
Friday, December 31, 2021

Best Books of 2021

Happy final day of 2021 :D This year have not been a good reading year for me. Gosh. I only managed to read 20 books. Which is so few. And yet I feel happy that I managed to read anything at all. For this year have not been easy. I have not had any energy or will to read much. So reading a little was good enough. And I am crossing everything that I will be able to read a whole lot more next year. Plus side, I truly liked most of the books that I read. So that's very good. And I still love reading the most. I just do not feel like reading. Ugh. But once I do start, I love it. So rude. Next year will hopefully be better. I have had a good year despite this, though. I still play Animal Crossing: New Horizons every day. And it still brings me the most joy. I spend time with my family every day too, which is exhausting, haha, but the best as well. I'm doing good. And I hope all of you are too. <3 My Best Books of the year will be a little different this time. Because I have read so little, and only have seven five star reads to add to this list. But then I also have five four star reads as well. And so I'm doing twelve books this year. The first seven are my favorite five stars, then the next five are my favorite four stars of this year. What were your best books this year? :)

1. Extasia. Such an incredible story with the greatest girls. Loved all of the magic and romance and pain.
2. All These Bodies. Bloody and perfect. Characters were amazing. That ending killed me; I need more.
3. Gilded. A stunning retelling that I loved to pieces. It was full of pain and darkness. And best romance.

4. Winterkeep. A heartbreaking and exciting new book in my favorite series. Love these characters most.
5. Graceling: The Graphic Novel. A new version of my favorite book. Lovely artwork making it come alive.
6. Sparrow Rising. Such an adorable book full of pain and hurt. And the best friendships as well. Loved it.

7. Curse of the Phoenix. This magical world was awesome to read about. Loved the sibling relationship.
8. Clarice the Brave. The growing friendship between the mouse and the cat was the most perfect thing.
9. The Ones We're Meant to Find. This book hurt me. Badly. But I loved it so. It had the worst twists, ha.

10. Small Favors. Such a wonderful book. Though it had way too much heartbreak, haha. It was so good.
11. Red Wolf. This was a truly amazing retelling that I liked a whole bunch. It was fully dark and delicious.
12. Any Sign of Life. An incredible end of the world story. The dog was awesome. And the characters too.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #532

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A high-stakes hide-and-seek competition turns deadly in this dark supernatural thriller from New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White.

The challenge: spend a week hiding in an abandoned amusement park and don't get caught.

The prize: enough money to change everything.

Even though everyone is desperate to win--to seize their dream futures or escape their haunting pasts--Mack feels sure that she can beat her competitors. All she has to do is hide, and she's an expert at that.

It's the reason she's alive, and her family isn't.

But as the people around her begin disappearing one by one, Mack realizes this competition is more sinister than even she imagined, and that together might be the only way to survive.

Fourteen competitors. Seven days. Everywhere to hide, but nowhere to run.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Hardcover, 256 pages
Expected publication: May 24th 2022 by Del Rey Books
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

This seems all kinds of creepy and dark and exciting and I simply cannot wait to read it :D Eee. Have read a few books by Kiersten, and she is pretty much amazing. <3 I feel sure that I will love this book :D
What are you waiting for on this dark Wednesday?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Review: Graceling: The Graphic Novel by Kristin Cashore & Gareth Hinds

Graceling have been my most favorite book for so many years now. And so I was thrilled when I learned that there would be a graphic novel edition of it coming out. I have not read many graphic novels before, but I would of course read this. And I'm so happy with this edition. It is gorgeous. Five stars, for sure.

Which is probably because I already really love this book, ha. But I found the artwork to be completely stunning. I loved that this graphic novel was pretty faithful to the story. Some things were left out that I missed, some things changed. But most of it stayed the same. Many of the best quotes were still there.

I will not be writing a very long review for this book. Because I have already written so, so many reviews of Graceling. And I will not be going into details about the plot again. If you know me, you know how much I love this story and characters. And I very much loved getting to see them all in a different way. I did not find this new illustrated edition to be perfect, but I still loved it very much. The writing was beautiful, of course. Not changed much from the book by Kristin Cashore, which I love the most. But some things were changed, though I did not mind too much. I did very much love all of the illustrations by Gareth Hinds. I would love to see him do the other Graceling books too. Fingers crossed.

There truly is not much for me to say about this graphic novel. I loved seeing Katsa and Po come to life. A few of the other characters looked a little silly to me, ha, but I enjoyed seeing them too. I loved watching the world come to life too. The story of Katsa and Po is still such a wonder to me. And it still brings me so much joy to read about them. And I loved that this was a shorter read, but still captures the feelings that I love about Graceling. Bitterblue was also adorable. This edition did have the important parts of the book.

I would say that my one complaint about this graphic novel was that it were a little too rushed. There were so many things left out, or the scenes were too short. And there were a few things I missed, that were not there. Especially a scene near the beginning of the book, where Katsa punches Po, where he talks about not hurting friends. That scene was beautiful to read, and I wish it had been included in this version too. Aw. But I still loved it very much. Just wish even more things had been in this one. More of Katsa and Po.

