
Monday, October 7, 2019

Review: The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

Fifth time reading and this book keeps getting better for each time I read it. Sigh. It is the book that introduces us to Will. And so it will always be most precious to me. The third will always be my favorite of them all, though. But my gosh, how I love all three to pieces. They are so very good. I'm thrilled to read them again.

As always, the writing in this book was perfect. I have no trouble at all connecting with the world and with the characters. I always have a fear when re-reading books that I love, that I will not love them the same, but I am pretty sure I will always love this trilogy, no matter what. Simply because these books are fully precious.

And I love Lyra to pieces. And I might love Will even more. And then together they are perfection. Gosh. I will not be writing such a long review for this book either this time as I have already done so many times. But I must share a bit of my love for this stunning book. And the love I feel for it is too much. We get to see more of Lyra. She was so fierce and wild in Northern Lights. In this book she is still fierce, still a little wild, but she is also growing up more. Becoming more still and careful. Still fully adorable, though. I love her so much. And her dæmon, Pan. He is beyond adorable and the two of them together is the cutest thing. I so love reading about them, always.

But then there was Will. Eee. In this book we learn about different worlds. Where Lyra came from, the world she escaped to, and the world Will came from, which is more like our own. Reading about when Lyra and Will met again was just the best thing. I ship them so so hard. I adore their growing friendship beyond words. I love how fierce Will was and how determined he was. How he made Lyra think about how she was behaving. And reading about the two of them together pretty much broke me, as always.

But my god, how badly I love Will. He is the best part of these books. Okay, I love everything about these books, but I love Will the most. Getting to know him was the best. He is twelve years old. He have taken care of his mother for years and years. They are all alone and she is not well. It broke my heart to read about. Sigh. But he was way too precious and I loved how much he loved his mother. Sigh. Gosh, that story is a heartbreaking one. He have been looking for his father since he was a baby, as he is missing.

This is a book about Lyra and Will meeting and getting to know each other. It is about finding the subtle knife, learning how to use it. The best scenes were how Lyra was helping Will after he got hurt, and Pan helping him too, and sigh. My poor heart. It is a book about Will searching for his father, and Lyra having to do so too. It is also all about the first book and every character in that one too. There are the witches. There is Lee Scoresby, whom I adore, and whose fate I am still angry about, haha. But so very good too.

There is so much going on in this book. So much pain and heartbreak. And many new things to learn about too. And gosh, how I loved all of it. This whole world is stunning to read about. It is special and exciting and thrilling at every moment. Reading about the adventures of Lyra and Will is the best thing. And re-reading The Subtle Knife was just perfect. And I am thrilled to be re-reading these books again, finally. You need to read them too. There is so much I could write about this book, but stopping for now.


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