
Saturday, March 28, 2020

In My Mailbox #438

Gosh. I still haven't read anything. Ugh. I have had my next read next to me for a few weeks now. And I want to read this book a whole lot. But I just have not felt like reading at all. Which so completely sucks. I simply do not have any energy left. My stomach is still bad every day and it sucks so bad. And cannot get medicine either, since it isn't safe to travel to the hospital. Rude. I'm also so worried about the world right now. This Corona thing is the very very worst and I am so worried about when it will arrive in my town, if we will all survive it. Shudders. So, yeah. This might also be why I haven't felt like reading lately. Positive side, I bought Animal Crossing this week. So I have been playing that every day, which makes my days brighter. It's so good. Also, only one blog post this week, sigh. As I haven't been able to do things on my laptop at all. It still hurts my wrist to use my laptop mouse. I keep waiting for it to pass, but the pain never goes away. Ugh. So rude. Anyway. This week I am waiting on The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue :) I hope you are all staying safe and at home and are all doing good. <3 I'm all kinds of tired of staying home, ack.

Chain of Gold. UK paperback edition has arrived :D Which is fully gorgeous. So very excited for this book.
Kingsbane. Eee. US paperback editions are here :D This book is so so perfect. <3 Sigh. I love this cover.
Animal Crossing. Gosh. I could not help but buy this game :D And I am loving it soso very much. Sigh. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #441

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget.

France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.

Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.

But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name.

Hardcover, 464 pages
Expected publication: October 6th 2020 by Tor Books
Pre-Order here and here

I am beyond excited for this book :D Eee. Have seen Victoria tweet about it for years now. I have waited that long for it too, haha. It sounds so good and so different too and I simply cannot wait to read this book. It shall be so good. Sigh. I'm also so excited and hopeful for some awesome romance, haha :) Can't wait.
What are you waiting for on this invisible Wednesday?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

In My Mailbox #437

This week I haven't read anything new. Ack. I have my next book planned, just need energy to actually start it. Oops. I'm hoping to get to it in a few days. My health just completely sucks. I am starting to get better from the flu. Or I might have had Corona. Who knows. Tried to get tested, they would not let me. Doctor said I might have it, I might not have it, and he hoped I had it, so I would be done with it. Hahaha. Yeah. So trying to stay positive. In pain so often and so much and so goddamn tired of it. I'm a little better today, so hoping it is finally improving. Only one new blog post, oops. This week I'm waiting on The Other Side of the Sky. <3 But got a little bit of gorgeous mail this week :) I'm trying to do my best. I am hoping to read shortly. Hoping to take new instagram photos. I'm so behind. Sigh. But doing my best, yeah :) Hope you are all staying safe. The world is such a shitty place these days. Hoping this virus will be done soon.

Chain of Gold. Eee! My personalized book box from GCReading has arrived :D And it is gorgeous. Love.
The Alcazar. I liked the first book a lot. And so I am hoping that this sequel will end up being amazing :)
The Shadows Between Us Swag. Eee! Thank you so much Tricia for this lovely pre-order swag :D Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #440

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Prince North’s home is in the sky, in a gleaming city held aloft by intricate engines powered by technology. Nimh is the living goddess of her people on the surface, responsible for providing answers, direction—hope.

Linked by a terrifying prophecy and caught between duty and fate, they must choose between saving their people or succumbing to the bond that is forbidden between them.

Magnetic and gorgeously thematic, New York Times bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner have crafted a gripping tale of magic and logic, fate and choice, and an impossible decision between an empty future and a deadly love. Perfect for fans of Claudia Gray and Laini Taylor.

