I haven't read a single book this week. Which is making me all kinds of depressed. Hmph. But I just haven't felt like reading. I blame still being sick because of my fistula. Sigh. But, good news, hospital trip on Tuesday to have it looked at. <3 Finally. Hope it won't hurt. Anyway. I shall try my best to read something this week :D Just need the energy, and something that I want to read. But even though I didn't read, I had an amazing week! I watched a new series, Gotham. And I'm loving it to pieces. Currently watching the three Batman movies for the first time too. Number one was kind of boring. Huh. And The 100. I'm so disappointed in that one kiss they had. It made no sense. All for the PR, I guess.. sigh. Better not happen again :) Blog posts this week. Not that many, ack. But still enough :) I shared the cover for Walk on Earth a Stranger. <3 So pretty. I shared the map for The Winner's Curse trilogy :D And it is stunning. Posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on The Storyspinner :D I'm also a part of the Unchanged Blog Tour. <3 Amazing US giveaway too :) Oh! And I changed my blog look a little bit. A lot of pink :D Which I am loving. <3 Thoughts? The mail! I had an EPIC MAIL WEEK. I got the best thing I have gotten in the mail. Sigh. SO HAPPY :D Thank you so much Philip Pullman for responding to my fanletter. <3 And for sending the most amazing bookplates too :D Dying. I will treasure this perfect letter forever. It's amazing. Yeah. Sigh. The best. Anyway. I also did get a bunch of other things :D Lots of gorgeous swag. <3 Signed book. Many pre-orders. Waiting on lots. Ack. What did you get this week?
Unchanged. This hardcover is all kinds of gorgeous. <3 Though I might never read the book. Sigh. Unforgotten. Had to get this paperback :D It's so damn pretty. And I did enjoy the book a whole lot. The 100. I haven't decided if I shall read them yet. Ack. But they do look pretty gorgeous :D Love. Fairest. Yess. Found an international paperback edition. <3 Will be getting more of it, hih. So pretty! Kalahari. I'm excited about reading this book soonish :D I adore Jessica. <3 This one is so gorgeous. His Dark Materials. The gorgeous new UK paperback editions :D I love this series the most. Perfect. The Glass Arrow. Yess. <3 Finally got my signed copy + bookmark :D SO PRECIOUS. Thank you so much Kristen. <3 So happy and excited that I won this from you :D I adored this so much. It's awesome. The Infinite Swag. Thank you so much Lori. <3 Got from pre-ordering the book :D So much gorgeous. Becoming Jinn Swag. Eeek! Thank you so much Lori. <3 These are perfect :D Excited about this book!
Insurgent. I was to get a refund. Instead got two new books. And then a refund. Aaaaack. I don't have the room for these :( Though they are all kinds of gorgeous. <3 But.. the room. Sigh. But good service :) How To Train Your Dragon 2. Gorgeous tattoos. <3 And finally owning the US edition of the movie :D Interstellar. Had to get this gorgeous CD. <3 I adored this movie. Waiting to be able to watch it again. Frozen. Some pretty cards, hih :D And small Olaf book :) It's pretty adorable. I love it. I must own it all. Big Hero 6. YAY! Gorgeous Pop! figures :D And other figures too. <3 So so much love. So perfect. Merida. Had to get this gorgeous Disney Infinity figure too :D It's so pretty. I adore Merida/Brave. <3 Philip Pullman. Oh. You know. PERFECT LETTER RESPOND FROM PHILIP PULLMAN. Still freaking out about it a little :D IT IS THE BEST. Letter is all kinds of amazing. <3 And he sent me bookplates! To put in my special (expensive) versions of the three books :D SO MUCH LOVE. Thank you Philip. <3 This is the best thing I have ever gotten in the mail. Sniffs. Will forever treasure it. It's so perfect. Sniffs.
The Last Good Day of the Year.I'm excited about this book. Thank you Bloomsbury on Netgalley :D Siren's Fury. I am now ordering book one to read :D Thank you to publisher via Netgalley. <3 Excited. The Glass Arrow. My signed copy. <3 Isn't it all kinds of perfect? I LOVE IT. Thank you Kristen. <3
Kendare Blake Collection, so far. <3 So much gorgeous! Love these books.
