore this cover. And how gorgeous they are together. Sigh.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Review: All the Rage by Courtney Summers

I can't even begin to talk about my feelings for this book. Because I have a lot. I started reading it last night, thinking I should read just a little bit, but then I could not stop. Not for a moment. So I had to stay up until three am to finish it. And it was so worth it. This book was beautiful. And so heartbreaking.

This book made me feel so much. So much anger. So much sadness. But it also made me happy at times, as some good things do happen to Romy. But there is mostly pain. And it is so real, because I can relate to all that awful bullying and it hurts my heart. Yet I loved reading about it so much. It's so good.

The cover for All the Rage is so stunning. Especially the red nails and red lips, because it fit with the main character. Romy is such an amazing person to read about. I adored her so much. Though I didn't really get the obsession with the red lips, as I wouldn't have been able to do it all the time, but I also understood why she needed it, why she felt better with it on. And she's just so amazing. Sigh. I loved reading about her mom, though I wish her mom had done a bit more. Had tried a bit more. But she also did try. And she is there for Romy. And I just adored her. And her step dad, Todd. He was awesome too and I loved the details we got to know about them both. So exciting and different. So much love. Curious about her dad, though.

I don't read many contemporaries. I tend to not like the high school drama and such. And there is school in this one. But I had to read it. Because it is Courtney. And because it sounded so damn good. I'm so glad I read it. Because it broke my heart so much and I loved it. I even loved the school things. Despite all the awful people who were treating Romy so badly. It made my heart hurt so much. Sobs. Yet I loved reading about it at the same time. It hurt so badly, but it was so real, and I enjoyed it so much. Sigh.

I'm not sure how to describe the plot of this book. It's so much. And it's so good and so interesting. It is the story of a girl dealing with having been raped. A girl dealing with being told she lied. A girl dealing with the awful people who don't believe her. And it is so heartbreaking. And so perfect. I loved reading about it all. Because Romy is such an amazing main character. I adored her so much. And my heart hurt for her at all times. But she's also so strong. She did some stupid things, but I still loved her so so much.

Most of this book is so sad and it made me so so angry. People can be so cruel and mean. Even the damn Sheriff. Hmph. I do not approve. But it also felt so real. Sigh. But there are also some happy parts. There is the new boy, Leon. Whom Romy works with. And he is so cute. And he likes her. And he tries so hard. And she sort of uses him but she also cares for him and I adored reading about them together, despite all the hurt. And his family is the best. I adored his sister. So sweet. I just really liked Leon.

But then there are all the other characters. I won't be talking about them all. But oh. They were so awful. And it broke my heart. Tina was such an evil girl. Yet she was still awesome to read about. How mean. I'm still unsure about Penny. I think I would have loved her a year before. Before she didn't believe Romy. Before their friendship ended. Sniffs. But then she did some stupid things and I did not approve. But at the same time I did like her a little bit. Maybe. Wishing she had done a lot more about things, though.

Then there were those awful boys. I cannot. There were so many of them. Brock was so cruel. I did not like him at all. And Alek. He was so evil too. But then he was so heartbroken when his girl went missing, and I'm still not sure I believe he was being honest about being so sad. Still, he was an awful boy. The summary mentions Kellan. But we do not get to see him. And I'm so happy about that. There are some awful flashbacks, though. Sobs. My heart. But yeah. Just hearing about Kellan was bad enough for me.

There is so much I could say about All the Rage. But I think I've written a whole bunch already, lol. Just. I really liked this book. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. I'm so glad I read it. The writing is, as always, stunning. Courtney is amazing. I enjoyed the ending of this book. Though, like Courtney's previous books, I do think it could have been a little bit longer. Hmph. But I loved it even so. I just really liked this book. I think All the Rage is important. So important. Despite all that awful heartbreak. Sobs.

