
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #85

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The second installment in the all-new series from the masterful, #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater!

Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after...

Hardcover, 416 pages
Expected publication: September 17th 2013 by Scholastic Press
Pre-Order here.

You cannot make me wait that long for this book. DYING to read it. Really, really dying. <3 I needs it! I just loved The Raven Boys so much, and lately I'm dying to re-read it. But I must wait. Until I have The Dream Thieves. <3 I cannot wait for it :D My favorite Maggie book is The Scorpio Races, which is one of the best books ever. But oh. The Raven Boys was almost just as good. Hoping this will be even better :D Dying to read more of Gansey. <3 Dreamy sigh. And Blue :) You know, Blue and Gansey.. Me need.
What are you waiting for? 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

In My Mailbox #82

Yeah. I haven't been able to read anything since I finished The 5th Wave almost 2 weeks ago. Although yesterday I did read two very, very short stories. Which were awesome. <3 Thing is, I want to read. I really do. I just feel that I don't have time anymore. After I got my kitten almost 5 weeks ago. After I moved upstairs 1 week ago. Still haven't unpacked. That will take forever. It's stressing me out a bit. But oh. I got three AMAZING print ARCs in the mail this week. Dying to read all three. Will start with These Broken Stars today, I hope :) Also got some amazing eARCs that I'm dying to read as well.
What did you get this week?

Reboot. Got a replacement, and this is pretty broken in the corners. Yet I love it so much. It's so good.
A Box of Gargoyles. I cannot wait to read this sequel! Loved book one. Hoping to read it really soon :)
The Ward. Won't read this for a long time. But glad it finally arrived :) It got missent to another land..
Impostor. Unsure if I will like this book, but I do kind of love the cover, so I just had to get it ;p
Shadowed Summer. I adore the author so much. So I just had to buy this really early book by her :)
The 5th Wave. Two different paperbacks. Amazing book. So perfect. These paperbacks are gorgeous!
These Broken Stars. Got this from the publisher :D Dying to read it. <3 So happy! Thank you :D
Alienated. Got this too from the same publisher :D It looks awesome! Thank you so much. <3
Monsters. Omg. Got this from publisher :D DYING to read it. SO excited! Thank you thank you. <33
Enchanted. I did love this book a lot when I read it ages ago. Gorgeous paperback. Dying for book two.
Unravelling. Had to own the UK paperback. <3 Getting the UK paperback of book two too :) Pretty.
Hopeless. Heh. I just needed to buy this book. I had to. Seen lots of people who loved it. Hope I do :)
Shadow and Bone. Got a damaged copy last week :( Was lucky enough to get a new one. <3 Perfect!
Code Name Verity. Gave this a four star, it was awesome. I needed this new paperback. It's gorgeous.
Wreck-It Ralph. Hiih, I didn't own this car yet in this special edition thing here in Norway :D Pretty.
The Memory of After aka Level 2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous bookmarks. <3 Thank you Lenore :D
Snow White & The Huntsman. Did not own the DVD/Blu-ray in Norwegian yet (A) Kind of loved it.

Rose Under Fire. Yeah. I cannot wait to read this one :D Wish there was romance.. but still excited :)
Secret for a Song - Mortality. A bit unsure about these. But oh. They looked really pretty :D Hih (A)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


Did you enter my INTERNATIONAL birthday giveaway yet? It ends in 8 days. One winner, who will get to choose between my all time favorite books. You all want to win that :D Enter HERE.


I was also a part of the Of Triton blog tour yesterday, where Anna Banks shared an amazing recipe and there is an awesome US/Canada giveaway via Macmillan :D Go enter that one HERE.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mini Review: Mal's Letter & The Tailor by Leigh Bardugo

I'm not really sure if this counts as a review. Since Mal's Letter is really short, and The Tailor is also just a few pages. But oh. They were perfect and I need to talk a bit about them both. Won't be too long, since they are really short. But amazing. You should also know that I really adore Leigh. She's amazing, and she's written these perfect books. And of course Mal. Swoon. I just love all of it.

First there is Mal's Letter, which you can find in the new Shadow and Bone paperback. As you can probably guess it's told from Mal's point of view. Which I loved so much. I just wish it had been even longer, because I love Mal so much, and it was amazing to read from him. Even though it's only a letter that he wrote to Alina. And yet it is amazing. We get to see a bit more into his head, which I loved. We get to know more about his journey to finding the Morozova's stag. It was interesting and awesome to read about.

