
Saturday, July 31, 2021

In My Mailbox #508

I have been feeling pretty meh this week. We had only one day with almost heat, nothing much at all. Aw. Now back to cold and less than 10C outside. Siiiigh. I want real summer. Hmph. But I suppose I live in the wrong place for that, haha :) I haven't gotten much done this week. Just taken it easy. Fuly dreading my upcoming surgery, and thinking too much about it. But should go fine, hopefully. Just, yeah. Not feeling like doing anything else. Hope it'll change :) This week I'm waiting on Daughter of the Deep. <3 Stay safe.

The Ones We're Meant to Find. Since my first paperback had damages, I got a new one. So so pretty. <3
Heart of Iron. Eee! Thank you so much Ashley :D I won this gorgeous and those artcards. So precious.
Pop Figures. A few more pop figures, haha :D Lilo and Baby are so very cute. Sigh. Love my wizard too.
Animal Crossing. Eeee! A whole bunch of new things :D Activity book from bookdepo, so that one was cheap, and so very gorgeous. Album 4 from a Norwegian site, and not at all cheap. Shudders. But I so neeeeded it. Sigh. Now just missing album 2 :D Ahh! Need it SO badly. Sigh. Anyone? And couldn't resist buying Amiibo Festival from that site too, oops. As I didn't own it. Love the figures and the cards. Sigh :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #511

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan pays homage to Jules Verne in his exciting modern take on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Ana Dakkar is a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a five-year high school that graduates the best marine scientists, naval warriors, navigators, and underwater explorers in the world. Ana's parents died while on a scientific expedition two years ago, and the only family's she's got left is her older brother, Dev, also a student at HP. Ana's freshman year culminates with the class's weekend trial at sea, the details of which have been kept secret. She only hopes she has what it'll take to succeed. All her worries are blown out of the water when, on the bus ride to the ship, Ana and her schoolmates witness a terrible tragedy that will change the trajectory of their lives.

But wait, there's more. The professor accompanying them informs Ana that their rival school, Land Institute, and Harding-Pencroft have been fighting a cold war for a hundred and fifty years. Now that cold war has been turned up to a full broil, and the freshman are in danger of becoming fish food. In a race against deadly enemies, Ana will make amazing friends and astounding discoveries about her heritage as she puts her leadership skills to the test for the first time.

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 5th 2021 by Disney-Hyperion
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

I know, I know. I am so behind on reading books by Rick. Oops. But I still own them all, ha :D And I will still be ordering this one, because it's the sea, and because it sounds so awesome. I hope to love it lots.
What are you waiting for on this deep Wednesday?

Saturday, July 24, 2021

In My Mailbox #507

Another week gone by super fast. Ack. But this time I have actually read a book, ha :D Yay for that. <3 Hoping to read something this coming week too, as I did not read the book I had planned on reading. Oops. Plus side, the book I read was epic, and that usually helps with me reading something after it too. Fingers crossed. I'm still having the bad headaches, though. And they are killing me a little. Sigh. Hoping they will pass soon. Hmph. Other than that I'm mostly doing okay. So so cold here these days. Brrr. But we are getting about three days this coming week with better heat. Ha. So little. But I'm so excited too :) Got a bit of gorgeous mail as well. <3 This week I'm waiting on Extasia. <3 Aaand I shared my five star review of Extasia too :D Eee! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3 And hope you have heat :)

Such a Quiet Place. I did not love this book like her other ones, ack. But still needed to own it, ofc :D
Curses. I'm so excited about reading this book soonish. <3 It looks gorgeous and it sounds awesome too.
Zelda. A new Zelda game for my switch :D I am so behind on playing new games. Oops. But soooon.
Taylor Swift: Fearless. Got a replacement CD for the last one, which was broken. <3 It is so, so perfect.
Marie Pop Figure. Ahh. I ordered this as fast as I could, haha. A gorgeous glitter cat. She is so adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, July 23, 2021

Review: Extasia by Claire Legrand

I cannot even begin to share how excited I was to start reading this book early. It is not out until February. But when I had the chance to read it early via Edelweiss, I started it right away. And I do not regret it for one second. This book was everything and more. I can't wait to own all the copies of this most perfect book.

I have been the biggest fan of Claire and her books for so many years now. Ever since her first one came out. I know I will love everything she writes. Yet I am still a bit nervous before starting something new. I had no need to be, with this book. I loved every single thing about it. Even the parts that tore my heart to shreds.