One thing I really loved about this graphic novel was that the romance between Katsa and Po was still a main focus. Some scenes left out, of course, and a little changed, but the important parts were there. And this couple still brings me the most joy. Sigh. For the most part I really truly loved Graceling: The Graphic Novel. I am so glad that this was made. I hope the other books will be too. I wish you would all read this stunning thing. But I would suggest reading the original Graceling first. It is longer and has more details.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

In My Mailbox #529

Merry Christmas. <3 This Christmas week have been the longest :) And still a whole week left, haha. It's the very best, though. <3 Oh. I just remembered all I have gotten done this week. Gosh. Finished reading Gilded on Sunday. <3 Which was so good :) Now need to find a short book to read before the end of this year. Oops. I can do it. Probably. Then I watched season one and two of The Witcher in just over a day. Gah. It killed me, haha. And it was just so good. Sigh. Need season three right away, though. Hmph. And then Christmas things all week. Yesterday was the best day; with turkey and family time and presents :) So happy with everything I got. <3 Sharing some of it below :) And happy with everything I got my family as well. Today I got to watch Encanto on Disney+, and it was so good, eee. Lots of love. A few new blog posts this week. I shared my review of Gilded. <3 This week I'm waiting on For the Throne :) And posted a Merry Christmas post :D I really hope that you all are having such an amazing Christmas time too. <3

Aurora's End. Finally got my AUS paperback edition as well, haha :) Need them all. A little damaged, ack.
Pop Figures. Bought the Game of Thrones one, and got the one with the dog for Christmas :D I love it so.
Plushes. Christmas presents, eee. I so so love cute plushes. <3 And that white cat is so very gorgeous :D
Nintendo Switch Games. Christmas presents; excited about Donkey Kong and Super Mario Maker 2. <3
Perfume. Had wished for this cute bear perfume :D And got three mini ones. So cute. And smells good :)
Animal Crossing. More Christmas presents :D My sister is the best. <3 Especially with how goddamn expensive the Amiibo cards are here in Norway. Shudders. So happy with the 3DS games too. <3 Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone :D Here in Norway today, the 24th, is the most special Christmas day. <3 Stocking in the morning, then Christmas movies on the tv, and turkey for dinner. And opening presents with family starting at five pm :) I'm so, so excited that it is finally Christmas, eee. <3 Best time of the year, for me. I hope you are all having the most wonderful Holiday time. <3 I know that I am, ha :) On this day, I have posted a Best Four Stars of the year for the past years. But not this year. Because I have read way too little. And would not have enough books to share for two posts. So only doing one Best of post, next week. I'm excited about that, though. And I am still happy that I did read at all this year, despite how few books I read. I did my best. I do hope that next year will be a better reading year for me. Fingers crossed. But today, for me, is all about Christmas :) This final week of the year is the best, with all of the best food and family time. Can't wait to open presents with my family this evening :) Merry Christmas to you all. <3


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #531

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The First Daughter is for the Throne
The Second Daughter is for the Wolf...

Red and the Wolf have finally contained the threat of the Old Kings but at a steep cost. Red's beloved sister Neve, the First Daughter is lost in the Shadowlands, an inverted kingdom where the vicious gods of legend have been trapped for centuries and the Old Kings have slowly been gaining control. But Neve has an ally--though it's one she'd rather never have to speak to again--the rogue king Solmir.

Solmir wants to bring an end to the Shadowlands and he believes helping Neve may be the key to its destruction. But to do that, they will both have to journey across a dangerous landscape in order to find a mysterious Heart Tree, and finally to claim the gods' dark, twisted powers for themselves.

Paperback, UK, 448 pages
Expected publication: June 9th 2022 by Orbit
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I know, I know. I haven't read book one yet. Oops. But I am still so excited about this second one, haha :D As I do own several copies of book one. And follow the author. So I feel like I already know these books a bunch, haha. And I feel certain that I will love both of them. So I cannot wait to read them both soonish :)
What are you waiting for on this vicious Wednesday?

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Review: Gilded by Marissa Meyer

This book was everything I wanted it to be. And so much more. Of course, I knew that I would love this. As it is Marissa Meyer, doing another fairy tale retelling. But I did not realize how badly this book would hurt me. How rude. And I did not know that the ending would be so cruel, that waiting for book two might kill me.

But oh, how badly I loved this one. Five stars, of course. Though my heart may hurt for a long time. And I feel a little scared about book two, worried I might not get my happy ending. At least not without a whole lot of pain and heartbreak first. Hmph. And yet I couldn't be more excited about it. This story was truly incredible.

Gilded is a fairy tale retelling of Rumpelstiltskin. A very much different one than the tale I remember having learned. And I am so excited and happy about that. Because this story was much more interesting and exciting. I may fail at explaining this book. And sharing all my feelings about it. As so far everything feels like a mess inside my head. But doing my best. And I just really truly loved this book. The writing was perfection. I had no issues at all with connecting to this story and characters. This is told from the point of view of eighteen-year-old Serilda. She lives in a small town with her father, a miller. She is also cursed. Or so everyone is always telling her and talking about her behind her. Because of the wheel of gold in her eyes and of her stories.

Her father have always told her he saved a hurting god and was granted a wish, and he wished for a child with his love. And so Serilda was born. She isn't sure if she truly believes that or not. The people in their town sure believes her to be bad luck. And so she has no friends, no one who cares about her, except for her dad. And the five children she helps teach at the school. I loved her relationship with them, as it was so cute. They truly cared about her. And loved hearing all about her scary stories, haha. I loved them too.

Serilda has been cursed by the god of lies. Or truths. Or stories. Or blessed by this god. It takes Serilda a long while before she finds out what is truth and what is not. But what she do knows, is that she is always telling stories. Making them up, she thinks. About all the creatures living in the forest around them. Most of them dark and scary, but not all. And always stories about the Erlking, the darkest and most dangerous of them all. I knew right away that all of her stories were true. At least, most of them. And I so loved that.