There isn't really that much else in this short story. Wanted even more. But I'm so happy with what I did get. Because it's perfect. Mal is perfect. Just, sigh. I'm now dying even more for book three, Ruin and Rising. <3 Since I've already read and loved Siege and Storm. So good. Need to re-read it soon. My favorite character in these books are of course Mal. He's just amazing. And I loved getting to read more about him. I also love his relationship with Alina. Before when they were children, and now. It's just so amazing. Loved every part of it. I just need to read more of Mal and Alina together. Need it :)

The Tailor is told from Genya's point of view. I still don't know how I feel about her. She's done t at the end of Siege and Storm.. sobs. Yeah. I kind of loved her then. I need more of her in Ruin and Rising. I do feel sorry for her. But while reading this short story I also felt hate for her. Because she did something awful, at least to me, and I'm not sure I can ever forgive her for it. It was just cruel. Sniffs. But I do still like her. Sort of. I'm confused.

I enjoyed reading The Tailor. There is this spoiler from Shadow and Bone, though. Remember the letters Alina wrote to Mal? Yeah. We find out what happens to those. Sobs. That just broke my heart. I hadn't actually given it much thought while reading the book. But now I can't help it, and it's breaking my heart a bit. It's really sad. Sobs.

Anyway. I did enjoy reading from Genya's point of view. She's kind of awesome. We also see a bit more of the Darkling in this short story. I still don't like him. But yeah. He is interesting. We learn a bit more about Genya and her relationship with the Queen. And some more things about the King. Ugh. Mostly I just loved reading more from the Grisha world. And reading something written by Leigh. I loved both these short stories. And you all need to read them if you have read Shadow and Bone. <3 I cannot wait to read her next short story, The Too-Clever Fox. Not the same characters, but still :) I'm really dying to read it. I think it will be amazing, just like everything else.

Of Triton Blog Tour: Guest Post with Anna Banks + Giveaway

Today I'm a part of the Of Triton blog tour hosted by Macmillan. So excited about it! Because I adored Anna's books, Of Poseidon and Of Triton. I cannot wait for you all to read this awesome sequel. My tour post is a guest post with Anna, which is a recipe to Galen's heart :) I think it's amazing. Thank you Anna! And thanks to Macmillan Kids there is also an US/Canada giveaway at the end of the post, where you can win one paperback copy of Of Poseidon, one hardcover of Of Triton and one Of Poseidon bookmark. Which is an amazing prize that you should all want to win. Will you try out the recipe? :)

A Recipe for Galen

Humans have this adage that goes something like this: “The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean that guys want you to blow affectionate raspberries into their belly button (who knew, right?).  

It means that guys like food. I know. It seems too easy. But guys are simple creatures. Even Syrena guys.

So here is a recipe for Salmon Broccoli Soup.  Trust me, it will wow Galen. It’s something that Rachel whipped up for him one day, and he loved it. (Of course, you’ll have to find some way to get Galen to your house. I suggest promising you’ll babysit Rayna for a solid week if he will come over for dinner. But that’s just me.)


1 can (15 ½ oz) of boneless skinless salmon
1 pkg (10 oz) frozen broccoli florets
2/3 cup chopped onion
3 tbs butter
3 tbs flour
2 cups half and half
3 cups milk
2 chicken bouillon cubes
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp thyme
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper


Drain salmon, reserving liquid in a separate bowl.
Break salmon into small chunks with a fork.
Cook broccoli to package directions. Drain, then chop broccoli to fine bits.
Sauté onions in butter.
Blend in flour, reserved salmon liquid, half and half and milk, stirring and cooking until thickened and smooth.
Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot soup.
Add salmon chunks, broccoli bits, and seasonings.
Stir well, and heat through.

Humans will love this recipe with a fresh loaf of Italian bread. The bread will go untouched on Galen’s plate though.


Where to find Anna Banks:
Website - Twitter - Facebook

Of Triton:
Website - Goodreads - My Review

Where to pre-order Of Triton:
Amazon - The Book Depository - Barnes & Noble

Other amazing things that you must check out:

- Anna Banks will be on tour in June as part of the Fierce Reads Tour. Get all the info/dates:
- Of Triton is featured in our Spring 2013 Fierce Reads Book Trailer:
- Pre-order Of Triton  and Anna Banks will send you bonus content! Details:
- Become a fan of Fierce Reads on Facebook!

Of Triton Blog Tour Schedule

Monday 5/13

Tuesday 5/14

Wednesday 5/15

Thursday 5/16

Friday 5/17

Monday 5/20

Tuesday 5/21

Wednesday 5/22

Thursday 5/23

Friday 5/24

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #84

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.