I shall have you know that I adore Courtney Summers. She is such a sweet and kind person and I just really like her. Plus she writes amazing books. <3 So happy that I re-read This is Not a Test then got to read Please Remain Calm, and then All the Rage right after. <3 Feels so good to read a bunch of books by a favorite author and love them all. I will be reading her previous books too, pretty soon I think. So excited for them all. And so excited for any upcoming books she might have planned. I cannot wait.

All the Rage is a different book. And I loved every moment of it. There is mentions of blood and periods and I loved it. So real and honest. And pretty awful too, lol. There is the sweetest black boy. Leon. And I adored him so damn much. Sigh. He was so awesome. There is a bunch of awful men doing what they want without getting any punishment for it. It hurt my heart. But it was all so real. This whole book is so real. And I loved reading all of it. Thank you for writing this stunning book, Courtney. <3 I loved it so.

You should all read this book. Because All the Rage is heartbreakingly amazing. There is so much pain and hurt. But there are also some hopeful and sweet moments and I loved every moment of it. I loved this book to pieces. And I think all of you would too. Because All the Rage is so real. It is so honest. And it's awful. Yet so perfect at the same time. This book is sad. Yet so beautiful. I hope you will all read this book when it comes out in April. It's worth the pain. Huge thank you to St. Martin's Griffin for approving my request on Netgalley to read this beautiful book. I will be searching for a print edition of it too :)

Waiting on Wednesday #171

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Sixteen-year-old Nina Kane should be worrying about her immortal soul, but she's too busy trying to actually survive. Her town's population has been decimated by soul-consuming demons, and souls are in short supply. Watching over her younger sister, Mellie, and scraping together food and money are all that matters. The two of them are a family. They gave up on their deadbeat mom a long time ago.

When Nina discovers that Mellie is keeping a secret that threatens their very existence, she'll do anything to protect her. Because in New Temperance, sins are prosecuted as crimes by the brutal Church and its army of black-robed exorcists. And Mellie's sin has put her in serious trouble.

To keep them both alive, Nina will need to trust Finn, a fugitive with deep green eyes who has already saved her life once and who might just be an exorcist. But what kind of exorcist wears a hoodie?

Wanted by the Church and hunted by dark forces, Nina knows she can't survive on her own. She needs Finn and his group of rogue friends just as much as they need her.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: June 9th 2015 by Delacorte Press
Pre-Order here.

I think this book sounds pretty exciting. And a bit different. And I just cannot wait to read it :D Nina seems amazing so far. <3 And I cannot wait to meet her. And Finn too. Whom sounds awesome, hih. He sounds cute. And I adore the name Finn. Sigh. Hoping for a book with amazing plot and cute romance.
What are you waiting for on this demonic Wednesday?  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mini Review: Please Remain Calm by Courtney Summers

Sigh. The long wait for this short story sequel was well worth it. And I'm so glad I re-read This is Not a Test before starting this one. Though I probably didn't need to, but yeah. I made me love it even more, I think. <3 Because Rhys. And Sloane. And so so much love. I adored this story.

I want to share all the spoilers. I want to talk about it so much. But I won't. I will email Courtney about that, hih. But for my review I will mention how much I adored this story. How perfect it was. And how heartbreaking it was too. First, Rhys point of view was the best thing. I love him.

Please Remain Calm is mostly just what happens to Rhys and Sloane after that killing ending of book one. And I loved it. I loved it so much. Though so much of it broke my heart as well. Eeek. But so perfect too. One thing made me sad, there isn't a single kiss in this story. Sniffs. But I'm okay with that. Because to me, Rhys and Sloane obviously adores each other. And that was enough. Plus, the things that happened in book one were pretty perfect to me. But yeah. I adored Rhys. And I adored Sloane. And they both grew a bit in this story. I loved reading about them both so much. And I want more. Always. They are just amazing characters. Sigh. There are also some new ones. Jess. Lisa. Ainsley. And I enjoyed reading about them all. But damn. They had such a sad story. They are awesome, though.