This book had such a crazy story. And I loved every part of it. So much happened. And I am not going to describe much more about it. Serilda end up meeting the Erlking during his wild hunt. She was supposed to die then. But she told him a lie. A lie he believed to be true, that she could spin straw into gold. And so during the next full moon he summons her. If she does not spin straw into gold before dawn, she will be killed. Serilda really truly could not do this thing. But luckily for her, there was someone else who could.

A lot of this story takes place inside a haunting castle. Full of dark ones and ghosts. And other creatures as well. During the full moon each month, the castle is alive and beautiful. But during all the other days it is just a ruin, filled with ghostly memories. Serilda spends a lot of time in this castle. And I so loved getting to know it all. It was so dark and creepy and I badly loved that. But it was also a little too dark and sad at times, as there is truly no happy ending for most of those trapped. Which is breaking my heart. So rude.

The person who helps her spin straw into gold is a boy named Gild. And I loved this boy so very much. He is also the love interest. And watching them start to care for each other was the sweetest thing. Sure, it is a little rushed. But I did not mind one bit, because it was very cute and it felt real to me. And I loved them both very much. But oh. Gild and his story. It really truly killed me. He does not remember who he is. Not a ghost, not a dark one, something in-between. Trapped in this castle for centuries, all alone. Oh.

Which might be why I loved him and Serilda together that much. She had not been with anyone, and neither had he. They were so cute together as well. And I just shipped them a lot. Sigh. I saw a review saying they thought the love interest would be the Erlking. And ha. That killed me a little. As he was well and truly a villain in this book. He will always be a villain. There is no redeeming a person who tortures and kills people. Never. And I'm glad Marissa did not go that way. Also because Gild was perfect. Sigh.

I have already written too much about this book. And yet I know I still have so many more words inside of me, haha. I just really truly loved this story. Gilded was every kind of perfect. Full of adventure, darkness and pain. Filled with magic and stories. And such a sweet romance too. Though that ending was truly the worst. So much happened in this book. So much still needs to happen. I really liked reading about Serilda and her journey. Though it's currently not going well for her at all. Gosh. But feeling a little hopeful as well.

One thing I really loved about this book was that it was not afraid of going dark. And oh, how dark it got. I still feel ruined about it. So many deaths. And not nice deaths. There were a few that I felt sure that would not die. And then they did. Ugh. Yet I loved it, of course I did. But so painful and sad too, to read about. This whole book was dark and sad. Especially the story of Gild and his past. That ruined me the most, I think. There better be a happy ending coming. Not sure I can handle it if not. And I cannot wait to read it.

The only thing I did not love about this book is the cover, haha. I don't really like it much at all. Oops. It's kind of pretty, but also really boring. And I feel like this most epic story should have had a much more epic cover. But even so. This cover might grow on me. As I do love all my editions of this book. Curious about the cover for book two, though. Another thing. I'm not pleased with how there will be a second book. Just because the ending of this one destroyed me. Completely. Waiting for the next will be torture. How rude.

And yet I really truly cannot wait. And I am also beyond thrilled that there will be a whole other book as well, because there is still so, so much that still needs to be told. The second book better have the most spectacular happy ending. Otherwise, it might actually kill me. Like. What if it has the same ending as Heartless? Ha. Sobs. That was the actual worst, despite the fact that I loved that book so much. I can't handle a heartbreaking ending with this series. But oh, how I loved this book. And you will love this too.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

In My Mailbox #528

I actually started reading a book this week :D Yay! Finally reading Gilded. <3 But started days ago, and only made it halfway. But it is a looong book. And I'm reading slowly. Which I don't really mind. I'm loving it a lot, though :) Got a bit of gorgeous mail this week too, eee. <3 And this week have gone by so so fast. How is it almost already Christmas? Ahh! I'm so excited :) Trying to just take it easy. Finally done with that goddamn cold that lasted forever. I'm still exhausted, but doing better, at last :) And so glad to be reading, despite how long it is taking me, lol. <3 Still need to read one more book after that one this month. Then making it to twenty books read this year. Sigh. So few. But glad to have read at all, to be honest, with how hard it is for me these days. This week I'm waiting on The Ogress and the Orphans :) Next week it will be the day after Christmas! What even! Christmas will be over, hahaha. Okay, Christmas it all the way until January, but still. I cannot wait for the 24th, eee. <3 Fully excited for turkey and all the presents :) I hope you will all have the veeeery best Christmas. <3 I know I will have the best Christmas there is, haha :)

The Excalibur Curse. I know, I know. I haven't read book one yet. What even. But now I own them all, ha.
Gilded. AUS paperback :D Love! And Fairyloot gold edition, ahh. It is so goddamn gorgeous. I love it so.
Carry On. So long since I read this. Oops. But needed this new Waterstones exclusive :D Eee. Pretty.
Graceling. Finally got my hardcover of the graphic novel, eee :D It is so gorgeous. Must read it soon. <3
The World Between Blinks. Despite not fully loving this book, it was so adorable, and I needed this pb :)
Taylor Swift: RED. Eee. I love this SO much. <3 Finally got my copies :) Also bought the "clean", haha.
Pop Figure. This Dug the Dog from Up is way too cute, haha. I had to buy him :) Love the little squirrel.



Rise of the Vicious Princess. EEE! I downloaded this one the moment I saw it on Edelweiss, haha :D SO excited for a new book by CJ. <3 It's going to be amazing :) Sigh. Will be reading it early next year. <3 I'm not reading ebooks these days. But I will be reading this one, ha :) As the hardcover is not out until June.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #530

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A new instant fantasy classic from Newbery medalist Kelly Barnhill about the power of generosity and love—and how a community suffers when they disappear.

