
Saturday, November 27, 2021

In My Mailbox #525

This week went by so fast that I did not even have time to think about reading. Oops. But I do have my next read ready. Just.. not ready yet, ha :) Might give it a try tomorrow, though. I decided to cancel my surgery for next week. I don't feel ready for it. And especially not doing Christmas month. So yeah. Will get it sometime next year instead. I also have another cold, ugh, which is currently killing me. Rude. I'm waiting on some epic mail, hopefully arriving early next week. <3 Epic to me, ha :) Just sad that the sun is gone already. So photos will be dark for some weeks now. Until late January, maybe. I shall survive this, hopefully :) Did get some pretty mail this week, though. <3 And busy playing Animal Crossing, as always, and now been playing some Pokemon Brilliant Diamond as well :D So much love, as always. This week I'm waiting on Team Chu and the Battle of Blackwood Arena :) Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3 December is almost here, at last :D I love looking at my pretty Christmas tree. Sigh. Gorgeous.

Animal Crossing. Eee. I couldn't not buy this gorgeous calendar, haha. I love this game the very most.
Lyra's Oxford. Another edition, oops. This time the US version, which I did not own any copies of, ha :)
Gilded. International paperback edition. <3 It looks so gorgeous. I'm reading this book very very soon :D
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Unlocked. Yes, yes. So behind. But bonus content, ha :D So I had to buy this.
Nintendo Switch Games. SO excited about the new Pokemon game :D And I bought the other versions too, because I realized that I can play both games, since there are different pokemon in each game. Ha :)
Pop Figures. Ahh. That Harry Potter dragon is my favorite of all my HP pops. It's gorgeous. Love them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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