
Saturday, December 8, 2018

In My Mailbox #370

I have read three books this week. Eee. More than I have done in ages, haha. And they were three huge books; I re-read the Grave Mercy trilogy. Sigh. And I loved them so very much. Eee. Which means they are the first five star books I have read in ages and ages. Sigh. So very happy about that. I will be starting Courting Darkness next, and my god, I am so excited. Crossing all my fingers I will love it just as much as the original trilogy :D I also got some stunning mail this week, eee. <3 But no Queen of Air and Darkness. Sigh. Which I'm not even sure will arrive before Christmas. I mean, I will not be reading it just yet even so, since I must re-read the first two books first, but I want my copies, so that I can peek, haha :D I have seen no spoilers so far. And hoping it will continue until I can peek myself, lol. This week have been good and bad. I'm exhausted. But I have been able to do things too. I have read. And I have commented so so very much too. Still tons to go, but I have done a bunch. So yay for that. Also some new blog posts. I shared my third review of Grave Mercy. <3 This week I'm waiting on King of Scars :D Eee! And then my second review of Dark Triumph. <3 And my second review of Mortal Heart :D I'm exhausted, have no money, no room, but I'm happy. Haha. I love my books. <3 So I'm mostly doing okay. Just wishing I would stop being in pain all the time too. Hmph. Oh, well. I'm reading. Eee. And I'm so very thrilled about it :) It is the best.

Flashback. B&N special edition :D I had to have this one too, because of that awesome Fitz scene, eee.
The Raven Boys. Was missing 1 copy of this stunning UK paperback for my huge collection, haha. Love.
The Reckoning of Noah Shaw. UK paperback; because I had to have this one to complete my collection.
Wildcard Pre-Order Swag. Eee, thank you so so much for helping me get this Becky :D You are the best.
ARCs + Swag. Oh my gosh! AHH! Thank you so so much to GodofWax for trading all of this amazing with me :D I am so so very happy with all of it. Sigh. Archenemies ARC! The tote bag! The mask! All the pins! And three upcoming ARCs I have not yet read, and am super excited about :D Also Dreadful ARC to help with my awesome collection of books by Kelly. Eee. Thank you Becky for helping me get it all. <3 Hugs.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Look at all that mail. Lots of wonderful books and goodies. Glad you have been doing some great reading. :)


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