The first in a sweeping science fiction trilogy, These Broken Stars is a timeless love story about hope and survival in the face of unthinkable odds.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: December 10th 2013 by Disney Hyperion
Pre-Order here.

I think this book sounds amazing. And the cover is just so gorgeous. Really hope it's an amazing book :D I had this scheduled for weeks, and they yesterday, Tuesday, I actually got an ARC of it :D So I don't have to wait so long before I get to read it. So, so excited. I cannot wait, because it sounds perfect.
What are you waiting for?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

In My Mailbox #81

I did get a few awesome books this week. Just things I have pre-ordered myself, though :) Still waiting for so much, sigh. Hoping it will arrive soon. Anyway. I haven't read anything since reading The 5th Wave many days ago. I just haven't had time. Been really sick, still am, and I'm working on moving myself upstairs since they are finally finished building :) Will sleep upstairs tonight. But oh. It will take forever to unpack my boxes and sort all my books. Will share pictures after that, which might take a few weeks. But will share when I'm done with it all :) What did you get this week?

Signed Clockwork Princess. Finally got this. <3 My original one got lost :( luckily I got a new one. <3
The Croods 4x. Hiiih. A few more The Croods books that I did not own. They are adorable, tbh.
Bookmarks. Got these from the author, Christine. <3 She's pretty amazing. Also, they are pretty :)
The 5th Wave. Sigh, a gorgeous hardcover edition of a perfect book. I loved it so, so much. So pretty.
Doll Bones. This book was pretty good, not perfect, but I did love it. The cover is so gorgeous.
Mystic. Heh. I haven't even started this series yet. Plus side, I now own all three books :) Pretty.
The Cabinet of Earths. Gorgeous paperback. Loved the book. Still waiting for the sequel, though..
Reboot. Oh, this book was just so perfect. Love this hardcover, although it is damaged a bit :\ Sigh.
Shadow and Bone paperback. Oh, it's so perfect. <3 I need to read the bonus letter! Keep forgetting (A)
Arise paperback. Yeah. I just had to get the US paperback :) It's really, really pretty, though. Loved.
Wither. I just had to buy a second copy of this UK paperback. Hih. Cause it was on sale of book depo :)

Angry Birds. Hih :D I just needed them. <3 Have quite many :) These are just so cute.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Did you enter my International giveaway? One winner will win one book of choice from my favorites list. Enter here:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cover Reveal: Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff

Sharing the US and the UK cover today. And oh. They are both amazing! Most happy with the US one, though :) It's just perfect. Creepy. Scary. Awesome. Bad-ass. Jay Kristoff gets the best covers. And it fits so well with the one for Stormdancer as well. Sigh. I just love it so much. Stormdancer was an amazing book, and I'm just dying to read Kinslayer :) I cannot wait. Wish it was out already ;p It's just. Yukiko looks so amazing! So fierce. I love her. And Buruu! Ahh. I cannot wait. Also need more of Kin. <3 First I share the US cover. Then the UK one below. Let me know what you think of them both :D

The mad Shōgun Yoritomo has been assassinated by the Stormdancer Yukiko, and the threat of civil war looms over the Shima Imperium. The Lotus Guild conspires to renew the nation’s broken dynasty and crush the growing rebellion simultaneously – by endorsing a new Shōgun who desires nothing more than to see Yukiko dead.

Yukiko and the mighty thunder tiger Buruu have been cast in the role of heroes by the Kagé rebellion. But Yukiko herself is blinded by rage over her father’s death, and her ability to hear the thoughts of beasts is swelling beyond her power to control. Along with Buruu, Yukiko’s anchor is Kin, the rebel Guildsman who helped her escape from Yoritomo’s clutches. But Kin has his own secrets, and is haunted by visions of a future he’d rather die than see realized.

Kagé assassins lurk within the Shōgun’s palace, plotting to end the new dynasty before it begins. A waif from Kigen’s gutters begins a friendship that could undo the entire empire. A new enemy gathers its strength, readying to push the fracturing Shima imperium into a war it cannot hope to survive. And across raging oceans, amongst islands of black glass, Yukiko and Buruu will face foes no katana or talon can defeat. The ghosts of a blood-stained past.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #83

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Mac can’t lose another friend. Even if he doesn’t want to be found.

The ripple effect caused by Mac’s best friend Amy’s murder has driven Mac’s new love, Kyle, to leave Hemlock and disappear from her life forever. But Mac knows that Kyle plans to enroll in a rehabilitation camp, where he can live with other werewolves. She refuses to accept his decision, especially since the camps are rumored to be tortuous. So she sets out in search of Kyle with a barely sober Jason—and Amy’s all-seeing ghost—in tow.