I won't say too much about Please Remain Calm. But I want to mention some things. First, it is stunning. Second, the writing is perfection. Thirdly, the characters are amazing. I loved the story too. Though there is a lot of pain. Ack. But so much love. There are also a whole lot more of the zombies. Shudders. Yet I loved it so much. More killing. More pain and hurt. But mostly just a really amazing story. And I'm so glad I read it. But yess. I do want more. And I need to re-read both books pretty soon, I think. <3

This story isn't very long, probably about a hundred pages, but it was also long enough. Okay, fine, I really wanted a few more pages, because that ending is evil. Ack. Yet still perfect. I loved it. But yes. I really want a sequel to this sequel. I'm going to cross all my fingers that Courtney might want to write more. <3 Because I would read it in a heartbeat. If you guys have read This is Not a Test, then you really must read this short sequel. You must. And you must read book one too. They are both so damn good.

Cress Tuesday #65

A new year. <3 And more Cress Tuesdays, hih. I will stop doing these closer to the summer. Probably. I'm so glad 2015 is finally here. This is the year of Winter. <3 But before that, Fairest. Which I am so excited about finally getting at the end of this month :D I'm sure it will be the most awesome. And Winter in November. This year cannot go by fast enough. I simply cannot wait for this book. <3 I ended up not having the time to re-read these books last year, and I think I should wait until closer to November before I do so. Probably. We'll see. I'm excited about re-reading them all either way. <3 Cinder, Scarlet & Cress are the best books. I cannot wait to read Winter and Fairest. I know I'll love everything Marissa writes. <3 So excited about Heartless too :D I hope you are all enjoying these small and mostly non-spoilery teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


Cress nestled against Thorne's side, trying to believe him. "But first, we have to get out of this desert." He rubbed her shoulder. It was the kind of touch that would have filled her with giddiness and yearning if she hadn't been too tired to feel anything. "You have to trust me, Cress. I'm going to get us out of this."


 Cress and Thorne together is just the sweetest and funniest thing.
Cyborg Monday. News: Fairest.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :) Also, the teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3

Monday, January 19, 2015

Book Recommendation: This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers

It's been way too long since I first read this book. Almost three years now. It is still the only book I have read by Courtney, so far, yet I adore her to pieces. She's all kinds of amazing. I love following her on twitter; she's so kind and sweet. <3 Anyway. This book. I cannot with this book. I had forgotten how amazing it was. I had forgotten how happy and how sad it made me. Because damn. This book is perfection. And I'm so glad I decided to finally re-read it. I loved it even more this time, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how to begin talking about my love for this book. Because it is huge. I adored re-reading this book. It was the best. This is Not a Test gave me all the feelings and I'm so happy about it. Sigh. The writing is stunning. I loved every part of the writing in this book. And the characters. They are all kinds of amazing. There aren't that many of them, yet more than enough. And I enjoyed reading about them all, so much. Then there is the plot. The plot is all kinds of exciting. Just, so much for me to love.

This is Not a Test is told from the point of view of Sloane. Whom I adored. She is all kinds of amazing. Though she is also broken. And she wants to die. And she has some issues. Yet I loved her even more because of that. I feel like she grows a bit in this book. She gets better. And I feel like Rhys helped her do that. And Grace too. And all of them. But then. Sloane is still broken. And it hurts my heart. Yet she is amazing to read about. And I adored her to pieces. I loved getting to know her. She's just awesome.

We learn a lot about Sloane's life in this book. You know, prior to the zombies arriving. How her father abuses her. How her sister, Lily, left her. I cannot even begin to talk about Lily. Ugh. I hated her for leaving Sloane behind. I hated her so much for it. Because it left Sloane broken. Yet she still loves Lily so much. But yeah. It bothered me. It made me so angry. I did not like hearing about her sister. Hmph. And I really hope Sloane will be able to get past something that happened. Sigh. Crossing my fingers for that.

You'd die without me. She said it all the time. She said it because it was true. 
It wasn't a secret. I'd die without her and she left anyway.