Hardcover, 480 pages
Expected publication: September 8th 2020 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here and here

Eee! I simply cannot wait to read this book :D Amie and Meagan write such great books together. And this new one sounds beyond incredible. It looks so very gorgeous. And I adore the characters already. Sigh. I just can't wait to get to know these characters and this world. It's all going to be so very perfect.
What are you waiting for on this gleaming Wednesday?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

In My Mailbox #436

Well. I didn't think I could be in more pain than what I'm already in with my stomach. This week it proved to be wrong, twice. Ha. I first got this intense neck pain that lasted for over three days. It hurt to sit still, it hurt to move. It hurt even more to swallow. It was so bad. But thankfully better now. Instead I got a high fever yesterday and today. Haaa. Yeah. I'm coughing and feeling feverish and feeling so cold and so sick. It is the worst. Especially since I'm worried it might be Corona. Ugh. But it isn't in my town yet. Well, that's what they think, anyway. It's spreading so fast in Norway. Everything has been shut down. It's weird. But good, I suppose. Anyway. Hoping I just have the flu. If it doesn't get better tomorrow I will have to call the doctor. Rude. Supposed to go to the hospital this coming week. Nervous. Hoping it will be safe. Anyway. One book read this week, as that was all I had energy for. But it was good. <3 Got some new gorgeous books too, eee. Many pre-orders, haha. Two new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on Among the Beasts and Briars :D And I shared my review of The Midnight Lie, eee. <3 I hope that you are all staying safe :)

Chain of Gold. Ahh! Look at these gorgeous editions :D LOVE! So excited for this. More to come, haha.
Winter. Since my original copy had an ugly pen mark on the white cover, I got a new one sent. <3 Love.
The Midnight Lie. Eee! UK and US hardcover edition :D This book was so very good. And very gorgeous.
The Kingdom of Back. I cannot wait to read this book very soon :D It looks stunning and sounds so good.
The June Boys. Eee! Reading this one very shortly too, and I cannot wait. It sounds so good and exciting.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Review: The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski

I have been excited about this book ever since it was announced. The original trilogy was the very best and I have loved re-reading the books so very much. Learning that this book would be set in the same world, not far after, was the best thing. And of course to finally get a new story by Marie. Her writing is beyond incredible.

And so I was thrilled about finally reading this book. And I am so happy to say that I did love it. I adored the characters. The kind of new world was so exciting to get to know too. The writing was so gorgeous. And the romance was truly good and precious. I had a few very small issues, which is why this one is a four star for me.

But this does not mean that I did not love this. Because I did. And very much so. Will share my issues, but first share all the reasons for why I adored this book so. It takes place around twenty years after the end of The Winner's Kiss. But it takes place on a whole new island. Getting to know this place was every kind of exciting and interesting. As it was so different from where Arin and Kestrel came from. This is told from the point of view of nineteen year old Nirrim. A girl whom I adored beyond words. She was loving and kind and brave. But also too trusting and unable to see certain things clearly. Which made my heart hurt. But gosh, I adored her so much. She has a gift of memory. Nirrim cannot forget anything. She remembers being born. She remembers every detail.

Getting to know Nirrim was the best. But also the worst, because of the life she had. My heart hurt for her. But despite not having much, she was still okay with what she did have. A few friends. Someone that she looked at as her mother. A home. But it was not as simple as that. On Nirrim's island all the people were divided into three. The half kith, the middling, the high kith. Nirrim was a half kith, living in the poor part of city. Never allowed to leave her place, having to live by a whole lot of rules and punishments for breaking.

I very much liked reading about how this city was. It was so evil and cruel and so interesting to read about at the same time. I loved getting to read from Nirrim's point of view. This book begins with Nirrim finding a lost bird, and returning it to the milita. Who ends up arresting her. She is sentenced to a month of jail and tithed with having her blood drawn once each day for that month. Which was a way too harsh sentence, when she had done nothing wrong. Well, except that she killed a man, but no one knew that. Only Nirrim.

There is so much going on in this book. Learning about the half kith, how poor they were and all the rules they had to live by. They couldn't wear colors. They couldn't eat sweet things. They were encouraged to make more children. They were attacked at times, their children taken from them. It was not a life worth living. Which was fully heartbreaking to read about. The middling could visit the poor and the rich, living between them, in a life mostly good. At least a whole lot better than where the half kith were made to live.

Then there were the high kith. The rich people of this island. They had everything. Could buy everything. This book had magic, small pieces of it. The rich had drinks with magic that made them behave different. Changed their looks for a while, gave them happiness. But these rich people were not kind people. They did not help the poor beyond the wall. They cared only for themselves. We learn very much about these different types of people in this book. And there is so much still to know. And I cannot wait to learn it all.