Clues lead Mac to find Kyle in a werewolf den in Colorado—but their reunion is cut short by a Tracker raid. Now Mac and Kyle are trapped inside the electric fences of Thornhill, a camp for young werewolves. As she devises an escape plan, Mac uncovers dangerous secrets buried within the walls of Thornhill—and realizes that the risk to the people she loves is greater than ever before.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: September 10th 2013 by Katherine Tegen Books
Pre-Order here.

I'm so excited for this. I loved the first one; Hemlock, very much. And I just need more :) The world is so amazing, as is the characters and the writing. Cannot wait to read more about Mac and Kyle :D Just, please, let her be with Kyle and not Jason.. I'm not a fan of Jason as a love interesting ;p Hih.
What are you waiting for?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Review: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

I just couldn't wait for my hardcover to arrive. So I had to read it on my iPad. Which I do not regret, because this book was amazing. And it was worth the few short months I had to wait for it. Now I'm just going to go die for a bit while I wait for the sequel coming out in August 2014 :) I've heard people not liking the cover. I don't get it. Because I think this cover is stunning.

I loved this book from the very beginning. And it's an amazing beginning. The book is sort of told from four point of views, but mostly by Cassie. I liked that. Although most of the time I just wanted the writing to get back to Cassie and Evan, hih. Yeah. The writing in this book is amazing. Truly amazing. Didn't find any faults with it, and I loved that. I really enjoyed it.

I'm not going to recap the plot and summary. Because I'm not like that. Just going to mention a few things about the story, just not too much, because I don't want to spoil any of the important big things. The 5th Wave is about an alien invasion. For the most part. There is this huge ship up in the sky, and ten days after they have all spotted it, the first wave happens. All power is out. Everything. Then the second and third and fourth wave. They were all pretty awful. and most of the billions of people died.

I loved the story in this book. I really, really loved it. It's pretty awful and amazing at the same time. It's seemed real. Which I loved even more. It creeped me out. It made me smile, which was kind of weird. Yet it was all so perfect. The book starts after the fourth wave, but we also get glimpses into the past about everything that happened. Before the waves. After the first and second and third. I loved those glimpses. They were amazing, and we got to know lots of important things. Sigh. It was all perfect.

The beginning of this book is told from the point of view of Cassie. A sixteen year old girl. And she's all alone. We learn the whys of that too. Which was all kinds of heartbreak, yet I loved every moment of it. Cassie is an amazing main character. She's strong and kind and so protective of her little brother Sammy. Sniffs. I just loved reading about her, and I also kind of wish the entire book had been from her point of view, but also not, because I loved reading from all the other characters too. Hmm. Mostly :)

There is a small part told from the point of view of a hunter. Kind of creepy, but I also loved it. We also see a bit told from the point of view of five year old Sammy. I loved that. But it also broke my heart, because it was awful to read. Then almost most of the book is told from the point of view of Zombie. Who's kind of a big deal to Cassie, kind of. Before the alien invasion. I did enjoy reading from him. Kind of. Still unsure if I like him or not. But he was very interesting, I suppose. So I did like him a tiny bit.

There is also this character named Evan. Who I loved reading about so much. There is some romance between him and Cassie. Which I loved. It might happen a bit fast, yet I wanted it to happen even faster. Because they are perfect together. Sigh. And the world is ending, lol. I loved Evan. He's sweet and caring and all kinds of awesome. Okay, he's keeping a few secrets. But I didn't blame him for that, and it kind of made me think he was even more badass and awesome. I just couldn't help loving him.

There is just so many characters in this book. We see Cassie's family a bit, and they were awesome, but also; heartbreak. Then there are the Others. We don't see too much of them, and I'm so curious. But I loved what we saw. Even though it was mostly awful. Loved it. There is also this Camp Haven. Not saying anything about it. But there are so many kids there.. And we get to know many of them. Kind of forgetting the names, but I loved reading about them all. Sigh. Especially Nugget and Zombie together.

There is just so much happening in this book. And yet not enough. I did not want it to end. And I just need the sequel right away. There is a lot of action and heartbreak and a bit of romance. I loved every moment. I just could not stop reading it, and I didn't want to. I'm not sure how I felt about the ending. Heartbroken. But I will hope. I must hope. I just cannot wait to see what happens in the sequel. Didn't talk too much about the plot, because it's so amazing, and you all need to read it yourself to see that.

