Saturday, March 8, 2025

In My Mailbox #696

Time is moving so fast these days. Ahh. I'm having a surgery at the end of the month; finally removing my tonsils. I'm so nervous. And time is moving so fast, so the surgery is coming closer, haha. But yeah. It has been a hard week. I am still exhausted all the time and not doing too well. Itching everywhere. Ugh. And I still have bad headaches. I'm itching less today, but my head hurts. How rude. I hope to feel better soon. Hmph. Plus side, I got a whole bunch of awesome mail this week, haha. <3 Oops. And I'm reading too :D I started it last night, and may have to finish it before going to bed. It has gotten to be too exciting, haha :) I love that. This week I'm waiting on You Belong Here. <3 I hope that you are all doing well these days. <3

Fairyloot YA February. The Rose Bargain. I think this one looks all kinds of gorgeous. Sounds great too.
Fairyloot Adult February. The Scorpion and the Night Blossom. This one looks stunning too :D Love. <3
Fable for the End of the World. Regular US hardcover. May have bought too many. Oops. Hope to love it.
Unlock the Dark. I read this one some months ago, and I really liked it :D Love the hardcover edition. <3
To Cage a God. I still haven't read this one. Oops. But had to have this waterstones exclusive :D Pretty.
With a Little Luck. Paperback edition for my collection, of course, haha. <3 Have to read this one day :)
The Ogress and the Orphans. Been wanting this pback for ages. Finally bought it. Still have to read it. <3
Nintendo Switch Sports. I have been meaning to buy this game for ages; finally got it, haha :) Looks fun.
Coraline magnet. Eee. This little magnet is just all kinds of cute. Bought it from amazon; I could not resist.
Beth Revis Swag. New piece of awesome swag from Beth and her Patreon. <3 She's so awesome. Love.
Pop Figures. Dinosaur from Funko Europe, same with Bilbo. Failed again to get the chase. Sobs. I'm so heartbroken about it. Hmph. Got Hermione from amazon, as this edition never came out in europe. Rude.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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