
Monday, December 24, 2018

Best Four Stars of 2018

Merry Christmas everyone :D Today is the day that we celebrate in Norway, and open our presents in the afternoon, at five. I'm so very excited about today. About eating turkey and presents and everything. Eee. Christmas is the best month. Today I was supposed to share a best re-reads of this year post. But I did not get to re-read a lot of amazing books. Which means my list would have had nine books only, which felt like too little. And so, instead, I'm doing a best four stars post instead, as I read a bunch of those this year :D And so many of them were pretty much perfect, and I very much want to share about all of them and which ones I loved the most. All these books were four stars for me, and read this year. They were all almost perfect to me, and I enjoyed reading them so very much. Have you read any of these? As of right now, I have not completed my goodreads challenge yet, of eighty books. Missing only a few, and hoping to finish by the end of the year. Wishing I had managed to read a hundred books this year too, but it was impossible with how badly my health has been. Sigh. But I still managed to read a lot, and a lot of good books as well. Best books of this year coming on the thirty first. So happy with all of these four star reads.

My Goodreads 2018 Challenge. My Goodreads 2018 Year in Books.

1. Contagion. This one was all kinds of creepy and thrilling. Cannot wait for the next book. Will be perfect.
2. Heart of Iron. Such an amazing sci-fi retelling. The romance almost killed me. Dying for book two, eee.
3. Onyx & Ivory. An amazing fantasy book with such great characters. I enjoyed this world a whole bunch.

4. Grim Lovelies. Gorgeously written with such a stunning story. Killed me a little, but also so very good.
5. Seafire. A thrilling pirate story that I adored a whole lot. But gosh, how I need a second book right now.
6. Fury. A pretty thrilling final book. Had almost everything that I wanted and was almost perfect. So good.

7. My Plain Jane. This historical retelling was all kinds of fun and amazing. Only wanted more romance.
8. The Disappearances. This surprised me by being all kinds of amazing. Plot was unique and so good.
9. Aftermath. A pretty heartbreaking story yet so very hopeful and good too. I adored these characters.

10. Spinning Silver. Parts of this was too long, but other parts were just amazing. Loved the characters.
11. White Stag. While not perfect, this book was still so entertaining and stunning and I liked it so much.
12. Archimancy. A thrilling middle grade ghost story that I enjoyed a whole bunch. The cutest characters.



  1. Merry Christmas!!!
    I've read quite a few of these and what I haven't read, I really want to

  2. I read Aftermath and Plain Jane, too. I liked the first Jane a bit better. Great list, Carina! :)


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