Stone-in-the-Glen, once a lovely town, has fallen on hard times. Fires, floods, and other calamities have caused the people to lose their library, their school, their park, and even their neighborliness. The people put their faith in the Mayor, a dazzling fellow who promises he alone can help. After all, he is a famous dragon slayer. (At least, no one has seen a dragon in his presence.) Only the clever children of the Orphan House and the kindly Ogress at the edge of town can see how dire the town’s problems are.

Then one day a child goes missing from the Orphan House. At the Mayor’s suggestion, all eyes turn to the Ogress. The Orphans know this can’t be: the Ogress, along with a flock of excellent crows, secretly delivers gifts to the people of Stone-in-the-Glen.

But how can the Orphans tell the story of the Ogress’s goodness to people who refuse to listen? And how can they make their deluded neighbors see the real villain in their midst?

Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: March 8th 2022 by Algonquin Young Readers
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I am pretty excited about this book, eee :D I have adored the books I have read by Kelly and I cannot wait to read this new one. It looks stunning. And sounds amazing too. I love that the ogress is not a villain in this story. At least not for the kids. And I think that makes this sound even more exciting. I cannot wait :)
What are you waiting for on this problematic Wednesday?

Saturday, December 11, 2021

In My Mailbox #527

Gosh. I got a whole bunch of aaamazing mail this week :D Yesss. <3 SO happy :D I sadly haven't read this past week either. Sigh. Getting there soon, I hope. I am finally, finally pretty much done with having this goddamn cold. Ugh. So yeah. Been exhausted and sick for ages now. And this morning I woke with the worst headache I have ever had. And so I have tried to take it easy today. Managed somewhat. This week I have just mostly played Animal Crossing, as always, ha. <3 And I'm just enjoying this Christmas month :) It's the very best. And also finally got to see season three of Lost in Space. <3 After re-watching season one and two :) And eee, I loved it so much. But goddamn it. My romance did not happen, and I don't understand why? So disappointing, that one part. Rude. Anyway. Hoping to read shortly. Tomorrow, hopefully. I am so excited about my next read. I know I will love it. I just cannot make myself start, which have been a problem all year. Sigh. I really hope next year will be a better reading yet for me. Hmph. This week I'm waiting on Call of the Crow :D I hope you are all doing well and are all ready for Christmas :D

Animal Crossing Monopoly. Eee. I couldn't help but order this one, haha :D Not sure if I will play it, lol.
Luca. Just had to buy this cute sticker book. I love that the gorgeous cat has a few stickers too, haha :D
The Dragon's Revenge. I really liked book one years ago. This is three; hoping to re-read the first soon.
Beasts and Beauty + The Light in Hidden Places + In Every Generation + Extasia + The Last Legacy. Omg. Thank you so much for trading with me, GodOfWax :D EEE! And thank you so much to Becky for helping me get these perfect ARCs to Norway. <3 Means the most to me. And I just. I'm dying a little. Extasia is finally mine :D AHH! I loved it so much. And so excited for In Every Generation :D Love all.
Pop Figures. Oh. So many of my orders arrived this week, haha :D Love them all. Love Eevee the most.
Taylor Swift Oven Mitt. I'm so glad that I bought this holiday item, eee. As it is big and beautiful. I love it.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #529

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Jessica Khoury brings her masterful world-building and emotional depth to this soaring fantasy series. In a world where everyone is born with wings, stone monsters prowl the skies, hunting those who dare to fly too high.

In the Clandoms, everyone is born with wings, though not all the clans are treated equally. Ellie Meadows longed to become a Goldwing -- the knights who protect the people -- but because she came from the humble Sparrow Clan, her dream faced almost insurmountable resistance.

Nox Hatcher has it even worse. Nox is a Crow, a shattered clan. They can't own businesses or run organizations, all due to a mistake made hundreds of years ago. Nox has had to steal and scrape just to survive, but a single goal has kept him going, even when it felt like all the Clandoms were against him. Years ago, his mother was imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit.

Now, finally, Nox is going to save her.

Hardcover, 288 pages
Expected publication: March 1st 2022 by Scholastic Press
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

EEE! I am pretty much dying to read this second book :D I SO badly loved the first one. And I am such a huge fan of Jessica. <3 Just. Oh. These books are so pretty. And SO good. I need this in my life now :)
What are you waiting for on this soaring Wednesday?

Saturday, December 4, 2021

In My Mailbox #526

Another week gone by. But that means another week closer to Christmas, eee :D I still haven't read more. Sigh. But soooon. Hopefully. I have been busy dealing with a stupid cold this whole damn week. Slowly feeling better, not fully okay yet. How rude. But I am also glad I had cancelled my surgery that was this week. I was also too sick for it. So yeah. Happy about that. So this week I have only been busy playing Animal Crossing, like always, haha. <3 But I will read. Soon. Starting with Gilded next, which I am very excited about. I got some pretty mail, which I love very much. <3 Slowly trying to catch up to things too. Going a little meh, but done a lot tonight, which I'm happy about. This week I'm waiting on Rebellion of the Lost. <3 I hope you are all doing well and staying safe :) Me and my family are still staying safe and away from Corona. So we are still doing as good as we can. <3 It's now aaaalmost Christmas :D Yesss.

