
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Best Books of 2023

Another year gone by :) This was a better reading year for me. Which I am very happy about. I ended up reading 30 books this year. Which is very good for me, ha. It is ten more than last year. I am hoping I will manage to read even more next year. Fingers crossed. I did a few re-reads. And read even more five star books. But also a whole lot of two stars. Oops. But no one star rating this year, which I'm pleased about. I have had a pretty good year. My health sucks, always. But I'm doing good despite this. This year I turned thirty. My cat turned ten. We are both doing great. I do not have much more to update about this year, just that everything is still the same, haha. And I'm so very, very happy about the books on my best of list this year. Ended up with nine favorite ones. Sort of in the correct order of which one that I loved the most. But I honestly just loved them all very much. A great reading year. What were your best books of this year? :)

Best Books of 2012. Best Books of 2013. Best Books of 2014. Best Books of 2015. Best Books of 2016. Best Books of 2017. Best Re-Reads of 2015. Best Re-Reads of 2017. Best Four Stars of 2018.
Best Books of 2018
. Best Four Stars of 2019. Best Books of 2019. Best Four Stars of 2020.
Best Books of 2020. Best Books of 2021. Best Books of 2022.
Goodreads 2023 Challenge. Goodreads 2023 Year in Books.

1. Silver in the Bone. Favorite book in a long time. It ruined me. Best setting. Most incredible characters.
2. A Crown of Ivy and Glass. Such an amazing romance. I so loved the sisters. The magic was stunning.
3. Divine Rivals. Most adorable couple. A heartbreaking moment in time. Probably the worst evil ending.

4. Champion of Fate. Such an incredible tale of heroes and those who make them. My most favorite girl.
5. A Study in Drowning. This was simply the most romantic story. And it was set in such a great place too.
6. Lore. Everything about this book hurt me. But it was a good hurt too. I so adored everything about this.

7. Strike the Zither. The most exciting story set during a war. I loved the main girl and how smart she was.
8. Sound the Gong. This was beyond evil. Yet all kinds of thrilling. The romance was the actual best thing.
9. The Isles of the Gods. A truly magical story set at sea. Enjoyed getting to know all of these characters.


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