
Saturday, March 14, 2020

In My Mailbox #436

Well. I didn't think I could be in more pain than what I'm already in with my stomach. This week it proved to be wrong, twice. Ha. I first got this intense neck pain that lasted for over three days. It hurt to sit still, it hurt to move. It hurt even more to swallow. It was so bad. But thankfully better now. Instead I got a high fever yesterday and today. Haaa. Yeah. I'm coughing and feeling feverish and feeling so cold and so sick. It is the worst. Especially since I'm worried it might be Corona. Ugh. But it isn't in my town yet. Well, that's what they think, anyway. It's spreading so fast in Norway. Everything has been shut down. It's weird. But good, I suppose. Anyway. Hoping I just have the flu. If it doesn't get better tomorrow I will have to call the doctor. Rude. Supposed to go to the hospital this coming week. Nervous. Hoping it will be safe. Anyway. One book read this week, as that was all I had energy for. But it was good. <3 Got some new gorgeous books too, eee. Many pre-orders, haha. Two new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on Among the Beasts and Briars :D And I shared my review of The Midnight Lie, eee. <3 I hope that you are all staying safe :)

Chain of Gold. Ahh! Look at these gorgeous editions :D LOVE! So excited for this. More to come, haha.
Winter. Since my original copy had an ugly pen mark on the white cover, I got a new one sent. <3 Love.
The Midnight Lie. Eee! UK and US hardcover edition :D This book was so very good. And very gorgeous.
The Kingdom of Back. I cannot wait to read this book very soon :D It looks stunning and sounds so good.
The June Boys. Eee! Reading this one very shortly too, and I cannot wait. It sounds so good and exciting.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Beautiful work ! You should consider giving it a good launch, try for reviews and visibility in a crowded marketplace. Down the line, try bookbub for marketing.

  2. Hi Carina, stay safe! i love your posts and always reading even though i don't comment!
    i'm also going through shit times atm but never lose hope! keep doing what you love and you will get through it!

  3. I love the cover on chain the gold so much. I can't wait to read the book. I hope you feel better soon.


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