I'm so glad I read The 5th Wave. Although the waiting for book two might kill me. I'm not sure if I can call the ending a cliffhanger. But to me personally it was one. I need to know what happened. To Evan. Yeah. I need to know. The ending kind of killed me. But it's also a good ending. Sort of. I just cannot wait to read book two and three. Hoping they will be just as epic as this one was. If you are nervous about reading this, don't be. Because The 5th Wave is amazing and you all need to read it. Truly.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cover Reveal: Allegiant by Veronica Roth

In case you missed the cover reveal for Allegiant a few days ago, I'm also sharing it here on my blog :D I think it look pretty amazing. I think Divergent will always be my favorite, but I do love this one. I actually love the cover too, hih. And the water looks pretty amazing. Sigh. I just adore it. Want to read it right away, though :) I will be re-reading Divergent and Insurgent very, very soon. I can't believe I've only read Insurgent once.. a year ago. So yeah. I'm super excited to read them again, especially since I love Divergent so much. Sigh. Also. Don't you just love this cover? I do. Wish it was October 22nd.

One choice will define you.

What if your whole world was a lie?
What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything?
What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?

The explosive conclusion to Veronica Roth’s #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.

My Book Recommendation of Divergent. My review of Insurgent. My review of Free Four.

In My Mailbox #80

I did get some of my missing pre-orders this week :) But not all of them. Sigh. I'm thinking of reading The 5th Wave on my iPad today, since I haven't gotten my hardcover yet, and I really really want to read it. Hmm. Yeah. I think I must do that :) Life with my kitten is going well. Except for the fact that they still aren't finished with building my apartment upstairs. Slowest, stupidest workers ever. Sigh. Still. I'm hoping they are finished soon, because I really want to sort all my books and stuff ;p Hih. Can't wait!
What did you get this week?

The Croods. I just have to have every different book edition of this amazing movie. Love it. Sigh.
The Program. I was worried about this because of reviews. Then peeked at ending. Not so worried :)
The Savage Blue. I do not understand why I bought this :( I wasted my money. I didn't like the first one.. And now having peeked at the ending for this sequel I remembered why. Gah. Should not have bought.
Sweet Peril. I can finally start this series, I think :) Happy with the ending, so I can't wait to read them.
Canon. Got a blitz (?) for my Canon EOS 550D in a birthday present :D I love it. It's pretty awesome.
Gullstruck Island & Verdigris Deep. I just had to buy these two, since I loved a book by this author :)
Hero's Guide 1 & 2. Gorgeous hardcover and paperback. Cannot wait to read book two :) Loved 1.
The End Games. I am excited about this book, although I failed to read my eARC.. Can't wait to read it.
If I Should Die. I might never read this series. But maybe someday. Still, the book is really pretty :)
Lyra's Oxford. Yeah. I need to read this short story soon. I just adore Lyra. But oh.. No Will :( Sobs.
My Blue Nose Friends. Heh. I'm obsessed with these plushes. And new versions of them :D Adorable.
Signed Going Vintage Bookmark. Won this bookmark and swag from Word Spelunking :) Adore.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Review: Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris

I cannot believe I've waited almost a whole year for this book. Ever since I first read Unraveling back in May last year. It was worth the wait. Unbreakable is an amazing book. Although there was one thing that made me sad, yet I found the plot and just everything to be so amazing. I'm just so glad I read the short story Undone first, and you all need to do that. It's amazing.

I really love Elizabeth's writing. I think her books are written really well, and I enjoyed reading this book because of that. I also think she has an amazing imagination. Because the story in these books are just so amazing and unique and I loved it so much. The characters are also perfect. They didn't do stupid things to make me dislike them. I actually loved all of them.

I do not think it will be possible for me to talk about this book without spoiling the first one. Just so you know. Unbreakable it told from Janelle's point of view, like book one. And although I may have wanted more from Ben, I'm happy that we got to hear from just Janelle. Because she is an amazing main character. She's kind and strong and so brave. She's pretty bad-ass in this book. But she's also honest about it. Meaning she does not like hurting people and other things.. And I loved that about her. She's still her, even when so many things have changed. She may not agree, but still. That is the way I see her :)

This book starts four months after Unraveling ended. Four months after Ben left to go back to his own universe and his family. Four months since Alex died. Sobs. And four months since the world almost ended and changed so much. I loved getting to see how things were right now. How much the world had changed after the first book. How many people were dead or missing. It was heartbreaking. But I also loved it, because it seemed so real, and I can't help but think it might actually happen to us someday.

