Friday, October 11, 2024

Thirteen Years of Blogging

My blog is thirteen years today :D Ahh! Where has the time gone? Gosh. Can't believe it's been another year already. Time is moving so fast these days. I have been reading more this year, though I don't think I will read that much beyond the same thirty as last year. But still. I am so happy with this amount of books read and so many of them were amazing. Which I am thrilled about. I have also gotten way too much mail this year, haha. So many amazing books. So many gorgeous pop figures. A health update. My health still sucks. Ha. I had a surgery earlier this year to test it. It will never happen again. It took months to heal and it was the actual worst thing. But at least I tried. I'm now waiting on a new medicine to start shortly that I'm hoping will work better on all of me. Fingers crossed, please. It has truly been an exhausting year with my bad health. But I'm doing my best :) Staying positive despite all the pain that I'm constantly in these days.

Plus side, gotten many spa baths done this season. Though it's now another six months until I get to take it back up again. How rude. We also had such a wonderful summer. So many warm days and just sun all the time almost. It was so nice. I also went to London in August with my mom and my sister. I finally got to see Taylor Swift in person, eee. Went to the Eras tour and oh, it was so special. Had my sister with me for that and we had such a great time. I loved seeing her live. It was a nightmare to get back to the hotel, and I got too little sleep before the flight home the next morning. But it was all worth it. My grandpa finally got his awaited surgery this spring. But it ruined the rest of him. And he's not doing well. Please do keep your fingers crossed for him. We just want him to be healthy. My sister got a puppy this summer, a chihuahua boy named Gizmo. We love him. And my cat fully hates him. Any tips on getting them to get along? Haha.

I do not have that much else to share about this year. I'm still doing my regular things. Still daily playing pokemon go and animal crossing new horizons and animal crossing pocket camp. <3 Although the final one is mostly getting shut down this month, so I might stop playing it then. Aw. But I love my daily games. I badly need to start playing all my other ones, though, haha. Hopefully soon. If this new medicine works well, I hope to get lots more energy. Fingers crossed. I'm still blogging several times a week and sharing all that I get in the mail weekly. I still write the longest reviews :) I still share a photo daily on instagram. Would love it if you would follow me there too. Thank you all so much for following me and caring about what I share :) Details about all the photos below. A lovely sunset photo. My cat and the puppy. She still does not like him, a few months after. New book photo as my blog header. Taylor Swift at the Eras Tour in London in August. <3 A breakfast we had while there, family time. My favorite books of the year, Silver in the Bone and The Mirror of Beasts :D A stunning northern lights photo from earlier this year in the winter. Current giveaway that I'm having open worldwide on my instagram. Hope that you are all doing great. <3

giveaway on instagram here

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