There is so much that I wish to say about this book. I will do my best to share no spoilers. But there is so much I want to share, haha. Will begin by saying that the writing was truly completely perfect. Not one thing I did not like about it. I loved connecting with the characters and this world. It was so good. This book tells the story of a sixteen-year-old girl living in a small village. We do not know her real name. And we actually never learned it either. How rude, haha. We know the name Amity, which she is given early in this book, when the village elders make her into one of four young saints. All girls, all her age. Amity have wanted to become a saint all her life. For the chance to help her family get treated better, after the shame her mother left them with.

This book is all kinds of complicated. And I do not fully know how to describe it. I will do my best. I simply loved every moment of it, though. It takes a little while before it fully starts, but I did not mind that. I liked reading about this small and quiet world. Though every bit that was revealed about how they lived made me feel worse and worse. This was not a nice village. The men were in charge. And Amity did not know any better. All her life, she just went along with everything the elders said was true. Everything they did.

Extasia is a book about girls and women who have been hurt by men for far too long. About these girls learning to stand up for themselves, to see the truth of things. It is a book about men having taken control of a village. Of girls being taught they are less, that they ruined the world. That they deserve to be hurt and punished. That they do not deserve the same things as men. They are not allowed to read. They are not allowed a mirror. They are not allowed a knife. It is a world for men. And this was truly heartbreaking.

And completely terrifying to read about too. Yet so interesting and fascinating too. Claire did such a great job creating this world. At first it feels like a book set far in the past. But then we learn it is set in the future instead, after the world ended. And this village was chosen by God to live. Or so they believe. There was a lot of God and prayers and such in this village. I did not like this one bit. Shudders. It was too much at times too, which was the point. I very much enjoy reading about it, even though it was fully crazy at times.

There is so much bad going on in this place. It takes a while before Amity starts seeing this place for what it is. Not before after she is made a saint. When she has her own first visitation night. Which I think was once a week. And it was so fully horrible to read about. Oh, how they hurt these four girls. And how no one did anything. How they all accepted that this was just how things were. How Amity thought like this too. At first, at least. These people did not know anything other than their small village and their rules.

But she changes. She learns more about what happens to the women in this town. She realizes some truths about her own family too. Her father was not a nice man. And her dead mother was not the evil woman they all said she was. Her younger sister, Blessing, was all kinds of adorable, though. And I loved her so very much. I loved their relationship. It was so well written. I so loved the other girls we get to know too. Mercy and Silence. They were fierce and loving and brave. I adored them beyond words. Best girls.

There was a little romance in Extasia too. Between Amity and another girl. And it was so beautiful. Only small things. But they were important things and they gave hope to this dark book. At first there was a boy, Samuel. Whom Amity was meant to marry, her best friend. He loved her. And she loved him, just not in that way. I adored him beyond words. He had a few small faults, but he had a great heart. And he was her best friend. I loved that so much. They did not need to be a couple. I loved their friendship the most.

Another thing I really loved about this book is how later on, the girls choose their own name. What they wish to be called. And I loved that very much. It is also a book about the devil. A book about witches and the power they can have. It is a book of magic. And it was fully incredible and fantastic. I loved this book so very much. Gosh. Of course, it was also a book full of pain and evil and hurt. Which was so hard to read about, but was so good too. This village needed change. And change would come, bloody change.

There is so much I wish to say about this book. I have already said a lot, yet not nearly enough about what happens. What hurt me the very most about this book was when we read about what happened to Amity's mother. It was evil and cruel and it hurt so badly. And this thing happened to so, so many other women in this village too. It was so painful. But so important too. The elders of this place were no good. There is so much hurt in this book. So much darkness. So much pain. And it was great to read about too.

I have not said nearly enough about the witches of Extasia. And I won't say too much about them either. But gosh, it was exciting to read about. There were wild women outside in the woods. It did not go well when Amity meets them at first. But it slowly got better. And I liked getting to know them all. Okay, loved Amity the most, and her friends too. The witches weren't that awesome, ha. But I loved reading about them all. I loved reading about the power they had. The power Amity was learning. It was so amazing.

The ending was awesome too. A little sad. A little hopeful. A lot of evil. Makes me feel certain there will be another book, if not a direct sequel, then a companion. And oh, how I hope this will be true. I would love nothing more than to read more from this world. Even though it destroyed me. Even though it was such a difficult world to live in. I want more. I want more of all the girls. I need to know what that ending meant. But would be okay with nothing more too, as I fear a second book would bring so much more pain, sobs.

I still wish to write more about this book. Despite having written so much. Despite having already shared too much too. But my gosh. This book was excellent. It hurt me so badly. But it healed me a little too. It was full of surprises and twists. Most of them evil. All of them thrilling to read about. I did not want this book to end. And I want more so badly. Claire writes the very best books. And the best girls. I loved Amity the most. Her new name was the best, though. She went through so very much. And changed much too.