Philip Pullman Collection, so far. <3 Lots of love!
So excited to be a part of the Unchanged by Jessica Brody blog tour :D I really enjoyed book one, Unremembered, and book two, Unforgotten. I'm excited about Unchanged as well :D It looks so gorgeous too. Sigh. Huge thank you to Mary for inviting me to take part in this blog tour. <3 Thank you to Jessica for writing such an amazing guest post for me :D You are the best. <3 Have any of you read these books yet? Curious to know what you think of them :D Also, amazing US only giveaway at the end. <3 The Unremembered trilogy is available for the
first time as audiobooks! Ack! One day I'm getting those. <3 I'm sure they are awesome as audiobooks :) And oh. Thank you so much Jessica, again, for this gorgeous blog tour post. <3 I love love the master playlist for the books :D Gorgeous songs. <3
The Unremembered Trilogy
MASTER Playlist!
I wrote this trilogy, I’d never been much of a book playlist type of writer.
When I heard about authors putting together playlists for their books, I kind
of dismissed the thought because I’m the kind of writer who can’t write to
music. I have to have total silence, or some kind of white noise in my ears.
Anything with a rhythm or melody or lyrics just pulls my focus away.
wasn’t until I started writing Unremembered, the first in the trilogy, that I
realized something. You don’t have to write
to music to have a book playlist. You just have to like music. And since I do (like music, that is), I decided to
start one. I had so much fun collecting all the songs that made me think of
Sera and Zen, that I kept the tradition alive and created playlists for book 2,
Unforgotten, book 3, Unchanged, and even the two novellas, Undiscovered and
is a collection of my favorites from all five playlists (and why):
1)Song Title: Gravity
Artist: Sara Bareilles
Book: Unchanged (Unremembered #3)
Most Fitting Lyric: “You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains.”
In Unchanged, Sera and Zen have been separated and Sera has gone through an
experimental new memory procedure that has warped her memories of Zen. Yet,
whenever she thinks of him, she still feels this strange pull toward him. She
tries to fight it (because she thinks she should)
but despite her efforts, it never quite goes away. I think this song perfectly
captures the torture that Sera is going through as she struggles with what her
heart wants and what her mental programming tells her to do.
2)Song Title: Wunderkind
Artist: Alanis Morissette
Book: Undiscovered (Unremembered #1.5)
Most Fitting Lyric: “First to take this foot to virgin snow.”
Undiscovered is the story of Zen finding Sera on the Diotech
compound for the first time and falling in love with her. When he first sees
her, he’s simply mesmerized by her. He can’t get enough of her. I love the way
Alanis plays on the term Wunderkind in this song. It typically means someone
with great skill or accomplishment (which Seraphina certainly is!) but Alannis
kind of twists the term into someone who wonders and is destined to wander,
which is also very much Seraphina! Sera’s eyes are opened when Zen comes into
her life. And he teaches her so many new things. There’s a line in this song,
“First to take this foot to virgin snow.” That’s what Zen is for Sera. He shows
her the world when everyone else is trying to hide it from her.
3)Song Title: Treacherous
Artist: Taylor Swift
Book: Unforgotten (Unremembered #2)
Most Fitting Lyric: “All we are is skin and bone. Trained to get along.”
Oh man, I love this song so much. This song got me through some really
dark times in the writing of Unforgotten. I was so stuck in the middle of this
book, I had no idea where it was going or how it was going to get
there…wherever there was! This song
saved me. This song first released when I was about halfway through the
manuscript and it just spoke to me. It so
captured Sera’s relationship with Kaelen, the other “ExGen” (or genetically
enhanced human) that Diotech created. For reasons not disclosed until the end
of book 2, Sera feels a dangerous attraction toward Kaelen. Almost as if it’s
out of her control. This song captures that helplessness so perfectly. I
listened to it on repeat for five days straight until I figured out how to fix
the book.
