
Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone :D Here in Norway today, the 24th, is the most special Christmas day. <3 Stocking in the morning, then Christmas movies on the tv, and turkey for dinner. And opening presents with family starting at five pm :) I'm so, so excited that it is finally Christmas, eee. <3 Best time of the year, for me. I hope you are all having the most wonderful Holiday time. <3 I know that I am, ha :) On this day, I have posted a Best Four Stars of the year for the past years. But not this year. Because I have read way too little. And would not have enough books to share for two posts. So only doing one Best of post, next week. I'm excited about that, though. And I am still happy that I did read at all this year, despite how few books I read. I did my best. I do hope that next year will be a better reading year for me. Fingers crossed. But today, for me, is all about Christmas :) This final week of the year is the best, with all of the best food and family time. Can't wait to open presents with my family this evening :) Merry Christmas to you all. <3


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