Extasia was every bit as incredible as I had hoped it would be. It completely ruined me. And I so loved every moment of it. It could not have been more perfect. Of course, it was all kinds of dark and evil. But I loved that too. I loved how grim it was at times. Because it was also hopeful at other times. There was so much that I loved about this book. And I cannot wait for everyone else to love it too in February of next year. This is a book that will hurt you. But it will also heal you, at least a little. The pain is totally worth it.

Wherever you are,
whatever you fight,
may your eyes see much,
may your rage burn bright.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #510

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A standalone horror novel for fans of The Grace Year, The Handmaid’s Tale, Courtney Summers, and Shirley Jackson.

My name is unimportant.

All you must know is that today I become one of the four saints of Haven. The elders will mark me and place the red hood on my head. They will give me my true name, and with my sisters I will stand against the evil power that lives beneath the black mountain—an evil which has already killed nine of our village’s men.

I will tell no one of the white-eyed beasts that follow me. Or the faceless gray women tall as houses. Or the girls I saw kissing in the elm grove.

Today I become a saint of Haven. I will rid my family of my mother’s shame at last and save my people from destruction. I am not afraid.

Are you?

From New York Times bestselling author Claire Legrand comes an emotionally searing and lyrically written novel that beckons readers to follow its powerful heroine into a world filled with secrets and blood—where the truth is buried in lies, and a devastating power waits, seething, for someone brave enough to use it.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: February 22nd 2022 by Katherine Tegen Books
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

EEE! I am reading this book right now :D And oh my gosh, I am so goddamn excited. I am the biggest fan of Claire. <3 And needed to read this book as soon as I could. It showed up on Edelweiss. I started it as soon as I saw it, haha :) But sharing about it today too, as I couldn't not have it as a WoW post too. <3 It is such a gorgeous book. And I am so excited about it. Haven't read much yet, but oh, hoping to read it fast, haha. It is so good. Still need the print ARC more than anything, but I could not wait for that :) See my cover reveal post here. <3 You all need this beautiful book in your life too. So excited to be reading it.
What are you waiting for on this powerful Wednesday?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

In My Mailbox #506

Small update today, as I'm too tired. Gah. Health sucks. But I'm doing my best and hoping it will start getting better shortly :) Still haven't read anything. Sigh. But I watched all three Fear Street movies, and they were awesome. Also got some most gorgeous mail this week, eee. I love it all so much. This week I'm waiting on Lightbringer. <3 Ahh! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe :) Happy summer. <3

Any Way the Wind Blows. Have I bought too many copies without reading book two first? Maybe :D
Carry On. And this gorgeous new hardcover edition of book one too. Oops. One day soon I must re-read.
Skyborn: Sparrow Rising. Eee! I loved this book so so much :D And bookdepo shipped mine early. <3
My Calamity Jane. I know, I haven't read this one yet. Oops. But love these books, and needed pb too :)
Raya and the Last Dragon. I know. People have probably stopped buying "real" movies. I have not :D
Monster Hunter 2. Oops. I haven't played the first game that I got a few weeks ago. But sooon. Excited.
Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards. AHH! Thank you so much for helping me Megan. <3 Love them the most.
Pop Figures. Siiigh. Luca figures are ADORABLE. <3 Missing my girl, but coming soon. Love Bulbasaur.

 More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #509

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Queen Rielle, pushed away from everything she loves, turns to Corien and his promises of glory. Meanwhile, whispers from the empirium slowly drive her mad, urging her to open the Gate. Separated from Audric and Ludivine, she embraces the role of Blood Queen and her place by Corien’s side, determined to become the monster the world believes her to be.

In the future, Eliana arrives in the Empire’s capital as a broken shell of herself. Betrayed and abandoned, she fights to keep her power at bay—and away from Corien, who will stop at nothing to travel back in time to Rielle, even if that means destroying her daughter.

But when the mysterious Prophet reveals themselves at last, everything changes, giving Rielle and Eliana a second chance for salvation—or the destruction their world has been dreading.

The incredible conclusion to the trilogy that started with the instant New York Times bestsellers Furyborn and Kingsbane!

In this epic finale to the Empirium Trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Claire Legrand, two queens, separated by a thousand years must face their ultimate destinies.

