
Saturday, March 28, 2020

In My Mailbox #438

Gosh. I still haven't read anything. Ugh. I have had my next read next to me for a few weeks now. And I want to read this book a whole lot. But I just have not felt like reading at all. Which so completely sucks. I simply do not have any energy left. My stomach is still bad every day and it sucks so bad. And cannot get medicine either, since it isn't safe to travel to the hospital. Rude. I'm also so worried about the world right now. This Corona thing is the very very worst and I am so worried about when it will arrive in my town, if we will all survive it. Shudders. So, yeah. This might also be why I haven't felt like reading lately. Positive side, I bought Animal Crossing this week. So I have been playing that every day, which makes my days brighter. It's so good. Also, only one blog post this week, sigh. As I haven't been able to do things on my laptop at all. It still hurts my wrist to use my laptop mouse. I keep waiting for it to pass, but the pain never goes away. Ugh. So rude. Anyway. This week I am waiting on The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue :) I hope you are all staying safe and at home and are all doing good. <3 I'm all kinds of tired of staying home, ack.

Chain of Gold. UK paperback edition has arrived :D Which is fully gorgeous. So very excited for this book.
Kingsbane. Eee. US paperback editions are here :D This book is so so perfect. <3 Sigh. I love this cover.
Animal Crossing. Gosh. I could not help but buy this game :D And I am loving it soso very much. Sigh. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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