
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Best Four Stars of 2020

Merry Christmas :D Wishing you all the very Happiest Holidays. <3 Another year gone by. A very difficult year. I have read a lot less than what I usually do, only 45 books total this year. But I am happy with that too. It was great books. I simply was not able to focus enough to read more this year. And I did not at all have the health for it. Hoping the new year will be better. For us all. I very much want to read more. Have so many books still to read. Hoping I will get better soon. Today I am sharing my top nine best four stars reads of the year. Which is such an awesome list, eee. I loved these books. I hope you will read them too. Sharing my very best books of the year in a week, like always. Hope you all have the best Christmas. <3

My Goodreads 2020 Challenge. My Goodreads 2020 Year in Books

1. The Midnight Lie. A new story in a known and beloved world. Such amazing characters, exciting tale.
2. Rebel Spy. Such a lovely main character. I very much adored the setting, especially the island scenes.
3. Murder on Cold Street. A stunning fifth book in a most perfect historical series. Love the romance lots.

4. You Were Never Here. A most awesome murder story. With an amazing main character that I adored.
5. Dustborn. I very much loved the world this book was set it. Fully exciting. And full of great characters.
6.The Institute. My very first book by King. Such a mind twister and a great story. A mostly good ending.

7. Cracked Up To Be. This story was all kinds of broken and evil. And I loved every moment of this.
8. Some Girls Are. Such an evil story. Every bit as perfect as all books by Courtney. So very awesome.
9. Fall For Anything. Another evil Courtney book. Another girl I loved most. She writes amazing books.


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