
Saturday, July 25, 2020

In My Mailbox #455

This week have been good. So busy, but good. I am reading faster, finally. And loving my re-read of this series so much, eee. Finally on book five, which I had not read :D So excited. And a little bit of mail this week too :) Which I'm so happy about. Sigh. Love my books. But gosh, I really do not have room.. sobs. How rude. We have had rain for days, but now finally sunny and warmer again. So will be spending more time outside again, finally :) But also reading. And trying to do other things. Oops. But no time. No energy. Sigh. As always, hoping my health will get better. Anyway. A few new blog posts this week :) I shared my third review of The Ever Never Handbook. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Project :D Eee. I shared my second review of Quests for Glory :) I'm doing my best. Corona is still not big in Norway, and no cases in my town. So still safe. For now. I hope you are all staying well and safe. <3 I am happy to be okay so far.

The Lord of the Rings. Oh. When I saw this, I had to order it. Finally own big copies. Must read one day.
The Unready Queen. Finally got my copy of this gorgeous book, eee :D I love this series so very much.
Games. Eee! I have not had time to play yet, oops. But SO excited for these. Especially for Paper Mario :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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