
Saturday, March 21, 2020

In My Mailbox #437

This week I haven't read anything new. Ack. I have my next book planned, just need energy to actually start it. Oops. I'm hoping to get to it in a few days. My health just completely sucks. I am starting to get better from the flu. Or I might have had Corona. Who knows. Tried to get tested, they would not let me. Doctor said I might have it, I might not have it, and he hoped I had it, so I would be done with it. Hahaha. Yeah. So trying to stay positive. In pain so often and so much and so goddamn tired of it. I'm a little better today, so hoping it is finally improving. Only one new blog post, oops. This week I'm waiting on The Other Side of the Sky. <3 But got a little bit of gorgeous mail this week :) I'm trying to do my best. I am hoping to read shortly. Hoping to take new instagram photos. I'm so behind. Sigh. But doing my best, yeah :) Hope you are all staying safe. The world is such a shitty place these days. Hoping this virus will be done soon.

Chain of Gold. Eee! My personalized book box from GCReading has arrived :D And it is gorgeous. Love.
The Alcazar. I liked the first book a lot. And so I am hoping that this sequel will end up being amazing :)
The Shadows Between Us Swag. Eee! Thank you so much Tricia for this lovely pre-order swag :D Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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