
Saturday, November 6, 2021

In My Mailbox #522

I have read a book this week! YAY! Finally, haha. Have read so little this year. And had now been two months since my last read. Gosh. But I read something. And it was a four star. So it was good :) And already planning on what to read next, so fingers crossed I will finally be reading a little more. Okay, I loved reading, but it was so so difficult to make myself continue to read. I still have no real motivation to read, honestly. I love it so once I start. But starting is the issue. Every time. Sigh. Hope it gets better soon. Anyway. This week have been mostly good :) I'm still pretty exhausted, but doing better, I suppose. I was going crazy waiting for the Animal Crossing amiibo series 5 cards to be up for pre-order on the Nintendo UK site. And they never came. Not until the release day this Friday. Ahhh. Rude. I was refreshing pretty much every five minutes for a few weeks. Oops. But that meant I managed to order a bunch when they finally did drop :) But now waiting to see if they will ship my orders to my UK friend, as I did place a bit more that what was allowed.. but I think it will go fine. Gosh. I hope they ship them all. So nervous, to be honest, ha. But yeah. Fingers crossed. The new Animal Crossing New Horizons update is aaamazing so far. So I'm now playing even more than I usually do, haha. But love it so. Sigh. Got a bit of pretty mail this week too. <3 And finally two new blog posts, ha. This week I'm waiting on Rise of the Vicious Princess :D And I shared my review of Small Favors :) Hope you are all doing well and staying safe these days. <3

Signed copy of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. International. Ends 11/08. FINAL CHANCE!!!

Daughter of the Deep. Oops. I couldn't help but buy the US and UK editions. Really hope to love this one.
The School Between Winter and Fairyland. I couldn't resist buying this pretty MG book. Hope to love it :D
Archenemies + Supernova. Both US paperbacks just came out :D I still have not read them. Aack. Soon.
Gilded. First of many copies have arrived, ha. This is the signed UK paperback from Waterstones. Love.
Nintendo Switch games. LOVE the new Mario Party. Excited about Aladdin + The Lion King and Smash.
Ed Sheeran = Equals. I bought this to enter a competition; did not win. But excited to listen to it even so.
Claire Legrand bookmark. EEE! Thank you so, so much Whitney for sending me this. <3 I LOVE IT SO.
Pop Figure. I was certain this Hades was missing in the mail. Shipped ages ago. But he is here at last :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel ya! I've finished exactly 0 books this month.

    I AM reading, not that much, but hey... I'm reading big books as well, so hopefully in November I'll finish them :)


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