We see a bit more about Jared and Struz. I still love them both like crazy. They are just amazing. Not in this book that much, but enough to make me love them even more. We also see more about Janelle's friend Cecily. I enjoyed reading about her. She's sweet and kind and she's always helping people. An amazing character. Things aren't going all too well in their universe right now. People are going missing. Lots of people. And they can't figure out why or how it happens. And that's when Barclay shows up.

I'm still not sure how I feel about him. I read that someone said they loved him more than Ben. Made me a bit sad, because I can't imagine loving anyone in these books more than Ben. But I did think  that Barclay was awesome. He's in this book a lot. He is not a love interest, thank god. There is no triangle in this book. Anyway. He's pretty awesome. He's very.. strong, I suppose. He does a lot of stuff. Some bad, some good. We get to learn more about him. And I did enjoy reading about him in this book.

Unraveling takes place in seven days. I'm not going to talk too much about the plot. But it's mostly about Janelle and Barclay trying to find however is doing the kidnapping of the missing people. There is a lot of action and excitement. There is a lot of everything. Well, okay, there isn't enough romance. And that made me so sad. Because Ben isn't in this book very much. Sniffs. But I loved when he did get there. And there is a little bit of romance, and it's just so sweet. I just love them both so much. Sigh. <3

While there is little of Ben in this book we still sort of get enough about him. He's just so amazing. There was one scene that kind of broke my heart, because there are human doubles in this book. In the different universes. And it broke me. Sigh. But it was still kind of awesome. Anyway. Ben is amazing. He's sweet and all kinds of awesome. He's very protective. And I love that about him. I also loved reading about Elijah. I think he too is pretty amazing. But oh. Ben is just perfect. Loved him so much.

I don't know what else to say about this book. Unbreakable was an amazing sequel. Full of heartbreak and action and some romance. There is so much happening all the time. I loved it. There are lots of new characters, and I hated some of them. There are mysteries. And yeah. I loved every moment of this book. We learn more about the other universes, yet not enough. I just want more and more. But anyway. This is an amazing book and I loved it very much. Loved seeing more of Janelle and Ben.

I want a sequel to Unbreakable. There don't need to be, because I'm not sure what the danger would be, but I want to know what happens next to all the characters. Like Janelle's mother. What did happen to her? I want to know. And Ben. I need so much more of Ben. Would be so happy with just a small short story from the future told by Ben. <3 Or Janelle. Either would be perfect. Would also just love a sequel that focus on rebuilding their broken world. I want that a lot. Sigh. I just want everything and more :)

I'm giving this a five star. Despite being sad about so little Ben. Because Janelle was amazing, and I could not stop reading this book. I found everything to be exciting and I just loved it a lot. Not sure if I loved it more than the first book, because of lack of Ben. But the action and the fast pace was a lot better in this book, and I'm so glad I read it. When there was no Ben, I felt like maybe a four point five. But no. A five star it is, because I did love the book. You really need to read Unbreakable right away.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mini Review: Undone by Elizabeth Norris

Undone is a must read before you read Unbreakable. And I'm really glad I did so. This is a short story told from Ben's point of view, and it's in three parts. We get to see a bit about Ben's life before he saved Janelle. Then when he saves her. And then after he left her at the end of Unraveling. That was the best and worst part. It's an amazing novella; I loved it very much.

I just loved reading from Ben's point of view. And I want more. Although I'm pretty sure that all of Unbreakable is from Janelle's point of view, but I still hope. It was just amazing getting into his head and seeing some things from his eyes. And yeah. It made me fall even more in love with him, because Ben is all kinds of amazing. He's just so kind and protective and strong.

The first story is a few chapters of Ben's life when he stepped through the portal at age ten. It was pretty awesome to read about. Not that much about it, but it was enough. Then the second part is about when they open another portal that ends up bringing a car that crashes into Janelle. And we see how Ben saves her. Yeah. That was pretty amazing. Not too long either, but I loved it. Then the third part. It's longer, and it's when Ben and Elijah have left Janelle. We see them get back into their own universe.

And it's hard. Life is not the way Ben and Elijah always expected. They aren't happy there. And oh. It kind of broke my heart, all the things we learned. About Ben's family. And Elijah's father. And everything that happened in the seven years they were gone. Yet I also loved it. I loved that Ben and Elijah weren't happy there. But oh. Something awful happens. And the ending of this short story broke my heart so much. Really, truly heartbreaking. Yet awesome. And I kind of really loved it. Sigh. I'm weird like that.

