
Saturday, October 5, 2019

In My Mailbox #413

A new week gone by. Gosh. I have read a bunch this week, though, so eee. I'm happy about that. Finally started my re-read of His Dark Materials, to get ready for The Secret Commonwealth. <3 I'm only on The Subtle Knife, ack, but at least I have started, haha. I love these books so very much. Sigh. They are just perfection. I also got a bit of gorgeous mail this week, and I love it all so very much. My health still sucks the most. Ugh. I went to the doctor this week, no real help, but getting appointments elsewhere later on from that visit. Probably. Fingers crossed. Tired of feeling so badly all the time because my body sucks. Hmph. Still spending every day with sister and her kids. A bit exhausting. But I love it too, so much. And a little time to read in the evenings. Still behind on everything, and still no news on my laptop, but yeah. I'm doing good. Exhausted. But good. A few new posts this week too, more than usual, haha :D I shared my review of Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All. <3 Gosh. Loved this book. I posted an American Royals Spotlight post :D This week I'm waiting on Supernova. <3 And I shared my fifth review of Northern Lights. Gosh. So much love. <3 If you are visiting my blog, please, please do leave a comment. I get so few comments these days. But still the same amount of pageviews. Hmm. You're all awesome, though :)

Ninth House. Ohh. One pre-order is here; the UK paperback :D This book will be all kinds of perfect. Ahh.
Into the Crooked Place. The stunning UK paperback have arrived :D Nervous and excited about this one.
The Fountains of Silence. Thank you so much PRH International for this gorgeous ARC and bookmark :D
Lover. Eee. I couldn't help but buy these Taylor Swift pins and stickers. They are just way too precious. <3
Pop Figures. A few new Harry Potter ones, haha :D My collection is way way too big. Oops. But Cedric :D
Pennywise Balloon Lamp. Eee. This IT lamp was a little expensive. But I had to buy it. I just had to. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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