
Saturday, July 24, 2021

In My Mailbox #507

Another week gone by super fast. Ack. But this time I have actually read a book, ha :D Yay for that. <3 Hoping to read something this coming week too, as I did not read the book I had planned on reading. Oops. Plus side, the book I read was epic, and that usually helps with me reading something after it too. Fingers crossed. I'm still having the bad headaches, though. And they are killing me a little. Sigh. Hoping they will pass soon. Hmph. Other than that I'm mostly doing okay. So so cold here these days. Brrr. But we are getting about three days this coming week with better heat. Ha. So little. But I'm so excited too :) Got a bit of gorgeous mail as well. <3 This week I'm waiting on Extasia. <3 Aaand I shared my five star review of Extasia too :D Eee! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3 And hope you have heat :)

Such a Quiet Place. I did not love this book like her other ones, ack. But still needed to own it, ofc :D
Curses. I'm so excited about reading this book soonish. <3 It looks gorgeous and it sounds awesome too.
Zelda. A new Zelda game for my switch :D I am so behind on playing new games. Oops. But soooon.
Taylor Swift: Fearless. Got a replacement CD for the last one, which was broken. <3 It is so, so perfect.
Marie Pop Figure. Ahh. I ordered this as fast as I could, haha. A gorgeous glitter cat. She is so adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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