
Saturday, December 18, 2021

In My Mailbox #528

I actually started reading a book this week :D Yay! Finally reading Gilded. <3 But started days ago, and only made it halfway. But it is a looong book. And I'm reading slowly. Which I don't really mind. I'm loving it a lot, though :) Got a bit of gorgeous mail this week too, eee. <3 And this week have gone by so so fast. How is it almost already Christmas? Ahh! I'm so excited :) Trying to just take it easy. Finally done with that goddamn cold that lasted forever. I'm still exhausted, but doing better, at last :) And so glad to be reading, despite how long it is taking me, lol. <3 Still need to read one more book after that one this month. Then making it to twenty books read this year. Sigh. So few. But glad to have read at all, to be honest, with how hard it is for me these days. This week I'm waiting on The Ogress and the Orphans :) Next week it will be the day after Christmas! What even! Christmas will be over, hahaha. Okay, Christmas it all the way until January, but still. I cannot wait for the 24th, eee. <3 Fully excited for turkey and all the presents :) I hope you will all have the veeeery best Christmas. <3 I know I will have the best Christmas there is, haha :)

The Excalibur Curse. I know, I know. I haven't read book one yet. What even. But now I own them all, ha.
Gilded. AUS paperback :D Love! And Fairyloot gold edition, ahh. It is so goddamn gorgeous. I love it so.
Carry On. So long since I read this. Oops. But needed this new Waterstones exclusive :D Eee. Pretty.
Graceling. Finally got my hardcover of the graphic novel, eee :D It is so gorgeous. Must read it soon. <3
The World Between Blinks. Despite not fully loving this book, it was so adorable, and I needed this pb :)
Taylor Swift: RED. Eee. I love this SO much. <3 Finally got my copies :) Also bought the "clean", haha.
Pop Figure. This Dug the Dog from Up is way too cute, haha. I had to buy him :) Love the little squirrel.



Rise of the Vicious Princess. EEE! I downloaded this one the moment I saw it on Edelweiss, haha :D SO excited for a new book by CJ. <3 It's going to be amazing :) Sigh. Will be reading it early next year. <3 I'm not reading ebooks these days. But I will be reading this one, ha :) As the hardcover is not out until June.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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