But this story was about Nirrim. About Nirrim and Sid. A woman that she meets in prison. Whom she first believes to be a man, because of her short hair and her men's clothes. Sid get her out of prison after only three days. Because Sid is not like Nirrim. She acts like she is high kith. People believe she is. But she is not from this place. She is a traveler. We only get to know her personally a little, but to me it was obvious who she was. Which I loved. I also very much adored Sid. She was all kinds of fierce and full of trouble.

Nirrim and Sid starts an unlikely friendship. I very much enjoyed reading about them getting to know each other. They are both fierce and they both know what they want. Sid enjoys telling lies and doing what she wants. But she can also be honest and so sweet. The romance in this book is gay. And it was all kinds of fantastic. Nirrim and Sid fit together really well and I adored them so. This romance have many problems to face too, of course. And I am so nervous and worried about it. But yes. I shipped them so very much.

The reason for why I am giving this book four stars is because of the mentions of Arin and Kestrel. Well, they are only somewhat mentioned. They are made to seem like horrible people, twenty years later. And that only breaks my heart. They are made to sound cruel and not kind at all. Which is not what I wanted. But. I'm hoping it will be made better in book two. Though it could also be worse, because of the ending. Gosh. I hope not. I also found the book to be slow; nothing really happened. But I did not really mind that.

The Midnight Lie was pretty much perfect. I adored the characters and I loved the world. The writing was gorgeous, as always. The story was pretty excellent too. The ending was way too rude, though. And now I simply cannot wait for book two. I'm sure it will be all kinds of amazing. You should all read this book too. You do not have to read The Winner's Curse trilogy first, but you really should, as those books are so fully good too. This book stands alone. But even better together. And I am so thrilled to have read and loved it.

Waiting on Wednesday #439

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Cerys is safe in the kingdom of Aloriya.

Here there are no droughts, disease, or famine, and peace is everlasting. It has been this way for hundreds of years, since the first king made a bargain with the Lady who ruled the forest that borders the kingdom. But as Aloriya prospered, the woods grew dark, cursed, and forbidden. Cerys knows this all too well: when she was young, she barely escaped as the woods killed her friends and her mother. Now Cerys carries a small bit of the curse—the magic—in her blood, a reminder of the day she lost everything. The most danger she faces now, as a gardener’s daughter, is the annoying fox who stalks the royal gardens and won’t leave her alone.

As a new queen is crowned, however, things long hidden in the woods descend on the kingdom itself. Cerys is forced on the run, her only companions the small fox from the garden, a strange and powerful bear, and the magic in her veins. It’s up to her to find the legendary Lady of the Wilds and beg for a way to save her home. But the road is darker and more dangerous than she knows, and as secrets from the past are uncovered amid the teeth and roots of the forest, it’s going to take everything she has just to survive.

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 20th 2020 by Balzer + Bray
Pre-Order here and here

This book sounds all kinds of exciting and thrilling. Eee. And I just cannot wait to read it. It also looks so gorgeous. I am pretty sure that I am going to love this book so much. It sounds so good. Hoping it will be up soon on Edelweiss, eee, so I can read it as soon as possible, haha :D Just can't wait for it. So excited.
What are you waiting for on this cursed Wednesday?

Saturday, March 7, 2020

In My Mailbox #435

Eee. This week has been the best reading week. I finally decided to re-read The Winner's Curse trilogy. And so I read all three books this week. And I love them the most, still. Maybe even more this time. This series is so good. Sigh. I could have started The Midnight Lie tonight. But my hardcover has yet to arrive. Ugh. Will wait until Monday, hoping it gets here then. Otherwise I might start my gorgeous ARC instead, ack. But I want to read my hardcover. Ha. Anyway. Health still sucks the most, nothing is better. Trying to survive it. Now also beyond worried about the Corona virus too, as it would not be good for me at all if I got it. Aack. But fingers crossed it does not get to my town. Gosh. Anyway. A little bit of mail; all precious. <3 And some new blog posts too, eee. I shared my review of The Light in Hidden Places :D I shared my fifth review of The Winner's Curse. <3 This week I'm waiting on You Were Never Here :) I shared my third review of The Winner's Crime :D And my second review of The Winner's Kiss. <3 Sigh. So much love. So yeah. I'm trying to be doing my best :) Stomach sucks every day for hours. But I have still been reading. So happy I'm finally reading again. <3 So far behind on everything, still, though, lol. Catching up soon :)