4)Song Title: New Soul
Artist: Yael Naim
Book: Unremembered (Unremembered #1)
Most Fitting Lyric: “I’m a new soul. I came to this strange world.”
When Seraphina first wakes up in the plane crash wreckage at the
start of Unremembered, she opens her eyes to an unfamiliar world. Her memories
have all been erased, she doesn’t know who she is, where she is, or what
happened to her. She can barely even identify everyday objects like TVs and
computers. Although there are some darker elements to her predicament, the
playful, whimsical quality of this song I think really captures the more
humorous undertones of Seraphina struggling to make sense of our world.
5)Song Title: Say Something
Artist: A Great Big World
Book: Unchanged (Unremembered #3)
Most Fitting Lyric: “Anywhere I would’ve followed you. Say something I’m giving
up on you.”
This song came on my shuffle when I was on an airplane. I was in the
middle of writing Unchanged at the time and I’d downloaded the song after
seeing a dance choreographed to this on So
You Think You Can Dance. I started crying right there in my window seat. I
don’t want to reveal too much about Unchanged since it’s just coming out, but
this song so perfectly captures a very specific scene toward the end. Chapter
56 specifically. I sat on that flight with the song on repeat, balling my eyes
out and scribbling furious notes in my notebook. Many of those notes made it
into the final version of the book.
6)Song Title: Collide
Artist:Howie Day
Book: Unleashed (Unremembered #2.5)
Most Fitting Lyric: “Even the best fall down sometime.”
Oh, Kaelen. I had such a love/hate relationship with him in the
writing of this trilogy. Despite how much I love Sera and Zen (and I do! So
much!) I actually think Kaelen is the most complex character of the trilogy.
He’s so torn between the way he feels for Sera and the loyalty he feels to
Diotech and Dr. Alixter. When I wrote Unleashed from Kaelen’s perspective, I
really got to know him better as a character. He’s so strong. And yet his worry
that he might let Dr. Alixter down is constantly weakening him. And when he
meets Sera for the first time, well there’s no better word for their encounter
than, “Collision.” That’s why this song fits so well.
7)Song Title: Holding On and Letting Go
Artist:Ross Copperman
Book: Unchanged (Unremembered #3)
Most Fitting Lyric: “It’s everything you wanted. It’s everything you don’t.”
Book 3’s alternate title could very possibly be “Conflicted.”
Because of Sera’s memory alteration at the start of Unchanged, she’s so very
conflicted about so many things. She’s constantly trying to hold onto some
things and let go of others. And oftentimes, they’re the exact same thing. This
song was definitely at the top my playlist for the third and final book. I felt
like it was written just for Seraphina!
8)Song Title: I Know Places
Artist: Taylor Swift
Book: The Entire Trilogy!
Most Fitting Lyric: “Baby, I know places we won’t be found and they’ll be
chasing their tails try to track us down.”
Obviously this song is a last-minute addition to the trilogy
playlist as it just released a few months ago but as soon as I heard it I
thought, “OMG! It’s Sera and Zen!” S+Z are constantly on the run from Diotech
and constantly trying to outsmart them, searching for places they won’t be
found. Heck, they travel all the way to the year 1609 just trying to escape.
This song about being tracked like foxes by hunters is the perfect theme song
for this trilogy.
So many secrets are buried within these compound walls. I used to be one of those secrets.
After returning to the Diotech compound and undergoing an
experimental new memory alteration, Seraphina is now a loyal, obedient
servant to Dr. Alixter and the powerful company that created her. Happy
and in love with Kaelen, another scientifically-enhanced human designed
to be her perfect match, Sera’s history with a boy named Zen is just a
distant memory from a rebellious past she longs to forget.
But as
Sera and Kaelen embark on a nationwide tour to promote Diotech’s new
product line—a collection of controversial genetic modifications
available to the public—Sera’s mind starts to rebel. She can’t stop the
memories of Zen from creeping back in.
As more secrets are
revealed, more enemies are uncovered, and the reality of a
Diotech-controlled world grows closer every day, Sera will have to
choose where her true loyalties lie, but it’s a choice that may cost her
everything she’s ever loved.