This plot in this amazing book. It is about the end of the world. Sort of. The zombies have arrived. There is no back story for it; no explanation. But I'm okay with that. This is the story of Sloane. And how she is surviving with the dead and the living. And I loved it. I loved it so much. She ends up with five other teens, and they end up staying in the high school all by themselves. There is so much death in this book. Most of it takes place inside, yet it was never boring. Not even for a moment. Loved it so much.

I adored reading about Sloane. Then there was the boy, Rhys. And oh, I adored him too. Loved getting to know him. There is a romance between them. It is small, but I loved it. Okay, it might be there because of need, maybe, but I loved it to pieces. And I feel like what they have is real. Oh, I hope. Then the other teens. The twins, Grace and Trace. I liked reading about them. Grace was so kind and sweet. But Trace was not. I did not like him at all. Hmph. And Harrison only cried. I didn't really like him either.

Then there was also Cary, whom I'm not sure how I felt about. I really liked reading about him. There is no romance between Sloane and anyone other than Rhys, thank god. But yeah. Cary is still an amazing person to read about. And I liked getting to know him, though he did do some fucked up things. Ack. Yet I sort of understood it too. Most of this book is about the teens trying to survive. And I enjoyed it so damn much. There are so many feelings. And heartbreak. There are some really adorable moments.

I don't want to share too much more about this book. Just that I loved it to pieces. Not that much of it focus on the zombies, but I'm okay with that. I loved reading about Sloane and Rhys. Everything about this book was just all kinds of amazing. Sigh. Well, except for that ending when everything went to hell. Ack. So much sadness. Yet it was so great to read about. I loved every moment. Just wishing this book had been so much longer. I cannot wait to read more awesome books by Courtney. <3 She's just amazing.

I'm not sure I'm ready for the sequel tomorrow. I think Please Remain Calm will be all kinds of perfect, because it is Rhys point of view, but I also worry like crazy. That summary hurts my heart. Sniffs. I worry because I am dying to know what happens next, but at the same time, I worry about how it can end happily. But I hope. I hope it will end with Rhys and Sloane together. <3 I'm crossing all my fingers. Either way, I cannot wait to read it tomorrow morning. I'm sure it will be the best. <3 Yet I am still so nervous.

If you still haven't read This is Not a Test then I do not know what you are waiting for. This book is so exciting. It is so good. It is so heartbreaking. It is so sweet. It is one of those books you just have to read. And you must. You really must read this book. Because I love it to pieces. And I need everyone else to love it too. Plus I'm curious to hear more thoughts about it. So go read it and let me know. This book broke my heart a little, but I'm so happy about it. Sloane is the bestest. And the story is so interesting.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Winner's Crime Blog Tour: My Winner's Curse + Giveaway

So excited to be a part of this blog tour! Huge thank you to Gina at Macmillan for inviting me to take part in this tour. <3  You are awesome. And oh, how I love these books by Marie Rutkoski. I just read The Winner's Curse for the third time last week, and I adored this book so much. Then I read The Winner's Crime, which is also perfection. It is full of heartbreak, but I think you'll all love it. For my blogger post today I'm talking a bit about what I would pay too much for. Like how Kestrel paid too much for Arin when she bought him. And how she ended up with less. Well, I would say she ended up with more. Well. Maybe not after book two. But then there will be book three. And I am dying to know what happens next. I need more of Kestrel and Arin. <3 The Winner's Crime is coming out on March 3rd. <3 You should all pre-order it right away. Because this is an epic sequel. And I loved it to pieces. If you haven't read The Winner's Curse yet, you really should do so already :) These books are amazing. <3 And, oh my gosh! The title for book three has been revealed. It will be called The Winner's Kiss. Sigh. It is so beautiful. But I worry. I hope there will be lots of kissing. <3 But I fear it will be more like the kiss of death. Ack! So excited, though. This third book will be perfection, I'm sure. Cannot wait for it :)

My Winner's Curse.

The 'Winner's Curse' is an economics term that means you've gotten what you wanted -
but at too high a price. What would you pay too much for?

