Saturday, August 24, 2024

In My Mailbox #668

Hi. Turns out it was corona I had gotten while I was in London. Uuugh. And so I have been sick this whole week. I'm not doing much better either. Thankfully only had a day of fever. But lost my taste and smell for a while. Mostly back now. But I'm exhausted and dead. This third time of getting corona ruined me a little. Having some trouble breathing, which I do not like at all. I'm hoping to heal soon. It's going slow. Sigh. So I have not gotten to do much this week. Just trying to take it easy, which is needed. Got some new pretty mail, eee. <3 Re-watched the Trolls movies so I could finally watch the third one. Which I really loved :) Such great movies. This week I'm waiting on When the Moon Hatched :) Hope you're all doing well. <3

Lady Macbeth. Waterstones and Goldsboro special editions :) Love. Gosh, I'm really hoping to love this.
Roar of the Tides. Finally managed to buy the hardcover edition of this one :) Will read it one day, ack. <3
Funko Europe. Gods. Finally the new Stranger Things came out. <3 I had to have them, of course :) I so love the new Max ones, eee. So precious. Failed at getting new mystery minis. Ugh. Love it all, even so :)
Funko Nordic / Funtastic Proxy. Ad | Eee! Thank you so much loves. <3 I so love all of these. Proxy have changed their way of being a little, but I'm still an ambassador, and I am so happy about it. Loved taking photos for these different fandoms. <3 Some of these will show up in future giveaways on instagram :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)