Jessica Brody knew from a
young age that she wanted to be a writer. She started self "publishing"
her own books when she was seven years old, binding the pages together
with cardboard, wallpaper samples and electrical tape.
graduating from Smith College in 2001 where she double majored in
Economics and French and minored in Japanese, Jessica later went on to
work for MGM Studios as a Manager of Acquisitions and Business
Development. In May of 2005, Jessica quit her job to follow her dream of
becoming a published author.
You can win: One hardcover of Unchanged. Plus one exclusive trilogy poster as shown below :D
Even if you do not win this giveaway, you still have the opportunity to win a *free* autographed trilogy poster. Visit Jessica’s website
here for more information!
Drama and danger abound
in this fantasy realm where dukes play a game for the throne, magical
warriors race to find the missing heir, and romance blossoms where it is
least expected.
In a world where dukes plot their way to the
throne, a Performer’s life can get tricky. And in Johanna Von Arlo’s
case, it can be fatal. Expelled from her troupe after her father’s
death, Johanna is forced to work for the handsome Lord Rafael DeSilva.
Too bad they don’t get along. But while Johanna’s father’s death was
deemed an accident, the Keepers aren’t so sure.
The Keepers, a
race of people with magical abilities, are on a quest to find the
princess—the same princess who is supposed to be dead and whose throne
the dukes are fighting over. But they aren’t the only ones looking for
her. And in the wake of their search, murdered girls keep turning
up—girls who look exactly like the princess, and exactly like Johanna.
dukes, Keepers, and a killer all after the princess, Johanna finds
herself caught up in political machinations for the throne, threats on
her life, and an unexpected romance that could change everything.
Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication:
March 3rd 2015
by Margaret K. McElderry Books
I have heard a bunch of awesome things about The Storyspinner. Which is making me so excited about this book. Plus, the cover is pretty gorgeous. And the summary sounds pretty amazing :D I think this book will be amazing. And I cannot wait to read it. <3 And yesss. It's out in such a short time too :D What are you waiting for on this dangerous Wednesday?
Eeek! Have you all seen the summary for Winter yet? :D It's on goodreads, here.
<3 And it is perfection. And now I'm even more excited. And omg. 800
pages! It will be so huge. And gorgeous. I just cannot wait. I know
that Winter will be amazing. <3 Because I really loved Cinder,
Scarlet, Cress & Fairest. I also cannot wait for all the other
upcoming books by Marissa; especially Heartless :D So excited for
everything that she writes. I will be re-reading these books pretty
soon, I think, because I have waited more than long enough already. Ack.
And I love them so much. Just wishing it was November already. Sigh.
Waiting for Winter has taken forever, but I know the wait will be worth
it. I'm thinking about doing these teasers until November. We'll see :D I love sharing them. I
hope you are all enjoying these small and awesome teasers
from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?
~ A headache began to throb against her temples, a reminder that she would be crying right now. If she were normal. Arms wrapped around her--Cinder pressed her face against his silk shirt. There was some sort of cologne or maybe soap there--so faint she hadn't picked up on it before.
More of my favorite couple. <3
thank you to Marissa Meyer and Macmillan Kids for letting me share these
gorgeous Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. <3 They are the bestest. Thank
you so much. I hope you are all loving the teasers :D I know that I am loving
finding them and sharing them with you all. If you haven’t yet read Cress, I
hope these teasers are making you more excited about it. <3 I’m sharing all
these teasers from my stunning hardcover of Cress. Well, from one of my copies.
I might be owning a whole bunch of them :D
I'm so excited that there is finally a map for The Winner's Curse books :D And oh, how it is stunning. I love all the tiny details. And how gorgeous it looks. And I cannot wait to see it in The Winner's Crime hardcover. Sigh. It will look so pretty :D Also wishing for a poster of it for my wall. <3 One day, I hope. The Winner's Curse is such an amazing book. And I love it so much. Sigh. Arin and Kestrel are both amazing. <3 I have also read and loved The Winner's Crime. Ack. It's perfect. But so evil. I cannot wait to read The Winner's Kiss, which will probably be out in March next year. <3 So excited for it. And nervous. I'm not sure how it can end happily. Ack. But I have hope :D Either way, this map is all kinds of gorgeous. And I love it to pieces. It fits so well with the books. It's perfect. Also, Marie Rutkoski is all kinds of awesome. <3 She's so kind and sweet. What do you think of this map? Have you read the books?