I wasn't fully sure if I was able to answer this question, as I'm not good at explaining things. But then I remembered that I have already done this. I have already paid too much for something; a few years back I was going for the first time to America with my mom, we were going to Orlando, Florida and Disney World. After having booked our stay, I learned that three of my favorite authors were going to be there at the same time as me. They would be at Ascendio to sign books. And gosh. I had to go. I just had to. And it ended up being way expensive. But also worth it, to me, but I paid way too much, I think.

First I had to pay for the tickets to Ascendio, for two days, though I was only going for the author signings. Tickets were expensive. Then we had to pay for taxi there, which also ended up being a lot of expensive. And I had to buy the books at a B&N store, which was also much higher than I pay while ordering books online. But then I went to the signing, and I got to meet some of my favorite authors, and I got my books signed. I had the most amazing time. But yeah. It was all kinds of expensive. I would pay it again, though, which is why this is my Winner's Curse. I would pay pretty much anything for books. They are my heart. And authors are the best. This is also the only event I have ever been to :)

Then I also have a second example. My gorgeous silver shaded persian cat. She is the best. But oh, how I have paid a lot of money for her. Buying her was expensive. I even had to fly to get her. Which cost a lot of money. But I would never be without her. <3 Though I'm not sure she was worth all that money. Hmph. So this is another case of my 'Winner's Curse', I think :) I'm not sure I did this the right way, but I hope so. If I have to choose a thing I do not own yet, it would be good health. I would never stop paying if I could not be sick anymore. Which isn't possible. How mean. What would you pay too much for?

Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

Where to find Marie Rutkoski:
Twitter. Website. Facebook. Goodreads. Instagram.

Where to buy the books:
Amazon. B&N. The Book Depository. IndieBound.

Other links:
Official Blog Tour Post & Schedule. Bite and Sting. Official Website for the books.

Giveaway Rules.
US Only. One Winner.
Hardcover of The Winner's Crime.
Must respond within 48 hours with address.
Book will be shipped by Gina at Macmillan. <3

In My Mailbox #168

I'm unsure about this week. I've been in so much less pain, which makes me beyond happy, but my abscess is still not healed. And it better hurry, as I'm going to the hospital on the 29th to do important stuff, and I cannot do that if it isn't healed. Hmph. But I'm crossing my fingers, as it has become better. I think. I have also had so much pain in my feet, but that is better too. Anyway. Enough with all the pain and bad things. Sigh. I was planning on reading much more this week, but only ended up reading one book and one short story. But I'm okay with that. I needed some days to just be lazy. <3 Will be reading more this coming week. Probably :) I also got some awesome pre-orders this week. <3 Though I'm still waiting on a lot of mail. Hmph. But soon, I hope. This week I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Silver in the Blood :) I read Polaris, which I really enjoyed, then I read the short story Proxy. <3 I was a part of the Odditorium blog tour, which include a US giveaway :) And I'm a part of The Winner's Crime blog tour as well. <3 Where I share my Winner's Curse :) And US giveaway as well. <3 I'm kind of happy with this week. Some things made me sad, but I'm just thinking then of new The 100 episode on Thursday. <3 Which I'm spending every moment waiting for. What did you get this week?

The Darkest Part of the Forest. This book is so damn gorgeous. And I was so excited to read it. I read chapter one. Then I decided to not read any longer. Sigh. She kisses all the boys. I do not approve at all.
Ensnared. Uhm. I'm never ever reading this book, I don't think. But it is so pretty. I had to own both.
The Unbound. Yay for gorgeous US paperback edition. <3 I adored book one, reading this one someday :)
Frozen. Two new gorgeous Frozen books. <3 They are just all kinds of adorable. I had to buy them :D

How To Train Your Dragon 2. A bunch of new and gorgeous books. <3 They are all just so perfect. Sigh.
Frozen. Yay for stunning new Olaf book, lol :D It is so pretty. And gorgeous stickers inside as well. Love.
Dragons. Yay for more gorgeous dragons. <3 My loves. They are just all kinds of perfect. So much love.
Man of Steel. Uhm. I only bought this one because it was on a very big sale, lol. Curious, though, maybe.

