
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Review: A Crystal of Time by Soman Chainani

So happy that I have finally been able to read this precious book for the first time. I was in a bad reading slump back when it came out. And was not able to make myself re-read the first books. And so I waited for the final one to be out too. Now I have finally read this too. It was so worth waiting for. Five stars for this perfect one.

There is much to say about this. I shall try to control myself, ha. I just loved it so much. And so glad to finally have read a new book in this most perfect series. We learn so many new things. Yet so much is still to come. I cannot wait to get started on the last book. Though I don't want this series to end. Wish there would be more.

As always, the writing is perfect. I never have issues connecting with these books by Soman. Or falling in love with his characters. Sigh. Or having my heart broken by all of them. Hmph. This book was so rude. And so perfect. I loved every moment of it. Though it was so full of pain at times. Though those moments may have been my favorite ones. There is still stunning artwork at the start of all chapters. And it is still beyond perfect. The artist for these books are the very best. And I love them all so very much. All the drawings fit so well with the story and the characters. It's amazing. I cannot get over how very much these books are. How much I love these characters. How much I adore reading about this world. And learning all of their struggles. I love it tons.

This book takes place right after the ending of book four. And takes place in less than two weeks. Which was all kinds of crazy and awesome. Agatha was the only one to escape from the new king, Rhian. While all her friends was taken to jail. With her prince sentenced to die. With her best friend being tricked into marrying a monster in two weeks. Agatha had to run. She had to find help to save them all. But oh gosh. This book was full of complications. And I loved every moment of it. So thrilling and exciting and evil too.

We get to read so much about Sophie in this book. And I loved that too. So very much. Agatha is still my favorite, always. But I grew to love Sophie even more in this one. She is so complicated. Evil at times. Yet good at heart too. Which is why I love her so much. Everyone always doubts her. With good reason, most often. But not in this one. In this book Sophie was doing good. I loved reading about her trying to save her friends. Reading about her choosing her friends over saving herself. Sophie grew up so much in this one.

There is very much going on in this story. Agatha on the run, trying to find a safe place. Ending up at the School for Good and Evil at the end. Planning rescues with the first years and teachers. Which I loved so very much, eee. Agatha is the best. Then there was all of her friends in the dungeons. Tedros got beaten up. Which was so sad to read about. I love that boy. The rest of them were not doing much better. But my gosh, how I love all of them. The coven. Hort. Nicola. Willam and Bogden. I adored those to pieces. Eee.

Then there was Sophie. Who we get to see so often. As she is living with Rhian at Tedros's castle. With Rhian taking over everything, remaking the whole castle to fit him. It was so heartbreaking to read about. And then there was Sophie. Being a captive in this castle. Hoping she would get free. Trying her best to trick them. Not really succeeding. But gosh, how I loved this girl. Sigh. She did so much in this book and I loved every moment of it. Love how much she has grown. Hope it will still be the same in book six, haha.

But it was not only Rhian she had to stay safe from. There was also the Snake, not actually dead like they all thought. And not actually an enemy. Since he turned out to be Japeth, twin brother of Rhian. The very much evil one of the two. I hated him beyond words. Gosh. He did so many bad things. He killed and hurt so many people. It was the worst. Yet he was written so well and was an awesome villain, ha. Though I'm dreading reading book six to find out what else he might end up doing. Shudders. A great villain, though.

There is just so much I could say about this book. It was so heartbreaking at times, but so very hopeful too. I loved the king of the gnomes and their world. I loved the Sheriff, though I hated him in the last book. Rude. I loved reading more about Dean Dovey and her crystal ball. About Agatha learning how to use it. So good and so dangerous too. There is so much going on in this book. And I loved every second of it. I shall not say much more. Just. Gosh. This story is so very good and I could not have loved it any more.

A Crystal of Time was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. The series is full of adventures and magic and the most perfectly flawed characters. I love them all to pieces. I cannot wait to know how it all ends next, finally. Okay, fine. I have peeked. But only at the very end. I know nothing more. Very excited. Eee. This series is truly the best. So exciting and painful and so real. Every heartbreak was worth it. I so loved all the twists and secrets. And I cannot wait to learn even more. You must read this series already.


  1. I read the whole series again but i was missing this book. i have the new one and have read this book before. I was wandering of someone could tell me more in detail how it ends. No where online will remind me lol. Thx!!

    1. Hi :) I'm sorry, I don't post spoilers online. And I have already forgotten all the details, haha. Only remember the important parts. Would recommend that you check out Goodreads reviews.


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