Aurora's End. Another version of this pretty book, US paperback. <3 I must re-read the first books soon.
Nintendo Switch games. Oops. Another two older games I hadn't bought, but decided I needed to get, ha.
Pop Figures. Bought Kronk and Stitch from Melanie :D Thank you. <3 And I so love my Arya as well. Eee.
Animal Crossing amiibo. Oh. Thank you SO much Megan for helping me get all of these to Norway, eee. You are the very best, always. <3 I LOVE these cards. SO much. Bought so many, still need more, ha :)
Taylor Swift. EEE! I finally got to by this Cardigan ornament, eee :D I wanted it last year. But sold out right away. Then I got email this year. And it was goddamn sold out right away again. Uuugh. Then I thought to check the UK shop site instead, as I have always bought from the US, and they still had it in stock. Eee. So it is finally mine :D And gorgeous. <3 But.. I thought it was in fabric, not hard, oops. But still so pretty :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #528

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

REBELLION OF THE LOST (The World Between Blinks #2)

Goodreads Description:

Bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Ryan Graudin invite readers back to the wondrous world where lost things are found in this second book of an exciting, fast-paced middle-grade fantasy adventure series. Perfect for fans of Chris Colfer’s Land of Stories and Margaret Peterson Haddix’s The Missing!

When Jake and Marisol return unexpectedly to the World Between Blinks, they find that nothing is as they left it. The Administrator is on an unstoppable mission, ordering his Curators to catalog absolutely everyone and everything as if they're exhibits in a museum.

With rebels like Amelia Earhart and Queen Nefertiti facing the threat of their hourglasses of memories being flipped, Jake and Marisol, along with Marisol’s big brother, Victor, must locate a mysterious item known as the Rocket. This unknown object is their only chance to defeat the Administrator—before everything that makes the World wonderful is lost, in a whole new way.…

Propelled by a page-turning mystery and plenty of action, this sequel also features fun, interesting facts about history and engaging back matter that helps readers separate fact from fiction!

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: January 4th 2022 by Quill Tree Books
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I'm pretty excited about this book :) I did like the first one, despite not loving it. And I will be reading this sequel too, because it looks so gorgeous and I think it sounds pretty awesome too. Hope I'll love it lots :)
What are you waiting for on this rebellious Wednesday?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

In My Mailbox #525

This week went by so fast that I did not even have time to think about reading. Oops. But I do have my next read ready. Just.. not ready yet, ha :) Might give it a try tomorrow, though. I decided to cancel my surgery for next week. I don't feel ready for it. And especially not doing Christmas month. So yeah. Will get it sometime next year instead. I also have another cold, ugh, which is currently killing me. Rude. I'm waiting on some epic mail, hopefully arriving early next week. <3 Epic to me, ha :) Just sad that the sun is gone already. So photos will be dark for some weeks now. Until late January, maybe. I shall survive this, hopefully :) Did get some pretty mail this week, though. <3 And busy playing Animal Crossing, as always, and now been playing some Pokemon Brilliant Diamond as well :D So much love, as always. This week I'm waiting on Team Chu and the Battle of Blackwood Arena :) Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3 December is almost here, at last :D I love looking at my pretty Christmas tree. Sigh. Gorgeous.

Animal Crossing. Eee. I couldn't not buy this gorgeous calendar, haha. I love this game the very most.
Lyra's Oxford. Another edition, oops. This time the US version, which I did not own any copies of, ha :)
Gilded. International paperback edition. <3 It looks so gorgeous. I'm reading this book very very soon :D
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Unlocked. Yes, yes. So behind. But bonus content, ha :D So I had to buy this.
Nintendo Switch Games. SO excited about the new Pokemon game :D And I bought the other versions too, because I realized that I can play both games, since there are different pokemon in each game. Ha :)
Pop Figures. Ahh. That Harry Potter dragon is my favorite of all my HP pops. It's gorgeous. Love them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #527

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A rollicking, action-packed adventure of laser tag and fierce sibling rivalries, Team Chu and the Battle of Blackwood Arena is the first book in a commerical middle grade fantasy series by Julie C. Dao.

Clip and Sadie Chu couldn’t be more different. Popular, athletic Clip wants to become his school’s first seventh-grade soccer captain, while brainy star student Sadie is determined to prove that she can do anything her boastful brother can.

They have just one thing in common: they love laser tag. Like, really love it.

When the Blackwood Gaming Arena comes to town, bringing virtual reality headsets and state-of-the-art courses, they couldn’t be more excited—or competitive. But then a mysterious figure appears and claims to be a part of the game, forcing the Chus and their friends to save themselves from a sinister force lurking inside the simulation.

Together, they must fight their way through epic battlegrounds that will test their speed, skills, and smarts . . . but will Clip and Sadie learn that they’re far better off working together than competing for the ultimate victory?

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: July 26th 2022 by Farrar Straus Giroux
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

This book looks pretty amazing :D And I think it sounds pretty fun too. I have only read one book by Julie so far, oops, but I own all her books. So I will be giving this one a try too. I'm hoping to love this a lot :)
What are you waiting for on this competitive Wednesday?

