
Saturday, December 22, 2018

In My Mailbox #372

EEE! Christmas time :D Well, almost. <3 I'm so very excited about Christmas. Sigh. It's the best. Excited about turkey on Monday. And presents. And Christmas music and movies. And family time. Sigh. Hoping there will be snow coming too. Hmph. This week have been pretty crazy. Have barely had any time to do anything. Ack. This coming week will be even worse, with Christmas, haha. Oh, well. Hoping to get some reading done too. Crossing my fingers I will manage three more before January; so I meet my goal of 80 books this year. Ack. Hope I can do it :) I have already read more this month than I have done in aaages, haha. I did not get that much mail this week, haha. But that's totally okay :D Still very much in love with all that I did get. <3 Sigh. All so precious. I'm still working on catching up, but I am pretty much done with all the commenting, eee :D These past weeks I have commented on about six months of missed posts, lol. It took ages, but I have done it, and I'm so happy that I'm finally all caught up on something, haha :D A few blog posts too. <3 Shared the cover reveal for Aurora Rising :D Eee. So pretty. And the cover reveal for DEV1AT3 too :D Love. This week I'm waiting on Midnight Beauties. <3 Then I shared my review of Song for a Whale :) Which was the only book I read this week, ack. Re-reading Unearthed next, then Undying, and unsure which will be my last book of the year, haha :) But hoping I will manage to read them all this Christmas. <3 I got more medicine this Thursday, and I'm pretty exhausted. Sigh. But had a good week :)

Queen of Air and Darkness. Eee, my audiobook version is here. <3 And it is so very gorgeous. And huge.
Unearthed. Stunning US paperback edition is out :D And looks so very pretty. Re-reading this one next :D
Winnie the Pooh Plush. When I saw this in a store a few days ago, I had to have it. So very cute and soft.
Pop Figures. Eee, Ron and Hermione B&N specials :D Coraline and Pennywise special! Ahh :D Love. <3

The Deceivers. Thank you to the lovely publisher for approving my request to read this book early via Netgalley :D Eee. I adore this author. <3 A bit nervous about this book, as it is not an usual read for me, but hoping very much that I will love it so :D Wish I had a print ARC, but so happy to get to read it soon. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Hope you get the snow you are wanting. Enjoy your time with family. :)


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