
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Best Books of 2019

Happy almost New Year :D It's the final day of 2019 already. Gosh. Time has moved so so fast this past year. I have been so distracted and busy with my sister and her three kids. They are the most adorable, though. My health has sucked. But I'm trying to deal with it all. I'm still reading. Just not as much as I wish I could. Hoping next year will be easier for me. Fingers crossed. Still. I'm here. Still blogging, still loving it. And despite not having read as many books this year, I still had some books that I loved very much. And so today I'm sharing my best nine books of this year. They all came out this year too. Have you read any of them yet? There are still so many books that came out this year that I have not had the chance to read yet. I'm hoping to get to them next year, eee. I'm sure many of them would make this list, haha. At least, I hope they will all be amazing too. I'm working on book 55 of this year right now. Had so hoped to finish it before today, but no time. So my review will be up later today. Wishing you all the very best new year. <3

My Goodreads 2019 Challenge. My Goodreads 2019 Year in Books.

1. Kingsbane. This book completely ruined me. My gosh. The romance is so painful. But so very perfect.
2. The Magnolia Sword. This Mulan retelling was every kind of adorable. I adored the romance so much.
3. Aurora Rising. I fully adored this set of characters. I loved the space setting and all of the creepy parts.

4. Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All. Such a great setting with the most loveable characters.
5. Immunity. This second book was everything I had hoped it would be. Great romance, a thrilling story.
6. Bid My Soul Farewell. I also completely loved this final book. Most adorable romance and creepy plot.

7. The Art of Theft. This Lady Sherlock series is slowly killing me. So good. I ship them beyond words.
8. Come Find Me. Such a thrilling and exciting story. With a sweet romance too. I loved all of the twists.
9. The Deceivers. It surprised me how very much I enjoyed this con book. Characters were so adorable.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Where do you find all these amazing reads? Sadly I haven't read any that you have mentioned, but I will endeavour to add to my list. I love reading your reviews, always so positive. I wish I commented more.


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