
Saturday, May 18, 2013

In My Mailbox #81

I did get a few awesome books this week. Just things I have pre-ordered myself, though :) Still waiting for so much, sigh. Hoping it will arrive soon. Anyway. I haven't read anything since reading The 5th Wave many days ago. I just haven't had time. Been really sick, still am, and I'm working on moving myself upstairs since they are finally finished building :) Will sleep upstairs tonight. But oh. It will take forever to unpack my boxes and sort all my books. Will share pictures after that, which might take a few weeks. But will share when I'm done with it all :) What did you get this week?

Signed Clockwork Princess. Finally got this. <3 My original one got lost :( luckily I got a new one. <3
The Croods 4x. Hiiih. A few more The Croods books that I did not own. They are adorable, tbh.
Bookmarks. Got these from the author, Christine. <3 She's pretty amazing. Also, they are pretty :)
The 5th Wave. Sigh, a gorgeous hardcover edition of a perfect book. I loved it so, so much. So pretty.
Doll Bones. This book was pretty good, not perfect, but I did love it. The cover is so gorgeous.
Mystic. Heh. I haven't even started this series yet. Plus side, I now own all three books :) Pretty.
The Cabinet of Earths. Gorgeous paperback. Loved the book. Still waiting for the sequel, though..
Reboot. Oh, this book was just so perfect. Love this hardcover, although it is damaged a bit :\ Sigh.
Shadow and Bone paperback. Oh, it's so perfect. <3 I need to read the bonus letter! Keep forgetting (A)
Arise paperback. Yeah. I just had to get the US paperback :) It's really, really pretty, though. Loved.
Wither. I just had to buy a second copy of this UK paperback. Hih. Cause it was on sale of book depo :)

Angry Birds. Hih :D I just needed them. <3 Have quite many :) These are just so cute.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Did you enter my International giveaway? One winner will win one book of choice from my favorites list. Enter here:


  1. Ohhh, I love your Croods books :D I can't wait to watch the movie! And Doll bones has such a creepy cover.

    Enjoy your mailbox and get well soon! :)

  2. Ooh, I'm so jealous, Carina! I really need to get myself a copy of the US paperback of S & B with the bonus content. I NEED Mal's letter. <3 Lovely haul!

  3. awesome IMM as usual Carina! I need to get a copy of Shadow & Bone. The one I had was lost by someone so now I don't have one :(.. ooh and I want to read Reboot! awesome angry birds! I would love to snuggle with one :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Sorry to hear that you're feeling sick-that's such an awful feeling and I know how it can just drain you. Hope you'll get a chance to do some more reading this week!

  5. Wow, TWO copies of Shadow and Bone! I might have to do the same - I have an ARC, a signed hardcover, and hopefully, a paperback copy! My blog's name is featured in there, so I MUST get a paperback copy :D

    Anyway. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well! I know you've been up and down with sickness, but I know you'll get better! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. I read Wither not too long ago, I really liked it the whole plot was pretty cool. Although with the ending I'm not too sure what could possibly happen in the second book but we'll have to see! I hope you enjoy everything!

    My IMM

  7. Yay! So happy you got your signed copy :-) I'm about to be done with Reboot and I've really enjoyed it.

    I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well *hugs*

  8. Carina, that is one big lot of books! Hope your weekend is going well. Cheers

  9. OMG this is an amazing haul, I've got haul envy LOL

  10. I love the covers to the Cabinets of Earth! I need to start the Shadow and Bone books soon. I've heard it's a good series!

  11. I definitely can't wait to read Mal's bonus letter! It's the only reason I bothered to buy the paperback despite having 2 copies (and a digital ARC) of the first book already. ;) And it's so cool that you have a signed copy of Clockwork Princess! Love the angry birds, too. ;)

  12. would have thought that mrs Clare would have a better and more epic signature. Uh huh. :P Great haul Carina! :) Good luck with the moving! ;)

  13. The 5th Wave! Love those S&B paperbacks too, I really need to go looking for one just so I can read the bonus letter.

    Sorry you've been sick! Feel better soon :)

  14. Looks like you got some great things in the mail. Doll Bones has such an interesting cover. I really want to read it. Love your signed copy. :)

  15. Wow, huge book haul! Is that TWO copies of Shadow and Bone I see? I wouldn't blame you if it is, I loved that book, too!

    I hope you feel better soon. I was sick for two weeks and it threw everything off, and honestly I'm still recovering. No fun at all. :(

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  16. Can't wait for Siege and Storm!!! And I have the 5th Wave pre-ordered. It sounds so good, right?


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