Not pictured: I got some other things that I didn't feel like taking pictures of this week. Three new EOS lip balms. <3 They are perfect. Got some more bubble bath, hih. Lots of love. Also didn't take pictures last week of new cat stuff I got for my girl. New pink toilet, food, shampoo. And the toy that is below :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Odditorium Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

I hadn't heard of this book before Katie at MundieMoms & MundieKids contacted me about being a part of the blog tour. <3 And then oh. I think this book sounds pretty exciting :D I'm so pleased to be a part of this blog tour. Because I think this book seems interesting. And hoping I will have the chance to read this book sometime this year. <3 Odditorium looks pretty awesome :D For my tour post I'm sharing a guest post by the author. <3 There is also an US only giveaway for a finished copy of the book at the end of the post. <3 Hope you'll all enter :D Have any of you read this book, or are you planning on reading it?

This is the first book in an exciting middle grade series by Gregory Funaro. Published by Disney Hyperion, it's said to be Doctor Who meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Guest Post by Gregory Funaro.

Fashion Accessories for the Eccentric Inventor.

Alistair Grim's Odditorium is a steampunk influenced fantasy set in Dickensian England (ca. 1850). Mr. Grim is an inventor and a sorcerer, but first and foremost he is a gentleman, so here are some fashion accessories he might wear on his magical quests.

Frock coat and/or cloak (to roam about incognito):
A fancy pocket watch:
A top hat:
A walking stick:
A samurai helmet:

About The Book

By: Gregory Funaro
Published by: Disney Hyperion
Released on: January 6th, 2015
Series: Odditorium #1
Ages: 9-12
Purchase from: Amazon |B&N
Add it to Goodreads

This cinematic, action-packed middle grade fantasy adventure set in Victorian London brims with fresh magic and has the cozy feeling of a classic.

Grubb, age twelve (or thereabouts), has never known anything beyond his miserable existence as a chimney sweep, paid only in insults and abuse by his cruel master.

All of that changes the day he stows away in the coach belonging to a mysterious guest at the inn that he is tasked with cleaning. Grubb emerges from Alistair Grim's trunk and into the wondrous world of the Odditorium. Fueled by a glowing blue energy that Grubb can only begin to understand, the Odditorium is home to countless enchanted objects and an eccentric crew that embraces Grubb as one of their own.

There's no time for Grubb to settle into his new role as apprentice to the strange, secretive Mr. Grim. When the Odditorium comes under attack, Grubb is whisked off on a perilous adventure. Only he can prevent the Odditorium's magic from falling into evil hands-and his new family from suffering a terrible fate.

Grubb knows he's no hero. He's just a chimney sweep. But armed with only his courage and wits, Grubb will confront the life-or-death battle he alone is destined to fight.

Don't miss this week long tour. Each stop not only features something unique for readers, you can also enter to win a copy of the book.

Tour Schedule

January 5 Me, My Shelf and I
Meet the Odditorium Characters Blog Post by author with book giveaway

January 6Mundie Moms
Meet the Odditorium Characters Blog Post by author with book giveaway

January 7Chapter by Chapter 
Q&A with author with book giveaway

January 8 -  Carina's Books
Fashion Accessories for the Eccentric blog post by the author with book giveaway

January 9Ex Libris
Odd and Amazing places to visit blog post by the author with book giveaway

About The Author

Gregory Funaro grew up in Cranston, Rhode Island, and wrote his first story, The Ghost in the Window, in the fourth grade. He considers this to be his finest work, but unfortunately it has been lost to time. Following high school Greg majored in theatre at the University of New Hampshire, and after various acting gigs, received his AM in Theatre Arts from Brown University and an MFA in Acting from the FSU/Asolo Conservatory. Greg teaches drama at East Carolina University, and is busy working on the next book in the Odditorium series.

Follow Greg: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon
Giveaway Rules.
US Only. One Winner.
Finished copy of Odditorium.
Must respond within 48 hours with address.
Book will be shipped by Katie at Mundie Moms. I think. <3