"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Goodreads Description:
Born in the firelit domain of the under realm,
Matilda is the youngest goddess of her clan, blessed with humble
messenger magic. But in a land where gods often kill each other to steal
power and alliances break as quickly as they are forged, Matilda must
come of age sooner than most. She may be known to carry words and
letters through the realms, but she holds a secret she must hide from
even her dearest of allies to ensure her survival. And to complicate
matters . . . there is a mortal boy who dreams of her, despite the fact
they have never met in the waking world.
Ten years ago, Vincent
of Beckett wrote to Matilda on the darkest night of his life―begging the
goddess he befriended in dreams to help him. When his request went
unanswered, Vincent moved on, becoming the hardened, irreverent lord of
the river who has long forgotten Matilda. That is, until she comes
tumbling into his bedroom window with a letter for him.
As Fate
would have it, Matilda and Vincent were destined to find each other
beyond dreams. There may be a chance for Matilda to rewrite the
blood-soaked ways of the gods, but at immense sacrifice. She will have
to face something she fears even more than losing her magic: to be
vulnerable, and to allow herself to finally be loved.
Format: 496 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 2, 2025 by Saturday Books
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK
Eee. New book by Rebecca :D Set in the world of Divine Rivals. It sounds all kinds of wonderful. And I think I will love this one a whole bunch. Cover is pretty, but a little boring. I hope the UK one will be better, haha :D But still getting all the copies of this. <3 It seems like it's going to be so good. Fingers crossed :)
What are you waiting for on this wild Wednesday?
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