Invictus. Eee! Thank you so much to Jamie-Lee for trading this gorgeous UK ARC with me :D I love it so.
His Dark Materials. Ahh. UK series edition with four art cards. <3 Haven't seen the show yet. Oops. Soon.
The Kingdom of Back. EEE! Thank you so much PRH International #partner for this gorgeous free book with stunning swag too. I am so excited about this book. And will be reading it very soon. I cannot wait :)
Pop figure. Only one new pop this week, ha. I get too many of them. Oops. But had to. Love Cinderella.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Review: The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

I had forgotten how extremely good this final book was. I mean, I remember loving it most of them all. I remember some parts. But I had forgotten many details. I had forgotten how heartbreaking it was, yet so full of hope too and how everything was as I wanted. Sigh. This one was simply perfection. I loved it all so very much.

The writing was stunning, of course. This story was even more exciting than the previous books. The characters more precious than ever. And the romance was full focus and beyond adorable. This book brought me so much joy. Sure, some pain, but the joy meant too much for me to even notice most of the painful parts.

There is much I could share about this book. But my mind feels empty of words. My heart is too full of love for this most perfect book. Sigh. I can't believe that I had forgotten so much of it. But then, it has been four years since I first read it, and this being my second read. I will not let it go this many years again before I re-read this trilogy. It is worth all the pain. Because this ending was truly worth it. I have to admit that the first parts of the book were my favorite. It was the parts that hurt the most, of course, but the feelings that Arin had about it made me so happy. Okay, it was heartbreaking to read about how sad he was, all the regret he felt. But I was so so glad to see it. I was happy that he felt regret and anger at himself. It simply made me love him even more.

This third book takes place after Kestrel has been sent to prison for treason. After her own father turned her in. Arin and his people are at war against the Empire. He does not know what Kestrel did for him. He does not know that she went to prison for him. He only remembers her lies, that Kestrel did not want him. When that was so wrong, that she wanted him most, and did everything for him. It was so beyond sad to read about the beginning of this book, how Arin tried to forget her. How Kestrel tried and failed to escape.

But then came the pages were Arin learned that Kestrel had been the Moth. That she had been captured and taken to the most horrible prison there was. He went to find her. But it had been a whole month. She had been there so long. Getting drugs every morning and night. She had forgotten herself. Had forgotten Arin. And this is what I loved most. How Arin tried his best to care for her. How much regret Arin felt, how sad and angry he was. It was the best. Then there was Kestrel. Gosh. I loved this girl more than anything.

She spends most of this book not remembering most of her life. Not knowing herself or Arin or her father. We get to see her remember some parts. How it breaks her. We get to see Arin try his best to take care of her. We get to see her slowly getting to know him again, as well as herself. It was so sad to read about at times, but my gosh, how thrilling and good it was too. Arin and Kestrel are together, well, somewhat. At least they are not apart any more. They get to know each other. And it was the very very best thing. Eee.

It might be mean of me, but gosh, how I loved how broken they both were. Arin and how he felt he could never be loved. Kestrel and how she felt she would never know herself again, unsure if she loved Arin or not. They were both broken so badly. And they fit together so well. Their romance did take some time to happen, but that time was not spent badly. And when they finally got together it was everything. I loved them so much. Sigh. I just loved the romance in this book the very most, haha. It was the most precious.

But this book was not all about the romance. There was more of Sarsine, whom I adored so much. There was more of Roshar, whom I also loved the most. His sister, the Queen, not so much. Hmph. But Roshar was the best. And his friendship with Arin was so good and special. There was the war. A whole lot of it. Many died. But it was also so interesting to read about and written so well too. Then there was Kestrel's father. I loved him, once. I hated him in this one. But also thought his ending was good. Curious for more.

