
Saturday, March 7, 2020

In My Mailbox #435

Eee. This week has been the best reading week. I finally decided to re-read The Winner's Curse trilogy. And so I read all three books this week. And I love them the most, still. Maybe even more this time. This series is so good. Sigh. I could have started The Midnight Lie tonight. But my hardcover has yet to arrive. Ugh. Will wait until Monday, hoping it gets here then. Otherwise I might start my gorgeous ARC instead, ack. But I want to read my hardcover. Ha. Anyway. Health still sucks the most, nothing is better. Trying to survive it. Now also beyond worried about the Corona virus too, as it would not be good for me at all if I got it. Aack. But fingers crossed it does not get to my town. Gosh. Anyway. A little bit of mail; all precious. <3 And some new blog posts too, eee. I shared my review of The Light in Hidden Places :D I shared my fifth review of The Winner's Curse. <3 This week I'm waiting on You Were Never Here :) I shared my third review of The Winner's Crime :D And my second review of The Winner's Kiss. <3 Sigh. So much love. So yeah. I'm trying to be doing my best :) Stomach sucks every day for hours. But I have still been reading. So happy I'm finally reading again. <3 So far behind on everything, still, though, lol. Catching up soon :)

Invictus. Eee! Thank you so much to Jamie-Lee for trading this gorgeous UK ARC with me :D I love it so.
His Dark Materials. Ahh. UK series edition with four art cards. <3 Haven't seen the show yet. Oops. Soon.
The Kingdom of Back. EEE! Thank you so much PRH International #partner for this gorgeous free book with stunning swag too. I am so excited about this book. And will be reading it very soon. I cannot wait :)
Pop figure. Only one new pop this week, ha. I get too many of them. Oops. But had to. Love Cinderella.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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