Hardcover, 594 pages
Published October 13th 2020 by Sourcebooks Fire
Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

Oh. I know. This book came out months and months ago, ha :D But I suddenly realized that I had never had it as my Waiting on Wednesday posts. What even. And I still have not read this most gorgeous book. Whaaat. I am the worst. Ahh. I did peek. I do own all the copies. But I am SO nervous, haha :D I know I will love it. <3 But I also need to re-read Furyborn and Kingsbane first. And I have read so, so little this year. Sobs. Really hoping to start soon. As I do want to read this book. So badly. I just know that it will hurt the most. So rude :) Have you read it yet? <3 I look at the spine for it every day. Sigh. So beautiful.
What are you waiting for on this broken Wednesday?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

In My Mailbox #505

This week have been good and bad. Had such pretty weather for some days, which was so so good. I love heat and sun. <3 I even went swimming in the ocean a couple of times :) Fully cold, ha, but great too. Still feeling sick, with nose and throat still hurting. Sigh. But a little better too. This week was fully busy for me. First plane visit to hospital town, to see a gyno doctor. Learned something new, so put on waiting list for surgery. Shudders. Then x-ray of my back, looking for something there too. Then yesterday I removed my second wisdom tooth. Ahh. So now fully in pain. Ha. It sucks. But it needed to go, so I'm glad to be done with it. So yeah. No time to read just yet. But will have a few days with nothing to do from Monday, so then I can finally read :) Yay. I got a little bit of lovely mail this week too; mostly just new pop figures, ha :D And waiting for more. Oops. May have gone a little crazy lately. Oh, well. I love them all so. This week I'm waiting on Beyond the End of the World. <3 I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

All These Monsters. I'm so excited about starting this series; have had book one for ages :) So pretty.
Taylor Swift. Eee. Some tattoos, a cup holder thing, a Fearless keychain. Which is completely gorgeous.
Mario Game. I have been meaning to buy this for ages. Hoping it will be pretty awesome to play this :)
Pop Figures. So many awesome ones. Eee. Love my big dragon. And Stitch. And just every one of them.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #508

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson and Laini Taylor, this sequel to New York Times bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s genre-bending fantasy The Other Side of the Sky takes us to the grand sky-city of Ciel, where danger and mystery await.

Time to stop Inshara. Time to find a way between worlds. Time to find each other again.

Nimh still holds on to her divinity, if only by a thread.

In her final confrontation with Inshara, the woman determined to take her place and rule Nimh’s kingdom, both Nimh and her enemy were sent to the world above, in the cloudlands.

Now North looks to the sky, left behind on the surface world.

Desperate for a chance to join the girl he loves and save his world, North will stop at nothing to find a way back to his home in the sky-city of Ciel. Before it’s too late to save anyone.

But more awaits them in the world above than North or Nimh could ever expect. And as they come together and team up with allies from above and below, they face an ultimate test of their bond, their abilities, and their belief in each other in a quest to save their worlds.

Vivid, compelling, and absolutely magnetic, this much-anticipated sequel to New York Times bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s The Other Side of the Sky has something for every reader: a star-crossed love full of tantalizing longing, unique and immersive new worlds to explore, and nonstop thrills that escalate into an unforgettably electric conclusion.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication: January 18th 2022 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

EEE! Gosh. I am so very excited for this second and final book :D Ahh! I loved The Other Side of the Sky so so much. <3 It was fully perfect. And Beyond the End of the World sounds aaaamazing. I think it will be epic. Sigh. I just cannot wait :) And omg. Look at that cover! AHH! It is GORGEOUS. I love it so much. See them both below. The colors are stunning. And the bindle cat! Eee. So adorable. I need it already. <3
What are you waiting for on this thrilling Wednesday?


Saturday, July 3, 2021

In My Mailbox #504

Okay, so this week have not gone like I had planned. Sigh. No reading done this week either. So rude. I have even had my next read next to me for way over a week now. Hmph. Hoping to start it tomorrow. <3 My headaches have been better this week. But then of course I had to get sick instead yesterday. Siiigh. It's bad. But I'm surviving, haha. Next week will be so busy for me. If I'm not still sick, that is. Hmph. We are also getting some warm days ahead now, and I am so excited, eee. I got some very gorgeous mail this week. <3 And I love it all so very much. Sigh. So much perfect :) This week I'm waiting on Empire of the Vampire. <3 Hope you are all doing well and staying safe :) I'm simply taking it easy this weekend. <3

Witchshadow. I know, I know. I haven't even read book one in this series. Oops. Yet I own them all :)
My Contrary Mary. I'm two books behind on this series, but catching up soon. <3 I'm excited for this :)
The Oddmire: Deepest, Darkest. I read this one last year, and eee. It is such a perfect series :D Loved it.
Trial By Fire audiobook. Eee! Thank you so much Josephine :D I love this one so very much. <3 Pretty.
Mario Golf. Oh, how I hope this game will be pretty awesome, haha :D It do look great. Playing it soon.
Pop Figures. Newest orders are here. <3 All so awesome, eee. Godzilla is adorable. Shaun too, haha. <3
Taylor Swift. Another Fearless CD, eee. But damaged. Siiigh. And the cassette too, just to look pretty :D

More Instagram photos here. <3