The Winner's Kiss was everything I could have wanted from a final book. It was everything I had wished for. I'm not sure I have ever read a more perfect final book. Sigh. You are for real missing out on the very best trilogy if you haven't read these books yet. They are so worth it. I am thrilled that I finally read these books again. They hurt me, but they healed me too. And this final book was the best of them. This story of Kestrel and Arin was everything I could have wanted it to be. The most precious thing. Loved them so.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Review: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

Reading this book again broke me. I knew it would be painful to read it. But I also knew I would still love it to pieces. Which I did. But it hurt so badly. This book was the worst. Yet I adored every moment of it. Parts of it still made me so angry and hurt. It was so good too, although my heart broke again and again. So rude.

The writing was, as always, perfection. I love the characters the very most. The setting was so great. I  love getting to know more about this world. This book mostly takes place at court, with balls and events at all times. It was very interesting and so painful too. This book completely ruined me. I loved it tons, because of that.

There is so much I could share about this book. But I will not be sharing too much, because my heart is too broken right now. I'm also very excited to re-read The Winner's Kiss next. I remember loving that one even more and I simply can't wait to read it again. I know it will hurt. But the worst of the pain is over now, at least for me. And so I'm beyond excited to get started on that one. I'm having trouble finding the words to describe how much this book means to me. It hurt me so very much. It had a bunch of things that just hurt and hurt and hurt. Yet I loved it so. I adored Kestrel the very most and she was so broken yet strong in this that I loved her even more. I was upset with Arin a lot of the time, ha, but I also could not blame him one bit. Still love him so much too.

In this book, Kestrel is engaged to the Emperor's son. She is living in the capital, at court. Her whole life has to be kept secret. She cannot show her fears or her real feelings about anything. And she cannot let Arin know that the only reason she is marrying this person was to save his life. This book was so so sad. And it hurts to think about it. But it was so important too. It shows how badly Kestrel loves Arin. How she did everything for him, without ever letting him know, to keep him safe. At least, she tried her best for him.

It is a book about how these two people who love each other but cannot be together. Arin is no longer a slave. His country has been freed. But it does not feel like it. It feels like the Emperor has plans for Arin's people, and not any good ones. It's a story about how Kestrel tries her hardest to survive with herself and with trying to help people in the only way she can. She somewhat becomes a spy. It doesn't end well. But she is trying. And trying not to get caught, which would be death. Kestrel was not the best at being subtle.

I do not know what to say about this book. I have no words for all of it. It made me hurt so. Kestrel had to keep so many secrets from Arin. She hurt him a lot. But he hurt her too. He did not see through her lies. I wish he had realized what she was doing, that he had helped her. But it was impossible. And that is also what made this book so good. Kestrel went through a lot. As did Arin. And they had to go through all of it alone. Which hurt even more. But I loved it too. But gosh, I need these two precious characters together.

There is so much I could say about this book. Yet I still do not have the words. It was so painful. It was so excellent. It hurt my heart to read about Kestrel and Jess, how hurt she was, how she gave up on Kestrel. It hurt so much. We got to know a few new characters. Like the son of the Emperor. Whom I grew to love. There were no feelings between him and Kestrel. But they grew to be friends. And I liked him tons. Sigh. Then the ending happened. And it broke me even more. So horrible and so very well done. Loved it most.

The Winner's Crime is a must read sequel. It is heartbreaking and all kinds of epic. There are moments of romance. But more moments of pain and sadness. It was every kind of perfect. So painful. So good. This whole series is perfection and you all need to read these books too. I cannot wait to read more books by Marie. She's amazing. Reading the story of Kestrel and Arin is the very best. And I can't wait to read how it ends once more. Although I never want their story to actually end for real, haha. I love them too much.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday #438

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Cat hasn’t been to Montgomery Falls, the town her family founded, since she was twelve years old. Since the summer she discovered she could do things that no normal twelve-year-old could do. Since she had her first kiss with Riley Fraser. Since she destroyed their friendship.

Now, five years later, she’s back and Riley has disappeared.

