Monday, July 29, 2024

Review: The Girl Who Kept the Castle by Ryan Graudin

This book was too cute for me to not read it the moment it came out. It was such a cute read. I enjoyed it so much. But I also had a few issues with it, so a three star for me. But there were parts that I really loved. And some parts that were a bit meh. Overall this book was great and I can't wait for the second one to come.

I shall start with the writing. Most of the time is was pretty great. But there were times it was a little too silly for me, even though I love middle grade books. And I very much disliked the overused exclamation mark. This was in another middle grade I read too, and I can't stand it. As there was no need for it most of the time.

This was very much a magical book. Which I really loved. I liked learning about the world this took place in. There is a kingdom in the middle of the land. And then there were four wizards keeping everything together. In the North and South and East and West. This book tells the story of the castle of Wizard West. I also just enjoyed getting to know more about this place. Their world was not very large. As there were storms across the oceans, making it impossible to cross. Hoping there will be more of that in book two. But I loved this world of magic. There was a big dragon, Neil the compost dragon. He was adorable. There was a talking cat, Puck. I loved him too. Though he was a bit weird too. I liked the other characters who worked in this castle too, the little we got to see of them. I also loved the way magic was done in this.

This book tells the story of Faye. She is the daughter of the groundskeeper in the castle of Wizard West. She is a maid, making sure it all runs well. Taking care of messes and doing pretty much everything else. I loved Faye. Most of the time. She was pretty much adorable and I enjoyed reading about her. I wish we had gotten to know her a little better, though. Felt like the book was a bit too short, a bit too little about the actual characters. As I could have loved her more. But she was awesome and I did adore her a whole lot.

The book begins with Wizard West being dead. And not knowing it himself, as he is now a ghost. Faye is tasked with telling him. Which ends up with him turning her halfway into a cat. I wish there had been a bit more about what she looked like, as I found it pretty adorable, though Faye did not agree at first. Things get complicated when the wizard is dead. As he's the one keeping the castle standing once a month with a spell. And now he can't do this. And so he decides to host a tournament to look for a new Wizard West.

Which is what this book is about. Trying to find the next boy to take over the castle, keep it safe. As it has begun to fall apart. I found all of this to be a little weird, honestly. I did not like the actual tests that West came up with. But it was interesting enough to read about. And of course there was one mean boy, out of the ten that was competing. I found him boring. He was supposed to be mean and cruel, but I thought his comments were a bit too tame. But he was mean enough. Though, well, I just wish he hadn't been there.

We did get to know two other characters, though. The royal twins. Prince Max and Princess Illian. They became friends with Faye right away, as Illian liked her. And I did like the twins too. But I felt like I got to know them a bit too little. I wanted to know more. I wanted them to hang out more, have some fun. But they were cute enough. Max is competing to become the next wizard. Though he doesn't want to. Girls are not allowed in this world, because of an evil witch over two thousand years ago. It was a little weird.

Because I forgot to mention it, I have to add it on. I did not talk about Wizard West at all. He was over two hundred and fifty years old. Then he died in his sleep. He seemed pretty self-centered and not very nice at all. He never remembered what Faye was called. And he seemed to do nothing at all. But he got better, I think. I started to like him as well. He was a pretty good person, after all. Despite now being dead and a ghost. Faye is also now a part of trying to change the world for the better, changing laws. I liked that a lot.

But I did like the plot of this story. I liked the world. And I adored most of the characters. I just found this book to be a little meh at times. Wanted it to be more epic, more exciting, more feelings. It was simply a bit too little for me. But I did enjoy it. And I'm glad that I read this. The Girl Who Kept the Castle was an adorable read. Not perfect for me, but fully great even so. I really liked Faye. And I so can't wait to read more about her in book two. I also liked the creatures in this book. Hope there will be more of them too.

Goodreads - Blackwells - Amazon US - Amazon UK

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