This is an amazing novella. Undone is perfect. And you all need to read it if you have read the first book, Unraveling, and if you are planning on reading Unbreakable. Because it's awesome. And Ben is amazing and just sigh. This was perfect. And I'm so glad I read it. Will now be reading Unbreakable, and I cannot wait. <3 Yet I'm a bit worried, because I've read somewhere that there is much less Ben. And that kind of breaks my heart. And yet I cannot wait, because I know it will be so amazing. <3

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Book Recommendation: Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris

It's been one year since I first read this book. And with the sequel coming out, I knew I had to re-read it. And I'm so glad that I did. Because I seem to have forgotten a bunch of things. Like how much I loved it. I remember loving it a lot, but yeah. It was even better now, I think. Unraveling is just such an amazing book, and I loved every part of it. Maybe except for the ending. It's a cliffhanger, and it's evil. Full of heartbreak. Yet it's also amazing, and I'm so glad that I'm finally going to be able to read the sequel.

I don't really know how I will talk about this book. What to talk about. Because I don't want to spoil anything. Because despite having read it a year before I still got surprised while reading it again now. I enjoyed the writing in this book really well, and I'm glad about that. There were maybe a few words at times that I didn't enjoy, but there weren't many, and I didn't really care about that at all. Because it is an amazing book. The writing is so good, the characters are amazing. And the story is really perfect.

The book is told from the point of view of seventeen year old Janelle. She lives with her younger brother and her mom and dad. Her mom is sick, though, and I kind of hated her, because of all the things Janelle had to do. Her dad works for the FBI, and there is a lot of drama because of that. Yet I loved it. I loved his work, because we get to see so much of it. Yeah, some things were pretty awful to read about, yet I loved it all so much. And I kind of loved her dad as well. He was kind of amazing, to be honest.

There are lots of characters in this book. This guy who works with her dad, Struz, was all kinds of awesome. Yeah, a bit weird at times, but I loved him. Thought he was awesome. Not sure how I felt about Barclay. People are loving him in book two.. hmm, we'll see. I did not like Kate, Janelle's ex-best friend. I guess I was supposed to understand her near the end. But I didn't. And I do not approve of her, to be honest. Then there was Nick, her kind-of-boyfriend at first. He was okay. I think. Maybe not.

Then there is Ben. He's sort of the second main character, even though there is no point of view from him. But we get to know him so well, and most of the plot is about him. I just loved Ben so much. He's adorable. And I loves Janelle so much. And he has for many years. Swoon. Yeah. I just really loved him. He's kind and loving and sweet and loyal. I even enjoyed reading about his friends, Elijah and Reid. Mostly just Elijah, even though he was kind of an asshole at times. I need to get to know him better.

There is romance in this book. And it's amazing. It's a bit weird at first, since Janelle is kind of dating Nick. But yeah. I didn't actually mind that much. Because Janelle and Ben happens. And their love for each other is just amazing. It might have happened a bit fast, but I didn't mind one bit, because it was really real to me right from the beginning. Just, sniffs. The ending of this book. Sobs. I need so much more of Janelle and Ben together. Hopes for book two. I cannot wait to read more from them both.

Then there is the plot in this book. I don't really know how to describe it, to be honest. At first there is this normal world like ours. But it's also a bit science fiction, because things changes. We get to know more about Ben and his friends, because they are different from others. They didn't come from the same universe. And yeah. All that was pretty amazing to read about. Thought the plot was really great, and I loved reading about it so much. There are tons of surprises, mysteries and romance. It's awesome.

I forgot to mention this amazing character. Alex. Janelle's best friend who's a guy yet there is no romance between them at all. Their friendship was the best. It's sweet and honest and real. I loved them both so much. And Alex is just amazing. He's a real friend and I, yeah, loved him. There is just many characters to get to know in this book. I loved most of them. But they are all pretty mysterious and they all have secrets. I loved that. And I loved working it all out. It was fun and all kinds of awesome.

I don't know what else to say about this book, to be honest. Just that it's kind of long and I wish it had been longer. It's really amazing. And I loved every moment of this book. Maybe except for that evil ending, hih. The story is just really great, and I couldn't help but love it. Even the evil parts. I cannot wait to read what happens next in the sequel, even though I have peaked at the ending, lol (A) Will now read the short story from Ben's point of view. Sigh. Anyway. Go read this book! It's so worth it.

A quote I love.

I smile, and that's all it takes. He leans forward and our lips touch, and it's like his lips were made to fit around mine. His arms tighten around me, and I reach up to the back of his neck and pull him into me. Our lips part, our tongues touch, and I taste him until a sigh escapes with my breath. Ben pulls back just a fraction of an inch so our foreheads are touching, and his lips smile against mine. "This was perfect," I whisper. He closes his eyes, and his voice is quiet, like the words are simply being exhaled.
"It was better than perfect."