For the last three months no one has heard from or seen Riley. And while there are all sorts of conspiracy theories about where he went, neither the police nor his parents are any closer to finding him. When Noah, Riley’s brother, asks for help in discovering what happened, Cat is torn between wanting to learn the truth and protecting the secret that she’s been guarding ever since that summer she and Riley stopped speaking.

But then a girl is discovered floating in the river, barely alive with no knowledge of who attacked her or why. With the possibility that someone out there is hunting teens, Cat must make a choice: Use her unusual ability to discover the truth and find Riley or keep running away from a power she can’t control. Only one choice will put her in a killer’s sights…

Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: October 20th 2020 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here and here

Eee! I am SO excited for this book :D Have adored Kathleen for years now and have been waiting for a new book by her for so long, haha. And this one sounds all kinds of creepy and wonderful. Sigh. I just know that I will love this book. And I cannot wait to read it. Also, romance? I hope so :D So so excited.
What are you waiting for on this hunted Wednesday?

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Review: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

This has been my fifth time reading this precious book. I was a little worried this time, as it has been four years since I last read it. I had no reason to be worried. Because I still loved this book with every part of my heart. It is such a gorgeous story. Beyond heartbreaking and awful. But so beautiful and well written. Sigh.

There is simply so much I love about this book. And I am thrilled to finally be reading these books again. They meant so much to me years ago. And they still do. This first book is still every bit as perfect to me as it was before. Which makes me beyond thrilled, as I really wanted to love it just as much. It is fully gorgeous too.

I think I will not share as much about this book this time. Simply because I want to get started on re-reading book two as soon as I can, haha. And also because I'm certain I have already written many times before about how badly I love this story. But it can't hurt to write it again. So I will. The writing is of course perfection. Which I am so happy about. The setting was stunning too. It felt like a book set in the past, which is my favorite. The way things were in this city was so interesting but so horrible too. Kestrel and her people had won the war ten years ago over this city. The people who lived there before either killed or taken as slaves. Which was horrible to read about. Even though it was awful to read, I always wanted to know more about the history of it all.

This book tells the story about Kestrel and Arin. She is the general's daughter. He is a slave she ends up bidding way too much for at an auction. We learn so much about both of them. And I loved them both to pieces. Kestrel was so strong and brave yet so broken at times too. I loved how she fought for what she wanted. I loved her friendship with Jess and Ronan. I loved her relationship with her dad. I loved her love for music. Simply put, I loved this girl the very most. Which might be why this book hurt me so badly too.

And I also loved Arin the most. Though his lies at times hurt my heart even more. Ha. But I understood him so well, his want for freedom, being willing to do anything to get it again. He does not like Kestrel at first. But she starts to grow on him. And I so loved how they started getting close, despite how they kept hurting each other too. Oh. I also very much loved getting to know Arin. He had been a slave for ten long years, his family killed all those years ago. He was broken. But so strong and loving too. I adored him so.

There is so much that I liked about this book. I could never write it all down. And not sharing much about the plot either. This story was about Arin and Kestrel. About how they fall for each other despite how very different their lives are. How things change around them. I adored them so. The story was pretty epic too. I liked reading about all of it. I liked learning about the history of both people. I enjoyed learning about the war, though I wish it had never been. I liked the dresses and dances. I fully loved every part of this book.

Of course, what I love most about this book is the romance. Arin and Kestrel are so different. He a slave, she the one he paid for him. Until the slaves take over the city again. Until they take back their freedom. Then Arin is the one in charge and Kestrel is the one captive. This whole book was such a mess for their relationship. There was no way they could actually be together. Yet they want it, slowly. And it is so very painfully good to read about. Sigh. I shipped them so. I loved them so. And it hurt so very much. So rude.

If you still have not read The Winner's Curse you are missing out on the most beautiful and heartbreaking story. This book still means so much to me. It will never fail to break my heart. It will never fail to heal it as well. The romance hurt so badly but I ship them so much, because they are so perfect together. Sigh. It is a book everyone must read. Multiple times, like I have. It is a story that will never grow old. I'm so beyond excited to re-read the rest of the trilogy. And then read The Midnight Lie too. I can't wait. It will be perfect.