Saturday, November 20, 2021

In My Mailbox #524

Another week gone by. I have not gotten much done this past week. Oops. But I am doing good. And I read a book, so yay for that. And hoping to read again shortly :) Fingers crossed. I love having all my Christmas stuff up. It's so stunning. And I just cannot wait for Christmas, ha :) I finished pretty much all my present shopping ages ago too, everything wrapped up as well. Always get a lot for my small family. <3 I just can't wait for Christmas movies and cookies and food and everything. Eee. But oh. Also surgery on December 1st. I am not looking forward to that. Gah. Hoping it will go okay. Fingers crossed, please. I did get some really lovely mail this week. And waiting on even more amazing things :) I shared my review of Clarice the Brave. <3 This week I'm waiting on Gallant :) I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Have any of you gotten Christmas ready as well? :D There isn't long left, eee. <3 Christmas is the best :)

The Walking Dead. I couldn't resist buying this art book. And oh, it looks so wonderful. I do love this show.
Gilded. Second US hardcover arrived, ha :D But a bit damaged, ack. This will be my reading copy, lol :)
Aurora's End. Someday soon I will re-read book one and two. <3 UK signed edition, US hardcover. Love.
Graceling. The Graphic Novel. Eee! Paperback edition. And it is goddamn gorgeous. Sigh. Love it most.
Middle-Earth Ultimate Collector's Edition. Oh. This was beyond expensive. But worth it. Best movies :D
The Scorpio Races. Ahh! 10th anniversary edition via Owlcrate. See instagram for more. It is perfect. <3
Pop Figure. Eee! Thank you so much Funko Nordic for this Harry Potter special edition :D I love him so.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #526

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source.

#1 New York Times–bestselling author Victoria Schwab weaves a dark and original tale about the place where the world meets its shadow, and the young woman beckoned by both sides. The Secret Garden meets Crimson Peak in this stand-alone novel perfect for readers of Holly Black and Neil Gaiman.

Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home—to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels like home, it doesn’t matter if her cousin Matthew is hostile or if she sees half-formed ghouls haunting the hallways.

Olivia knows that Gallant is hiding secrets, and she is determined to uncover them. When she crosses a ruined wall at just the right moment, Olivia finds herself in a place that is Gallant—but not. The manor is crumbling, the ghouls are solid, and a mysterious figure rules over all. Now Olivia sees what has unraveled generations of her family, and where her father may have come from.

Olivia has always wanted to belong somewhere, but will she take her place as a Prior, protecting our world against the Master of the House? Or will she take her place beside him?

New York Times bestselling author Victoria Schwab crafts a vivid and lush novel that grapples with the demons that are often locked behind closed doors. An eerie, standalone saga about life, death, and the young woman beckoned by both. Readers of Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Melissa Albert, and Garth Nix will quickly lose themselves in this novel with crossover appeal for all ages.

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: March 1st 2022 by Greenwillow Books
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I feel pretty curious about this book :) Been a fan of Victoria for years, though I'm also so very far behind on reading her books. Oops. Catching up one day, ha. But yeah. I think Gallant sounds pretty great and I like the cover too. I will be buying this one, and hoping that I will love it a whole bunch. Fingers crossed :D
What are you waiting for on this haunting Wednesday?

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Review: Clarice the Brave by Lisa McMann

This was a book I knew I needed to read the moment I saw that cover. Because it is way too cute. And I loved that it was a story about a mouse. I have been a fan of Lisa for years, though I am also many years behind on reading her books. Oops. But I own pretty much all of them. This one I simply could not wait to begin.

And I could not have been happier about this book. Giving it four stars, and oh, how much I loved it. It was such a cute story. But also so very evil and full of sadness at times. I even cried near the ending. So rude. But then it gave me so much joy as well. I adored these animals way too much. So yes. I loved this book.

Will begin by saying that the writing was pretty lovely and I had no trouble connecting to this story. It is a book told mostly from the point of view of Clarice, a small mouse living on a ship. And a little from her brother too, Charles Sebastian. But this story is for the most part about Clarice. And I loved this mouse to pieces. They used to be a bigger mouse family living in the pantry of this ship. But they have lost their family one by one. Their sister to one of the three cats, and their mother to the waves, just a week before this book begins. And so Clarice and Charles Sebastian are all alone and not sure how they will manage to survive, when the rest of their family did not. To make things even worse, the sailors are talking about mutiny. A word they do not know.

But these two small mice are soon to know what that word means, as it will change their world. Once the sailors start with their mutiny against the captain, they make him and his supporters leave on a smaller boat. Giving them a little food to survive, which include the crate Clarice and her brother are living in. She stays in this crate, while it is lifted off the ship. But Charles Sebastian always runs when there is danger, and he ran out of the crate. And so they were separated, he still on the large ship, her leaving on a boat.

Which is what this adventure is all about. These two small mice trying to find each other again. Without being able to do a thing about it. All they can do is listen to the humans, trying to figure out what they are planning. And there was a whole lot of planning. It was interesting to see what Clarice thought about it all, how the humans were to her. This is her story. But we learn about them too, and their mutiny. There are lots of deaths. One I thought was sad, but also not that much, because he kind of deserved it. Ha. Sorry.

We see a little of Charles Sebastian, still on the ship. He has lost track of the pantry, not sure how to find it again. And we get to see him trying to survive on his own for the very first time. As his family always did everything for him. And I loved seeing him grow braver on his own. He also starts a small friendship with a human girl, a prisoner of these mutineers. I felt so badly for her. And I loved that he helped her a little, at least. I did adore this little boy mouse. He was cute and pretty brave at times too. I liked his story a lot.

But yeah. The star of this book was Clarice. And also Special Lady. One of the three cats, who ended up on the small boat with Clarice. This book takes place over many weeks. There are weeks of starving and barely surviving. Many of the sailors did not make it. But Clarice and Special Lady did. Since they helped each other. And I loved that beyond words. Cats and mice are enemies. Special Lady even ate her sister. They hated each other. But on this small boat, they needed each other. And that was the very best thing.