Waiting on Wednesday #82

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

While flying an Allied fighter plane from Paris to England, American ATA pilot and amateur poet, Rose Justice, is captured by the Nazis and sent to Ravensbrück, the notorious women's concentration camp. Trapped in horrific circumstances, Rose finds hope in the impossible through the loyalty, bravery and friendship of her fellow prisoners. But will that be enough to endure the fate that’s in store for her?

Elizabeth Wein, author of the critically-acclaimed and best-selling Code Name Verity, delivers another stunning WWII thriller. The unforgettable story of Rose Justice is forged from heart-wrenching courage, resolve, and the slim, bright chance of survival.

Hardcover, 304 pages
Expected publication: September 10th 2013 by Disney-Hyperion
Pre-Order here.

While Code Name Verity wasn't the best book I have read, I still loved it a lot. And I cannot wait to read this one. Seems to be about the same world, just different characters. And it sounds AMAZING! <3
What are you waiting for?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Review: Of Triton by Anna Banks

I can't believe I put off reading this book for so many months. Because Of Triton was amazing. I loved it more than I loved Of Poseidon. While I had a few small issues, they weren't big, and I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I wish it had been much longer, though. Because it's exciting and fun and sweet.
I did not want it to end. You all really need to read this book.

I want to begin with talking about the cover. The cover of Of Triton is gorgeous! Really, really gorgeous. I love it so much. First, the colors. I just adore this color blue. And Galen and Emma.. So damn pretty. It's just hot but also sweet. I love it a whole lot. The cover for Of Poseidon is pretty amazing too :)
I love that both books have gorgeous covers that fit the story.

I cannot write this review without spoiling book one, Of Poseidon. So do not read more of my review if you haven't read it. Anyway. This book starts right where the first one ended. And I'm happy about that. I won't talk too much about the plot, because this book is pretty short, just about two hundred and fifty pages. This book is also told from Galen and Emma's point of view. Loved them both. Still prefer Galen a tiny bit more than Emma, hih. He's just really amazing. Anyway. I still enjoy the writing a lot :)

We learn so many things in this book. A lot of things about Emma, which I loved. We also learn a whole lot about her mother and Grom. Not sure if I liked it. Emma didn't. I did find her to be tiny bit childish about it all, but I didn't really blame her, because I understood why she felt that way. But anyway. I did enjoy reading about Nalia and Grom. For the most part. Because Grom is an amazing character, and I loved him. Still unsure about how I feel about Nalia. I'm not sure I approve of her very much at all.

Then there is the romance between Emma and Galen. I still love it so much. Like always, I wish there had been a tiny bit more. But not much, because there is a lot of romance in this book and it's amazing. I, at least, loved it. They are just so cute together. And I love how Galen is with her. Just wish Emma could trust Galen a bit more. That part made me a bit sad. But I can't really blame her. I think. Still. They are both really amazing characters and I loved them so much. Galen is just all kinds of amazing.

We also see more of Rachel, who I still love. She's just so kind and awesome. Then there is Toraf and Rayna. I still adore Rayna, although she is a bit tough at times. And for the most part I adored Toraf. But he also did one thing that I hated.. something that hurt Galen. Sniffs. Still. He is amazing, and I couldn't help but enjoy reading about him. There is just so many characters in this book. Old ones that I loved a whole lot. But also many new Syrena people that I hated with a passion. Loved every moment.

There is a lot of Syrena politics in this book. I enjoyed that very much. I loved reading some parts about the Half-Breeds. I loved reading about the Gift of Poseidon, and the mysterious Gift of Triton. I really hope there is more of that in the next book :) I'm not sure what else to say about this book, to be honest. So I'm just not going to. Of Triton is an amazing book. It's full of sweetness and excitement. It's fun and a bit scary. I loved it a whole lot. But yeah. I had a few issues, hence the four star rating.

But for the most part I loved this book. Loved reading more about Galen and Emma and just everyone. I loved reading about the Syrena so much, and most of the time I just wish they would all stay under water. Hih. I wish Emma wasn't so set about going to college.. Sigh. Hoping she will change her mind. But oh. This book really is amazing, and now I'm dying for book three, Of Neptune. There is not an evil cliffhanger, thank god. But it is an ending that left me wanting much more. So excited for book three :)

Thank you so much to Macmillan's Children's Publishing and Ksenia for the print ARC copy of Of Triton. <3 I'm so happy that I was able to read and review it early :) Even though I waited a bit to read it (A)