I'm so excited about this book :D I adore Rae Carson. <3 She's all kinds of adorable and kind. And sigh. Walk on Earth a Stranger sounds all kinds of exciting and different :D I cannot wait to read it. It seems so good. And ack! This cover. This cover is all kinds of gorgeous. I love it so much. It's stunning. I simply cannot wait to get to own this book. It will look so pretty in person, I think. <3 September 22nd cannot get here fast enough. <3 I'm crossing all my fingers that I will love this beautiful book :D Though I do not doubt that I will. Just wishing time went by faster. I wants it now :D I find the gold writing on the cover to be perfection. And the gold from the girl. Swoon. it's gorgeous. And the background. Lots of love. Sigh. And the summary. Oh, how I want this book. It sounds a bit different. Romance! Epic! Sounds like I will love it a whole lot. Just wishing I could read it now. <3 What do you think of this cover?
The first book in a new
trilogy from acclaimed New York Times–bestselling author Rae Carson. A
young woman with the magical ability to sense the presence of gold must
flee her home, taking her on a sweeping and dangerous journey across
Gold Rush–era America. Walk on Earth a Stranger begins an epic saga from
one of the finest writers of young adult literature.
Westfall has a secret. She can sense the presence of gold in the world
around her. Veins deep beneath the earth, pebbles in the river, nuggets
dug up from the forest floor. The buzz of gold means warmth and life and
home—until everything is ripped away by a man who wants to control her.
Left with nothing, Lee disguises herself as a boy and takes to the
trail across the country. Gold was discovered in California, and where
else could such a magical girl find herself, find safety?
Carson, author of the acclaimed Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy, dazzles
with the first book in the Gold Seer trilogy, introducing a strong
heroine, a perilous road, a fantastical twist, and a slow-burning
romance, as only she can.
I feel like I'm so behind on everything these days. Hmph. But I'm working on it. Sort of. I just never seem to have the time, aka I spend too much time being lazy, hah. But I do love that. <3 Anyway. This week I didn't get that much. As the mail seems to hate me sometimes, so it is pretty delayed. Hmph. But next week, probably :) Though I did get a few amazing things this week. <3 And I'm happy with that. I was going to read more, though. But that didn't happen. Sigh. Also, nephew turned 5 this week :D He's getting so big. I finished reading Shadow Scale last saturday, preview review here. <3 Then I shared the cover for Six of Crows. Which is gorgeous. I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 Cinder/Kai spoilers :D I'm waiting on Becoming Jinn. <3 Then I shared the cover for The Immortal Heights, which is stunning :D And then yesterday I read all of Bone Gap. <3 Which I ended up loving. Ack. Oh. Also. I finally took a new profile picture for everywhere :) I like it. Probably. What do you think? What did you get this week?
The Glass Arrow. Yay! Thank you so much Tor Teen. <3 This book is so gorgeous. Sigh. I loved it. Monstrous. Signed copy has arrived. <3 And it looks so gorgeous. Thank you Porter Square Books :) Insurgent. Final Insurgent movie-tie-in book :D It looks pretty gorgeous. This is the UK paperback ;p The Sin Eater's Daughter. I was to get a refund.. Instead got another copy. Hmph. Not fully pleased about the book depository these days. But yeah. This book is stunning. Hoping to read it soonish, maybe :) The Orphan Queen Quote Cards. Meek! Thank you so much Jodi :D Got because I pre-ordered The Orphan Queen twice. <3 I cannot wait to get my copies. I'm so excited for this book. These are perfect. Deception Postcard. Thank you so much CJ :D Won via facebook. <3 Lots of love. Other side of it here.