The sailors did not feed the cat. Which made me want them all to die. Hmph. So rude. But Clarice fed her. She was able to sneak food from the sailors and give to the cat. Keeping her from dying, all those weeks at sea. And Special Lady helped Clarice get water that she couldn't find on her own. I so loved reading about these two becoming friends. Of them connecting and starting to care for each other. It was what I loved most about this book. Sigh. Of course, it was full of other great things too, but that was my favorite.

Not going to say much more about this story. Took me a few days to read it, as I can barely read right now, but it was a really fast read and can easily be read in a few hours. I know I would read this book again. The ending hurt me. But it was also so good. There is so much going on. And I so loved every moment. Claire the Brave was just the kind of book I needed. Full of adventure and danger. The most beautiful friendship between a cat and a mouse. I loved it a whole lot. And you all need to read this too.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

In My Mailbox #523

How can time be moving so fast? Gah. Plus side, Christmas is getting closer :D And I may have actually gotten all my Christmas ornaments up today, eee :D Just missing my Christmas tree. Might go look for it tomorrow. Just. Yeah. I love all my Christmas things. <3 It's so pretty. So I couldn't wait any longer, ha. I'm glad I got it all up today :) I haven't read anything this week. Sigh. But have the next book ready, and will read tomorrow. Just busy playing Animal Crossing New Horizons :) Which is still the very best thing. Sigh. Also watching Jungle Cruise last night, which was awesome. And oh my gosh. Red (Taylor's Version) is SO BEAUTIFUL. I already loved the songs, of course, but love them even more now. And love all the new songs so much too. Sigh. She is the very best. And the video for All Too Well. Gosh. It is so good and so evil. Sigh. So much love. Anyway. Only one new post. This week I'm waiting on My Imaginary Mary :) Got a bit of lovely mail, as always, ha. <3 Medicine day again on Monday. Ugh. Hope you are all doing well :)

Empire of the Vampire. Finally got my regular UK hardcover. Shipped via Australia, took months. Ack :)
Gilded. Eee! First US hardcover, haha. I cannot wait to finally get to read this book veeery soon. <3 Yess.
Skin of the Sea. This book looked so gorgeous. I had to order it :D I'm hoping to love this a whole bunch.
Miss Moriarty, I Presume? Eee! New book in this most amazing series :D I'm so very excited for this one.
Pop Figures. Finally got my Stitch, after waiting months. Love my Dug. And patronus cat :D So very cute.
Flåklypa Grand Prix. Eee. Norwegian game, haha :) I loved playing this on my computer as a kid. Excited.
Mario Party Coasters. A pre-order bonus here in Norway. A little cheap quality, but they do look pretty :)
Animal Crossing Series 5 Amiibo Cards. Eee! Only two packs, ha. Waiting on 40 more soon. Oops. Love!

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #525

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

It’s aliiiiiiiive! The bestselling authors of My Lady Jane are back with the electric, poetic, and (almost) historical tale of the one and only Mary Shelley.

Mary may have inherited the brilliant mind of her late mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, but she lives a drab life above her father’s bookstore, waiting for an extraordinary idea that’ll inspire a work worthy of her parentage—and impress her rakishly handsome (and super-secret) beau, Percy Shelley.

Ada Lovelace knows a thing or two about superstar parents, what with her dad being Lord Byron. But her passions lie beyond the arts—in mechanical engineering, to be exact. Alas, no matter how precise Ada’s calculations, there’s always a man willing to claim her ingenious ideas as his own.

When fate (er, fae) connects our two masterminds, they learn their talents are rare indeed—because their parents were two of the most powerful fae to have ever lived. And with the right training from a fae godmother, they can achieve anything they dare to imagine. But when their dream team accidentally-on-purpose results in a living, breathing, thinking automaton, Mary and Ada face a villain of Gothic proportions. . . .

With comic genius and a truly electrifying sense of adventure, Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows continue their campaign to turn history on its head in this YA fantasy that’s perfect for fans of The Princess Bride and A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue.

Hardcover, 512 pages
Expected publication: August 2nd 2022 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I'm pretty curious to see what these lovely authors will to do this Mary Shelley story :D It sounds pretty amazing so far. I.. am still behind on these books. Sigh. But will still be waiting for them all and will be buying all the new ones too, of course :) Hoping to be able to catch up soon. <3 Also, love this cover :D
What are you waiting for on this imaginary Wednesday?

Saturday, November 6, 2021

In My Mailbox #522

I have read a book this week! YAY! Finally, haha. Have read so little this year. And had now been two months since my last read. Gosh. But I read something. And it was a four star. So it was good :) And already planning on what to read next, so fingers crossed I will finally be reading a little more. Okay, I loved reading, but it was so so difficult to make myself continue to read. I still have no real motivation to read, honestly. I love it so once I start. But starting is the issue. Every time. Sigh. Hope it gets better soon. Anyway. This week have been mostly good :) I'm still pretty exhausted, but doing better, I suppose. I was going crazy waiting for the Animal Crossing amiibo series 5 cards to be up for pre-order on the Nintendo UK site. And they never came. Not until the release day this Friday. Ahhh. Rude. I was refreshing pretty much every five minutes for a few weeks. Oops. But that meant I managed to order a bunch when they finally did drop :) But now waiting to see if they will ship my orders to my UK friend, as I did place a bit more that what was allowed.. but I think it will go fine. Gosh. I hope they ship them all. So nervous, to be honest, ha. But yeah. Fingers crossed. The new Animal Crossing New Horizons update is aaamazing so far. So I'm now playing even more than I usually do, haha. But love it so. Sigh. Got a bit of pretty mail this week too. <3 And finally two new blog posts, ha. This week I'm waiting on Rise of the Vicious Princess :D And I shared my review of Small Favors :) Hope you are all doing well and staying safe these days. <3

Signed copy of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. International. Ends 11/08. FINAL CHANCE!!!

Daughter of the Deep. Oops. I couldn't help but buy the US and UK editions. Really hope to love this one.
The School Between Winter and Fairyland. I couldn't resist buying this pretty MG book. Hope to love it :D
Archenemies + Supernova. Both US paperbacks just came out :D I still have not read them. Aack. Soon.
Gilded. First of many copies have arrived, ha. This is the signed UK paperback from Waterstones. Love.
Nintendo Switch games. LOVE the new Mario Party. Excited about Aladdin + The Lion King and Smash.
Ed Sheeran = Equals. I bought this to enter a competition; did not win. But excited to listen to it even so.
Claire Legrand bookmark. EEE! Thank you so, so much Whitney for sending me this. <3 I LOVE IT SO.
Pop Figure. I was certain this Hades was missing in the mail. Shipped ages ago. But he is here at last :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, November 5, 2021

Review: Small Favors by Erin A. Craig

I finally got to read this gorgeous book that I have been wanting to read for ages now. I adored the first book by Erin and I could not wait to read more by her. This book also looks so stunning. And I knew I would end up loving it. Which I did. And that makes me so very happy. It wasn't always perfect, but I liked it so much.

And so I'm giving this book four stars. Four very good stars. Will do my best to write down all my thoughts. But I fear they may be few, as this book has left me with no clear thoughts at all, ha. So I shall begin by saying that the writing was perfection. I had no problem with it, and no trouble connecting to all the characters.

Small Favors is told from the point of view of eighteen-year-old Ellerie. She lives in a very small town with her family. It's a place where everyone knows everyone. I am not sure what to call this book. It felt very much like a book set far in the past. But it had a lot of modern things too, more like the future, but set in a small town that acted like they were in the past most of the time. I very much liked this setting, though. A little confusing, but good. We get to know a whole lot about Ellerie. And I adored this girl the most. She could behave a bit weirdly, with how she changed how she felt about someone super fast during a few certain scenes. But oh, I adored her. Getting to know her was so good. I loved how she was brave and fierce. How she loved her family.

And oh, her family was pretty amazing. Her little sisters, Sadie and Merry. Eight and sixteen years old. Her twin brother, Sam. And their parents. I liked her mom a whole bunch. Her dad too. A little strict at times, but I adored him as well. I did not really like her twin brother at all. Oops. He did so, so many bad things in this story. I am not a forgiving person. So, yeah. Sadie was adorable, though. A little childish, a whole lot of cute. I loved Merry as well. Mostly I loved how they all loved each other. Great relationships.

I will not be saying too much about this book. It tells the story about Ellerie and her family. And their lives in this small town. We get to know an awful lot of people around them too. Maybe a bit too many people, as I had a bit of trouble keeping up with all of them. Sure, they were interesting at times, but I didn't really care about any of the people of the town, haha. There was so much drama with them at times too. A lot of fighting and violence happened as well. It was pretty great to read about, though, haha. It was interesting.

Ellerie and her family own a farm. With her dad being a beekeeper. And Ellerie is finally starting to learn a little more about the bees too, and I so loved how she was excited about that. Did not love how she was depressed about how being a girl in this town and world meant a lesser life at times. But Ellerie did more than what she was meant to do. And she had a pretty great life in this book, I think. This book tells the story about how things are going wrong in this town. And how something evil might be behind all of this.

Which is something that I really liked reading about. I truly liked reading more about the monsters in the woods. I liked when people who went into the woods ended up murdered, ha. But there was too little of all of this as well, I think. It took so very long before there was even a mention of the small favors that these creatures are asking for. Way more than half the book. I wish there had been more of everything. More scary, more creepy. But I also truly liked reading this book, because I loved Ellerie and her family. Yeah.

Oh. And I have not yet mentioned the boy. He just suddenly shows up close to their yard, and he starts appearing more often after that. I liked reading about him and Ellerie together. I loved how he flirted with her. And she with him, sometimes. He did not give her a name. So she gave him one. Whitaker. I liked it. And I loved him. He was a little off at times. A little weird. And then was also gone for such long moments. Rude. But the story with him and Ellerie was pretty great. Okay. I have shared too much. Yet not enough.

There is a big accident that happens kind of early in the book. A fire. And it makes it so their parents have to leave. Then they are gone for the rest of the book. How rude. But gosh, I think maybe reading about that accident may have been my favorite part of the book. Maybe. It was horrible and kind of evil at the same time. Yet so interesting to read about. There was another fire at the end of the book, with a whole lot of dead people, but I cared more for the first fire. Despite how they were both pretty awful. Loved it.

I did have a few small problems with this book, which is why this is a four star and not a five star. The pacing was a little off to me. There was so little happening for so very long. And then it happened again and again too. With huge time jumps with barely anything going on. I did understand why it was so, but it got to be a little boring at times. And I wouldn't have minded more action, more story, less jumps. I also wish it had been more scary, haha. It was creepy, but not truly scary. Still. I did like this book very much.

I will say that I am so happy that I read Small Favors. That it was a book that I adored. Not fully perfect, but so very good. And there were parts of it that I really loved. Oh. I wish there had been more about the bees. I mean, they are right there on that pretty cover. But so little in the book. How rude. I liked reading about them, though. And oh. The ending was rude. I am not pleased. Okay, it was good, for some. Also a little open. I wished to know more about a couple characters. But anyway. You need this book in your life.